Polish developer CD Projekt RED has scrapped its plans to produce a multiplayer game for Cyberpunk 2077. What was supposed to be a dedicated online offering separate from the base game will now form part of a new strategy the team is implementing where all of its franchises will one day contain a multiplayer portion. This is an initiative going forward, meaning there may be a possibility that The Witcher 4 is the first title in the pipeline that CD Projekt RED could take this approach to. Or whatever its next game ends up being.
The news was confirmed as part of a conference call, where president and joint CEO Adam Kiciński said: "Previously we hinted that our next triple-A would be a multiplayer Cyberpunk game, but we have decided to reconsider this now. Given our new more systematic and agile approach, instead of primarily focusing on one big online experience or game, we are focusing on bringing online into all of our franchises one day."
Kiciński then explained that CD Projekt RED is changing its approach so that future titles can support online elements. "So, we are working on specific features enhancing our single player [games], but we are not working on releasing the next game [as] a big online experience. So, we will be enhancing our single player games with online experiences." He states that online components have been in the works at the studio for more than two years now, and these mechanics will be "very exciting for gamers" once revealed.
"Let’s stress this here, CD Projekt Red makes single player story-driven AAA RPGs – that is not changing. What is changing is our long-term approach to online. And by this, we mean ensuring we are properly prepared to implement online elements in our games where they make sense. We don’t want to go overboard or lose our single player DNA. We want to take thoughtful steps to build robust online capabilities."
The cancellation of this multiplayer project may bring welcome news to fans of the developer in the short term, but it certainly sounds like future projects will have some sort of multiplayer component. For now, CD Projekt RED is still busy fixing Cyberpunk 2077. Patch 1.2 got the ball rolling with fewer crashes and better performance on PlayStation 5, but we're not there just yet. The game has been missing from the PS Store for more than three months now.
How do you react to this news? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 39
Wow, one of the most sensible decisions yet... why did it take so long?
Cyberpunk’s name is trash now so they’ll kill it off ASAP. Best decision for everyone unfortunately
Sounds like they want to take the Rockstar approach. Will either need serious investment $$ to expand that way & remain "independent",or they get bought out by the likes of M$ or invested in by the likes of Tencent etc.
Too many eggs, they struggle to get the single player portion is good capacity, so why the hell introduce more work? I can see this company going in the wrong direction, money does definitely influence the directors.
The smartest decision they’ve made in awhile now. Cyberpunks combat was mediocre to borderline bad so no way a mp game would have been any good or a success
Didn’t CD Projekt get funding off their government to support the multiplayer of Cyberpunk?
Swear I read that somewhere 😂😂
The Witcher 4 with multiplayer = hard pass i guess CD Projekt RED is dead to me R.I.P
Man, Cyberpunk is currently on serious sale in my country (25$), and it's still not leaving shelves.. This IP is damaged beyond repair, they should just go silent for a year and reboot as a company.
Although I did like Cyberpunk despite its huge issues, I'm honestly not very excited for anything they want to make in the future. CDPR seriously tainted my image of them.
@Playstation The game was really fun, minus the crashes. I’m wondering if people trashing the game have even played it at this point.
That being said, no need for MP, get moving on another story driven game!
I liked the main game, but didn't have any interest in playing it multiplayer. For the kinds of games that CDPR makes, I'm not convinced that tacked on multiplayer modes will be any good. The single player experience is what they're best at.
Online elements in the vein of Dark Souls/Nioh 2 in a Witcher/Cyberpunk universe, yes please!
No loss at all, I was hoping it wouldn't come to pass, it probably would have been released if the main game wasn't a ***** storm.
More focus on witcher 3 ps5 upgrade and witcher 4
Smartest move they've made so far.
Got greedy and wanted to copy the GTA V formula.
They need to stick to what they are good at, ie making quality single player RPG experiences.
Also, go back to 3rd person. You have all these character customization options in Cyberpunk, yet you can't even see your character unless you look in a mirror. They should have approached the view point like Skyrim. Have first person as default but offer a 3rd person view point as well.
Good decision, this game never needed multiplayer.
All these types of PC games are massive hyped up rubbish in the end(Hmm, a bit like Bethesda games that Microsoft just bought) Years and years of hype and then...Well nothing special.
That shade of yellow still looks pretty cool
In all honesty? This is probably a good move in the long run.
CDPR has their hands full with fixing up the single player portion, hate to release the multiplayer in shambles too.
I think CD Project should learn from Hello games mistake after the initial disaster of No Man's sky. Hello Games took a step back and looked at where they went wrong, worked hard to fix the issues highlighted to create a solid foundation, then built upon the game with free updates and add-ons which from what I hear from Forums has repaired their reputation and taken the game past what was originally promised.
I don't see this as good news. Online modes shoehorned into single player games usually aren't good. And unfortunately "It's CD PROJEKT Red, they'll be fine" doesn't cut it anymore.
When this is fixed enough to be back on the ps store they should give it away on ps plus. They made plenty of money off of it already and that would be a way to get a bunch of fresh hands playing and chatting about a game that's not broken(anymore). Then introduce a multiplayer component and you've got a bustling community ready to dive in.
Isn't this another broken promise?
Lies lies and even more lies.
Can we just back up like 6 months to when I got absolutely lambasted in the comments for saying the multiplayer would be DoA. The quality of the game itself being really poor when it released was genuinely surprising to me, but I think the writing was on the wall for the multiplayer mode.
Anyways random guy who hated on my opinion a long time ago I TOLD YOU SO!
@chris730920 Agreed. Hello Games didn't make dozens of damage control statements, just went quite and did the work necessary. CDPR should definitely take note.
They will probably promote the multiplayer again after they earn some goodwill by releasing Witcher 4.
@PossibLeigh No Man's Sky is a live service but doesn't have microtransactions. I highly doubt CDPR is generous enough to be dedicated on a project that doesn't earn them money in the long run.
Eew, they're joining the mid-00's fascination with forcing multiplayer aspects bolted onto every single player game as though single player can't be profitable......while EA is finally baling out of that model?
These guys are more out of touch than I even thought.
@BrainHacker Is that relevant when CDPR have said they are committed to 'fixing' the game (emphasis used as I'm aware when it is fixed is subjective)? I'm not talking about support years after release as. As you say it's not an evolving game.
@PossibLeigh No Man's Sky initial problem was the missing features not the performance issues.
"a new strategy the team is implementing where all of its franchises will one day contain a multiplayer portion."
Ugh! So it's like the 360/PS3 days when games that don't need multi-player modes are getting them anyway. 🙄
Ha, I just posted the same thing. I must have missed your comment when scrolling through.
Anyway, yeah, this is totally not the route I would want CDPR to go. As you said, EA was a big reason for that push.
Because adding MP to Dead Space 3 sure helped. I will say I did enjoy the Mass Effect MP, but thankfully it was a 'mostly separate mode.
@LochNass absolutely agree, there are very few games that feel overall well polished. Real-world simulations such as basic physics, materials and adaptive animation should be the lowest common denominator for modern AAA games in my opinion. One game that actually floored me by it's polish was Luigi's Mansion 3. All the before mentioned points are well done on low powered hardware.
@XinGViruS Well, it's because for CDProjekt Red the future has no tutelage.
As a single player only I’m happy that any work on cyberpunk makes it a better game. Unfortunately this news means that future games will be even more compromised and less polished single player modes. They couldn’t deliver a decent game without MP distraction imagine the mess the next one will be
Jeez I need some chips for all the salt in the comments
@BrainHacker Seems like you are being willfully ignorant here. I'm not suggesting they had the same problems, but that CDPR should follow HG tactic of keeping shtum and resolving the issues WHATEVER THEY MAY BE.
Anyway I've had a think about it and realised it's probably not CDPR shouting 'Please still love us' as much as it is websites reporting on corporate reports that would normally be ignored by the gaming press if we didn't all love a ***** show.
Anyway (#2) I was just agreeing with someone else, so not sure why you've singled me out to disagree with and not the original commentator.
@PossibLeigh You cannot expect Cyberpunk to pull off a No Man's Sky comeback. CDPR is only fixing the bugs and the missing features wouldn't be possible to add unless they overhauled the game, while NMS wasn't launched in a broken state. There were tons of gameplay features that was missing but it is not the main or core features of the game.
I bet the only reason why CDPR is fixing Cyberpunk is to prepare it for the multiplayer mode and add tons of microtransaction to it while HG keeps adding content to NMS for free.
It would have been better if Cyberpunk Online was a standalone product as intended to fix the core elements of the game but I guess the stock investors at CDPR doesn't have the patience to wait for the developers to create the game that was promised from the start. And oh yeah. I'm not targeting you or anything.
No thanks, please just completely scrap the multiplayer and focus on single player only!
@BrainHacker Okay, you make some good points there, but you're failing again to grasp my very simple point. Again, I'm not comparing the games. I am comparing the ways the different companies have reacted to abysmal launches (as you say, one missing features, one broken). I don't know why you can't get that from the multiple times I've explained it to you.
So far in your three messages you seem to be willfully ignoring my simple point and making irrelevant points. It's fine to have your own opinion (and, as I said, you make some good points about a different subject), but maybe go argue with someone who does have opinions opposed to yours (or just, you know, post your own comment - apologies if you have as I really can't be bothered to check) as, so far, this has been a waste of both of our time.
Yes, you're not targeting me, but, for the reasons above, I'm really not sure why you are directing your comments at me.
Moving on, there are statements in your last comment that I do disagree with, so let's shift the focus to those shall we? That way we can at least be talking about the same things.
You say CDPR are only fixing CP so they can cash in on the multiplayer and charge microtransactions. I don't know how familiar you are with CDPR, but this is very much not their style. They always give DLC for free and the multiplayer will be free too (not that I care for multiplayer. Not my bag). Is it possible that they are committed to fixing the game to:
A. Repair their tarnished reputation (don't forget they own GOG too, so reputation is important).
B. Make some money back on their production costs.
It sold really well through pre-orders, but then CDPR offered no questions asked refunds, so I'm guessing that their revenue projections for the launch have not been met. Isn't that incentive enough for them to 'fix' it, get it back on the PS store and make some profits?
Nothing in the history of CDPR suggests that they will add microtransactions. If this does happen feel free to come back to me and I will humbly eat my hat.
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