Hands up if you use the PlayStation App? It was pretty rubbish, right? We had it installed on our iPhone, but we barely used it because it was slow and functionally quite poor. All of the messaging features were contained in a separate app, and the PS Store effectively booted a Safari page. Yeah, you could see what your friends were up to, but it wasn’t particularly useful beyond that.
While we’ve criticised the Japanese giant for completely ruining the browser-based PS Store, though, we have to give it credit for its update to the PS App. Released on iOS and Android overnight, this is a substantial improvement that actually gives the companion client purpose – and it’s something we can suddenly see ourselves using a lot.
First and foremost, all messaging has been integrated into the app itself. Yes, it’s all designed around this controversial new Party system – which Sony has already said it’s reconsidering after some pretty robust feedback from fans – but having all your conversations available on your phone makes communication very simple and straightforward wherever you are.
The user interface is really slick, with a strip showing what your friends are playing, and then your most recently played games beneath it. You can click on your games and get an overview of your progress, including Trophies. And there’s a button which takes you to any Add Ons for the game, which you can purchase through the PS Store. More on that later.
There’s also a section for news, which integrates posts from the PS Blog. Unfortunately, these take you out of the app and to your favourite browser; it’d be nice if the platform holder could find a way to integrate this content directly into the app itself. Maybe in the future it’d even be possible to create deep links into the PS Store, so you can buy whatever game you’re reading about.
Because the PS Store is now part of the app itself. This does come with some caveats: it’s using the new browser-based design. That means that content doesn’t have text titles, which is a weird omission. We’re going to assume that the Japanese giant is still working on all of this, but you can already see how this is going to be a massive quality of life enhancer once it’s all polished up.
We’ve also been testing the PS App in collaboration with the PS5, and while embargoes mean we can’t talk too much about that, it’s pretty well integrated. For example, you can now manage your content from your phone, meaning you can delete files remotely if you need to free up storage space – and of course, you can manage your downloads as well.
Overall, we can see ourselves using this new app a lot, where the previous version wasn’t particularly useful at all. This feels much better connected with the overall PlayStation ecosystem, and it brings together a lot of crucial features in a relatively well-designed package. The new PS Store web store has proved a disappointment so far, but the PS App gives us a glimpse of where Sony’s going.
What are your thoughts on the new PS App? Can you find yourself using this more than the previous version? Are you happy with the fresh features that have been added? Tap out your thoughts in the comments section below.
Comments 50
Still haven't received the update and I have Android 9 so it's not as if my phone is out of date.
It looks and feels awesome, but there are some major downsides as well, in my book.
Things can be subject to change, of course. One week later, I LOVE Sony's new approach to parties. I think it's incredibly handy to always have a group chat with players nearby.
*****, the app was my only way of getting to my wish list on the store to check for sales....
Can't add games to favorite.
I like the App’s PS Store. Description, screenshots and trailer are included, plus each game is offering you all of its editions through its game hub, without any need of going back to search bar to look up ALL THE MANY Miles Morales releases that Store offers. Me likey!
Still the same old for me (IOS U.K.)
@Mega-Gazz Do you know this site?
This app seems to tell you what type of content you're looking at whether it's full game or dlc or bundle which was one of your complaints with the web store.
Still not up for me yet but it does seem like an improvement!
I really like this new app, the ui is nice and sleek, the performance is smooth, especially the native ps store on the app. I hope ps blog and security option in this app will be updated to native version too rather than website now.
.. it's terrible.. no communities, I mean how can you say this is good when there aren't even any filters any more when searching for deals, etc? (so you can get rid of add ons, etc) And no wishlists? Come on PushSquare, it's a massive step backwards to what we had! Games don't have titles, so if the artwork is rubbish you can't see what the game is! No PS Now integration.. it's not good...
@SilenceCZ it's weird that the PS app has the same design and layout as the web store, but has more functionality like the trailers and screenshots where the web store still doesn't. If they added text titles to the game list rather than images, the ability to filter/sort search results, and displayed game file sizes then I would be very happy with the app update indeed
App is fantastic, much much better than what was there previously. If people don't want to wait, if you're on Android download it from apkmirror and you should be good to go. My phone updated automatically but had to sideload to get it on my tablet
Why do I still have the old app?
Mine has not upgraded yet either. I checked the IOS App store for updates and there are not any showing up
I really like the simplicity and cohesion with the menu on the PS5 UI that we saw. I do feel the Trophy section leaves room to be desired. I was hoping for sorting options. Hopefully the Recent Friend Activities will return once the PS5 Launches. The quick nature is great and the layout is sleek. (iOS 14)
@AdamNovice Go to the store i just downloaded if you have Android.
@NeuralDeclan Its gonna be my go too store from now on and i agree the webstore needs those things pronto.
@LemonHaze I went too the store and i saw that the update was available did it manually.
@Luminous117 Yes it is. I am in U.K and i have it (android though)
just updated myself, in UK on Android.
I went to the Google Play store and searched 'Playstation', it came up top of the list.
As I had the old one already installed it had an 'update' button there to be pressed, which did as it said and I must say it's better then before.
So try going to the Play store to update manually if still not getting it.
Neither the app nor browser-based store has been updated to the new model.
what gives question mark
I’m upset they got rid of wishlists entirely. But the new UI does look great. Very slick
@Mega-Gazz make a psprices account. That website is boss
I had to go on the App store to update, didn't do it automatically.
@Luminous117 well i have it. In saying that my brother can't update it yet either
@andreoni79 I do now! Wow! Love this site! Thanks!
I like it but it's a shame communities hasn't been integrated, using a phone to type a message is miles easier than PS4.
Nothing in the UK on android just yet unless its just IOS or just not available for my phone 😅
I love it. Much improved...
I just updated my phone itself yesterday, and ive uninstalled and reinstalled the app twice and its still the same with no update. Hopefully i get it in the coming days.
I love it much better too.. more snappier for sure
My daughter just downloaded the new app (not up for me yet ) ,but she found a "Show notice for articles on wishlist" -or something similiar in the settings on the new app. So wishlist will comeback it seems. Probably around PS5 launch.
Wasn't UK a first world country? Why is it taking THIS long to get the update? How many weeks after US? I'll resort to getting an APK.
Not available yet in UK on android
I'm on a Samsung Android 10 and there's no update available yet. Anybody else from Canada can confirm it's not a weird bug from my phone?
@andreoni79 I'm a big fan of psprices but unless there's something I'm missing there's no way of scrolling through a list of your favourite games to quickly see what's discounted is there? (I really hope there is something I'm missing!). I added all my old wishlist games to my 'Liked' list but i still have to open each individual game to see if it's discounted.
@Turbodream can confirm its not a bug im on a LG android phone in Canada and still dont habmve the new app update
I got it on Thursday on Android in the UK. I went into the Play Store and did it. It wasn't automatic.
Anyway, I like it. I imagine they're still gonna fiddle around here and there and tweak bits and bobs.
I guess I'll delete the PS Messages app now as it's redundant.
It's going to hard to make up the lack of a wishlist.
@Bartig Man, I used to look at those a lot... Even if for some games it wasn't reliable because the games were months away with high scores.
@VonPit Once you have find the game you want click on 🔔 (not on the ❤️). Then go to Account > Discount Subscriptions. There you can filter and sort games by discount % or price.
@andreoni79 Brilliant - thank you! I had the 🔔 and the ❤️ on all my wishlisted games but couldn't figure out how to get a list like that. Cheers!
I still haven't got it on Android 10
Same with me, I start to think they wont release it at all for me.
@Zeke68 how come?
Just because everyone I know have got the update so I feel left out...
@Zeke68 Ah right. I was thinking you were away to tell me certain devices weren't getting the update lol. I feel left out too lol
Woopidoo. This morning I finally got the app ✌️🤗👍
But I couldn't download the PS Plusgames... I can see them fine but no Buy or download button show up.
I read online quite a few people all over the world seem to have the same issue, both in the new app and in the PS4 / PC webstore apps .
Hopefully Sony is working on this and solve it BEFORE people wants to buy and download their brand new PS5 games and apps. 🙃😀
@Zeke68 After seeing your message I just checked the play store and my update was there 🤗 I will check it out later and download the PS plus games. I have PS5 on pre-order so hopefully they get this sorted soon, I am sure they will 😀
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