As is the case with the PlayStation 4 controller, the DualSense includes a coloured strip which will change colour depending on which player you are. However, the Japanese giant has also incorporated four additional LED lights below the touchpad to denote which player number you are. For example, if you’re Player 3, then you’ll see three lights on your PlayStation 5 pad.
It’s a neat little quality-of-life feature spotted on Twitter, courtesy of some new photographs. Attention to detail like this goes a long way, and it signifies we could be in for a treat once the console’s user interface is eventually unveiled.
[source, via]
Comments 55
Thats a really cool touch. Can't wait to get my hands on one
All those hours brain storming new controller features has really paid off
So can we choose whatever color we want then?
Wow it’s almost as if this is some futuristic feature that totally didn’t appear on the Wiimote!
I can only dream of the pad and console in black at the moment... really dislike the white. Good feature to have I guess.
Hope lightbars can be dimmed or switched off.
Ah yes, who needs to see the UI when we can learn about LEDs.
This is shambolic by Sony, they need to get the console into the hands of media and content creators without these restrictions, the Japanese content creators weren't allowed to press the PS or Create button today for goodness sake!
We need to have so much clarified, either do what Xbox are doing with media hands on, or do a final showcase based on the console and a teardown.
This arrogance from Sony is astounding.
Nice that Sony is doing a similar multiplayer Controller tactic as Nintendo.
@KathyQ I agree, it's getting worse by the day. Enjoy your PS5
DS3 already had this right?
Still that’s nothing high tech to be happy about plus these controllers are a bit pricey $70 and up!
I cant drop this controller like the past. This gen will be different , *Drops controller day one * @_@
I fail to see how this is that different to the Wii having a different light light up depending on what player you are. What next, the controller will also be able to make sounds...?
But my battery life!!!! /sarcasm
"four additional LED" - actually it must be more, as Player 1's LED light is right in the centre, and when there are 4 lights the centre light is no longer lit...just a small detail anyway.
@TVRFLY My carpet’s so thick, I worry more about finding my controller after dropping it than the potential damage 😂
Isn't this exactly what wii, wiiu, and x360 already did over a decade ago? X1 weirdly dropped it though.
Hopefully will get some more info this week. Still exited to get my ps5 but think Sony just needs to either do one big blowout of info or drop info on certain things every couple of days. Was watching the from bedroom to billions playstation revolution the other day, and i really enjoyed it was a bit long, but was really good, was a nice bit of nostalgia, and showed how Sony changed gaming in the early years with 3d perspective games and how much of a gamble they took. Think the best part was the PS1 E3 presentation "299" and walks off, croud goes wild lol.
Cool feature. It seems like we're about to get a lot of new information from Sony soon. Hopefully something this week.
@thefourfoldroot yup despite the “Sony has finally caught up to the wiimote” fools’ implications. DS4 has different colours for player 1,2 etc... as well.
@redd214 seems like there's a fairly clear common denominator at the root of it all but idk.
Looking forward to having a go on the controller. Few little features im curious about and i do like the light strips down the side of the touchpad
@NEStalgia Playstation outlets desperate for any type of win after the last few weeks of Sony fumbles.
So exactly like the ds3.
@zupertramp yup, that people complain too much
@pip_muzz @NEStalgia @Medic_Alert @nessisonett @HotGoomba Did no one here have a ps3?
I l🖤ve the ps4 light bar so this is welcome.word up son
The only thing I want is to be able to dim the light a lot more than the DS4, or turn it off completely. Having the reflection of the useless controller light is a pain
@nessisonett And before that the Xbox 360 controllers had a similar scheme. I don't know why this is in an article right now though, Sony told us this information about the Dualsense like a year and a half ago.
@NEStalgia It was dropped on modern consoles because less than 1% of people actually use local multiplayer so it is a useless feature.
@Medic_Alert I know you probably don't understand Japanese, but they kind of did that with the reveals today. Hopefully someone can translate it all as I cant be bothered. I did a little in the comments of another article. Better yet give it to some English speaking.... YouTubers "shudder". (Obviously we still don't know what the two centre buttons do though).
@redd214 ha, touché
@Medic_Alert of course. I think everyone is feeling it. I'm still excited for the console and I can't wait for November 19th but Sony have handled the run up to this launch abysmally. I'm sure it's turned a lot of people off. I really don't know what's happening over there. I'm sure the sales will still come flooding in and later down the line the games will become generation defining. But right now it's a rough road lol.
@Medic_Alert Oh, ok! That makes sense now xD
Yeah, same here, or the slightly scruffy older one! Haha
About 6 months ago everyone was such a sony fan boy/girl but now its all moaning and whinging. Gamers are really an entitled bunch sometimes.
@zimbogamer I think a certain level of whining (not to the relentless extremes we've all seen) is justified when you're parting ways with £500 in a year when people have had pay cuts, job losses, deaths etc. And if you say that if it's not sensible to pay that much then don't... if the PS5 is the only thing that can make me happy this year then you better believe I'm getting it.
I haven't been whining though lol, just waiting patiently!
@Jayofmaya I really didn't lol
If you are interested more Playstation pictures, check out the video 🤠👍
The DualSense is a really cool piece of kit. I think once it's in people's hands they'll be really pleased. It's quite the step up on what has gone before.
@Menchi can't blame them. If i were Sammy I'd be arranging for Damien to have an "accident" so the slot is open about now...
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi read the article then come back to your comment. Love legion btw best series ever, long live farouk!
@Jayofmaya huh, i have 2 ds3s and a sixaxs (lol) sitting here and didn't even remember that was a thing. Probably because the machine had so little use because every third party ran terribly and it made me buy a 360 i didn't really want at the time. And because that controller spawned from the eighth circle of hell.
@KathyQ some people just love to whine. That's all. Maybe you can play a drinking game and have a shot every time someone complains about anything, even if it's positive. I find such comments absolutely hilarious.
@710King So basically these exist for sack boy and little else?
They'll be really helpful with psvr!
@KathyQ I’m seriously getting tired of it too and am considering simply avoiding this site entirely going forward. It’s always the same people too and the misinformation spread around is absolutely staggering.
Like, nobody’s that ignorant. It must be on purpose.
@pip_muzz the controller can make sounds and has been able to this whole generation 🤦♂️🤦♂️
@MarcG420 that was sarcasm... Problem of internet writing is it's hard to make clear what's sarcasm and what's stupidity, but that was sarcasm from my end lol
@pip_muzz ok good lol.
Edit: A /s helps to let people know though. Or a 😉
@pip_muzz it's a fairly long-established thing from back in the hayday of IRC to add /s, /sarc or </sarcasm> to the end of a post to indicate tone, FYI
@DonJorginho I agree 1000%!
We're little over a month away from launch and there is so much that we still don't know. I'm not going to go into specifics, as this site has an article that covers most of that.
However, it's frustrating that with Pre-orders going Live, people still don't know what they're likely to be getting.
I know there will be some out there who will defend Sony and say that this stuff doesn't matter, it's all about the games etc. but how many of us would go out and buy something without knowing everything about a product ?
I have been with Sony from the PS1 days and love the brand. However, their lack of communication with PS5 has frankly been terrible.
As for this game, with the inflated price and now this, think I'll pass!
Really nice bits of news and pics today.
Also a lot of salty conspiracy theories from some part of the internet haha
What a beautiful console 🙂
That is a cool feature 😎 + the PS5 looks well nice to
@pip_muzz Don't you have a PS4? It already does that.
That's a cool little detail 😃
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi your comment is about colour change not what player you are indicated by the led dot. If you are player one, 1 led dot lights up if player 4 then 4 will light up. Dualshock 4 didn't have this
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi alright
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