Knowledge Is Power PS4 PlayStation 4 1

Update: Worry not, social gamers, as Sony XDev Europe has confirmed on Twitter that PlayLink games will function fine on the PlayStation 5, despite the platform holder's comments on "companion apps" below. All's well that ends well, then:

Original Story: Sony’s social gaming


push from earlier in the generation may have come to a premature conclusion, but if you’re one of the few who still enjoys playing these smartphone-powered titles, you may need to keep your PlayStation 4 hooked up when you transition to the PlayStation 5. That’s because,

as part of an FAQ on backwards compatibility

, the Japanese giant’s said that “PS5 consoles do not support the PS4 Second Screen app or game companion apps”.

This means that title’s like That’s You and Knowledge Is Power – while not included on the list of PS4 games that don’t play on PS5 – will be rendered unplayable, as they require a smartphone and companion app to be enjoyed. However, other titles, like Erica, should be fine, as they include both smartphone and DualShock 4 support. Are you bummed out by this? Swipe right in the comments section below.
