
You’ll need to be connected to the Internet to enjoy PlayStation 5 console exclusive Godfall when it launches on 12th November, and that’s despite the developer’s insistence that it’s not a “service game”. Confirmation comes courtesy of the release’s Twitter account, after fans spotted an “online play required” disclaimer on the next-gen hack-and-slash title’s official PlayStation product page.
“Godfall is not a service game, but does require an Internet connection to play,” a spokesperson said. It’s unclear why the requirement is in place, but needless to say, fans are not happy. Some pointed out that the title will be rendered unplayable should its servers ever get shut down, but we’d like to think that won’t happen for a fair few years yet – especially if the title is successful.
Has this put you off purchasing Godfall, or weren’t you interested in the first place? Make sure you have a connection in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com, via playstation.com, vg247.com, eurogamer.net]
Comments 86
This totally put me off the game. I was gonna give it a go when it was on sale but I am not too sure now. When will developers learn about always online.
Can we get an F in the chat for people with garbage wifi( or no wifi at all)…
Wasn't interested in the first place.
Not to mention I've just switched to Plusnet and they're rubbish. Connection drops multiple times a day and if there's heavy wind or rain? Forget it lol.
Well, that just killed my interest until they update that out of it. I thought we learned this lesson with the awful NFS reboots.
I'm not sure why it's required either. Like, I get it's an online co-op game so I understand why it would be recommended... But required?
If it turns out that they are either lying or are playing around with the already vague (when it comes to publishers at least) term "games as a service", things are going to get interesting.
Oh it's definitely NOT a service game but lets go ahead and have you needing internet connection in order to play. Sigh Yeah that's one game off the list for PS5.
Always online connection requirements are fine(we live in 2020 not 1999) but this "game" is perhaps the most pointless title I've ever seen. Looter shooters are already on their way out and this seems like a version of one completely lacking in anything new or interesting. It will go the way of Anthem, perhaps even more forgettable.
The game has looked awful since it was first announced I have to say. So it's not like they've suddenly lost a sale from me. The worry is that this is the trend for next gen, being most every game requiring a constant online connection.
Single player games, always online for £70?!?!?? I'm beginning to hope there is another gaming crash soon....
It's fine. Gearbox won't drop a game with a mandatory online component soon.
I would say it's a dead game walking, but as it's not even out yet it's just plain dead on arival, which hasn't happened for sometime.
so not only got backlash for the pricing, now always online has killed it's for most people who where going to by it.
Other thing no one has complained about yet is if must have ps plus too so you have to pay £70 for the game then £50 for plus if you don’t already have this. And if you finish with plus then your game is useless. Something feels terribly wrong there.
£70 for a game that’ll eventually shut down. Brilliant.
This game is DOA.
@God_of_Nowt will be no reassurance, nothing can make always online, internet connection required come out in a good way, even if they say to stop cheaters. In the end will be an expensive paper weight.
Whose publishing this *****? Gearbox? Sounds about right for them to sneak that ***** in eventually.
Yea I was really looking forward to it but seeing this kinda hurt. Not sure there is any ps5 game I wanna play till next year now
I'm starting to think the whole "not a service game" is being touted just so they don't have to... You know... service it, should it flop.
ya can't wait for 19th, after seeing you can blow on the dualshock to make it do stuff in game which is a first, looks cool to see what else it can do.
@710King Remember the last time Gearbox made a online-only game? Yeah, that's right. Battleborn. If Godfall flops and they pull the plug, you can't even play the game anymore. It's just so stupid for a game that doesn't require online play in the first place.
@God_of_Nowt "I am not excited for how any of this is being handled though. And that's something I think we should all be talking about"
What do you think people have been doing the last two weeks on here? It's just not everyone wants to see or hear the same topics over again every day.
@Octane lol forgot about that game, you would have thought they would have learned something from it, obviously not it seems.
Why does it need to be online? I can understand Destiny or Anthem but why this? I know it can be played co-operatively BUT shouldn't need it for Solo - unless it is a service game and whether they want to call it a service game or not is a bit like EA calling Loot boxes 'Surprise Mechanics'.
This wasn't on my Radar anyway but I wish Devs/publishers were a lot more honest about what they are selling, what we game expect to get for the money they are demanding...
Isn’t it an online coop game? Does it even have single player or local multiplayer? Genuin question, I don’t like these type of games so have no idea.
@Octane I absolutely forgot about Battleborn and had no idea Gearbox made it. Now that was a flop.
I'm predicting they're going to backpedal due to backlash or poor sales as a result of this.
T R A S H.
Why do i need your constant mandatory permission to play a 70 usd game?
Oh no, it needs a internet connection, whatever am I going to do?
Connect it to the internet and not throw a tantrum! Next you'll be demanding it doesn't require the console to be powered by electricity.
(yes, yes I know some people don't have the internet but in that case I doubt they'd be interested in a predominantly co-op orientated game)
@God_of_Nowt "And this is something we all should be talking about"
Reads comments What do you think people are doing?
I don't have a problem with it. I plan to buy it at some point. But it will have to wait a while. Spiderman, CyberPunk2077, Ratchet and Clank will all come first.
It could be that it requires an online connection in the same way Dark Souls needs an online connection. There could also be asynchronous online elements where one players actions affect your game world, a la Death Stranding. Plenty of legitimate reasons as to why an online connection might be required, and could be patched out should the servers get switched off...
There ends my devils advocate schtick, I'm skeptical. This is Gearbox publishing the game, and we're dealing with an industry that is in general terms shady as s***. I will wait for updates from the developers, but there is no benefit of the doubt.
No idea why this non exclusive multiplat has this.
Yea, that’s a big turn off..the fact you can’t even play solo without having internet access is dumb, like other people were saying what happens if the servers don’t work or your own internet basically have a $70 paper weight but the disk version.In my opinion it should half the price if it’s gonna be like that.
@God_of_Nowt You get heated quite easily don't you? Chill bud. You can read what I think about this up in the first few comments.
😖-It's shady as S**t when Game Publishers and Software Developers mislead or Conveniently misspeak to their customer base in pursuit of profit!
😶-It's stuff like this that Pi**ed people off with Microsoft and this current generation of Xbox, yet alot of people don't yet realize that Microsoft's doing it again with (a reach around) its Next Gen XSX,XSS by focusing on it's Games as a service mentality to ultimately REQUIRE everyone in the future to have an always online connection and use their server's in order to be able to Game at ALL!
😣-Yet now with Hackers and people having their internet connectivity drop in and out and ALL the other scenarios that you can think of that an ALWAYS ON connection could cause to go wrong with your games now, let alone your gaming in the future.
😣 But sadly still, People in general are lemmings and after all Xbox Game Pass is cheap.....for now....
I kind of half expected it to be an always online game like The Division etc given how they were talking about it (some bosses have move sets designed for multiple players), but it's a bit of a downer to have it confirmed.
It still looks promising, but I'll be waiting until after Cyberpunk, Spidey and Demon's Souls before I consider this.
Then Ratchet and Clank, FF 16... I might never have time for this now that I think about it.
Ah, the DRM route Microsoft went down at the start of the generation. Very smart.
@Mintie can't understand people's genuine criticisms, huh?
"wHaTs tHe mAtTeR gUyS, DoNt yOu hAvE cELl pHonEs"
@Mintie Mandatory permission to play a retail game is indefensible. They can revoke my purchase at any time. If it's a subscription service at least when they shut it off it's clear that I received what I paid for or they should refund charges for service time not delivered. If it's not a service it shouldn't need this crap. And if the co-op is non-optional then it should be local. There's not enough local co-op anyway and I can't afford online co-op. Right now, to play this game with my wife, I need two TVs, two consoles, two copies of the game, internet service, a PS Plus subscription, and the mandatory permission of the game's maker. And wanting to play with people in the same house is not an unusual use case, but online co-op is so expensive for it.
I'm more interested on the game after yesterday japanese previews, the gameplay looks good, like a mix of souls game and god of war ps4.
I think I'll buy the game physical version and sell it again after I'm done with it since the digital version can be rendered useless if the server is shutdown by the devs.
I do hope they can patch it so the single player portion of the game can be played offline or at least if the devs afraid of hacks, only make the multiplayer save file online only.
God fall had fallen off my wishlist
@get2sammyb The first thing that comes to mind is diablo 3 with loots managed on the server side to allow trading between player (and the very lucrative auction house).
Not interested in this one. These type of games like Destiny and or Warframe are not for me. And the above mentioned ones do the best job in that perspective for this genre. The online only play is annoying and unless it's online game, these should never be mandatory on any game.
Wasn't interested in this game in the first place, and yes I do have a solid internet connection, but sony is really shooting themselves in the foot for no reason.
Godfall destroyed this years harvest & stole my cat!
shakes fist
Does Sony hate making people happy?
Do we need a psplus subscription?if so,this game can just forget me as a costumer,imagine paying for psplus and a $70 game.
I mean that has been known for weeks already.
Why is it news everywhere on gaming sites now?
Already getting the ascended edition, like what I see, like what I hear. This news doesn't affect me one bit. Can't wait for the game.
@God_of_Nowt haha great post!
Always online? Thanks for the heads up!
Hard pass!!
Well that sucks. I was going to support this game, especially because they said there would be no microtransactions. Congratulation Gearbox and Counterplay you just lost a sale. There is absolutely no reason for this I don't care what you say. Truly a bummer.
Internet mandatory to play? How about no buy
Canceled pre order. I'll wait for reviews.
I'm already skeptical of this game and this just puts the final nail in the coffin. So glad I never got into the hype train when this game was announced
@SirAngry Even Death Stranding doesn't require an internet connection.
Problem is that even if it gets patched out, it becomes a paperweight once the support is pulled. Because the patch won't be available either in that case. It's just so stupid. And for a game that supposedly focuses on "co-op", it doesn't even feature couch co-op.
@Octane maybe. I agree it's not looking promising. I'm certainly not the sort of person to give a company like Gearbox the benefit of any doubt. However, you can patch out online requirements from games at a later date, and the game can then run without the connection. I'd also like to point out there are other games with similar listings most notably Borderlands 3, which you can play solo, without PS+, but does require PS+ for co-op. I think they'll need to explain what's going on though, because trust is at an all time low for game companies right now.
Really was interested in this game, but this is unacceptable. "Always online" didn't work in Diablo 3 (PC) and I'm not willing to try it again.
@get2sammyb..... Yeah the game is now confirmed D. O. A. Such a shame
@mik987 yep it was for a long time a D. G. W and now it a certified D. O. A....
I don’t think they can “backpedal”. As far as I’m aware this is a coop focused game with no no local couch coop.
Even if it can be played single player (I’m not sure) I’m presuming they must save and update stuff server side, otherwise I don’t see why they would go to the expense of this for a non services based game.
Communication has been poor though, they need to explain exactly why it is online only.
I was going to pre order that one as soon as I could here in the local retailers, after this news, I’ll take the wait and see approach
People love to find something to complain about.
@Mintie... Mmmhh thats rich.... I don't ever recall the publisher or developer ever mention this game requiring always online until someone asked the on Twitter........
@SirAngry... The issue is not that it is always online.... The problem is the from December when the game was first shown not the publisher nor the developer mentioned anything about the game requiring always online connectivity....... We now only know that because they were asked on Twitter to verify........ That is shady dealing with your potential customers.....
My 50GB plan on my smartphone is more than enough to live in modern times, but I play offline since the console keeps looking for and downloading stupid updates even if I opted for manual download only.
If PS5 won't let us manage between SP/MP part of a game and 4K textures, then people with capped or slow internet will have a hard time.
@GREGORIAN and what about my comments on here make you think I don't get that? Read comment #41, I even say I'm skeptical myself. I'm just answering others questions. If you are going to respond to people, try to at least respond to everything they've said. There is a serious problem with developers / publishers not being upfront and honest with customers, and selling products via deceit, I've said as much on this site many, many times. The industry has to start being more honest about its products.
Joining in with the "I was never interested in this one" crowd. The art style does nothing for me, and everything else has looked like "Destiny with swords" from day one. This announcement just confirms that to me
This looked more like a warframe clone,with a Garo(the anime) coating.
@thefourfoldroot I'm just remembering what happened with the Xbox One, when Microsoft insisted that the console would not be able to work without the DRM policies, and then somehow made it it work after fan feedback.
Yes this has put me off buying it I was looking forward to getting the game on day 1 but online required is a no brainer for me! Guaranteed server issues or if Sony’s down for maintenance then the game is unplayable. I’ll focus getting another game to go with Demons souls. There is no need for internet all the time if it’s not a service game internet should only be required if you want to play online with others. They just lost sales due to this.
@Mintie your a tit! Well good luck playing it when the servers are down 👍
I guess it depends on how far the game is designed for drop in drop out coop. As you could be playing swathes of the game alone I guess it’s possible they’ll change their mind, but if it’s designed around coop players being auto dropped in as soon as someone might leave then there would be no point allowing offline play.
@thefourfoldroot Yeah, I don't know to much about it, but if you could hypothetically play the entire game solo it just seems pointless mandating online play. It just means that the game is gonna age poorly.
Hi there fellow gamers. This news as dwindled my excitment for the game. I was gonna get it as a birthday present for myself and now......
I know we live in a world where people have access to the net, buuuuuut, there are some who don´t, and there are some of us that like to travel to different places and locations that do not have internet access.
What do you do then? And what do you do when the servers go out? Well.... There goes 80€ in my country. In multiplayer games only, sure have an always online connection, but in games that you can play solo only if you want? That should not be required at all. Just my two cent´s.
Cheers, stay safe and happy gaming to us all
@JoeyTS this is not on Sony.
I have absolutely no interest in this game, but not this has surfaced I am very angry and will be making this known on the internet.
Nope no game that isn't a service game needs an internet connection I brought my PS4 to my folks house not great internet I play lots of games offline and when im back at mines I get update patches. I'm out lost my business lol
Geez and I thought to keep my comment light lol yep bad craic wasted your money developing this game bargain bin special lol how would this work with disc a load screen and then no connection to server 😂
how sneaky that the devs kept this hidden I wonder why!! they knew how people feel about always online! has put me right off it & I was interested from the start.
@ThroughTheIris56 this is a separate entity from Sony, not a console thing it is a game makers thing you will have to ask the developers why they need it I guess.
#fireJimRyan ?
Not a service. Also, won't run without connecting to the service.
Maybe I'm missing something but doesn't being required to connect to a server to run count as being a provided service by definition, with zero gray area?
Welcome to a new generation where there's new ways and excuses to push the same old s...tuff.
I was interested but not now
I was originally not interested in God Fall; but the recent trailers and gameplay had me second guessing that opinion. Always online, is a no-buy. Even if its patched out, that makes the retail copy unplayable without an internet connection and servers to download said update.
@Deadcow has single player but you need online connection for that to. it's why so many arn't going to bother getting it as some have internet problems, plus it has an expiry date of a few years max before it's a dead game due to servers being taken down.
@Deadcow ya game is 100% online, if you lose internet or dont pay psn you cant play it.
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