This is getting ridiculous, isn't it? Blue Box Game Studios has now delayed the mysterious Abandoned trailer app all the way back to August, citing last-minute bugs and localisation issues. The PlayStation 5 application was originally slated to hit the PS Store at some point today following the first delay earlier this week. "The app isn't quite there yet," Hasan Kahraman claims.
This is just the next twist in a tale that continues to sit uncomfortably with us. We don't know how anyone can continue to believe Hideo Kojima is in some way involved because of just how suspicious this entire thing is. "The last two weeks was really stressful to us. The team is very tired. We were hoping to release the app today and I know a lot of you have been looking forward to it. So thank you very much for that, we really appreciate that. However, I've decided to delay the app until August. That is when the first trailer will also be released."
You have to question whether any game even exists at all by this point. Kahraman says the app was delayed because of bugs and localisation issues, with the latter cited as the reason for the app's delay from Tuesday to today. It's then fairly suspicious to push it all the way back to August, announcing so in a Twitter video. Especially when Blue Box Game Studios claims Sony is involved in the project. Except it's absolutely not.
There was a time when we felt sorry for the developer, as the Internet rushed to find tenuous links between Abandoned and Hideo Kojima. But that attention now needs to be focused on whether there's any game here at all. We remind you that not a single second of Abandoned has actually been shown — the announcement trailer was made up of cheap Unreal Engine assets that anyone can buy. "No, the teaser we didn't have a lot of time so Sony wanted something real quick. So we had to show something and that was not the game at all. So the game will be different", Kahraman previously claimed.
Is this one big scam? We've requested a comment from Sony on the matter.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 88
Fyre Festival indeed. This is beyond weird at this point.
Hasan isn't real, he is a render of the games protagonist, this whole thing is a deliberate marketing ploy. Or not.
man anytime you think we gonna get some info it gets slipped away from us. lol
I had a bit of interest, now I don't even care anymore.
This is full blown farce at this point. Is Gamescom still in August or?
I'm ready to just stop hearing about this game at this point. DM me after it releases and bombs.
Blue box's you tube channel had a timer counting down to the apps release. Clock hit zero and the company released a video announcing a delay of over a month. I mean, this could be a master class in how to destroy the hype you managed to build up.
The subtitle of this article is just... perfect
Maybe the game has been abandoned 🤣 I will see myself out
Ok, I'm done. If this ends up being a sham and it's actually the reveal of a great AAA game, all good, but if it's not I'm done with these guys, don't care about their indie title anymore. This has been going for too long.
Milked dry as far as i'm concerned. I've got Returnal to keep me happy now.
I heard Rudy Huxtable is actually running this studio.
On the assumption that Hasan is telling the truth and Abandoned is an indie non-Kojima related game (not necessarily my belief), I have to feel bad for these guys. First time in the limelight like this - the pressure and stress must be immense. I've experienced something similar with a short film I directed - things went almost too well and suddenly I got action paralysis from being too afraid to f*ck it up.
That said, it was something they chose when they decided to court this attention with the Silent Hill teases. I'm sure in the end the game will perform better simply by virtue of all the exposure, but whether it will be worth the stress and inevitable backlash Hasan and his team will have to decide for themselves.
He's just a chancer trying to get some cheap publicity and unprofessional about it too
I was somewhat intrigued but now they can piss off. What are these clowns doing
@TraCuz- same lost all interest at this point
If you don't believe something fishy is up with Blue Box and Hasan at this point, then I don't know what to tell you.
Poor. Almost would have forgiven a delay to August if they'd not already delayed the launch from tuesday to friday. Like what were they going to fix in 3 days if the issue was clearly significant enough to delay them by two months. Doesnt bode well for their development schedule for the actual game!
They would have been better off not announcing the app at all, and just dropping it when it was ready.
Whole thing is bizarre, but i think they have blown their chances with it now.
Definitely Kojima.
@AK4tywill They did court the SH rumours, but it's led to such a string of wild coincidences that connect it all to Kojima, that there is no way Blue Box could have foreseen that, which has allowed it to spread like it has.
I'm beginning to think this hassan person is a rendered character and not a real person, this situation is just too weird.
What would Ja Rule think???
What is even left to say other than this is the most bizarre...thing I've seen in a long time. At first I believed the Kojima connection but as I've sat with it I now think it's just been too messy to be Kojima. Say what you will with Kojima's trolling but he always promoted his games in very deliberate ways. It always felt like there was a plan to the madness.
This by contrast has been so messy. From the fake trailer confirmed by the dev, to the strange trailer app, to this delay for again...a trailer app...not a game.
At this point I'm officially checked out of whatever this is.
"Fyre Festival: The Game" is the best subheading I've ever seen. Perfectly encapsulates this peculiar, bizarre marketing campaign. Bravo.
@wiiware I thought that too, he could be CGI or something. He also comes across as an actor and not a game developer either.
If you can't even make a trailer...
Honestly, after these ~two weeks of weird weird news I was kind of excited to see what was up with this game but now, I really hope they don't say anything until August because it's just tiresome, knowing that we would get "answers" today made all of this fine...now eeeh
Can't believe Sony has associated itself with this game and so called "developer" it's very strange and just reaks of a poor quality title. He can say as much as he wants to us and Sony that he has something special, but then I could lie on my CV and pretend to be a football player. It's actually been done. Haha
Once they've got the trailer sorted they'll start work on the game
I want to know who they convinced to fund this project for them. I’ve got a magic bean business I’ve been dying to start. Pretty convinced that this game is five people sitting around a copy of game maker trying to figure out how to make a character move on screen.
I’ve had 0 interest or hype for this topic. I don’t understand how anyone could get caught up in this.
I had mild interest with the whole thing but now is gotten old. If is a real game I hope it bombs, they have squandered the small hype the had.
If it is a real game and it's not Silent Hill or Kojima related then they're screwed. Not sure why they'd sabotage their work like this.
Ehh…At this point I hope this is not a real game 😅why delay it one week to delay it for months - it comes off as random and unprofessional.
This smells like failure.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
@Omniicron Bingo. Pushsquare seemingly pretending to be outraged and over a non-story they continue to write articles on for clicks.
Not great for your credibility.
Well I reckon this is all a prank and at the end of it will be another surprise game reveal by hideo kojima
Some of you honestly need to see a psychiatrist. It’s a video game, stop taking everything so seriously. The relentless media and silent hill fans are the likely reason for the delay. Just calm down and give who ever is making the game the time they need to put out their project in a state their happy with. That being said I look forward to seeing more in August.
It's unsurprising. Remember this game was still in early development two months ago. This is really just an inexperienced company being bad at estimating how long it takes to make a game.
people gave this game too much rope and now they will hang themselves, kinda had it coming, they are riding on hype that they did not own or deserve.
SORT THIS SH*T OUT SONY!!! :-/ Saying that why did SONY let them put a misleading Video on the PS Blog in the first place??? It's not even gameplay(they said)??? I find it all ANNOYING now :-/ Yeah I shouldn't get carried away with the Internet rumours in the first place but that was just a bit of fun anyway. I don't mind that I just don't like being mislead really.
You play stupid games with the internet, you win stupid prizes and this champ is about to win all he can handle and more
I mean, I think at this point we’re already playing the game. It’s just not a video game, and not a very good game neither. Sweet thing is we’re all in it! Lol!!
Personally, I find this whole thing very amusing.
There was a stream earlier with Morse code. Go to the Blue Box YouTube channel (Abandonedthegame), the video 'Till Death Do Us Part' looks totally like it's the PT corridor, and the logo is slowly starting to change, like it might become the PlayStation studios logo.
The channel's now called Adandonedthegame
@feral1975 Thanks for heads up! I’m gonna go check that out.
@feral1975 That's not actually the developer. It's a fake account.
Well if it's not they're doing a good job, must've put a lot of work in, worth checking it out at least 😁
This is total bollocks. I smell BS, there's so much weird business going on with this.
There’s also this on Kojima…
Removed - discussing moderation
What trash developers. Ive lost all interest i had before.
LMAO! This debacle will be better than the full game I bet.
Let's abandon this game until august
They had my curiousity (although I don't even like Horror/Survival games) but now I don't care anymore
The only reason this game gor any hype in the first place was it being a PS5 exclusive and someone starting the rumour it's Silent Hill. go
It looks so bland and generic to me.
Like many others, I am finding news about this game to be, annoying. At what point does building up hype have the opposite effect? Either sh*t, or get off the pot ...
I mean Gamescom is in august. So they could be prepping this app up for a major reveal at the Gamescom pre-show which is being fronted by Geoff Keighley.
How do you get to day of release and realise you need an extra month+?
I like Silent Hill, I like Kojima, I like Sony...My scam radar is pinging off the charts with this one. Sony would be wise to quickly set the record straight here.
@Korgon He’s been feeding the fire the entire time this is going on. So I wouldn’t count him out unless we think he’s just sabotaging the supposed developer.
I think they keep showing their complete inexperience tbh.
I now look forward to see all those that have been getting hyped over a Kojima playstation exclusive convince themselves Kojima doesn't make good games anymore once it's announced his next game is Xbox exclusive.
@Mckilmer Maybe we should partner up because I have a very promising business as well but I need Sony as a financial backer.
I travel the world in search of the best snake specimens in existence, then I de-oil them and bottle it. It’ll cure what ails ya!
How can the game release Q4'21 (Q3 starts in less than a week) if Blue Box can't even give us a gameplay demo and is using stock Unreal resources? It's hard to believe that Sony would tie its name to this (PS Blog space and teaser trailer PS branding) if there wasn't something there, especially after Sony's response to CD Projekt's Cyberpunk 2077.
If this mess was not on purpose, they should INMEDIATELY fire the communications person. Awful job. However this remains super confusing / fishy
@BamBamBaklava89 "The relentless media and silent hill fans are the likely reason for the delay."
First of all they have shown nothing! Absolutely nothing but cheap generic stock assets so what is making you excited if nothing has been shown? Second they have willingly contributed to the conspiracy, they aren't innocent.
I guarantee you someone has asked him to all but kill this until people start to forget or lose interest. Then we'll see it at Gamescom or The Game Awards, something like that. There's no way the dude can go forward with the original plan of how this whole experiment was meant to be after all that has happened.
My original comment might have come off the wrong way so I apologize for that. I don't necessarily believe one way or the other on if Kojima is involved, but the way the devs have gone about handling the situation is so messy that it makes me question if Kojima is involved because it doesn't fit his typical MO. But you are right Kojima Productions liking the guy's Twitter video does indeed add fuel to the fire.
What I'm trying to say is I'm not sure one way or another, and that I've lost all interest until we see something that is actually concrete about whatever the heck this is.
It wouldn’t seem so bizarre if it wasn’t for the fact that it’s just intended as a promotional app for a game. This sort of thing has probably cropped up in the past without any fanfare whatsoever. It is a very strange way to go about marketing a game indeed. Are the issues with the app really that bad that they will take two months to fix?
The whole saga has become rather uninteresting now - it’s either a marketing mess or the most drawn out and obscure way to promote a much bigger project that’s been seen for a long time, or ever. As it stands, it’s no longer of interest - a two month wait to see an app that will likely not have much content at launch, that is intended to promote a game from a small studio - remarkable. It’s bordering on absurd that this came to such prominence. At this point, only an actual, real Silent Hill game coming out of this could redeem the situation.
@LiamCroft whoever is doing the youtube channel deserves some credit because they are committed. Theres morse code on there at the minute saying 'endure survive' and another live stream due in a few hours titled 'act 2'.
Whoever they are they have fell through the rabbit hole and landed in another one.
So what about the reports on Kojima signing a deal with Xbox? That would hurt me a bit
@Vacuumator really? What other game has had an app for showing trailers as opposed to just posting a video?
I wasn’t referencing any specific examples, but was thinking more of demos that also include additional content, trailers etc.
I would agree that it’s perhaps the most questionable aspect of this whole scenario - why release a separate app, and one that apparently will have little content at launch, as a promotional tool? There is the possibility that something playable could be contained within the app, or it could be updated with a demo at a later date.
It does become a lot more questionable the more events are dissected. We are being told that what was shown wasn’t even representative of the game? This is the worst marketing approach ever if it is a genuine Blue Box Studios game. Conversely, it could also be the opposite if it does indeed play in their favour. However, the whole thing has blown up in such a way that if it’s not Kojima-related, what they do release would have to be truly remarkable indeed.
Has there been any discussion regarding Kojima’s relationship with Konami around all this?
The reality of this game will be revealed before 7/12. There’s a Death Stranding event that ends 7/11. It’s a merch event, but it’s randomly started today after this announcement. There was a countdown video preceding the delay video, as well. When the countdown ended, there was a coded message where “Blue” and “Red” talked. This is definitely Project Ogre finally capitulating. This is Kojima and he’s playing the game right now. We are all playing the ARG experience.
“The only me is me. Are you sure the only you is you?”
@Korgon No worries. I just wasn’t sure if you’d see the stuff Kojima has posted, etc.
I too have lost interest now. Lol.
So many articles feeling sorry for these leachy scammers, they literally posted that the game start with an S and ends with L after being tied with Silent Hill a month before, these people are leeches and the worst type of people, using other fame for their own unearned gain.... Unless it is a Kojima game...but seriously at this point if it is screw him too
@AFCC i haven't seen a legit website report those rumors , so if any site actually reports anything like that they are just posting rumors with nothing attached to them for views.
@awp69 untill a real legitmate site reports that i wouldn't trust a site called purexbox that some how has breaking news that bigger sites wouldn't have access too?
@twitchtvpat Well, it’s the same company that owns this site!
@awp69 that doesn't make it true
At e3, when Kojima appointed himself as some kind of prophet for our time, he said due to his scary power he should make a more positive, happy game didn't he?
@twitchtvpat PureXbox has the news there lol
In all fairness this app need to be rock solid because it's going to be hacked to pieces the minute it releases looking for silent hill. I remember the PT camera hack and breaking it out of the corridor into actual silent hill.
I just want this game's trail to be dropped finally so the rumors and speculation can finally end, is that too much to ask for? XD
The app will now be available for preload on Jun 29, but the trailer won't come until some time after Aug 10.
Why do you need 2 weeks to preload a trailer app!?!?
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