Cygames’ uber-promising JRPG spin-off Granblue Fantasy: Relink will now release on the PlayStation 5 as well as the previously announced PlayStation 4. The publisher announced the tidbit during the Granblue Fantasy Fes 2020 overnight, as watched by Gematsu. It also premiered 23 minutes of new gameplay footage, which we’ve embedded above.
Unfortunately, the title is still some time away. It’s currently pegged for a 2022 release date, despite being announced all the way back in 2016. Obviously this is an ambitious and high budget project, and development will have been impeded by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The developer says the title is currently in an alpha state, meaning it’s mostly playable, but has missing assets and features that need to be finalised.
Comments 17
Cant wait to play it.
They can take as long as they need to get this game right, because if they do nail it then we're going to be looking at something really special I think.
I've been playing the original Granblue for years and there is so much to translate over to a game of this scale.
This game looks more awesome everytime they release a new trailer.
Nooo, I though the game nearly done and will be released next year..
It seems like it was revealed so long ago. I gave up on seeing it ever released. At least we know it will be released several years before the end of the pandemic (if not decades)
Probably getting this for my ps4 pro.looks amazing.word up son
I’m looking forward to this despite really not liking the fighting game. Hopefully this is better.
2022? Jesus Crist...
This has always looked fantastic in the gameplay that's been shown, but 2022? Bloody hell.
Damn! taking notes from square enix?
Put narmaya as a playable character and all is forgiven
I'll be all over this with my filthy greasy buddies.
They can take their time. 2021 is already stacked, and If this past week has thought us anything, it's that you shouldn't launch a game before its ready.
wasn't this orignally developed by Platinum games?
2022? Geez, I remember them aiming for this year....
I totally thought this game was canned after they dropped Platinum's involvement & we hadn't heard anything about it since then. Glad to see I was wrong (don't know much about the mobile title, but highly polished JRPG epics are always welcome).
Still looks decent despite the changes. Sucks we got to wait that long of course but it is what it is.
2022 is fine, I'd rather they take their time and not rush development.
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