CD Projekt RED, an unrivalled industry darling up until about a week ago, has its entire reputation on the line right now. Cyberpunk 2077 is an excellent game, but it’s launched in a dismal state – and is practically unplayable on a bog-standard PlayStation 4. As part of a conference call, the firm said earlier today that it aims to make “a playable, stable game without glitches and crashes”, and it added that the cost of doing so is irrelevant.
“The cost of patching the game is irrelevant [compared] to what we have at stake at this moment, so there is no question about it,” board member Michał Nowakowski explained. “We definitely want to fix the game, we made our promise to gamers, and we will be doing everything to stick to it.”
Co-CEO Adam Kiciński acknowledged that, by not showing the last-gen versions, the company knows it’s eroded consumer trust and its reputation, and now it needs to work to regain that. “That’s why our first steps are solely focused on regaining those two things,” he said. “We are concentrated on fixing Cyberpunk on last-gen consoles.”
It’s all a bit of a shame really, isn’t it? The core game is actually fantastic, but it’s been bogged down by bugs and all of the subsequent drama surrounding it. How are you feeling about the game now? Are you ultimately enjoying it, or are you still looking for a refund? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source cdprojekt.com, via gamesradar.com]
Comments 159
Damage is done but let's hope they can fix the console versions soon.
I think they mean that the cost of fixing it is irrelevant compared to the enormous amount of money they’ve raked in from the millions and millions of pre-orders. As was seen from Assassin’s Creed Unity, this sort of catastrophe can completely erode players’ trust.
After one crash and a few visual bugs, I don’t think it’s that bad. I have witnessed more bugs in the patched version of Days Gone. Then again I only played for two hours.
@nessisonett Important to keep in mind that in the case of AC Unity, Ubisoft faced multiple controversies. WD came out downgraded and a bit disappointing (even though I enjoyed it), same for AC Unity, same for The Division, same for Rainbow Six (even though that game saw a nice resurgence)... This, on the other hand, is CD's first screw up. Closer to what happened to No Mans Sky. And look at it now. Completely different game, winning awards and stuff.
The goodwill reputation went up in smokes in just a few days. It’s gonna take a long time for me to get my trust back. After Assassins Creed Unity, Mass Effect Andromeda, and now this...I finally feel desensitized by these ambitious yet lackluster games.
Know I've posted many times about this game, so I'll try to make this one my last. (At least until the next 'outrage')
I play my games on a base ps4. Not because I want to, but because you literally can't buy a ps5 yet at any of the retailers in my area, and I'm not comfortable buying something this expensive online.
I am about 30 hours in now, and while parts of it have been frustrating beyond belief, it has been nowhere near as bad as some of the videos I've seen posted. I've also read some people's posts about the game being shallow and nothing new. My experience has been the opposite of this. This is a remarkably deep game, if you take your time with it. Explore, find hidden places off the beaten path. I've found some of the best loot not being tied to any particular quest.
I love the writing, I love the concept, and once I learned to ignore the random pedestrians (who admittedly have nothing interesting to say) I like the feeling it gives me of being alone in a big city.
I agree that how CDPR has gone about the business of releasing this game has been rotten. I didn't take much stock in their 'apology', either.
This game has technical shortcomings no matter what platform you play it on, and that's a let down, especially considering the hype levels going in. But to say it's a bad game is off the mark so much that I have to wonder how long anyone who says this actually played it.
I will keep playing it, and hope that every new patch adds (or in some cases, takes away) things. In spite of all it's flaws, and there are many, even in it's current state it's probably the second best game I've played this year. And I've played many.
I finished the main quest line and am currently going through side missions which so far are all as good as the main quest line. Yeah there is bugs here and there, and some odd animation choices but everything about this game is solid and it's probably tied with Ghost of Tsushima as my second favorite game this year. I'm also on base PS4 and I don't know if these first two patches have done miracles but so far it looks and runs pretty well for me, despite the occasional bizarre glitches. I don't know dude I am loving this game so far and hope CD can rebuild their reputation because it is clear that these are some extremely talented developers and I blame management rather than all the hard workers for this debacle.
"We made our promise to gamers. Staaaaarrtiiiiing...now."
Good luck to them. They definitely have earned some form of sympathy from the core gaming audience, or at least I like to believe so, for their past actions. Also, they are communicating which is crucial at this point in time. Hopefully everything gets resolved.
AC Unity was mentioned earlier - and Ubisoft ended up offering the DLC Dead Kings for free to make up for it.
I believe a free demo is the only way to regain people's trust. I'm not getting this on PS4 Pro anyway.
I guess fixing the game eventually is better than many other devs who never fixed their game, but kept re-releasing it with a trillion bugs (looking at you Bethesda). Why can't they just release a finished product instead of fixing it after launch? People would have been ok waiting an extra 2 month on PS4 if it was for good reasons.
@DualshockInfinit I’ve encountered zero bugs in my 23 hour playtime of Days Gone on PS5...it’s funny how people can experience different things huh?
"So you know that game that we said would launch for PS4 and it would be great and stuff? Well, we...kinda forgot we were doing a PS4 version because this PS5 thing was coming out which we, uh, still haven't released a version for but that's TOTALLY why the PS4 version was barely finished even though we were supposedly MAKING it for the PS4 for the last five years or so and even delayed it several times to supposedly polish it and make it run better, even though that seems to have been total hogwash...can you blame us for not having it ready at launch? Really? Come on...we can DEFINITELY have it finished-finished by February! March at the latest!"
Cost is irrelevant? After 8 million pre-orders sold on what was essentially a lie? You have the money already. The apology is kinda lame. At least they have the decency to give refunds and promise to fix this, but I’m not convinced they didn’t plan this apology after getting some money.
It should have been delayed or canceled for old consoles.
I requested a refund 30 minutes in. I'll check back in about six months. Just curious if the beta testers were actually paid a ton of money or offered some Mary J? Whew, that thing is a slog.
It's 'irrelevant' only because their company seriously depends on this game doing well. This is their first major release in over five years, and yet they couldn't be bothered to make a good first impression with it. If they didn't fix it, I can't imagine there being anywhere near as much hype for their next big release. Even if they do fix it, I think they've forever lost that 'good guy' reputation they had before.
@LordSteev thank you for summing up a good portion of my thoughts on this. I’m very much getting ‘cyberpunk is actually okay and not actively trying to ruin your life’ fatigue. I am loving it. Have a good one!
Well I'm playing CP2077 right now(Pretty much at the part where I met Dex for the first time and took a break there cause I did encounter bugs) and it's pretty fun so far, gameplay feels good but the fist combat isn't all that great. Punching is lacking impact and it's not as deep as I was hoping for but it's serviceable. I'm kind of worried about the RPG aspect though. It doesn't feel like I'm making any choice or difference in dialogue so far although I'm not that far into the game.
I don’t really know that the game is excellent like the article says regardless of the bugs and the absolutely abysmal state it is on PS4 and Xbox one. The writing is try hard edgy with nothing to say and is just merely ok, the animations and voice acting most of the time is mediocre to outright bad,the combat is mediocre,the city while beautiful is lifeless and just there when it should be the star of the show, the a.i or should I say the lack of is absolutely unacceptable for a game in 2020 heck it wouldn’t even be acceptable in 2010,the driving is beyond horrible,dialogue options are like fallout 4 bad and the sidequests are mostly a joke besides a handful and don’t come close to the greatness of witcher 3. Oh and the map looks like someone threw up a bunch of icons to where it’s even worse than a Ubisoft game lol.
Ive played it for 3 days straight about 30 hours. Really enjoying it in spite of bugs and crashes. Trying to ignore whining and negativity. I love just cruising on my motorcycle in night city.
I see this as the beginning of a 20 year journey for the cyberpunk franchise. Im sure witcher 1 was full of bugs. Cyberpunk sequel will be much better regarding bugs
"We made our promise to gamers" DUDE really? I don't trust you anymore
The delays didn’t help. Delays are disappointing but if something is delayed, you expect it to be absolutely flawless when it is eventually released. Shame.
I’m enjoying the game so far, but even not counting the bugs there are some things that are disappointing. White, green, blue, purple, orange loot just seems lazy at this point. It would’ve been nice to see some randomized loot along side craftable sets that you work on as you progress. So far it seems like the best stuff you get is either high level drops or bought off ripperdocs much later in the game. Not the worst thing in the world but I loved how they handled crafting and upgrading in the Witcher 3 and would’ve preferred that over the typical looter shooter approach they took.
@jess3a3 Agree
Don't worry, PC will keep the lights on for now.
Still #1 on Steam
700K players concurrent today
Positive rating after 180K Steam reviews
PC Metacritic User reviews up to 70 (from 33)
This is a great PC game they dumped on console with little thought. Hopefully they now know better. They will definitely make PS5/XSX a good product after all this. Hang tight, the base game is good.
Thank you for continuing to report on this as how CDPR immediately responds to this situation is important for tempering the discourse around this launch.
It seems like the discussion has shifted drastically from ‘this game has issues’ to ‘burn CDPR at the stake.’ The game absolutely has issues and it’s okay to be critical of that.
What’s weird to me is the instant polar flip of of opinion on an entire company full of hard working people. Upper management really, really screwed up here, but people make mistakes. If CDPR had a well documented history of screwing over their customers I would obviously be taking a very different approach but they don’t. We’re better than that, eh?
I’m really enjoying the game and am willing to forgive this and ideally allow a humbled CDPR to improve the game and ultimately become a better company. I hope they take this opportunity to do just that.
What matters to me is how CDPR deals with this mess going forward and I appreciate you guys updating this story.
Well, they're already got 8M preorders and already making back their invesment on this game, the least they can do is fixing the game for the people they tricked.
"odd animation choices", had to wipe my screen off after reading that! Agree with all you say. I'm really getting into climbing skyscrapers and towers every time I can find a way up, hacking, and jacking in everywhere I can for credits and components. I'm excited for the future of this game. I'll continue my playthrough, and when it's finally all fixed, I'll happily go through it all again, and swap my talents and cybernetics for a totally different build. Cheers!
Thank you. I enjoy reading your posts, too, and I couldn't help but notice after I'd finished writing it that it shared a common length with most of yours!
Agree on 'fatigue' issue, but for me it's more because of the angst shown by some, both before and after the release. I think CDPR takes it's job seriously, and I know they have great ambition. They'll fix it, and like you say, hopefully management learns a lesson going forward. Good Day!
@nessisonett Exactly. When you make half a billion dollars deceiving your fan-base into keeping their pre - orders, they can spare no expense.....
lmfao what a joke.
@dark_knightmare2 the map is the best city ive ever seen in an open world game. Better than gta 5 better than spiderman ps4. U sound insanely jaded
@LordSteev I just don't buy this man, im sorry.
I am playing this on a PS5 and it crashes literally every 30-40 mins.
On one main story mission alone it crashed 3 times....
I get you want to love this game, but I find it nearly impossible to believe that you aren't experiencing major issues. Instead I think it is your subjective viewpoint we are being fed. One in which your standards are so low, or denial of broken expectations so strong, that you willfully ignore reality.
@LordSteev Yeah man, I'm playing on a base ps4. I got really into the game, got over 40 hours. I really liked the game. So much, I didn't even let the 3 crashes I had the 1st day get in my way. Some bugs bother a bit more, but they don't in the way.
The graphics really shout out how bad they are when you do a brain dance sequence. The CGI in the original image you start on, that's what the game was supposed to look like. It kinda bother me because every BD sequence shows me how much better it really should've been. I'm gonna keep on playing, def. But I'm hoping they deliver sooner rather than later.
I think they got a lot of pressure to release the game close to the next gen launch. And christmas. Which is sad. I hope they learn from this mistake and delay the next project until it's ready. Imagine actually playing this game ready on ps4? That would've been awesome. But we are kinda watching Avengers Endgame on a bootleg DVD. We're (hopefully) gonna get the Blu ray version soon, but we've kinda seen the movie by then... They should find a way to compensate players that bought now.
This is not a joke. Why not try dusting off your ps4 and play it on that? I've had crashes, sure. Not anywhere near what you're describing, though. Maybe 5 or 6 in 30 hours, and I'm willing to live with that. As for the rest of your post, it's lucky for me that I don't care what you think.
@LordSteev well what was the best game youve played this year?
Did you know if you keep doing side quest first you will unlock more main quest. Since it introduces more characters and event that becomes relevant in the main story.. But if you finish main quest first you don't get the full experience of what it could be.

You're totally right about braindances. I wanted that to be super interesting, but as soon as you shift views into, what's it called, visual? mode, it turns into a pixel show. So bad, like in the first one, I couldn't even really see the gun I needed to focus on in that mode, so had to keep switching from regular playback and pausing. Same with that guys tablet in the next one. Bet they won't be able to fix that on ps4, sadly.
Their "good guy of the gaming industry" reputation is gone. They scammed base console owners. What they can never get back is the idea that "CDPR would never scam people just to will help their bottom line." No one doubts that they can make a terrific game.
The game is kinda fun on PC but nothing to write home about. I think CDPR overhype this game damn too much that it will really disappoint if you jump into the hype train.
The Last of Us 2. Hands down. Finished it before they released the first patch, and never had a problem. Smooth as silk. And try as I might, I couldn't even find the transgender person everyone blew their stack over.
@Ridwaano Is that true about the side quests leading to more regular plot? Cool! I'm exploring everywhere, and doing all the side quests I can before trying to advance the plot. It feels weird since the game seems to want to push you along, but I just left the main questline to explore and do side quests. They'll wait for me.
There’s nothing else to talk about regarding the PS5? Everything is bad news about Cyberpunk, now?
@2cents you can’t even compare it to days gone. They just released the PS5 update and that game had its buggy issues when it launched. It’s had quite a bit of time to be improved. My oldest is playing Cyber on the PS4 pro and it looks good with the occasional crash. I’ve been playing on the ps5 and the thing has a constant frame rate and looks amazing. Even with a couple crashes the game is phenomenal. I think the last patch did wonders for the game. A lot of people expect miracles when the hardware just can’t handle it. As one other person said, this game is good, up there with ghosts of Tsushima. I agree. Tsushima looks amazing on the ps5 with the most recent update. Better than some next gen they already have out in my opinion.
12 hours in on the PS5. I do seem to be getting that regular soft crash every 2 hours. Regardless of what I am doing, it will crash like clockwork.
Enjoying it but it does remind me of Fallout 4 in its jank and my need to loot everything that is not nailed down.
The map has that Ubisoft vibe of a million markers and the annoying GTA tendency of phone calls every 5 minutes.
Feel like I have just scratched the surface. Certainly would benefit from the PS5 bells and whistles graphically and crowd/traffic density wise.
BioWare be like "Yay, I pass this hat of shame on to you cdpr!"
@LordSteev The Trans character is a pretty major character😅
He's one of the siblings in Abby's story.
Strangely though my brother also didn't realise 😂
It's gonna be really interesting to see how CDPR try and win back trust over the next few months.
Wait, you mean one of the kids from the island tribe? Wow. If so, I actually had no idea.
It is true, I don't trust CDPR like I did before, but I wish them luck and want them to recover from this. They were one of my favorite studios and it's so heartbreaking to see them treat us this way.
And no, I don't mean the bugs. I mean the transparency of the issue up until 2-3 days after release. They should've communicated better and I understand that was bad for business. I want them to win my trust back, and I can't wait to see what's next for CDPR.
Besides that, much like some other fellows here who say they enjoy the game on base PS4, I do too. I'm not in any position to upgrade my console any time soon and I'd been waiting for this game for a long time. It is a bit frustrating seeing some bizarre things in the game here and there. But I am over 60 hours in and I'm having a blast.
"the cost of fixing the game is irrelevant. Because you suckers bought this broken junk by the millions and paid for it thrice over.... We're running on pure profits for the next five years, losers, trololololol!"
Glad to see there's still some sane and reasonable people left in the comments section. Since launch, I've felt like the entire world wants to see this game and CDPR burn at the stake. Meanwhile here I am just enjoying the game. If you pay attention to twitter and the rest of the internet, you're led to believe this game is the worst thing to happen to 2020 since Covid 19. Not trying to excuse the glitches or the general mismanagement of the game of course, they could have handled this game's launch way better. While I've had precious few glitches or crashes (none of them serious), I know that the game is glitchy. This is hardly new though. Fallout New Vegas is one of my favorite Fallout games and it was nigh unplayable at launch. Ark, No Man's Sky, Assassin's Creed Unity, etc. The list just goes on. It's unfortunate when these things happen but at the end o the day I think people need to dial back their expectations and remember this is just a game and not some personal slight against them. I'm hoping that CDPR will continue to iron out the kinks and maybe even add some of the cut content back in either through free patches or DLC.
Despite the glitches and jank, I've been having a blast with this game. People are entitled to have whatever opinion they want but I think some of the reactions I've seen are a tad extreme. I get the feeling a lot of people were just waiting for the first sign of blood before descending on it like vultures. A lot of people were already saying it was going to be bad before it even came out. Public opinion nosedived pretty hard after the latest delay, so I feel like a lot of the hate actually started there. I've been playing on PS4 Pro and a friend of mind is playing on PC, we've been having fun exchanging stories and information. There's a lot of cool loot hidden in the game's world if you scope it out. I'm also loving the narrative and how well designed many of the side gigs are, some of which gave me a good laugh (Flaming Crotch Man for example). Johnny is a pretty enjoyable character and his banter with V can add a lot of personality to the game. I also appreciate that like Fallout New Vegas, my stat choices and lifepath actually matter and come up constantly in conversations. There can be a bit of open world bloat however, especially if you do all the NCPD side stuff like solving crimes and assaults.
I sincerely hope CDPR can turn things around and improve the experience on PC and consoles, maybe then more people will give the game a chance and my twitter, discord, etc can stop exploding with hatred from every corner of the internet. I doubt it but you never know. An onion can hope.
Financial cost or employee cost, because we know what CDPR are like regarding that...
“Practically unplayable on base PS4”
It's a horrible mess even without the bugs. They cut lots of content that was promised and lied about so much even after the game was released. I bought it on PC because I was super suspicious about the whole not showing console gameplay.
It's a pretty but completely dead world with lots and lots of lifeless glitchy NPCs. There's literally no AI. Police have no cars and can't drive. Cars only go in straight lines and can't pass you so they stop forever.Bugs are expected but this is an Alpha game at best that we were told was finished and ready to go. Mind you, it doesn't work for some on PC with better rigs than mine.
I've never said this about anyone before but they deserve to burn for this.
I'm so glad Steam refunded me.
I hate myself every time I click on one of these stories as there is never new info on them. Just ad revenue.
I’m sure Cyberpunk will come good, 6-12 months down the line. You can’t buy back what they’ve lost though, the trust of the fans. Anything they release from now on is going to be met with some measure of distrust and that’s on them. What a shame after years of hard work.
Weighing in on this...I'm playing on a base, day 1 PS4 console, with a digital edition installed on my hard drive.
Yes, the frame rate and hitching is noticeable, yes, I've found the odd pedestrian that's stuck in a T pose. Yes, a soldier from the hotel bounced around the elevator like a power ball when Jackie and I rode it down during the heist. Since Friday night's patch I've had no more crashes, although I have found if I go to photo mode whilst on a vehicle when I return to gameplay the accelerator is stuck on, but that's okay as I'm now riding around like Kaneda in Akira on my new bike looking like a boss.
But it just doesn't matter. The fiction is strong, the city is one of the densest, but most logically thought out spaces I've ever played in, even more so now I am starting to unlock more traversal options. Every encounter is a new toybox to play around with. I started using silenced pistols and rifles, but now I stalk through the CCTV system short circuiting enemies before going loud to mop up the stragglers. Its utterly compelling.
I know some are disappointed, some are furious - but for a PS4 with an old machine, its still brilliantly thrilling gaming, with a rich story, excellent set pieces, great characters great atmosphere and so much replay ability.
Maybe if people stopped getting themselves so hyped, so filled with expectation and a need for perfection, they could see past the blemishes to the sleazy, imperfect, bullet riddled but tasty cybercake that lies within, and knowing CD Project Red will work to fix these issues will only see the performance improve until I can find a PS5 (please Lord)...
Anyhoooo...back to Merc'ing Maelstrom!
I'm not returning, I'll stick it on the shelf and wait, I've got plenty of games to pay. I know I'm going to enjoy it when it's patched and ready for the PS5. Save buying it again anyway.
@nessisonett Oh please. The difference is that CDPR is actually going to fix it. The public can never be satisfied.
@Qu1n0n3z Nobody cares. Like at all.
I was really enjoying it on next gen and probably halfway through the prologue but decided to park it until the next gen version is released so I can enjoy better visuals. In the open world the graphics/textures look substandard outside of buildings but look pretty good inside. I want to be wowed inside and outside
@Mince are you talking about about CDPR? I don't know why they lied.
If you're talking about me I hope you're getting paid for the great job you're doing deflecting from the state of the game.
I can link you my review on steam after I refunded at 11 hours. It's instructions for how to request a manual refund on steam.
At that point I realized the first few hours of the game were the best it was gonna get and they were likely intentionally set up that way to prevent refunds.
@chris730920 What are you talking about? You clearly didn't get far enough to even get a good look at the outside city. If you didn't finish the prologue, then you haven't actually seen the open world yet. Lmfao. Outside looks just as amazing.
@Mince so does CDPR.
That's why last night they said they'd refund and then back tracked when their shareholders got upset.
Of course they can't give permission to refund. They can declare the game is a broken product but that would be bad for business. They tried really hard to leave Sony and Microsoft holding the bag for the lack of refunds until their support started telling people they didn't receive any information from CDPR about the refunds.
I don't see how Sony fans are happy they tried to scapegoat. Usually we are very loyal.
And I know CDPR apologized for how bad it is on console. I also have seen people play it console.
I also know the AI isn't performance related. It's not programmed in the game. The cops spawning in front of you? Not performance related. It's coded that way.
But keep trying my man.
Also the ***** media has been up the games ass since before release. They literally were ok with NDAs about the glitches, not seeing any of the current generation (it's not last gen yet) performance and were ok with using precrerecorded footage from the developer instead of actual game footage. That doesn't really fit your victim narrative.
If you want it either get a PS5 or XBX, it was never going to work on old gen, get over it, it's not CDPR's fault so many people couldn't get a next gen console, but that's what it was made fore, old gen barely ran many new games as it was, 2077 was well beyond anything either could ever manage, I'm not sorry I have a PS5 and the game runs great, very few minor graphical issues is all I've had, I have a spare copy, bought for a friend with a base PS4, I'm going to install it on my old pro so he can try it, if it runs great, if not I'll wait for patches for him or until he quits stalling and gets a PS5, the game is great and TBH I'm sick of all the winging from old gen players, you should have known, this isn't a new problem, it happened when the PS4/xbox1 came out, it'll happen again, it's your own fault, accept that and move on.
@HEVIHITR you know no one forced them to release it on them? No one forced them to say it worked well either.
They were greedy money grubbing people who wanted to maximize profit. They are absolutely responsible for a game they decided to release on those consoles.
@Mince lies again.
Sony and Microsoft have a refund system and refunds from PC weren't mentioned in that statement.
Both Microsoft and Sony said all they have to do is say the game is broken or defective and people will be able to get refunds outside their policy. Instead of doing this first they just announced and then cold feet because the shareholders didn't like it.
In other words, like most things about this game it was hot air.
I love the way you imply that everyone who dislikes the game is bias. It's a step up from claiming they haven't played it.
@Mince I couldn’t help but feel the same. I keep reading these comments and I think to myself, are these really the reactions people are having about this?
I get being upset or bummed cause you spent money on a broken thing, but the level of melodrama surrounding this game is....probably more entertaining than the game itself!
@Mince you mean you ran out of misleading statements and lies? Cool.
If they hadn't lied so much and actually worked on the game more it could have been great.
I'm waiting for the ps5 version. My friend is playing it on a day 1 ps4 and with the exception of a ***** ton of crashes, he hasn't experienced much else.
Personally I'd like a refund so i Can buy something else. The game is unplayable. Its like going back in time and playing fallout 2/3.but even those games actually worked better. Worst end to 2020. Should be called cyberpunk 144p
Of course it's relative they are just saying it in the hope they get good will and reputation increases.
@lordzand Not really, you probably read all the hate, the anger, every screaming old gen console owner and 5 year old PC owners demanding this and that, the death threats when it was delayed, they chose to cater to these mentally diminished "gamers" if only for the safety of their staff, and now these losers who were so adement about them supporting their old PC and consoles are the ones demanding refunds, it's sad , these "gamers" knew what they were to expect, all the "leaked" footage was obviously not on console, but they got caught up in the hype, it's their fault, they knew what they were getting, CDPR did the best they could with what they had, I'm sure they tested it on emulators and Dev consoles, which are most likely not base systems, beefed up versions to make testing easier, I really don't blame CDPR, I blame over eager "gamers" who cry like babies because they can't play a game, go play cod or what ever it is you consider a good game, I'm done with whiney little b!tches.
I'm so glad I'm not a fan of first person games, as I never had any attention of getting this. Feel even better about it now.
If CDPR can encorporate a third person aspect into their patch, I'll consider it!
@LordSteev well said. This isn't a big deal to me. Valhalla came out kinda buggy and I love that game, especially now its been patched, and Ubi/acti/EA have much less of an excuse (I still don't have a period all over myself about it mind you). Fact is, CDPR, as far as I'm aware, have only released one other major title in the witcher 3. Which also had some issues at launch. So. Many. Other games did too. Skyrim, unity, NMS, Andromeda even rdr 2 had some dodgy ones at launch. If you remember gta san andreas, that whole game shipped broken. You'd be driving along and dissappear through the road or something. Still a great game and has never been patched at least on ps2. Some say cyberpunk is unplayable, before 1.04 perhaps they had a point, but I sank 34 hours into it this weekend alone. That's not an unplayable game objectively speaking. It's everything I wanted out of this genre. I'm obviously not saying it's perfect or even runs well. But I've seen a LOT worse from MUCH richer studios and publishers. The game is great, its dripping with clear adoration for the genre; deckard-esque pistols and Kaneda's bike from Akira, bassy, synthy soundtrack, not just on the car radio but during gameplay, meaty, well written side quests. Ah f*** me it's great if a little rough around the edges. And I play on base ps4 too. Anyway don't believe the hate or the baby boys throwing their toys around. This is already great and will only get better with time. A lot like one of it's key inspirations Blade Runner.
@LordSteev So true, about 30 hours in myself, the level of detail in the darkest corners of the world, side quests that give you more main quests. Just driving place to place on my Arch motorcycle, rare I fast travel. Look beyond initial glitches and there is a game worth playing. Rock and a hard place, they could have delayed again. Enjoy Night City 😎
The game was hyped way too much imo. There was no way it would live up to expectations.
The bugs are terrible however and last gen console gameplay is horrendous.
That said this isn't the first game to be released in a bad state and it won't be the last.
I personally think given time CDPR will fix these issues and people will eventually get another brilliant product from what I think is an awesome developer.
Yeah they screwed up releasing the game as is on old consoles but people should give them a chance to redeem themselves. I think they will and I think it will be well worth the wait.
Its an excellent game underneath all the bugs. I look forward to the final finished product in the future 😎
@AJDarkstar from what I've read over 50% of the 8 million orders we for PC gamers, so I'm pretty sure they could rely on purely PC to make a profit. It should not have been released for current gen consoles simple as that. The gsme is pushing next gen tech never mind 13 year old current gen consoles. Not having a dig at you, but current gen owners need to get a grip
@Grimwood Well said!
@PartyPaul83 LOL wut. This outgoing generation is 7 years old, not 13. 13 years old would be PS3/X360 😂😂😂
@HEVIHITR What a broken statement ... If it was never meant to work on old gen consoles(despite development started years before the PS5 was more than a mere idea), then the game shouldn't have been released for them either. It's that simple.
I knew this story was gonna happen after million of patches they are gonna make the game almost playable, add online, one or two freebies and then after 2 more years everyone it’s gonna forget that they release a broken garbage, lie to their customers and take 10 years to finally make it work then everyone it’s gonna go back to praise CDPR like if what they did is acceptable just like what happen with this other game call No Man Sky
How very noble of them lol
@zekepliskin obviously I meant tech that's been out since 2013 and got muddled, but my point still stands
@LordSteev For me thats not acceptable with lego city undercover it crashed and corrupted my 20 hour save. You may think only 20 hours but with little time that one hurts. 😔
@GKO900 That game atleast worked and with a lot smaller company including a waterflood that destroyed all their data.No man Sky. 🤪
I do think it's possible a lot of the hate for this game has come from people who jumped on the "burn the hype train" bandwagon and in some cases haven't even played it. A lot of the Metacritic reviews which resort to review bombing with 0 scores are on release day and most seem to use the exact same kind of "stolen from Digital Foundry" technical criticism comments phrased the exact same way, over and over. Rather than doing the sane thing of actually playing the game for a few days and being honest. Metacritic is not to be trusted anyway; it's a review aggregator site that is susceptible to abuse because of the way it works - it's too big to be curated so the rating system can easily be skewed if you have enough people working on it. Another way to look at it is, games are so big and intricate now that boiling it down to a number score is over-simplifying it; you NEED to read the reviews to see if from the description it's going to work for you, and even then you might still need to try it to be sure.
Me personally, I've played about 40-50 hours on my PS4 Pro fitted with a 2TB, and it runs okay despite averaging a crash every few hours - saving regularly is important. The performance is mostly stable although it does occasionally nose down to around 20fps when there are a lot of NPCs and vehicles on screen. Seen this before playing GTA V on PS3, or WATCH_DOGS on Wii U (the most poorly optimised port).
I really like it. It's not reinventing the wheel or anything, but when it grabs you it REALLY grabs you and pulls you in to an immersive world that is captivating despite the often idiot NPCs (on foot for combat and in vehicles), occasional bugs (t-pose), and driving which I'm still trying to work out - is it awful or an acquired taste? Both?
What surprises me reading these comments is that apparently CD Projekt were seen as a "good guy" developer. Can't agree with that. The Witcher 3 launched in the same kinda buggy/crashy state on base PS4 as Cyberpunk 2077 is now, and from what people tell me the first two Witcher games were of the "patch before play" variety too. They had a reputation for crunch before the latter game, too. To me they're just another developer in terms of company culture, albeit one who happen to make very immersive, brilliant if flawed kinda games.
Really the entire industry needs a shake-up because more and more games are releasing in an alpha/early-access state for full price, and are a result of 60-100 hour crunch weeks for months at a time. It's not fair on the talented people who are trying to inject some soul into what is, after all, a product for mass consumption, and too much crunch actually leads to more mistakes in a lot of cases.
But yeah, anyway. In many ways Cyberpunk 2077 is exactly what I was hoping for: a bigger, prettier Deus Ex: Mankind Divided hub level that doesn't get to a key point in the story and then stop. The side quests are so fun I've basically just been doing fixer Regina jobs and Maelstrom gang hideout NCPD clearances because it's a really satisfying gameplay loop. You can make insane amounts of money that way and upgrade to a better cyber-deck and so forth. I've found some of the best weapons in the game (the ones that don't feel like pea-shooters and enemies like bullet sponges) are random finds or drops rather than crafted.
@Infinite_J_777 With people like you they dont have too try because you will take everything they have. Release now fix when we feel like it or if we feel like it.
My favorite thing about these people like you they will probably nail a indie developer too the floor if they did the same. 🤪
@zekepliskin Its the kind of hate i payed €60 for a trainwreck isnt that hard too understand. For me its hard too understand why some people defend something that clearly is a lie towards customers. Even by holding back footage of older consoles for that is disgusting.
@Hashfail Ill give them a chance on the next gen im not rewarding liars with €60 and then hope they will fix it in a few months. Ill just buy it at a discount.
@PartyPaul83 You said it shouldn't have been released on this outgoing generation of consoles, which I don't agree with. My opinion is yes they should have, they run it, but it needs more optimisation to make the experience better on base consoles. The "get a grip part" about entitled gamers though, I agree with that. It's just a game. The way people are all up in arms butthurt about it is so immature.
@PartyPaul83 One thing the PS4 isnt around for 13 years. Why should i get a grip about a lie they could have shown gameplay for the current consoles. Or even better own up and push the console version back.
@Flaming_Kaiser That's assuming that everyone shares your opinion about it being a "trainwreck" and "clearly a lie". I don't, and just on the comments for this one Pushsquare article you can see others don't, either. Some of CD Projekt's business practices are terrible, yes, but as with a lot of gamers you seem to have been caught on the anti-hype train and are exaggerating the bugs it has. A lot of people are acting as if this thing is broken to the point of it not even booting to title screen on base PS4/XB1, which is "clearly a lie".
@zekepliskin So your point is if the Last of Us 2 would release in this state that it would be fine. Or if any smaller indie studio or even EA it would have bolstered the same its ok reactions. This game is not released in a acceptable state its that simple they should have pushed it back or should have been honest about it. If a game crashes several times even on a next gen system that is in my eyes a broken product.
@Flaming_Kaiser please see my other comment regarding how long the ps4 has been out. With regards to CDP behaviour around the release I totally agree with you, but my point was more towards current gen owners need to also accept that the game really should not be played on ps4/xbox/old gpu for pcs as it is designed for next gen tech.
@Flaming_Kaiser The word "Flaming" in your screen name appears to be accurate as it looks like you're trying to start a flame war, trollololol.
I don't care what sort of state TLoU2 released in; it's not a game that interests me. Not sure why you're using it to put words in my mouth, but you know, trolls don't usually adhere to the rules of logic. For the record, no it's not okay. Just because someone enjoys a game like this despite it's flaws, doesn't mean they're automatically justifying it nor are apologising on behalf of the developers. It clearly needs work, but it's not as "hella broken" as certain hysterical gamers on the internet would have you believe.
No, what you mean to say is "it's not been released in an acceptable state IN MY OPINION". That last part is really important which is why I wrote it in CAPS, so you don't miss it. They did push it back, three times.
"If a game crashes several times even on a next gen system that is in my eyes a broken product." - This is more like it, using "in my eyes" to qualify a statement as your opinion. You should do that more.
In my opinion, it's a game that needs more stability/performance optimisation patching. It's playable now and I enjoy it, as do many others, but on PS4/XB1 it could play so much more smoothly. To be honest, I'd rather play the game in the "needs work" condition it's in than wait another year for release, but that's me.
If you choose not to play it and demand a refund because you think it's broken, that's fine. You have that right. What you DON'T have the right to do is dump all over people who are enjoying the game despite the bugs as if them doing that is wrong and it personally offends you. It's an immature attitude, and we've been seeing way too much of that already in the overblown "burn CD Projekt at the stake" reactions of some hysterical gamers. Not only has that attitude gotten really old really fast, it reflects badly on gamers as a whole.
@zekepliskin yeah I get that if it can be played they why not release it on current gen, so I guess I agree with you there, but should have been delayed even further as it was not ready for current gen. I'm sure people would have be fine with a delay into the new year given the year the world has had. I am currently moving away from console and back to a PC in the new year once stock stabilises , so I won't be playing it for a while yet, hopefully all these issues will be ironed out by then!
Any game rated below 6-7 out of 10. , should be refunded. Anything else I buy if not happy with it -gets returned. Why not games? After watching utube for this game, stay away from it.
@PartyPaul83 Assuming that CDP are going by a similar timescale to The Witcher 3, then 3-6 months to sort out the worst of the launch bugs which should get rid of the soft crashes, and just over a year before more subtle improvements such as modifying the AI of enemies and perhaps even tuning the driving physics a bit.
@Silverfox0612 Wow, what a foolish thing to say.
It would make more sense to say "I won't buy any game below a 6-7 out of 10." If you don't do the bare minimum of research before buying a game, to find out it hits the review score/has the style you like, then you shouldn't be entitled to a refund just because you didn't. I don't think you're owed a refund just because you were ignorant and bought the game without checking up on it; that's just lazy, and a typical 21ˢᵀ century first world problem with people who have to be handed everything rather than doing their own research, which in the internet age is really easy.
Have about 8 hours invested in CP on PS4 Pro (with SSD) and the game has only crashed once. I can shelve it for a while and work on some backlog. GoT sounds like a fine choice and looks like it’s on a different console in comparison.
I will give CDPR a chance to make good.
@gamer_since_83 Dev companies knew about the PS5/XBX long before the general public, they knew roughly what it would be spec wise so they would have switched gears probably half way through development, but ignorant stupid gamers won't accept that, they expect their pleb consoles to run it, CDPR only kept up the guise to protect their workers, despite their efforts these pathetic "gamers" still offered up threats due to a delay, imagine what they'd do if CDPR announced they would stop supporting old gen, these so called "gamers" would probably storm building and killing workers, they are pathetic losers who can't get over the fact their old consoles can't play a game.
I mean they should have delayed but I think they needed to recover some of the development money already spent. I'm not surprised Base PS4 is in such a state since they were so restrictive with what people could show, even on PC.
Based on The Witcher 3, I have absolute faith in them to sort this game out for their fanbase.
I am slowly starting to realize that
It just feels like any other open world game. Not sure what all the hype was though;, there's map icons, side quests etc. Is there a huge amount of RPG elements? It's also like AC Odyssey with tonnes of random gear. At least Valhalla has unique gear.
Certainly a fine game there, but other open world games have done just as well and with lots of decision/consequence. Feels just a little underbaked.
Your singular experience doesn't apply to everyone. I for example only had one crash in 30 hours of playing and that was before 1.04
@jess3a3 where did I say the map wasn’t amazing design wise because it absolutely is but once again it’s freaking lifeless when it should be the exact opposite of that not to mention the myriad of other issues I mentioned that you just completely ignored. I’m not jaded not even close I wanted to love this game because of the witcher series especially 3 which is in my top ten for the gen but this game is a letdown in almost every way and such a steep decline in quality from the witcher 3.
Loving cyberpunk on PS5, hands down top game of 2020 for me, just wish it crashed less. Literally crashes like clockwork every 2 hours...
Very easy for them to say this now they are backtracking. They said on the board call that they quote ‘didn’t bother much with last gen consoles’ and it shows. They deliberately lied saying it worked fine on consoles and didn’t send out review copies or show any footage. They knew they messed up, lied about it because they wanted to make the money. All trust gone.
I actually play it on ps4, and despite all the issues the game itself is great and still somewhat playable. I believe if they put the effort to fix it it can be one of the best games released as of recent.
Everybody will forget about this if they fix it and it ends up being spectacular. We are forgiving creatures. Look at the comeback story of No Mans Sky for reference.
I am just happy that all of this pressure is getting put in them to properly deliver.
@2cents I encountered things like hitting an invisible car that pops up after I hit it. My favorite bug was fast traveling to a camp and seeing one of the tower guards just drop dead, after that I picked up his weapon and got the LMG early. The game was a breeze after that.
Sick of hearing about it lol. It doesn't deserve the attention. Lets just leave it in the dust and move on. If it eventually pull itself together someday then THAT is news.
..... In other news...
@HEVIHITR "ignorant stupid gamers... pleb consoles... pathetic "gamers"... they are pathetic losers..."
Dude, the only "ignorant stupid pathetic pleb" here is you. People like you with your abusive, insulting attitude are what's wrong with the gaming scene. You give the rest of us trying to have civilised debates a bad name. Unable to have adult conversations you just resort to childish abuse instead. Hopefully one day you'll grow up and mature and realise what an unlikeable close-minded you've been, but I doubt it. 😂
@Sekys A good appraisal of the game, I feel. I mean I really like it but I have to agree with all of the points you've made.
@DualshockInfinit TVTropes would call that a "Good Bad Bug"...
I wish I could have that glitch happen too. I mean, I've amassed a couple of hella strong revolvers and a sniper rifle which has a 51% chance of crit damage every time, but games like this there's just never enough guns. 😂
@Flaming_Kaiser True it wasn’t as bad as this one but they still lie and after 2 or 3 year it’s finally complete and I don’t know about you but to me that’s unacceptable
@2cents I have never seen one bug in Days Gone as well but within 5 minutes of playing Cyberpunk on PS5 I saw a few.
@AJDarkstar where you getting those figures from? This is direct from CDPR:
and there are lots of articles stating the same, here's just a few:
Maybe you all have a higher opinion of people's memory than I do. I think if they fix all the bugs and this becomes a quality game, especially on PS5/S|X consoles, people will be quick to forget and in 2027 will be over-hyped for Witcher 4 or Cyberpunk 2088 or whatever. That may not help in time for a multiplayer game coming in 2021 or 2022, but a lot depends on how quickly they can actually clean and polish this thing on console.
Didn't Witcher 3 have an awful console release, initially? Hasn't this happened with this studio already?
I'm firmly in the camp that they should have held it back until it could run well - it's why I didn't preorder and am waiting for those promised fixes (and a PS5 version). They would have been better off not announcing it had gone gold when they did. How did they not know what state it was in, right then????? This was a money grab for the holidays - maybe necessary for financial survival, I don't know, but that preorder cash and fear of the reaction to another delay was more important than the bugs, and it's just that simple.
@dark_knightmare2 the mission design, visuals, city design are amazing. The bugs suck but this game is still better that 90 percent of open world games
@Agramonte They were happy to take console players money but hey, PC gamers are happy so that's all that matters.
@LordSteev Yeah one of those kids
@CuzzoWuzzo Assassin’s Creed Unity is completely fixed. I played it a couple of weeks ago and it isn’t bad at all. I had less bugs in that than Final Fantasy 7 Remake.
You make some great points. I think much of the crying is coming from people who briefly tried it before the 1.04 patch and never bothered to go back. Skyrim turned out to be one of my top 5 all time, so humble beginnings don't always mean the end of the world. This isn't like drawing with crayons, these games are hard to make. Unfortunately, the more complex systems that get added in, the more trouble ironing out the wrinkles at the end. Way too many open worlds just don't seem to have a soul. I'd rather have bugs in a soulful game than something running perfectly that I couldn't care less about.
@PegasusActual93 on what console? No my singular experience does not, but my experience multiplied by almost anyone giving a clear discernible objective opinion on their experience absolutely does suggest it is widespread. It's very easy to spot an opinion that is riddled with bias, as well as those comments written by those who have a stake in that which is being discussed.
It has been a widespread practice for years now for organizations to hire individuals to give biased untrue commentary moonlighting as an average everyday citizen. I am not saying that is what you or the other individual is, but the same wording cues that suggest a lack of objectivity that manifests out of hopes, expectations, willful ignorance and/or arguing just to argue, are largely similar.
Thanks, I'm enjoying it already, and it's only going to get better. Have a good time with it!
Thanks for replying. I'll check it out whenever I go back for my 3rd playthrough.
@PartyPaul83 If thats the case dont release it then. If have seen some unbelievable feats on the last games of a retiring console and this is not one of them.
@LordSteev so you are suggesting i use my last gen console in which I will get the same bugs and crashes, plus be downgraded to 720p with frame rate drops as low as 15 fps, and more often than not in the 20's?! Why would I do that? Even if that produced one less crash every 2 hrs, that framerate , resolution handicap, and texture pop in issues alone make the game on that console an absolute failure and unacceptable.
I work in science. In our field, when their are outliers in the data (select few individuals claiming that they arent experiencing what thousands are), we chalk those outliers up to errors. Unless the outliers are so frequent to warrant further investigation when compared to the rest of the data.
I am going to stick with the data, and my personal experience on a more capable system, and make an objective opinion based on the data and observations.
The results: The game is largely bugged, unfinished, poorly optimized, and has significant coding problems causing widespread crashes. CDPR deliberately lied to its fans and customers in order to preserve pre - orders, knowing the game was effectively broken on the consoles it was originally intended to release on (had it been released pre delay the ps5, XsX and 3070-3090's would not yet have existed). They did so for profit driven purposes.
@HEVIHITR read below first. Second no one made them release it. Celebrities and developers get death threats all the time and sadly it's part of being a public figure. That doesn't excuse the fact that they lied repeatedly and released a broken game that they said would work well.
I can't believe that gamers have sunk so low as to make excuses for a company worth billions over people like themselves. I'll never understand corporate loyalty and honestly it seems like the game had a message that that was screwed up as well. It's irony to the max.
@Mince you realize a company can't get death threats because it's not alive right?
Nice deflection. Death threats are bad. So is using them as an excuse for this release. It's like people have list they go through. Your computer is *****, when it's not. There are no bugs on my computer, when AI doesn't work properly on any computer and is classified by the developer as a bug, and my favorite something something death threats, which is not a valid excuse for anything.
Weren't you not going to talk to me anymore?
8 million pre-orders x $59.99 = $480 million at launch. I'll wait until it's been patched to run properly and is on sale.
EDIT: Of course, that $480 million doesn't take into account CDPR's stock tanking due to the CyberPunk release. Shares were at $31/share as recently as December 4th. Today they sit around $21/share. With over 96 million shares, that's a $960 million loss in value.
@LordSteev I think you've hit the nail on the head with some games having a "soul". Adds to the enjoyment massively for me and cyberpunk 77 has more soul than Lionel Ritchie haha. Anyways Happy gaming friend, hope it goes well for you and have a good Christmas if you celebrate it.
The "cost is irrelevant" because they've lined their coffers by ripping off their customers.
Thanks man! Merry Christmas to you too.
Never ever buying a game from this developer at launch.
I got Witcher 3 in 2018 so i missed all the launch bugs but by gawd this Cyberpunk launch is rivalling Fallout 76 for top catastrophe
@Col_McCafferty huh?... that is nowhere near what I said.
They have more than enough funding because PC is selling well.
By the progress they are making on the PC version, console owners (hardware allowing) should also get there. At a minimum the free PS5 upgrade will be as good as the PC version.
Not like they need to go back and fix a bad game like Anthem. This is mostly a hardware issue.
@Flaming_Kaiser Kid, you don't know the first thing about me. Calm yourself down and have a nap or something I really don't care.
@AJDarkstar for sure for most games, but I think the reason it's hit the headlines is the amount of pre orders was over 8million, that is a huge figure. This gets them roughly £500m, straight off the bat, and a game like this will have 100m ish development cost, plus marketing costs, i'd say they are in profit from day one. Given that 60% of pre orders was pc, and then take next gen preorders and after release sales I am sure they would have easily been able to make this pc and next gen only and not have to worry about current gen sales to make profit. Now, they may have received back lash for this and perhaps when next gen was announced they too should have delayed the release of the game to way after next gen release or announce it as a pc/next gen exclusive. Anyway, it's just my opinion
Personally, I would love a refund. That way I can invest the money into a game that I will have the pleasure to invest my time in. But if or WHEN cyberpunk ps5 upgrade is available with patches, fixed. I will definitely get it. That way I can be immersed into that phenomenal world from the trailers, the way I expected to be, and the devs intended us to be. No way am I going to watch keanu reeves in 720p... on a 4k monitor with a PS5. Haha
Thanks to players for worshiping this studio and making them god-like. This situation is amusing to me, players and the studio deserve it
Not to mention that that PS5 upgrade we all want is getting further and further away in the headlights. Major bummer on literally every front... (except PC LOL)
I gather launch was a radically different experience to what I played on my PS4 Pro 6 months ago. I really liked it, I think it crashed once in about 50 hours play, maybe.
Guy has different experience than you with the game or has an opinion different from yours=hired by corporation to give positive statement/publicity?
You deserve an olympic gold medal for that level of mental gymnastics.
@Mince people work for lots of companies that go under through no fault or action of their own. This is not one of those cases. That's just an attempt to make feel bad. Go tell management at CDPR that, they're the ones who put their employees at risk not me.
You realize there's a pandemic, people have lost jobs, and they decided this was the best money time to lie about performance and content of a game to get money from people right? We can all appeal to the emotion.
I've played this game on ps4 pro and PS5 and honestly it's like Night Vs day it's so different.Its unplayable on ps4 pro trust me,just leaves you angry and underwhelmed .it should be a decent game after waiting for years and so many back dating and I can honestly say it's broke it's absolutely terrible do not buy it for that system last gen any of them.But if you play it on the ps5 even tho it's not a ps5 game seriously the graphics and the overall game is like playing a different game and that's before they enhance a full ps5 version .It's a brilliant game on next gen
@LordSteev yeah time will tell how they deal with this situation but I’m willing to extend them the grace to fix it based on their history. I felt your post was very reasonable and refreshing in a sea of snowballing negativity. Unchecked negativity never solves problems and keeps the conversation and situation from moving forward towards a solution. There is so much this game does well and it’s being overshadowed by its admittedly many shortcomings. You never know who is combing through the comments and I think it’s much more valuable to encourage people to be better than to kick them when they’re down. Good on ya, cheers!
@jess3a3 maybe on a super high end pc but I’m playing on ps5 which I know is just the PS4 version in BC but the visuals are nothing to write home about especially compared to rdr 2,tlou part 2,Spider-Man remastered and mile morales etc. The mission design is also nothing different from other open world games it’s not bad but it’s not particularly great or novel either.
I'm also willing to let them have some time to fix this. In six months, we'll all probably have new consoles and they'll have had time to put a new coat of paint on the whole thing. As a long time Bethesda fan, it's not like I'm not used to it. I appreciate positivity, too. Did you ever notice these message boards are like the Ocean. The deeper you go, the darker it gets until you can't see at all. Usually by the time you reach the 170's, there is no light. It'd be nice if people could avoid indulging the darkest part of their natures in places where they can't be held personally accountable, but probably not realistic. Have a good one, see you soon, closer to the top!
Because they already made back their money on pre-orders and day 1 sales. A lot of whom are having difficulty getting refunds.
Not so long ago I read an article on Push Square stating that they hadn't received the game early of release for reviewing purposes from CD Projekt Red, stating that the publisher was under no obligation to do so and it was their decision. It is now obvious to me they CD Projekt Red made this decision because they knew the Push Square would of slaughtered the game in it's review. There also was limited footage of it on PS4 and Xbox before release with CD Projekt Red focusing on PC. Again showing me the real reason why CD Projekt Red had done this, because they knew it was S#it. They were banking on (and succeeded) in getting massive launch day sales, this would massively offset any "refunds" given and the cost fix the games. If the public had know the truth beforehand about the game's lack of performance, would there still have been such success in launch sales? I'm guessing not. So I believe that that CD Projekt Red weighed up the costs of, again delaying the release date until fixed (if ever), against the cost of releasing it early with bugs and came to the conclusion that there was more profit in the latter. After all, Sony isn't for filling all refunds, and not everyone is unhappy and even those that are unhappy, some are just OK waiting for the patch repair. Compare this to lack of sales due to the negative publicity beforehand.
Finally the fact that CD Projekt Red are releasing the PS5 version after the PS4 version again shows evidence to me that CD Projekt Red wanted to maximise profits, as they know that most PS5 owners own a PS4 but with all the hype, they want the game now so by releasing them separately, there is potential for double sales.
I personally have no sympathy for CD Projekt Red as it feels like they treated us (the public and thier customers) with utter disregards by trying to pull a fast one over us
Anyone agree to my view or disagree, I'm interested to know?
@2cents Days Gone has had quite a few patches since before the PS5 came out, so it’s not really an apples to apples comparison.
EA UFC 4 on the other hand was a buggy piece of ***** on release. Now it’s a slightly buggy fart.
@Learykal "That way I can be immersed into that phenomenal world from the trailers, the way I expected to be, and the devs intended us to be."
If you want to play it the way the devs intended, then play it on a powerful gaming PC rig. It was clearly designed with that in mind, and any console versions (yes, including your beloved PS5) are always going to be a compromise because they use older CPU/GPU technology. They have to, to meet that "around $500" price point.
@Rocco81 "Its unplayable on ps4 pro trust me,just leaves you angry and underwhelmed"
No, that's how it made you feel, not everyone thinks and feels the way you do.
My experience has been, it's still dropping below 30fps too much and needs optimisation on the PS4 Pro, but it's not quite as bad as the base consoles. Still crashes every few hours of play though. I wouldn't call it unplayable, more that they need to stop it crashing first, and optimise several other things after that.
Incidentally the PS5 runs the PS4 Pro version of the game in compatibility mode. The main difference is PS5 is capped at 60fps and hits this most of the time (Digital Foundry have proven it still dips into the low 50s now and then), whereas the PS4 Pro is capped at 30fps and hits this most of the time (dips into the low 20s now and then).
Technically it's the same version and has the same sorts of problems regardless of whether it's running on PS4 Pro or PS5. Not what I'd call a "night and day" difference. It's rendering at something like 1188p internally anyway and being upscaled if you're running to a 4KTV, so it's still not a true 4K game on either system. The PS5 runs at a higher frame rate and has slightly nicer looking lighting, that's about it, to simplify.
@Mince apparently Sony doesn't care either.
@Mince that's what I was referring to.
Sony doesn't care if they go under either.
I mean why do you? They're a business. They made a bad decision. They wouldn't feel bad if I lost my job. It's weird to sympathize with a corporation.
@Mince go read the market announcement that CDPR made to the shareholders.
They were discussing refunds with Sony and Sony then removed the game unilaterally and offered refunds. There was no agreement. They rushed the announcement out to comply with transparency requirements for the important people.
Don't tell me you're one of those people who believe CDPR wanted the game they rushed to release at the expense of the game itself removed 8 days after it released right before Christmas?
@Mince let me just clarify something here.
I don't hold the coders and the people who actually made the game responsible for this. They have no control over deadlines and release of the game. Unfortunately that doesn't matter.
They work for the people who did. I was just reading a Bloomberg article about the the meeting that the employees hard with the board of the company yesterday and it was hostile.
However I can't help who they chose to work for and can't say I support saving the company just because people work there. That's not an acceptable reason and it sets a troubling precedent for just about every industry.
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