I'm in a rather unique and extremely lucky position where it's my full-time job to cover and play games. As such, rarely does a day go by where I have don't have a handful of hours to invest in the latest PlayStation game each evening, and even into the early hours of the morning on the odd occasion. That's a privileged situation to be in, and I want you to know I understand that before we begin. I don't need to leave the house to remain employed and I don't have a family to look after — not yet, anyway. But because of these factors, I haven't had a backlog for a very long time. I'd play each PlayStation 4 release at launch, finish them up, and then head back to the latest Battle Royale game to fill the gap until the next one rolls around. But since the PlayStation 5 arrived in my home, things have drastically changed.
It helps when a long list of quality launch titles all launch at once because I'm currently overwhelmed by the sheer number of PS5 games I have to play right now, and I'm loving it. I'm fully invested in Demon's Souls at the time of writing, working my way through one or two levels and bosses each night. I recently finished Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales and I'll be targeting the Platinum Trophy before too long, but that and the Bluepoint Games epic only scratches the surface of what's to come. The massive Assassin's Creed Valhalla is waiting patiently on my PS5 SSD, so too is Yakuza: Like a Dragon and Bugsnax. I haven't even gotten around to purchasing Sackboy: A Big Adventure, Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition, and The Pathless yet. I'm notorious in the Push Square Slack channel for never having anything to play and now I'm the one with the most!

I could quietly work my way through all of these PS5 titles, but the biggest kicker is, of course, Cyberpunk 2077. I simply cannot add that to the back of my backlog and get round to playing it some time in 2021 — it needs to be experienced as soon as possible. A funny change of heart because I was considering waiting until the PS5 version rolls around. And because of that, everything must be placed on hold. My plan is to finish up Demon's Souls and earn as many Trophies in Miles Morales' next-gen adventure before heading to Night City and never coming back until the credits roll. In the meantime though, I'll still be adding more games to the backlog! Haven, Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age, and Call of the Sea via Xbox Game Pass to name just a few. And from where I stand, this is a great problem to have.
We're approaching a bit of a drought in PS5 releases as Christmas and the next year roll around, with Hitman 3 being the first title of 2021 worthy of excitement. That leaves me roughly two months to fully invest in the next-gen games I'm suffocating in — something I'm really looking forward to doing. Let's get a 100-hour playtime racked up in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, another Platinum Trophy in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, and catch every Bugsnak Young Horses' unique adventure. For how much people complain about having a backlog, for once I'm chuffed to have one. I bought 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim in the PlayStation Store sale yesterday, but when will I actually get to play it? Who knows!

I've missed this feeling. Instead of drawing up a list of what 2021 will bring us on PS5, let's take a second or two and take in what we already have. Sony delivered a fantastic launch line-up during a truly terrible year, and if even I haven't managed to make a big dent in those titles, I can't imagine what those with a proper job are facing. But rather than seeing it as a chore, enjoy and embrace your backlog. It's not a second job — it's something to enjoy. Take some time this month to have fun with games. I think you deserve it.
How do you feel about your own backlog? Do you enjoy having one or do you wish it could be wiped from existence? Place your vote in our poll and share your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 75
Unfortunately I’ll never not have a backlog... being the result of this hobby, some disposable income and (relatively) too little time to game... and the heavy impulse to buy any game which may seem to interest me.
I haven't got a backlog at the moment as there aren't that many games I'm interested in. I finished Miles Morales which is very short, AC Valhalla just wasn't very good so I dropped that. Now I'm onto Demon's Souls and then when Cyberpunk hits I won't be playing anything else for a while
I only generally play one game at a time, but having a backlog lets me wait for sales.
I have a huge backlog in PS4 games going back to nearly when it was first launched. I keep adding titles to the collection knowing that i won't get a PS5 until at least late next year.
@MemSec I was thinking exactly the same.
Just add a 1 year old to my list of things that (slightly) take precedence!
@MemSec Exactly the same here. Had around 60 physical PS4 games in my backlog that I never played and with the PS5 on the doorstep I decided to let most of them go… Sad…
Mine will be 2 years old in a couple of weeks, so I feel you. Only gaming in the evening... When thinking about my backlog I always console and motivate myself by telling myself that I’ll have plenty of games to play during my pensioner years 😀
A classic case of 'Cyberpunk 2077 is out real soon'.
I have a whopper of a backlog across multiple devices. Some times I love it - I just fancy something and wham, can play. Other times, I get stressed at having such a large backlog.
I used to have a backlog but then 2020 hit.....
I know the feeling, but I won’t admit it to myself, there is always hope...
I've bought hundreds of games I'm yet to play and maybe never will. I went through a phase of buying games on PC, but never ever playing anything on PC. Makes no sense but it is what it is. So no, not a fan of backlogs
I got more than 40 ps4 games i need to beat.my backlog is crazy.just bought a berry blue and a gold ps4 controller.its amazing.word up son
My current backlog.
Mass effect 2
Mass effect 3
Yakuza 4
Yakuza 5
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon
From Dust
Tokyo Jungle
Risen 3
Max Payne 3
Assassin's Creed : Black Flag (playing)
Assassin's Creed : Rogue
Sniper Elite V2
Two Worlds 2
Crysis 3
Metro : Last Light
Dead Space 3
God of War 3 : Ascension
Fallout : New Vegas GOTY (got stuck will have to start again)
Witcher 3 GOTY (playing)
Metal Gear Solid V
Mad Max
God of War 3 remastered
Deus Ex : Mankind divided
Detroit Become Human
Darksiders 3
Child of light
Borderlands The Prequel
Beyond Two Souls
Skyrim GOTY
Read Dead Redemption 2
Uncharted : Lost Legacy (playing)
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Middle Earth : Shadow of War
Dragon Age : Inquisition (part way through)
I'm sure there's more, there are always other PS Plus games that i go back to, i usually add them all to my Library.
As you can see most of these are Plus games.
So i won't allow myself a PS5 until PS3 is done.
Into the early morning? What an amateur, I played God of War from 9PM all the way through to 6AM and then went to Tesco for Christmas shopping last year 😂😂
As with the others above, I got a 5yr old and a 10wk old. Theyre often wrecking my free time and sleep! But I did finish GTAV last night! Whoo hoo! Only 7yrs later!!! Loved it too btw!
I live an breathe all things gaming on all consoles so my back log is massive ........in the recent sad news Syphon Filter 3 has been chalked of the list.....so onwards and upwards
I have nearly 400 games in my backlog. A couple being PS3, much more VITA and 250+ on PS4.
Though I keep adding to the list more than subtracting.
I’ve gradually been finding time to play more since 15/11 getting through Miles Morales (Platinum), Mafia 1, Telltale Batman S2 and TWD Final Season, and COD Cold War. But i’ve added at least 10 games that i’ve gotten from sales.
As hard as I try to push through, I find myself continuing to fall back. Its certainly not a bad problem to have, but when some of the titles in the backlog include games like God of War, Until Dawn, Bloodborne, Detroit and many more, it gets harder to avoid the internet and a potential spoiler.
I think the backlog will shrink in time, but it’ll need a miracle for it to slim down anytime soon
Having to work i have to pick and choose my games. I can't stop playing Demon souls currently. I have Days gone, BOTW, and Death Stranding in games I have to take the wrapper off lol. Cyberpunk to me looks boring and just another FPS and Valhalla was a let down so be playing them and any other new games over Christmas period.
So many games, so little time... Increasingly I’ve been leaving games before I finish them, especially the big huge ones (Ghost of Tsushima) because something new and exciting has come out (Demon’s Souls). But good to know they’ll be there waiting for me... someday!
@nessisonett I remember attending university too! Believe me, I scoffed at the thought of going to bed before midnight back then. Now, though? Lovely jubbly.
I love having a backlog, it means I save massive amounts of money on games and can play them long after they’ve had all their issues fixed.
I've had a backlog since 2008 and it just keeps compounding with every passing year. I try to play games in chronological order according to year of release with a few exceptions. I'm about 4 years behind in terms of modern releases. I also have a backlog of retro games and PC/Xbox titles that I've postponed playing until I get a gaming PC someday. Don't even get be started with Nintendo. Their game prices have dissuaded me from having a Switch backlog, let alone the console itself. On the bright side, I probably pay < $15 per game on average.
Here's what I played within this past year:
Titanfall 2
Sonic 4: Episode 2 (PS3)
Batman: Arkham Knight
Uncharted 4
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Infamous: First Light
The Last Guardian
Metro 2033 Redux
Rise of The Tomb Raider
Batman: Arkham VR
Dishonored Definitive Edition (playing)
I've never looked it as having a backlog so much as having a bunch of games I'm interested in playing. Whether or not I actually play them is another story, but I don't really feel bothered by it. I usually get around to them at some point or another, though this sometimes bites me in the onion such as with Gravity Rush 2 where I bought it on sale and just let it sit until the online functionality was taken out. But generally it's not a problem. I'm not going to let a few games I haven't had a chance to jump into yet stop me from enjoying a new release. When Cyberpunk 2077 comes out, all the games I haven't had a chance to play yet can go straight to hell.
I didn’t vote because I’m one of the few that don’t have much of a backlog. I beat a game or get bored and move on.
Recently, I beat Spider-Man MM and Godfall and am looking to sell them. Now, I’m focused on AC Valhalla but I do have some ongoing MP games I always return too.
Haha, yeah exactly.
Mine is 18 months going on 3. We've already started to have tantrums - I don't have a bar of it, so I'm seen as the mean dad 🤣
I was unlucky enough to be made redundant 3 weeks ago, and lucky enough to find another job a week ago, so I've got a few weeks of free "PlayStation" time to get through.
After that time, I'll be in exactly the same boat - evenings only (when my other half is not watching the telebox) 😶
having a customed coffin made with power supply thats only way i will get thought my back log
Yup, I got backlog of games on PS4 for sure. I’m alright when it comes to the Switch but PS4 I got some games to take care of. Red Dead 2 and Judgement just sitting here.
I find it increasingly difficult to balance my time with work, parenting, marriage and gaming as a hobby. But still I want to believe it is possible... The emotional and existential dread of the pandemic does not help either. It’s quite devouring...
I have had a backlog for so long I don't remember what it was like to not have one.
On a positive note, I am reaching a point in my life where I am starting to have a little more time to play games.
Before this year had begun, I had actually fallen out of gaming and my PS4 was primarily used for Netflix and the like. I owned and had beaten every game I wanted at the time and didn't have a backlog.
However, with the increased time at home I slowly began playing various titles over and am glad I was reintroduced to a hobby I've had since the NES days.
After Black Friday sales, I've now got Death Stranding, Ni No Kuni 1 & 2, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, and Ghost of Tsushima tucked away.
With Cyberpunk releasing next week, the only games I'll be purchasing in the future are Horizon Forbidden West, God of War: Ragnarok, and Mortal Shell once it takes a price drop.
It's a wonderful time to be a gamer!
I hated having a backlog because all the games I bought felt like a waste of money, but I've knocked so many off the list since Lockdown 1 that I feel like I'm in a much better place now!
You have no idea how many games are in my backlog right now
I don't buy a game unless I'm going to play it immediately. When I do get around to games that I missed they're usually much cheaper. Also, I don't end up owning a bunch of stuff and feeling guilty that I never used it and wasted the cash. And if I never get around to a game I figure that means I wasn't interested enough to make time for it.
Having a Yakuza game in your backlog is like having a giant chocolate cake in the fridge. You know you'll enjoy it, you just need to summon up the courage to start
@NoxAeturnus I wish I had your willpower. I always say the same thing... And then end up with a few unplayed games!
Having a backlog makes me sad. It means I don't have enough time to play the games I want to play.
But that doesn't stop me from buying more and adding them to the list. Just added 3 new looong jRPGs last week, going to add at least one more this month
I have the opposite problem: I always have a backlog, and I hate it. I have a family and a time consuming job, so my gaming time has been very limited for two decades or so now. I love this hobby, but I often find myself trading sleep for gaming if I want to make any progress on big titles.
Transitioning to a new generation is when having a backlog is particularly hard. I am again coming to grips with the fact that I have a lot of PS4 games still to play that I paid good money for, and the simple truth is not all of them are gonna get played. There simply is not enough time.
This is a very insignificant problem, and having a backlog never stops me from playing what I want when I want (because this hobby is supposed to be fun!). I also like reading about other perspectives on backlogs from Liam and others here.
The move to a new generation just reminds me that I wish I had more time for games, and that I probably won’t get that until I retire decades from now. Not a big problem in the grand scheme, but it makes me a little sad.
I really dislike the term!! A backlog is something I have at work for things that need done and can't get finished. Having a library or catalogue of games is better. Suggests selection rather than having to do something.
@TheMysticOne that’s eerily similar to my backlog!! Got Plus games for the PS3 not completed! And Vita games ... and PS4 ... and random PS Store sales (it goes on!).
I’ve probably got enough games to see me through to retirement!
When I finally do get a PS5, I’m looking forward to playing my PS4 backlog as I’m really gonna try and restrict any PS5 backlog ... watch me fail ...
Games I own:
Way too many to count, probably ~800 or so
Games I've beaten:
Games I started but have not yet beaten (excluding: sports, racing, party, fighting (unless there is a "story mode" such as Injustice, SSBU, etc.), multiplayer only, and/or games I did not pay for):
Games I own, but have not started (excluding: sports, racing, party, fighting (unless there is a "story mode" such as Injustice, SSBU, etc.), multiplayer only, and/or games I did not pay for):
2020 has given me extra time to whittle down my backlog, and I've beaten a TON of games this year, but I'm pretty sure I'll never actually catch up. Certainly, there are some games I know I'll never finish because of high difficulty, or because I don't actually like them but also cannot sell them because I purchased them digitally. I haven't purchased very many games this year on purpose because I'd really, really like to get my backlog numbers down. If I can get down to less than 50 total left to play and beat, and less than 10 owned but not played yet, I'll be at a point I feel more comfortable with, but that's going to take a while yet for me to get there. There are just too many amazing games out there and not enough time to play them all!
I have an enormous backlog of games but that's ok. I know I will probably get to at least try them all before kicking the bucket. I don't mind too much because the vast majority of my games I got used, in bundles or on sales.
Have about 250 games in my PSN account. Time is always the limiting factor for me.
On PS5 launch, I said to myself I would only buy Demon's Souls and then focus on that. Caved in and got Miles Morales as well a day later. A few days later I caved in again and got Cold War.
So I have around 40 hours with Demon's Souls and 15 hours in Cold War and only 1 hour in Spiderman.
I see Cyberpunk on the horizon and I think I will definitely leave that until the PS5 version comes out. I need some space to finish the PS5 games I already have.
My back log.... Ugh..... I often just sit after a long day of work. Excited to play games... I sit and stare at my 100s long list, sigh... And turn it off. Its too much work. Usually just end up depressingly watching videos on YT lol.
Often when im faced with games that have a lot going on, lots of item management etc it just seems like work when i just want to shut down and not think and have fun.
There are few games i can do that with. Street fighter, cod, but i would honestly rather be playing something more story oriented and D&D like but it always asks too much of me (at those tiring times)
Its a real dilemma as i actually DO have a back log of probably over 100 ps4 games that i really WOULD like to finish SOME DAY.
@R1spam Personally, I like the term "gaming bucket list" because it means it's a curated list and not just every games you have yet to beat. It also can have games you want to replay again.
I do not have the ability to pass up black Friday sales under $20 on Physical games. I have only played about 4 of the 12 games I picked up last year. Thank goodness I only picked up 3 this year. Red Dead, Concrete Genie, and BorderLands 3 that has a upgrade to PS 5. Got all 3 for $36
@Gremio108 especially if, like me, the one you have is 0.
I almost don't want to enjoy it cause I don't know if I'll ever have the time and strength to power through 7/8 mammoth games like it 😂
60 or so digital games to plow through and about 20 physicals, it's a bit too much when I think about it but these ps4 sales have been rock bottom. What was it they say about excess? Currently playing GTA 5 and seeing how close to 100% I can get there... 0.2% trophy statistic for that, so, possibly won't end up doing it.
I've gone to the point of beyond backlog, with games in my SNES collection I haven't even played. For me it's more a case of having a vast selection of games I've yet to play to choose from.
I don't really feel any pressure or need to get through anything, I simple pick 3 to 5 games at a time from different genres. 1 vast RPG, 1 epic blockbuster, 1 strategy etc. and take my time. I do like to fully finish a game before I move on to another game in a similar genre though.
@Gmork___ I totally get you, Dragon Age Inquisition asked that of me recently and I just wanted to play the game, not manage an inventory and stat check. It's funny, the original asked the same but it felt a lot less annoying about 10 years ago.
I've never not had a backlog, but it's only around 125ish games, so I'm a lot better off than some of the others here. My problem is that I have so many options I just end up picking none of them, and school is a bigger priority for me right now.
I voted that I hate it, but it's absolutely a thing I've done to myself. I want to play all the games, but I'll never have the time, and stupidly I go and buy them anyway when they're on sale. I've put myself on a moratorium now. No new games for at least a year. Play what you have.
To many games can be great but its also such a issue when you don't have time get them done. I love too look at my games and think how the **** am im going too finish that.
I didnt think my backlog was too big untill i looked at my library...yeah i was very wrong about that..being a key worker means i still work monday-friday and through the spring time/summer period i hit the golf course every other evening and weekends so when the dark evenings roll in i get stuck in..just finished ac:odyssey after 120 hours and have 2 grindy trophys to collect for the plat...just bought ac:origins cheap on a psn sale so i guess thats winter covered..then theres spiderman,uncharted 4...
@Rudy_Manchego yup, know exactly how you feel. And it keeps growing. I try to be disciplined and not buy anything new but the sales are too good and too frequent. If only real life wasn't so time consuming!
My backlog goes back to Atari 2600 (still haven't beaten Private Eye, among others). lol
@hi_drnick Yeah and a lot of the games I see on my backlog are just huge so I know I'll never get through them.
@michaelf LOL, i actually sold my Vita as i realised i was never going to play everything.
It's a shame Sony didn't release a Vita 2 with a TV cradle/port it would have sold like hot cakes, i'm not really a handheld player.
I have hundreds of games in my backlog on PS3, Vita and PS4. Lots of PS+ games of course, and before the store overhaul, I bought quite a bit of games on sale too. Also on other and older formats come to think of it.
@TheMysticOne I agree that Sony messed up the Vita (especially as they sold 80m PSPs!) and agree that a Vita 2 should sell much better. But I think that ship had sailed.
I’ve been a handheld gamer since the mid-90’s, but I do appreciate some games are just more suited and play better on the big screen
I think my massive backlog is so big that even if my job was to work my way through it and I got actually paid to do it and I got a sweet Christmas bonus if I managed it I'd still have a massive backlog.
I'm never clearing my backlog, ever. Just isn't gonna happen. So I just keep getting through things as quick as I can and hoping I can get through the very best of them at least!
ugh, I always feel like I don't have any games to play.
hooray, Christmas might actually change that!
Since discovering the digital sale, things became messy. Between PS4/5, X1/X, Switch, I have probably 250 backlog titles. Some of which are smaller games, some are game I already played but want to play again in enhanced modes. And who I'm I kidding, most of them will still be in my backlog by next generation. But it's great having a giant arcade that I can pick any game that piqued my interest in the past decade, and boom, it's already in my library.
Heck, some of these are X360/PS3 games I never got around to and can play them on Xb....I optimism tells me that just because I haven't played it in the last 15 years, doesn't mean I can't make time in the future!
Sony digital sales keep giving me stuff I wanna play for next to nothing and alongside ps plus the backlog just grows and grows... wish I had more time to play them
@MemSec I feel in the same boat. Being an overly thorough gamer who likes to check every corner and see everything doesn't help too. Each game takes longer than it could.
I've been trying, and sometimes succeeding, at giving up achievements on Xbox unless I really like the game. I've found they don't match up well with Game Pass i.e. trialling a game and then having 50/1000 was putting me off. Now I see it as 50 gained not 950 unfulfilled. PS Trophies next.
While I’m also thorough in games that I like, fortunately trophies are not something that hook me. The only time I check all trophies is when my percentage through organic play is high enough that the platinum is achievable. In any other situation trophy lists just take away from my enjoyment, because they turn the game into a chore for me. Still I understand their appeal for some people.
Game Pass on the other hand is too overwhelming for me. Scrolling through the huge list of games I’d like to play from it paradoxically has the opposite effect, I’m “paralyzed” and it takes away any incentive to even start any of them. I also don’t think it’s a healthy direction for the industry and involved devs, so I refuse to subscribe to it on principle.
Backlog? I've still got PS1 games I haven't got round to playing... Hence my username!
@MemSec I don’t know why I’m so hooked on trophies/achievements, but I am. I realise they are mostly pointless. A Dopamine hit and a sense of accomplishment I guess. But trying to wean myself off them as I’ve concluded that generally they are more a hinderance than a help in 90% of games.
There are some brilliant ones though.
Those are the rare exceptions however.
Also fully understand about Game Pass it’s not for all. I’m split. I both love that it makes me play games I otherwise wouldn’t while also feeling that paralysis from choice. Or at least overwhelmed.
@Westernwolf4 Its like fighting a lost battle and i dont even have kids
@themightyant I love it when i get at 95% after 200 hours and i cant get the last trophy and have too admit ill never get it. 😅

This “paralysis” is similar to when I scroll trough my backlog to decide what to play next. Usually I end up playing something familiar or nothing at all. Few games capture me from the start (like the last of us 2) most need multiple tries and retries before I commit myself to finish them. It used to be so much easier 20-25 years ago, when I could dedicate weeks-months to a single title and 110% everything... ah, good times 😎
@Flaming_Kaiser Like x 1000 for Ayoade
Plus the 100% spot on truism.
"Its like fighting a lost battle and i dont even have kids"
Frame it!
@themightyant Im always baffled when someone says that there are no games. 🤪
I dont even have time too play everything.
@MemSec Same problems here..any leftover money after paying my bill goes towards gaming, animation/TV/movies, books etc.
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