One of the benefits of playing on PlayStation compared to, say, Nintendo Switch is that software prices fall fast. Or at least, they used to. Sony’s exclusives hold their value to some extent, but it usually doesn’t take more than a few months for the manufacturer to start chipping away at the prices in promotional events. So far, however, that hasn’t proven true for PS5’s first-party titles.
Launch titles like Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Sackboy: A Big Adventure, and Demon’s Souls have yet to be discounted on the PS Store – despite them now being six months old. Not even PS Plus subscribers have been able to save a few cents on these games – in fact, price tracking websites like PSPrices display a flat line from launch through until today.

Contrast this to flagship PS4 exclusive The Last of Us: Part II, which has been available for longer but saw its price drop within three months. It’s still generally holding its value, but has been available for as low as $29.99 recently – which is half-price. Considering this is one of Sony’s biggest and most important titles, you’d expect it to have made similar adjustments to the likes of Demon’s Souls by now.

So, what’s going on? Well, clearly some of this comes down to next-gen tax. Many fans are still desperately attempting to get hold of Sony’s new console, and therefore there’s still a huge market for games like Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales at full-price – in fact, in the UK, we’ve seen the superhero spin-off’s chart position correlate directly with new stock becoming available.
But with an install base approaching 10 million units, there’s a massive audience of early adopters waiting on price drops to pick up acclaimed titles Sackboy: A Big Adventure. When will the prices change, then? Well, Sony has historically plunged the price of first-party software during Days of Play, so we’d put money on many of the abovementioned PS5 titles getting their first promotion next month.
However, it’s possible that PlayStation is also moving towards a model where it aims to retain the value of its exclusives – much like Nintendo does. While games like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart 8: Deluxe do occasionally drop in price, the House of Mario typically resists the temptation to reduce them too much, holding their value even as they age.
As the PS5 matures, we’ll learn more about Sony’s approach here. With the platform holder now charging £69.99/$69.99 for first-party titles, it’s becoming harder to justify buying games day one. If it also intends to hold those prices for longer, then playing on PlayStation is about to become very expensive indeed. This will be a story to watch over the next 18 months or so.
Comments 107
I reckon they'll hold out a bit longer. There still aren't many PS5 titles available and demand is high, and you guys pointed out the attach rate and play rate is high as well.
I won't be shocked if I'm wrong though, with Sackboy in particular
They should do !
I feel like they're reluctant to do so with the raise in prices. If they go down in price quickly very few will buy it at 70. They could also be going the Nintendo route of keeping their prices high.
As everything turns more towards digital sales, it plays itself perfectly into a home-brewed monopoly for Sony on the PS Store. If that ends up being the only place you can buy, they can charge pretty much whatever they want, 'cause where else are you going to go?
@LordSteev gamers could always simply not buy them. Sony can't charge whatever they want. Gamers have plenty of options.
PS4 exclusives don't tend to drop in price on the store for ages, certainly not to the same price as a blu-ray disc posted to you, so expect more of the same for the PS5.
Second hand is still an option for people who have the PS5 with the disc drive. I found someone selling Sackboy's Big Adventure like new for £30 on PS5. I generally prefer to buy new to support the devs. But, on the odd occasion when it makes sense, second hand is still an option this gen. For this reason alone, I'm sure we will get sales soon enough.
@Intr1n5ic Whoops! Corrected!
@sanderson72 Disagree. Major titles like God of War, The Last of Us 2, and Ghost of Tsushima all got discounted quite quickly.
I am sure there will be a sale announced in roughly two hours given I just purchased Demon's Souls
Sorry, that makes no sense. Edit: It makes a little more sense now that you edited it.
I went all digital and i feel violated and enraged when i look at the UK PSN prices. So much so that i've put my name down for a series x!
I can wait longer than you Sony. You're not selling class A's mate!
@get2sammyb all good, comment deleted 👍
@get2sammyb Yes, there are a few but these tend to be after a few months and with retail copies, usually dropping in price, out there as all PS4s have a disc drive so perhaps they see a dip in sales?
Biomutant is a particular case in point, as it hasn't been released yet - PS store want £55 for digital download or you can have a physical disc posted to you from Smyths Toys for £45.
The more people go digital, the less discounts you'll see.
And this is why I got Demon’s Souls and Returnal second hand. I would obviously like to support the devs but when 1 game is more than my disposable income, I just can’t justify it.
Think about Nintendo. They rarely discount their first party games and if you're lucky enough it's only 30% off.
I can see platform holders trying to keep the value on their exclusives while they can. I do find it crazy (but also love it) that games go down in price so quickly.
I'm also holding to pick up sackboy...
No matter how long it takes, I can wait. I won't pay 80€ for a video game
But that's the reason why a bought a PS5 with disc drive cause while for example the price of Demons Souls hasn't been dropped yet in the PS Store (where it cost 80€) I've already seen used copies for 45€
@Intr1n5ic Thanks for spotting it! Appreciated! 🙏
An off topic but shopto in UK were doing ps5 sales, they are currently doing back orders too so id check incase.
I honestly don’t buy anything digitally until it drops to below £10 and won’t until Sony start offering digital trade back options. As such this is a moot point for me. But, I imagine, it is tied to how well it is selling still at full price.
There are game trading sites online to trade physical games with other people, in case you don't have any PS5 owning buddies. So you flip Demons Souls for MM, then MM for Returnal etc all for the price of postage if you get the right people.
@thefourfoldroot Digital trade back? Hum you mean short term like with steam or long term? Either way I wouldn’t hold my breath… let’s hope you got the disc drive version…
This is why I'm now regretting getting the PS5 Digital.
Literally bought a PS5 simply for the exclusives, and 6 months later, no discounts.
The only next gen exclusive I've purchased is Spiderman MM Ultimate Edition and I've pre-ordered R&C Rift Apart.
And I only got those because you can buy £70 worth of PSN credit from CDKeys for just under £64.
Me, as a Nintendo fan:

I would hate to see Sony take the Ninty route. Though I give the benefit of the doubt (for now), being more due to the install base...even with the first party cross gen titles they're less likely to discount ps4 versions if they have a free upgrade for ps5.
@mariomaster96 love your avatar, that's all.
@LordSteev maybe I wasn't clear.
If a game you're interested in costs more than you can afford, you can always not buy that game and buy something else instead. Playstation gamers have much more diverse tastes than, say, Nintendo gamers, most of whom will definitely buy Mario, Mario Kart, Zelda, and Pokemon. Many owners of ps consoles simply buy FIFA, COD or any other game and are happy with just that.
So, if Nintendo charges 100 USD for Zelda, they know it will still sell incredibly well. Sony simply can't do the same. So, even if the ps store is the only place you can buy a game, it doesn't mean that it will sell well. And when it doesn't, they will be forced to lower its price.
It happened with psvita games. At launch they cost the same as ps3 games and the community found them too expensive, so Sony had no other option but to permanently reduce their price.
I still haven’t bought Demon Souls and don’t intend to until it has a price drop.
@Dange I just sold Returnal on EBay for 55. I paid 75 after taxes so I’m only out 20. I’m happy to have played Returnal for 20.
I got Spiderman on PS4 when it was like £12, worth well more than that.
I'm close to getting Miles on PS4, price drop would tip me over.
I think its an incredibly simple answer, TLOU Part II was a huge title and everyone who wanted it, got it within those first three months, anything after was people waiting for a sale.
These new PS5 games are likely still selling a ton as every week new people get there hands on a PS5 and are looking to buy games. There is no need to drop the price if the games are still selling well.
When the games stop selling, the sales will come. Seems really obvious tbh 🤔
Hopefully but the time I finally get a PS5 most of the big games I want (Returnal, Ratchet & Clank) will have come down in price.
Thanks for clarifying. What I meant is that if Sony is allowed to conduct a digital monopoly in the future, they will see no reason not to test just how much people WILL pay for games. And that number might end up being surprisingly high. Everyone complains about high prices. Heck, as consumers it's almost our responsibility to. But not many people when pressed would give up gaming. They'll make a lot of noise, but they'll end up paying.
I can't see why they would at the moment. There's just not much incentive to do so from their side and the longer they wait, the less they'll have to drop to make it seem a better deal.
Once people get accustomed to games being £70 at launch, they can drop to £50 and it'll seem more reasonable. Then £35 etc. As opposed to £55, £40, £20 etc.
They should fix the ps store first. It's an unbearable mess right now. Doesn't seem like a store. It seems more like a storage application where everything is put uncategorized.
Just the chance to give back a license in exchange for a portion of money back into the PlayStation wallet. So basically, exactly like you can do at second hand games stores. I wouldn’t buy Demon’s Souls for £70 online when I can effectively get the physical version for £17, with the only difference being I don’t get to keep the game which I’ll never want to play again anyway...the price difference is ridiculous.
And no, I won’t hold my breath.
@lyallop thx ^^
Nintendo's policy towards discounts is the reason why I have 5 games on Nintendo Switch compared to 90+ on PlayStation. I hope Sony doesn't follow this same approach.
I managed to get Miles Morales and Sackboy already, but still waiting for a sale on Demon's Souls...
Btw, other publishers are offering sales and better prices already. I got Immortals, THPS upgrade, and RE Village with good prices (fortunately Capcom didn't raise the price).
I’m confused because I sort games all the time in the store. You can do it by combinations of many criteria, such as price, genre, etc.
It's called competition.
PS and Xbox consoles get a steady stream of new games, some first party but a lot of 3rd party, many of them AAA(ish). So you release a new game at $60, 1 or 2 months later another new game releases at $60, people will buy that unless you go cheaper.
PS5 has had how many next gen exclusives? Returnal? Some old port? When R&C releases Sackboy will go on sale, when HFW releases Spiderman MM will go on sale. When BotW2 releases some day, 4 year old BotW will go on sale.
@LordSteev Yup. If the current spike is an indication, they most certainly will "test just how much people WILL pay for games". But I think they will be disappointed by the results because gamers will react.
1. They may have a PC/Xb/Switch and choose to game mainly there.
2. They may buy 3rd party games and skip ps ones. Sure, there are some gamers who would pay any price for God of War. But how many are those?
I truly think that the market would fix itself eventually, unless the price increase is small (like it is now).
I mean, it's never good is it?
If they drop prices too quickly, people will say it devalues the games (why even buy a game at full price?)
If they keep their original price, people complain they don't get discounted.
If games kept their price for a bit longer maybe people wouldn't feel cheated when they buy it at launch and it gets discounted mere weeks after, so maybe this boosts day one purchases.
@Dange One of many reasons why I got the disc-based PS5. Nice bonus: our local library lends out PS4 and PS5 games.
I think Sackboy may go on sale in the Days of Play sale but in general PS5 games won't go on sale until after Sony have implemented their response to Game Pass. High prices to actually buy products convinces people to subscribe to subscriptions instead.
I've always thought it's a bit crazy the amount they end up discounting games not long after launch. No wonder so many people end up holding out for sales. From a business point of view the Nintendo way of not discounting, and if they do not by very much, works a lot better surely as if people really want it they are just as well off buying it day 1 as to day 365.
I very rarely buy games at full price but when something comes along that really piques my interest then I'll happily part with some money to support the effort that's gone into it. I mean if a game is priced £70 and I play for 50 hours then that's just £1.40 an hour. That doesn't sound too bad really compare to the price of a day out.
Well, we need to look at what caused the PS4 exclusives to drop in price. That comes with one single factor: Of the 100+ million PS4 out there, very few buy the exclusives Day 1 as most of the User Base (specially in the Western market) are "Casuals" that simply buy FIFA, Madden, CoD, Battlefield, etc and really don't care to buy the exclusives at all.
With all these titles being cross gen (mostly thanks the semiconductor shortage affecting the PS5 and Xbox Series production), the "casuals" have no incentive to buy the PS5 and thus most have not migrated.
Once the cross gen ends (which would happen once PS5 and Xbox Series production cranks up and more units get sold to real customers (not Scalpers) to the point that Western Third Parties would find no reason to make games for their predecessors), "Casuals" will migrate and when the "Casuals" become a very large chunk of the PS5's User Base, That'll be the moment that Sony will think of reducing their Exclusives in Price to compete with the games "Casuals" play
All the major exclusive's have been a day one purchase from me or a pre-order, but not brought any of them for PS5 at £70. Very disappointing to see them sticking to that price point at the moment.
@get2sammyb Exactly the same happened with PS4 at launch.
Games took ages to drop in the first year, not just digitally but also at retail (in the UK at least) where they remained far nearer the RRP of £60 for longer. This changed over time.
While that's no guarantee the same thing will happen, here's hoping!
I agree with most of your points. It's just scary how close these things are to becoming absolute monopolies. XBox just recently tried to double the price of their subscription, and it kind of shows you how they're thinking. As each of these giant companies coax more and more people into their digital universes, they gain more and more control over their pricing situation. Sure, there's a limit the market will bear, but if that limit ends up being higher than you or I are willing to pay, the end result is we've been priced out of the market and have to choose our games very carefully. I don't know. It's a fun argument, anyway, so thanks for that.
@render The Nintendo model only works for Nintendo, though. Sony doesn't have franchises with such massive appeal. When you buy a Nintendo console, you inevitably buy one its major franchises.
Sony doesn't have any evergreen games.
This is a better approach overall. I've noticed Ghost of Tsushima has largely maintained its value as well. I think the prices will go down in time with sales (and they should), but this practice of milking the suckers at launch and then swiftly cratering the price that was widely practiced last gen by Sony just punishes early adopters and teaches people not to buy their games at launch.
I buy Ninty games I'm interested in at launch since the price won't go down anyway. I'm not sure I'll do the same for Sony's PS5 games, since I'm not a fan of that MSRP bump, but I'll be much more likely to buy them at a higher price than I would currently if I'm interested in them and don't expect the price to crash within months.
With that said, this could also just be Sony taking advantage of PS5 owners being hungry for next-gen experiences. Once a couple of years have passed and we're spoiled with choice for PS5 games? Who knows.
Imo it has nothing to do with Sony valuing their exclusives more but is simply due to the fact we are at the start of a new console generation, so there is a constant stream of new customers currently buying the machine. Sony are on record as saying they are unable to keep up with demand.
So it makes 100% sense for Sony to keep the prices of their games at their launch price because, as customers buy their new console, they will buy a game or two to go with it. And most likely those titles will be first party exclusives to show off what their new machine can do
There is absolutely no incentive for Sony to discount those titles any time soon, and i think the prices will hold (less maybe a token 5 - 10 pounds during special events) through 2021 and into 2022 until supply of the console can exceed demand
@LordSteev It's true, especially if you look at microtransactions.
If you were to tell someone in the ps1 era that people would pay 5 USD for a character skin, they'd probably laugh at the idea. Yet it's become a reality. You and I may not be willing to pay for something (we find) silly, but others sure do.
@blinx01 For future purchases have a look at Shopto and compare what they're currently offering alongside sites like cdkeys, simplygames, eneba etc. They've always been my go to for psn credit, two £35 cards can be bought for £61.70 on there at the minute.
Here's a percentage breakdown for anyone else looking to get Ratchet and Clank day 1 digitally...
£100 PSN = £89.95 (10.04%)
£90 PSN = £81.85 (8.94%)
£80 PSN = £72.85 (8.93%)
£50 PSN = £43.85 (12.29%)
£45 PSN = £39.85 (11.44%)
£40 PSN = £35.85 (10.37%)
£35 PSN = £30.85 (11.85%)
£30 PSN = £27.85 (7.16%)
£25 PSN = £22.85 (8.59%)
£20 PSN = £18.85 (5.74%)
£15 PSN = £13.85 (7.66%)
£10 PSN = £9.85 (1.5%)
£5 PSN = £4.85 (3.0%)
Two £35 cards is the cheapest solution I can currently find.
Yeah, in the long run, our best friends may end up being the people who DO spend money on costumes and the like, if that helps blunt the cost for the rest of us.
Why is this classed as news when it is more of an opinion piece? I clicked to read for a potential time period.
@Waluigi999 I'm waiting for a sale on Demon Souls because 70USD here where I live is FAR too much for a game... even 35USD is a lot. Now (that I got a Series X) I'm buying certaing games on Xbox because prices are a lot cheaper... Tony Hawk is 50usd for PS5 and 14USD on Xbox.
Prices will drop when the market is flooded with PS5’s
Being as it’s still the hottest tech item in demand there’s no logical reason to discount the biggest games, and the majority of early adopters are hardcore gamers who are thirsty to buy new games however expensive
Remember that those who own a PS5, and are unwilling to break the bank on multiple full price 1st party games, are actually in the minority.
@thefourfoldroot Agrreed 100%. The physical game is about £20 for all but that rare minority that want to fill their shelf with old games. Buy it - play it - sell it - repeat. £20 a pop.
So why would anyone pay £70? No point.
Digital is very convenient - but not that convenient.
I dont get the maths either, surely 100 sales of a digital thing at £50 is better than 50 sales at £70 (silly numbers I know but the point is valid; the costs are the same but the revenue increases - so it just makes sense).
There must be so much money 'left on the table' because Sony are hanging out for these £70 sales.
I'm just gonna say it, if you can't afford ten dollar/pound increase, then AAA gaming isn't for you. I would love to go snowboarding but guess what, I can't afford it. Game prices, for some reason, have not raised with the rate of inflation (unlike everything else I can think of) for 30 years. I hate to say it but gamers really are entitled, especially when you factor in increased development costs, and now crunch is such a dirty concept, development times will increase which will increase costs even more. As much as I dislike micro/macro transactions they atleast let the developers off set some of the cost. I know many a company are making millions and millions of profit and could afford to charge 60, but the only way they'll do that is if enough people stop buying at 70, and that's just not going to happen unfortunately.
@get2sammyb Give me one Ubisoft game that is not a indie game that has no seasonpass, gold edition, microtransaction or booster in the base package.
I see it different with firstparty titles. Ubisoft are cheaper but you never ever ever get a complete physical copy. The 3rd party titles start at 59,99 for a base game. The usual expansions or gold editions never seem to be counted into the price.
People comparing Sony FP exclusives to multi platform games such as Village need to remember that those titles started development on older hardware. I bet if they were exclusive to next gen machines, they'd be priced higher. So its not quite a fair comparison.
Sony priced sackboy and miles morales less than Demons Souls because they also had PS4 versions (and ok, Miles was consodered to be a smaller release).
The big test will come with Horizon Forbidden West. Sony should follow the same tradition and price it accordingly given a PS4 version is also releasing - but i suspect they won't given it will be deemed as one of their biggest releases.
Im not defending Sony charging £70 btw. Just trying to think of the rational for some games such as RE Village being cheaper than say, Returnal (which was exclusively developed for next gen hardware).
Of course my argument is blown out of the water by Deathloop being sold at retail for £59.99 (and available cheaper if you shop around) which does add credence to the Sony tax argument.
I wouldn't ever pay £70, although even with PSN you can get them for £60 via discounted credit from the likes of cdkeys and the other usual suspects.
I wait for sales, and coupled with 15% off those prices together with the plus games, it's not expensive to build a great library.
If you feel you must pay £70 or near that just to get your buggy, feature-incomplete day one game then so be it I guess.
This is why I love my backlog - makes waiting for a price drop (even if it’s a long time coming) much more tolerable.
I think the main reason they can get away with is due to people being impatient and wanting to play a bug ridden unfinished game as soon as it’s released. I thank those people for subsidising my hobby while I get much better value from the physical market.
Now if I could get a digital game for just £10 more than physical, even after a theoretical digital trade back, I would do so, just to support the developer and have that bit of convenience, but when digital is 4 x the price that isn’t going to happen.
Did no one else fully expect this? Digital sales happen so they can compete and drive traffic to the PSN store instead of people buying physical from retailers where Sony gets much less of a cut. Now Sony have an SKU that is entirely digital only, it makes sense that they are keeping the price high as owners of that SKU have no option but to buy from the PSN store.
I expect them to follow Nintendos lead this gen with 1st party games, look how well it works for Nintendo.
@lindos you're right that if they just dropped the cost, more people would buy it and ultimately they'd make more money straight away, but what's actually more important is the costs involved rather than the potential revenue. That is - the cost of producing, storing and distributing a digital game is massively smaller than that of a physical one. There's a direct incentive to shift as many copies of a physical game as quickly as you can - it's the fact that that stock cost money to make (as in, make the physical copies) and ship, so failing to sell the stock actually costs you money.
Digital games on the other hand, have massively smaller costs. Sony can afford to hold out on lowering the price because ultimately it doesn't cost them anything in stock related costs. No doubt they know that there'll be a sudden rush to buy once they lower the price tag, but the longer they hold out, the more people might buy full price
To bring maths back into it - sure 100 copies @ £50 means more money than 50 copies @ £70 - but what if there were 200 customers who'd definitely buy the game straight away if it was reduced down to £50? If holding out at £70 for longer means that 75 out of those 200 people cave and buy the game full price instead of 50, then that means more money for them - and waiting doesn't cost them anything.
Whilst there are people who are willing to pay full price but haven’t been able to find a PS5 yet I think the prices will remain high.
No point leaving money on the table by giving a discount to someone you don’t need to just because of scarcity of the console.
I'm okay with playstation didn't discount their 1st party games quickly since it means the physical version is worth more. Some ps4 exclusive usually lost their value reallly fast after 1 year.
I just want godfall and sackboy to reduce in price.
I've been saying this for a while.
I think Sony is trying to teach its customers to buy their games day one or as soon as possible.
Just like Nintendo.
Nobody on the Switch is waiting for a price drop of its exclusive games. Nintendo has been subliminally teaching customers to buy their exclusives as soon as possible by not dropping prices for a very looooong time. Sometimes never. It kind of worked, the Nintendo customers buy the games day one or as soon as they have time without even checking the prices.
That's Nintendo price policy and maybe Sony does the same thing now.
Btw I have been waiting for a price drop of Sackboy since its release. That's why I'm so aware of it. Lol.
When will digital games in general be cheaper. Its a joke how much they charge. I can buy the physical versions most times for a fraction of the price. Digital should be cheaper no disc, box.
Expecting price drops already? Try being a switch owner
I remember buying games for $60 that could be beaten in 4 hours, with basically no replay value, no online multiplayer or expansions and no continued optimizations or bug fixes post launch.
Games are more complicated and expensive than ever to develop and market, entire teams are dedicated to post launch support. Beyond that, games now offer more value for your money than ever before, with tens to hundreds of hours of play time. No other comparable entertainment medium offers the same value for your money.
I’m okay with the slight increase in cost to next-gen games. The option to wait is always there and I think we’ll see some holiday sales. If you gotta have it, sell something or cut back on coffee for the month or get a second job...What does concern me is the push to go all digital. Slippery slope is an apt assertion.
@Daveuppercut Game prices have risen though, with the inclusion of MTX. The switch to digital also means that publishers are getting more profit without really doing anything. Add in season passes, the abundance of special and limited editions, and I can assure you you don't have to feel sorry for them. How come most big publishers were all boasting record profits each year, despite no increase in price (until now at least)?
If every copy is being sold at full price then there's no motivation or reason for them to reduce the price. Simple as that. They don't need to lower game prices to sell PS5s, either.
@kostasfil do you use a very old version of the store? Because it has all the functionalities of the previous one and it's faster to use
In the U.S here, but I'm honestly ok with a $10 increase. I don't have to buy every game brand new, and It would be cool if they hold their value like Nintendo's does, at least your trade-in will be worth it.
I hear what you're saying and you have a good point. Maybe it makes sense for game prices to increase.
However, I just want to point out that there is more money in the industry than ever. The CEO of Activision recently made $200,000,000 dollars for one year of "work." That's more than it cost to make Grand Theft Auto 5. And it was paid to one person. And that much was paid because it's a drop in the bucket compared to their overall profits.
I was thinking about DLC prices recently. I paid $10 for the expansion for Horizon: Zero Dawn and played it for maybe 20+ hours. New environment, new weapons, new machines, etc. I thought it was awesome.
And I realized that people have paid $20 for a skin in Anthem.
To this day I think it's crazy to pay for a skin, especially in a full-price game. But apparently it's how these big companies are making most of their cash.
Yeah Bobby whats his name from Activision is richer than rich and it would be daft to justify it, but the only way to stop it would be enough people voting with their wallets. However If people stopped paying 70 they would restructure their business model, make the money else where and pay him the sort of bonuses he is getting now anyway.
@KippDynamite It is! South Park made an episode about it and they were so right (it was mostly about mobile games, but still).
I had no idea that Anthem skins cost that much. Beyond crazy...
@Octane mtx, season passes and special editions are all optional extras though, I've never paid for a season pass or special/limited edition in the 20 odd years its been an option. Just to be clear, I'm not saying im happy about games being more expensive, but why wouldn't they when everything else has increased in price. Every single company strives to make more profit and all the big companies do, no one criticises Apple or Microsoft or cocoa cola or Mercedes for making more profit whilst charging more for their products, certainly not in the way they critisice games companies.
@KippDynamite Regarding Activision and its profits, I think it's important to keep in mind that there are a couple of companies that make a ton of money nowadays, while most don't come anywhere close to that.
I've heard people saying, "look at GTA!!!11". But in reality, no game sells that much. I've seen many studios celebrating reaching 100k or 500k sales. With so many choices only a few games get to stand out and sell well. The rest share a tiny part of the pie and so they need to either charge more for their games (due to increased costs) or to fill them with dlc/microtransactions.
@get2sammyb Have you heard about the second lawsuit on Sony's PSN monopoly? This plaintiff has targeted the Digital edition specifically.
Cents, dollars?
Just stop with the Americanisms please, you're doing this too often for a UK site, it's pathetic.
Tesco is the best I've found so far, resi 8 for 40 isnt bad at launch...
If they drop at all, people will never pay the 70 quid. It would hammer launch sales. They will hold for years just like ninty.
70 is too much however you spin it. But you get used to it...
I saw a game for 45 quid last week on the xbox and thought 'bargain' 👀 it resets your brain.
If you don't have enough money to sustain your hobby, you have the wrong hobby.
Within 12 months if people show a bit of restraint.
They should drop by Days of Play, or some big Summer sale.
Of course they will hold prices longer. We are in the first year of launch for the system. Its going to take more games competing for your gaming dollar to force quicker price drops. Sony does not want everyone to adopt the wait until the price drops attitude.
I'd argue that perhaps they are learning from Nintendo and going the premium route. There is an argument that these sales are not good for the developers considering the quality they put into them. Not saying I don't love a good 50% off sale but how many PlayStation games can you say are not worth the price on average.
And this article shows why I'm spending more time on the series x at the moment.
I think the PS5 is awesome but I'm not paying £70 for a first party game.
I was paying way more for random games in the 90’s. More than happy to pay the current prices.
I got miles morales ultimate version for £30. Where there’s a will there’s a way
Demon's souls, sackboy, Miles morales are all less than £45 at cex, and that's without shopping around.
The reason Nintendo games hold their value is because their games generally age exceptionally well and have the best gameplay and gamefeel in the industry.
Sony have a long way to go to come close to matching what Nintendo put out consistently. They are improving however.
I still don't understand why so many gamers are so quick to adopt digital, it must be clear by now that if we go digital only they have no intention of passing the savings onto the customer even a little. You can already get all the PS5/4 exclusives for nearly £20 cheaper, while the digital versions are stuck at the ludicrous £69.99 or what they were 6 months ago.
Exactly why you wouldn’t buy the digital version of the ps5 there’s only one option pfft eBay auctions I store sales etc. you go digital Sony got your number 🙃
Seems some people are finally waking up to the main reason why an all-digital future isn't necessarily a good thing.
I don't yet have a PS5, but even so, I have not considered buying the digital-only console for a single second.
@Daveuppercut Because profits are increasing, and that's what counts.
And why do games hit bargain bin prices after a couple of weeks/months if they are so expensive? Those CEOs get paid more every year, so I personally don't see the need to raise prices at this point.
I'm happy to wait it out to be fair. I have a PS5 and am happy enough to be catching up on my backlog in part, along with the odd new title I have.
Previous generation's early titles took a while to drop significantly, even with the Sega Saturn, so it's nothing new and with so much of the last gen currently discounted to various degrees, I'm enjoying trying stuff I wasn't so sure about previously.
Once the discounts eventually begin, this will be a non-issue, but with £70 prices and few games relatively around, it's not a good look at this time.
@Octane I didn't say there was a reason to raise prices, im saying that they will as long as people pay it. Inflation causes the price of everything to rise its only games that haven't from my knowledge, but if the prices don't follow inflation the 60 dollars developer's charge now won't buy them as much as the 60 dollars five, ten, twenty years ago did.
@ViolentEntity That is absolutely your choice and you are not wrong for doing that, but until enough people do the same, the prices are going up unfortunately.
Polls and gamers and others: I'm just gonna wait for a sale
Sony: what sales?
In Australia with a digital PS5. Can't lie, $125 for a PS5 game does smart a bit. I'm certainly limiting my purchases. I did buy Demon's Souls and Mile Morales at launch. Plus I bought Cold War (my son can play that too on his PS4 so that splits the price). I don't regret those purchases. I did pay $100 for Cyberpunk and put 50 hours into it but will not play that again until the PS5 version comes out. So I got my value for that.
I regret spending $100 on Outriders. It is good, but hasn't held my interest. I thought it was online co-op like Destiny or The Division, but I have rarely found anyone to play with. The online is either broken or too fragmented.
Honestly, I like the look of Returnal and Ratchet & Clank, but not enough to put down $125 for those, so I would be holding out for a deep sale.
I pre-ordered Chivalry 2 for $50 and the beta was great. Looking forward to that one. I imagine my next full price purchase will probably be Battlefield.
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