The DOOM Slayer took its time appearing on the PlayStation Store, but the PS5 version of DOOM Eternal is now finally available to download. It weighs in at 68GB. As a quick reminder, the post-launch campaign DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods has also been upgraded to support the enhancements the PS5 edition brings, meaning you can play the entire story with current-gen visuals.
Those graphics can be accessed through three different modes: Performance Mode, Balanced Mode, and Ray Tracing Mode. As we detailed earlier this month, "Performance uses a resolution of 1584p at 120 frames-per-second, Balanced opts for 60 frames-per-second at 2160p, and Ray Tracing activates the feature in question while running at 60 frames-per-second at 1800p". All three variations will support dynamic resolution scaling.
Had you been waiting on a native PS5 version before heading to hell? Get slaying in the comments below.
Comments 60
Last Doom game on Playstation I guess. I would pay up if I were Sony. They can make a competitor WRPG, but there's no replacing the Doom franchise.
@Omnistalgic Good thing it's eternal, then
Just downloaded the upgrade and looking forward to actually playing it in an hour or so. Definitely in the RT mode.
Phil Spencer needs to wind it in now in regards to how exclusivity is handled by Sony et all. A series that has been multi platform for the entirety of its life is now going to be exclusive to two platforms. Anything he says on this matter should be shot down as fast as Doom guy was out of the BFG.
Doom has a loooong history on PlayStation going all the way pack to PS1 so I'm hoping this is one of them Legacy titles.
@LiamCroft missed opportunity… should have said “go to hell in the comments below”.
Reason to get back and play that DLC
@Dange No chance in my opinion. Phil was intentionally misleading/vague when he said legacy titles could come to other platforms.
We wont see a Bethesda game on Playstation ever again after Ghostwire Tokyo imo, and that includes Elder Scrolls 6.
I think he meant Elder Scrolls Online and Fallout 76 will continue to be supported - i.e. those already launched and with active user bases on Playstation. So any extra content for those titles will still come. And games already released, such as Doom Eternal can get the enhancement patch.
Other than that??? Unless Sony allows Game Pass into its Ecosystem, i can't see it sadly
@Rob_230 i don't disagree, in my heart I know it's not happening, unfortunately. At least we are getting this and a few others before they cut us off.
Ray tracing 60fps mode, here I come
I maybe silly but where do you see the performance options to choose from?
Free when using PS4 disc?
Time to play this in 120FPS mode!
This was never on my radar but with a PS5 upgrade I am definitely going to give it a go now.
Don't think I'd personally bother with the PS5 upgrade for Eternal. 2016 was exquisite but I found Eternal way too platformy and in some ways detached from the more serious world established in Doom 2016.
can't do 120fps on my telly, but 1800p 60fps ray tracing sounds pretty good to me.
@Rob_230 Wouldn't it have made more sense to reveal something regarding an existing IP at E3 2021 if that was actually the case?
E3 2021 on the Bethesda front featured:
It just seems very odd to completely avoid existing IPs in the showcase if they're not multiplatform.
Lets hope Sony will introduce some really good games in their pipeline so we could forget about Starfield etc.
They understand that this niche is free and they need to fulfill it.
Haptic feedback? I hope the MS acquisition didn’t affect that. Bethesda sung it’s praises before and it would be amazing with it. Maybe MS didn’t want the PS5 version to be clearly superior thought and cut it out...
@dr-gorgo Can 100% confirm it works with a PS4 disc as I just played it that way.
WoW! downloading it right now!
So I just played the first level. Not a lot of RT but any glass surfaces and stuff like that have good reflections now.
Also not a lot in terms of haptics either but the rumble when jumping etc feels fine. It does use adaptive triggers and they seem to work slightly differently between weapons (hard to tell how much since I only have 2 weapons at this point).
Runs as smooth as ever. Still hard AF too
No Xbox Game Studios logo, btw
Thought the PS5 versions were supposed to be smaller 🤣
@Grumblevolcano honestly, i dont think they had anything else to show. ES6 is years away, tango is working on ghostwire so they wont be on another evil within, arkane are on deathloop and redfall, so defo nothing else to share around dishonoured, prey etc, and ID just launched Doom so doubt they are in a position to announce anything. That's my take at least
@Rob_230 He was also talking about stuff like not removing existing multiplats on the other console stores like the PS Store and the Nintendo eShop. Everything else that's new is basically Xbox property now
I have this on PC already so I'm good. Would definitely recommend this game if you haven't played it though, even more so if you don't have a decent PC to play it on as PS5 is the best version to play apart from that. I would say Xbox Series X too but yeah we're on a Playstation site here not Xbox.
Finally! The moment I’ve been waiting for—time to slay some demons at 60 FPS 👹🔫
Forgot this update was dropping today! Just popped my disc in now to download. Another game I haven't finish along with Metro Exodus which I did complete after the PS5 upgrade 😁. I'll play through the whole campaign this time. 1800p with Ray Tracing sounds good to me 😄. Any word on Adaptive Triggers or Haptic Feedback? If not then I'll use the Dualshock 4 only because of the back button attachment.
@Salt_AU username checks out
@DTfeartheBEARD Check out my comment above. I don't think you'll be able to use a DS4 with the upgraded version?
@Voltan Oh I'm sorry I didn't read that. Thanks for the update! I'm a fan of the Haptics and Adaptive Triggers but this game is difficult so I'd rather use the back button attachment for jump and dash so I wouldn't have to take my thumb off the thumb sticks lol. It's fine though, I'll just have to adapt.
Am I doing something wrong. I own the digital version for PS4. It want’s to charge me to download the ps5 one.
Can't wait to get my sloppy chops all over this bad boy!
@dire_distortion Same here. The ps5 version for me is locked behind a paywall.
Yea I can download the PS4 version but the ps5 is locked off. I have gone back to find out when I bought it. Got the transaction number. Just going to have to call them tomorrow I guess.
Hated Doom Eternal with a passion....poor design. Doom meets Super Mario Bros is never a good idea. Huge disappointment after 2016
@Dange bethesda is trash anyway why does it matter lol i'll give up es 6 and whatever glitchy mess they drop and not fix for first few years for all these great Sony exclusives. Returnal was fire, new Ratchet and clank was fire. If your so inclined to play those bethesda titles get game pass for a month and play on your phone or heck now a good gaming pc and your all set or any pc with cloud streaming xbox. I play a mix I own a gaming pc but some games play over xcloud to save space
@dire_distortion same I got a level add on that says Doom Campaign- PS5 Upgrade but the ps5 version itself is locked, same thing happened with ESO last week smh
@Amin1998 @dire_distortion When I put my disc in, a version of the game called “free upgrade” (or something similar) became available to me on the store. Have you checked if there’s anything like that appearing when you try to switch editions?
Has anyone else been able to upgrade this yet? As far as I can tell this is not working...
If this is the last Doom game on PS consoles then it sure went out with a high, Eternal is easily the best Doom game in my opinion.
I'm also not able to download the free PS5 upgrade even though I've already got the PS4 digital version. However, I can download the DLC?
@The_New_Butler Right I was aware of that. What's your point? I was talking specifically about PlayStation. On a PlayStation website.
68GB? This kills my SSD memory.
@Amin1998 same here-purchased the digital version but when I choose the PS5 version it takes me to the store and asks for another $59.99, won't let me download.
Downloaded the ps5 version..played the ray tracing mode and its very nice...played the other balanced mode and again very nice indeed...but even though the graphics are better its not a massive leap over the base ps4 which is testament to just how good this was to start with..ps5 is just that bit more glitzy..love it..
@BusyOlf Doom 3 was exclusive to Xbox until the next gen so not entirely new 😉
@Amin1998 @dire_distortion @FOXHOUND_MGS5 @mikeytwofist https://twitter.com/bethesdasupport/status/1409987662476361737?s=21
@KingPev I didn't realize giving Doom more verticality and ways to fight an enemy was bad level design...
For existing PS4 owners, you have to manually download the PS5 Upgrade edition as it’s not automatic.
Great news, still waiting for Doom 2016 to get a PS5 patch or upgrade though.
@Nepp67 I didn't say bad level design, just poor design choices overall eg the lack of ammo pick ups etc ....but jumping through flaming, spinning hoops and other tiresome platforming sections just got tedious. The whole game just didn't seem to flow like 2016 did. Maybe it's just me - probably need to 'git Gud' as they say
Eventually got the upgrade to work yesterday evening. Disappointed to see that save files do not transfer from the PS4. Pleased that I parked playing this at around 25% through on the PS4 so that I’m not backtracking too much. Just enough to remind myself all the button combinations.
Incredible Ray Tracing in this game. Really worth playing in this new version.
Only the 68GB are a bummer. Had to delete 2 games
@Dange thats not what" legacy titles" mean?
he is talking about supporting games like fallout 76 on ps5 as well as doom 3 vr for playstation
@Grumblevolcano ???
that in no ways means multiplatform would not go exclusives, it just means they want to show them later...
@Salt_AU bruh
@Jaz007 enjoy your blowing controller LOL
@LegacyRXT I know. He should have outright said that and not been so vague in the first place.
@LegacyRXT What?
@KingPev "Lack of ammo pickups, etc." Uhm okay but that's the point of the chainsaw so you can get more ammo, that's the point of the flame thrower so you can get more armor shards. There's a reason all of them slowly reload themselves so you can get a chance at getting it back by killing grunts. I really don't get the complaints of the platforming sections, they really were not that tedious.
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