Update: Worry not, social gamers, as Sony XDev Europe has confirmed on Twitter that PlayLink games will function fine on the PlayStation 5, despite the platform holder's comments on "companion apps" below. All's well that ends well, then:
Original Story: Sony’s social gaming
PlayLinkpush from earlier in the generation may have come to a premature conclusion, but if you’re one of the few who still enjoys playing these smartphone-powered titles, you may need to keep your PlayStation 4 hooked up when you transition to the PlayStation 5. That’s because,
, the Japanese giant’s said that “PS5 consoles do not support the PS4 Second Screen app or game companion apps”.
This means that title’s like That’s You and Knowledge Is Power – while not included on the list of PS4 games that don’t play on PS5 – will be rendered unplayable, as they require a smartphone and companion app to be enjoyed. However, other titles, like Erica, should be fine, as they include both smartphone and DualShock 4 support. Are you bummed out by this? Swipe right in the comments section below.
[source support.playstation.com]
Comments 35
Somebody out there is sad.
Aw, sad. Looks like we'll need extra controllers to do multiplayer on party games.
Me and my family used to play That's You, what a fun game and we really had fun playing with it. Sucks we won't be able to play it on PS5 though.
My daughter loves playing That's You.
I'll try to contain my disappointment.
Never cared for this. In fact, didn’t even care enough to try it. What I would like though are phone games by Sony that have trophy support! Or at least PS Now streaming to phones.
I don’t understand why Sony put resources into this in the first place, then never promote or push it.
Damn! Me and my partner play knowledge is power and decades, chimparty, frantics and ticket to ride all the time! Looks like ill be keeping the ps4 then until (hopefully) theres a fix.
This sucks. My friends and I play the Knowledge is Power and the Jackbox games all the time. I assume the Jackbox games will be ok?
Why would they leave these games off the compatibility list if you can't play them without the app?
"That's You" is actually a super fun PlayLink game.
Some of the PlayLink games were fun, but needing an app for each game was burdensome, especially when having friends over. Download this app...now download this app...now this one...
I understand it enabled more features, but Jackbox games with their website and room code were more accessible and (albeit hit or miss) fun.
Can you verify what I've read about the new HD camera not being compatible with PS4 PSVR games? How is that even possible???
Why do I have a feeling that the Remote Play app is either not going to happen or will be a long way off?
I play the playlink games quite a bit with my kids. Hopefully by saying it wont work with ps4 apps actually means its because they are bringing a ps5 app out...
Shame to see these games go, although not played often, they were fun to play as a party game and you knew even old grandma could get involved with a bit of support.
I've got a few Playlink titles, strange that Sony wouldn't list these in the non-compatible list. Makes me think they might actually work after all (strictly speaking they are not companion apps). RDR2 on the other hand... the map feature was useful.
It's possible that they may be adding a new app or apps for the PS5?
One can hope anyway.
@HotGoomba Hey, Uno is a fun party game.
@KahnArtizt07 Yeah, but you can still play that on Switch, mobile, actual cards, toasters
@KahnArtizt07 And besides, we all know that Jackbox is best.
Remember when everyone in the industry thought the Nintendo Wii U second screen was going to be a killer feature and scrambled to implement rushed smart phone apps to attempt simulate the functionality? Fun times!
We play the knowledge is power games and that's you quite regularly so I'm a bit bummed off by this news.
@RevengeFan I imagine javkbox will be fine as doesn't use an app.
Oh no.. i play them with friends all the time. It shouldnt be so hard for Sony to allow those games to work..
Great news! Just played That's You! with a full group the other day. Nice to see that it will continue to be supported.
Phew! Was genuinely a bit gutted about this.
I’m genuinely happy about that, knowledge is power is a great game for the holidays with the family round
I am absolutely cockahoop about this new. We love a bit of knowledge is power and decades.
Sweeeeeeeeeet now incan definitely get rid of my ps4 wheb my ps5 arrives
I always assumed they would anyway, like the Jackbox party games as its not really a companion app if that's how you play the game
Wow now I can feel depressed while playing on my ps5 WITH friends and family.
Good news. I like PlayLink games, I own almost all of them. It is great that I can play them on PS5.
Come on Sony knowledge is power does not link to PS5 the app on phone is looking for a PS4.
Update the phone app for PS5 please.
@Dezzy70 knowledge is power does work. On the app there are settings you can change to have connect directly to the ps5 ip. Not ideal i know but a work around. There is no option to do this with ticket to ride. Ive emailed them. Also need to test chimparty and frantics.
Doesn't work for me ... Sony needs to update it,or change the list of games that don't work
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