Insomniac Games truly stops for absolutely no one. After putting out Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart in the first eight months of the PlayStation 5's lifespan, the Burbank-based developer is now actively advertising job positions for one of its next projects: a multiplayer game. The official Twitter account for the developer posted: "Insomniac is hiring! We have five new job openings for a multiplayer project. Come join us and be part of the #PlayStationStudiosFamily as we work on exciting things!"
The team is looking for a creative director, systems designer (multiplayer), story lead, art director, and VFX artist. As for the multiplayer-focused position specifically, the role includes overseeing "aspects of multiplayer features, mechanics, systems design, and more".
Some of Insomniac Games' more recent titles have been devoid of multiplayer components, of course. The previously mentioned Ratchet & Clank and Marvel's Spider-Man experiences were all single player. You'd have to go back to 2013 with PS3 title Fuse for the last meaningful inclusion of multiplayer in an Insomniac Games experience. And then before Fuse, there was also Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One and the classic Resistance series.
We have to assume Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is in full production at this point, but what else does Insomniac Games have cooking up? Or could this job posting be for the web-slingers themselves? Maybe Peter Parker and Miles Morales will have the chance to beat up bad guys in the same game. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 79
No thanks focus on what your good at single player games. theres plenty of multiplayer games out
“ A sequel to Fuse, anyone?”
Delete this article
A co-op mode for Spider-Man 2 would be interesting to see, I have to admit. If that isn't the case, then it might be a standalone multiplayer thing they could be working
I honestly assumed it was cancelled but nope, launched in 2013 a few months before the PS4. Incredible.
Maybe they are making a sequel to sunset overdrive, I remember the original having multiplayer in it.
Multiplayer? Shame. Still, Best of luck to them, they need to pay the bills after all.
Maybe they'll try to revive Overstrike before it got mutilated by EA?
If it's multiplayer focused, they could be bringing back Resistance
Maybe Spider-MEN?
A new Resistance would be great! Fuse not so much. Same with All-for-One.
All 4 One Remastered! Or All 4 One…2?
I wonder what kind of multiplayer this is. There is a Story Lead element, could it be a multiplayer game like All 4 One ?
I'll admit, I'd be happier if they kept doing single player games forever but I am still very curious about what this is !
Resistance reboot would be great. PS lacks good shooters.
Insomniac never stop the amount of games they have produced over last 10 years is insane across all platforms (now all Sony exclusives from here on out) wouldn't be surprised if this was VR related they have made VR games before and with PSVR2 looming.
@trev666 no there isn't . maybe if you played multiplayer games you'd know what you're talking about .
i swear single-player ''only'' gamers can be intrusive . and i said single-player ''only'' based off presumption .
Unless this is hinting at a Resistance 4 I probably wont be interested.
Noticed that a lot of PlayStation First-Party Studios are working on Multiplayer Projects, why? The Gaming Industry is oversaturated with Multiplayer Games, PlayStation's output of High-Quality Single-Player is what helps them stand out from most other Developers. However if these Multiplayer Projects also have dedicated Single-Player Campaigns much like Resistance does, then I'm okay with that.
@JustPlainLoco ''Noticed that a lot of PlayStation First-Party Studios are working on Multiplayer Projects ''
yeah , after an entire last gen of predominantly single-player games , and before that , the ps3 gen . I don't see the problem .
''The Gaming Industry is oversaturated with Multiplayer Games''
Sure it is. Did you come to that conclusion from all the single-player games you've played ?
Fuse?... FUSE!?... (Breathes in heavily through nostrils) Please... please do not mention Fuse on this site ever again... some games should just remain dead and buried, possibly cremated first and THEN buried close to the earth's crust...
Resistance or a new IP.
Btw Insomniac Games is carrying Playstation 5.
Oh. Multiplayer. Goody gumdrops.
@nomither6 - PlayStation's strength is High-Quality Single-Player Story-Driven games, thus they stand out from the crowd that over-relies on the same tired Copy-and-Paste Multiplayer formula, simply because doing so is easier, cheaper and requires less effort, if I want to play another Copy-and-Paste Multiplayer Game, I need not look too far than the majority of Third-Party Games currently available.
Suddenly I'm reminded of that Sony briefing from not too long ago which mentioned that they wanted to focus more on live services going forward.
Oh, boy...
Resistance is the correct answer. The franchise could really shine on PS5 and creative weapons.
@JustPlainLoco '' Copy-and-Paste Multiplayer Game,''
yeah , which is why this is a good thing . single-player gamers have variety , plenty of games to play ; while multiplayer-gamers basically don't have such a luxury . you know theres a problem when even those who play single-player games more can say something like '' Copy-and-Paste Multiplayer '' .
Only people who got a problem with this are selfish single-player gamers . they have it great and still complain .
Multiplayer gaming is stale as hell . '' majority of Third-Party Games'' are not multiplayer . you're just looking at the popular ones that are copy/paste , like you said.
I liked Fuse well enough although I wouldn't want them wasting precious time on a sequel, like others have said if it isn't Resistance related then I don't care.
I say it’s a VR game as if I am not mistaken they have already developed a multiplayer game for Oculus
Surely, it’s Resistance.
I consider most multiplayer games to fall into the same category as shovel-ware; with rare exceptions for games like Fall Guys or Among Us (which, while I don't play, I respect for their creative approach); and the last thing I want is to populate the platform I love with more and more shovel-ware.
I think the reason that many single-player gamers (including myself) have such vitriol for multiplayer games is because they tend to infest our single player games as well. Maybe if this stopped being a thing there would be less of a knee-jerk hatred for multi-player titles?
brought to you by Jim Sterling 🤑🤑🤑
@thedevilsjester can you list some examples please
Also why can't they co-exist ? Funny how primarily MP games tend to have great single-player but single-player games can't have great multiplayer..
you single player gamers always have it good either way . yet , still some contrived disdain for multiplayer...
Ratchet & Clank: All 4 Two?
I would love this to be a Resistance reboot! Release the trilogy remaster as well! Release ALL THE INSOMNIAC GAMES! Give us Sunset Overdrive while you're at it. I am there!
No. Not the multiplayer
@Kidfried yeah , its pretty disgusting . gaming is gaming.
or is it....
@nomither6 Examples of what? Single-player games that have a multiplayer component shoe horned in? Last of Us? Uncharted? Assassins Creed? Tomb Raider? The list is quite extensive. As someone that only plays single player games; being forced to grind for 20-40 hours in a multiplayer component if I want to get a platinum has certainly soured me on multiplayer games more than I used to be.
@thedevilsjester The Last of Us ? Damn , you mean that critically-acclaimed franchise with its most recent criticisms only relating to its single-player .
Uncharted ? Ok , thats one - though I doubt any uncharted game was ruined because the devs cared about a mode you personally didn't. sorry you couldn't get your trophies ; thats more of the devs fault for locking trophies behind multiplayer - not multiplayer itself.
Assassins Creed ? Oh , yeah , I remember when the multiplayer in that franchise first debuted in arguably the 2nd (or first) most favored Assassins Creed game of all time , with the multiplayer receiving mostly favorable praise as well and was highly successful
Tomb Raider ? [ See the uncharted response] Not like Tomb Raider still has MP anymore but , way to do some reaching to force out another example that doesn't really hold weight anymore (It never did , really).
''The list is quite extensive'' but all you could try to mention was 4 (if even) ?
All thats concluded from your response is being p**sed that some trophies are multiplayer which is an epic troll move by game devs thats so easily fixable its funny.
@trev666 soon all the devs will be reaching for the money pie from R* success and milking children from their pocket money
@nomither6 I am not reaching, I am simply giving you a list off the top of my head of the ones that were the most important to me. I could make a much larger list; but I figure those are ones that most everyone would be aware of.
It doesn't matter how many awards a game got, or if the multiplayer component was ignored or beloved. That was never my point; so straw-maning it doesn't help yours.
I didn't say "this" list was extensive; I said "the" list was extensive; but I don't have to list every single single player game that ever had a multiplayer component; you asked for some examples, I provided them.
You are right in that a lot of my personal dislike comes from the choice of developers locking platinum progress in a single player game behind dozens of hours of multiplayer grinding; and if they just stopped that I would have less issues with them; but this is such a common behavior that I don't think it will stop anytime soon. (Its the reason I stopped playing The Last of Us)
I think the problem with multiplayer vs single player is that mp games are only playable if there’s a large enough player base. SP games can be played even years later and you’ll get the same experience, but if most of the player base has moved on to a different MP game then the game might be unplayable at worst case or difficult to get a game at best. That’s not to say they can’t be successful it’s just that they need to maintain that player base constantly to stay relevant.
It’s even more annoying if you’ve sunk a lot of money into a game and then they shut it down because not enough people are playing it.
Anyway that’s being down on MP games which I’m not, I’m just trying to point out why having too many MP games is detrimental compared to having too many SP games.
@thedevilsjester But your response was legitimately all personal-opinions to the max , with the only objectively valid complaint being your trophies locked behind something you don't want to play.
its entirely a ''you'' thing . Nothings wrong with multiplayer and wanting to play your favorite franchises together with others and/or friends. why can't a video game co-exist with both modes ? like i said , multiplayer games have single-player content and the content in those are just fine . but we can't have our favorite franchise be the other way around ? whether successful or not , its all about taking risks . thats how we get new things . and thats why MP is stale as hell because devs don't take risks anymore . during the 360 era with waves of FPS, Assassins creed's multiplayer was a freaking breath of fresh air. Multiplayer gamers need stuff like that , instead of more COD re-skins.
so selfish.
Urgh multiplayer.
My brief experiences of multiplayer are disgusting angry teens being idiots and if you don't play the game for 20hrs a day at release theres no point even trying to join in and catch up later. Oh and a money pit.
That said my favourite growing up was team fortress, damn I miss that
@nomither6 Of course its a personal opinion, thats the whole point. I was giving you an explanation of why many single player gamers have hatred for multiplayer titles; by its very nature thats an entirely opinion based matter.
I wasn't arguing with you, or claiming you were wrong to want multiplayer titles; just trying to offer one explanation for the knee jerk hatred you are seeing for multiplayer. There are certainly others; but from my experience this is one of the biggest ones.
@MatthewJP hm, so thats what it is huh -
older gamers are the ones who hate multiplayer ; now it makes sense. sorry a hobby that you started when you were young is popular amongst young people who want to play with each other.
Buying this studio is still one of the best decision by Sony CE ever.
@thedevilsjester I agree with pretty much everything you said including the list of games with MP thrown in on top.
Additionally I can’t think of very many MP games that legitimately have a good single player campaign because frankly that’s not their focus when they make a MP game.
Insomniac has delivered a lot of Sony’s best content in the last 5 years or so. If they are being asked to pause any of that for a MP game I think it’s a major mistake unless it’s a game like Resistance which had a respectable single player experience.
@render ''think the problem with multiplayer vs single player is that mp games are only playable if there’s a large enough player base. SP games can be played even years later and you’ll get the same experience, but if most of the player base has moved on to a different MP game then the game might be unplayable at worst case or difficult to get a game at best. That’s not to say they can’t be successful it’s just that they need to maintain that player base constantly to stay relevant.''
Because playing MP games offline with splitscreen cant be a thing anymore , huh . Oh, and multiplayer games apparently don't have single-player content either..no story modes , survival modes , y'know things of that nature . And if the playerbase moves on its generally to the sequel of whatever said multiplayer game they were initially playing . I don't think multiplayer gamers want to play the same MP game forever ; which is why MP games are stale as hell right now . do single player gamers like playing God of War 1 forever or will they eventually want a 2? people move on .
''It’s even more annoying if you’ve sunk a lot of money into a game and then they shut it down because not enough people are playing it.''
You get what you pay for. You pay for the game because its the latest one out , its eventually going to get old . you pay for the things in the game because you want to enjoy the current game at the current moment ; everything gets old and ends eventually. believe it or not we all waste money on things . we have to feed ourselves everyday just to be starving again by tomorrow. but is it really a waste if you got your moneys worth though ? and game servers shutting down rarely happens dude. the game either has to be really old or really a failure. and the games with shut down servers are rightfully so , because they were bad games to begin with. people always mention that but you never hear it being an actual problem for people .
As long as the game offers single pñayer content, I'm all for it. Cause the problem with Sony is that they're just not good as "live-as-a-service" or "continous online only" multiplayer games. They should rather stick to single player games with multiplayer mode(s).
And as for what I like the game to be, either a new resistance game or possibly a Spiderman co-op spinoff a la Ghost of Tsushima legends. Maybe standalone this time? Wouldn't mind if it's inspired by Spiderverse lol Although I also wouldn't mind a ratchet and clank multiplayer game just as long it doesn't suffer the same issues as Full Frontal Assault.
I am fed up with all those multiplayer games out there. However, I am playing it takes two with a friend atm and while I don't think it is as good as a way out is, but I sure wish more developers would take same approach to multiplayer story driven games.
@FatalBubbles ''Additionally I can’t think of very many MP games that legitimately have a good single player campaign''
Mass Effect 3
Gears of War 1 , 2 & 3
Halo 1 , 2 , 3 , Reach , 4
GTA 4 & 5
Midnight Club LA
Mortal Kombat 9 , 10 , 11
Every Call of Duty except Ghosts , Black Ops 3 and WW2 .
Battlefield 3 & 4 (The only ones Ive played)
Ghost of Tsushima
Ratchet & Clank 3
edit: pokemon , im sure its some more nintendo games but , i don't play much nintendo.
and thats not even mentioning all the single-player CONTENT in those games alone . and i know im forgetting some .
You guys just really have an irrational disdain for multiplayer .
@Bamila '' I am fed up with all those multiplayer games out there.''
Would you care to list some examples ?
@nomither6 I’ve not encountered a BF or CoD game I’ve played with a good single player story.
Halo and Gears are good examples of ones that have had acceptable story content.
Ghost of Tsushima is more story content, just with other people if you want so I wasn’t even counting that.
Mortal Kombat stories are ridiculously cheesy and weak.
Based on your list I think you have vastly different opinions of good single player stories compared to myself and others who have commented.
Can I ask what your end goal is since you’re commenting on anyone who isn’t interested in multiplayer?
@CrispyMango92 If they so the Fuse they wanted not the one EA wanted who knows.
@FatalBubbles Try the MW reboot its quite good. 😁
@Flaming_Kaiser I actually just played that last month and it didn’t jive with me.
@FatalBubbles Because im talking about single-player content overall ; not just their campaigns and yet single-player ''only'' gamers still complain about it over the most absurd things .
''Can I ask what your end goal is since you’re commenting on anyone who isn’t interested in multiplayer?''
That games can exist with both ; and that dividing gamers over game modes , is absolute ***** and selfish to say the least . especially when their reasons are entirely-opinionated with no validity . but these are the same people who'd mock someone over ''console-wars'' .
@nomither6 As long as the single player campaigns are typical Sony quality then it’s not a problem really.
But like I mentioned, there aren’t many multiplayer focused games I’ve encountered that had that quality for single player.
I don’t think anyone has said MP games shouldn’t exist though?
Also, just about everything about video games is based on opinion, I’m not sure what objective things you’re looking for in this case. So you’re not going to agree with everyone.
You keep throwing the word selfish around to describe anyone that doesn't agree with you about multiplayer games. I make my own money, I use that money to buy games I like, and to support developers that make the games that I like; and I will let those companies know what it is I like or don't like because they cannot read our minds. So if I don't like multiplayer titles; I will let those companies know that if they want my money, that's not the way to go about it.
There is no right or wrong in this discussion, you will support the developers that do what you like, and I will support the ones that do what I like.
@FatalBubbles ''As long as the single player campaigns are typical Sony quality then it’s not a problem really.''
yeah well , you're only speaking for yourself unfortunately . Shockingly enough , that's not a popular ideology to have .
''But like I mentioned, there aren’t many multiplayer focused games I’ve encountered that had that quality for single player.''
and theres not many multiplayer games of the quality of single-player games today , thats actually a fact unlike your opinion .
''I don’t think anyone has said MP games shouldn’t exist though?''
literal comments in this thread saying how multiplayer modes ruin ''single player'' games , and how they don't want (sony) devs to try something new involving multiplayer. it may not be direct but its an implication .
''Also, just about everything about video games is based on opinion.''
No , they're based on preference ; that some ignorant people confuse with ''opinion'' that they try to pass off as fact.
@thedevilsjester ''You keep throwing the word selfish around''
Yeah , ive said it twice too many . I didn't mean to directly call you selfish , by the way , i meant to edit that out . i thought i did , but its still there , oh well .
''I make my own money, I use that money to buy games I like, and to support developers that make the games that I like; and I will let those companies know what it is I like or don't like because they cannot read our minds''
Absolutely , don't let some nobody like me tell you how to spend your money , i agree . everyone has a right to do whatever they want , i'd hate to see it any other way - so if i came off like that , thats not my intention . my reason for mentioning the word ''selfish'' is because you literally have some here upset about devs making a MP over a single-player game , and they don't want Playstation to try more MP games. how's that not selfish ? these people throw fits if a game that was single-player tries a multiplayer mode saying its going to take away from the single player experience somehow. no it wont, not if the devs know what they're doing and how to do it. id love to see some examples of games with shortened story length or single-player content because of online. and no , gta 5 doesnt count because its previous story was expanded via DLC , not the base game itself.
''There is no right or wrong in this discussion''
its blatantly wrong to not want devs to make more multiplayer-oriented games for those who also like multiplayer. some of us actually like to play both.
Its difficult to read someone in comments; so I appreciate the clairfications.
Its not wrong to want a developer to make the games you love. Unfortunately time and money are finite resources so a developer focusing on one, could be time and resources spent on another. I don't want the developers that make the games I love to spend their finite time making games I don't. In a perfect world with unlimited time and resources, we could have both.
I would love nothing more than for each gamer to have exactly what they want; but if that comes at a cost to what I want? I will react just like anyone would. Its a tug of war; and you bet I am going to pull as hard as I can. Whether or not I am in the minority; or pulling all by myself, time will tell.
I don't have anything against multiplayer games as a concept (some are pretty interesting); but if they come at the cost of what I cherish about the hobby; I will fight tooth and nail against them.
@thedevilsjester they dont come at a cost if devs know what they're doing which has happened before . multiplayer and singleplayer can co-exist within an AAA-game , its been proven. as far as other ''costs'' and ''this-and-that, blah blah blah'' thats beyond my caring as a consumer and id assume most people. all we want is good games and , they should make it happen.
fortunately for single player gamers - theyve been getting their fill . multiplayer needs help.
as for the rest of your comment , i get you're gonna do what you want. as should everyone. it is what it is . unfortunately like the state of MP gaming right now.
hopefully you understand what im saying because i can only use so much brain-power to type out long debates. im burnt out.
@TheFrenchiestFry to be politically correct it would need to be Spider-People…
Or something
@nomither6 You have to have an opinion on something to have a preference. You don’t just randomly prefer one thing or another. If you’re of the opinion that multiplayer games aren’t fun then you will prefer single player games, no?
Well I think Avengers is a great example of where a company making multiplayer instead of focusing on single player experience destroyed that game. It was one of my most looked forward to games and they completely ruined it with multiplayer. Things like that are a problem.
Your comment about the multiplayer games not being as good as single player is so surface that I don’t even know where to begin. They’re not even remotely similar. Overwatch, PUBG, Apex, CoD, Fall Guys, Among Us and others are wildly popular “good” multiplayer games off the top of my head. So without knowing what your standards are for calling a multiplayer game as good as a single player game we can’t even debate that.
Insomniac has put out some of the most popular Sony games in the last 5 years. People love them. For these people to see that the developer may be making a MP game instead of what they love is surely going to rouse some bad feelings.
Sony already has partnered with two new developers to make multiplayer focuses games so if they’re taking Insomniac away from what they’re crushing to do MP you can bet we won’t be happy.
This article is specific to Insomniac while I feel like your discussion topic has branched off to games in general. I don’t want Insomniac making a MP game and I think that’s what others are saying. If some other developer wants to do MP then have at it.
Anyone else feel this perhaps stopped being a constructive discussion a while back? Must have been at that point where you get attacked for having an opinion on something 😂
Anyway back to enjoying a healthy mix of SP and MP games for me.
@render that was an ''attack'' ? you didn't read my response and thats ok.
@FatalBubbles ''This article is specific to Insomniac while I feel like your discussion topic has branched off to games in general.''
because i never made a comment of my own about the article itself . they're all replies to others.
This doesn't make me happy to hear at all, they make great single player games and should stay in their lane, and third party dominates the Multiplayer crowd so what's the point of making a game that's gonna die quickly even if it's great
probably pvp 100vs100 resistance vs chimera
resistance raid the fortress while chimera defends it
@Kidfried “On PushSquare so many people talk about multiplayer with disdain, as if it's a lesser type of gaming.”
You make some fair points, and I agree to a degree. But I’ll try and explain from my view what I think predominantly single player gamers feel.
Many (not all) multiplayer games, like mobile games, now employ a lot of cynical tactics to try and keep people artificially engaged for longer and spending more money. Loot boxes, battle passes, live services and drip fed or timed content, needless loot grind becoming a fundamental gameplay mechanic, no ending to a game, etc. to name a few
I accept we’re all different and many people actually like some of these things. But for many of us this is the antithesis of what we want when gaming, it literally makes the games we play worse, and in that regard IS a lesser type of gaming in our eyes.
These same cynical tactics are now being employed much more in single player games, which used to be seemingly whole and purely about a fun gameplay loop, this leaves a bitter taste hence the understandable disdain.
There’s many other reasons too e.g. some of us are just natural introverts and dislike people and most multiplayer lobbies are horrible
@Kidfried I forgot in game economies (often plural) as another blight on gaming enjoyment.
However I completely agree not all multiplayer games are equal and (I hope) an Insomniac multiplayer game wouldn’t feel it has to employ all these distractions and could make a great game... again!
Regardless as an anti-social and time-selfish sod i’m personally not interested 😂
Insomniac haven’t earned your trust yet to believe in what they want to make?
Well what a bunch of plebs you all are complaining. You don’t deserve their games.
@thedevilsjester - I agree with all that, and I too agree with what you said regarding Fall Guys & Among Us, both of which may be Multiplayer Games BUT manage to be quite unique and creative, thus I don't have an issue with Multiplayer Games such as those that at least attempt to be different, the problem lies in the fact that most Developers Copy-and-Paste other established Multiplayer Games with very little deviation, and the fact is that the majority of Multiplayer Games are like this.
I swear PlayStation fans are so annoying for lack of a better term. We get it, y'all hate multiplayer games cause y'all are bad at em, pls go touch grass in between your 500,000 hour single player excursions.
not every game has to appeal to every one , if you don't like mp games , then pass and play something you like. its not really that difficult.
@CrimsonKing97 *some playstation fans.
Plenty of us don't mind it at all. I personally hardly ever play mp games, but I'm happy that such a great studio is making something different.
Edit: also, people on the internet will complain about anything and everything. I think people who are happy with their lives tend to be less negative.
@CrimsonKing97 wouldn't multiplayer games have players put in 500,000 hours more likely than single player games
@CrispyMango92 F.U.S.E. sucked but they seemed to be on point with original Overstrike!
@JustPlainLoco ''regarding Fall Guys & Among Us, both of which may be Multiplayer Games BUT manage to be quite unique and creative''
$2.00 , cheap , mobile-phone-app games , on an entire powerhouse console , is not ''quite'' unique and creative . its lazy and low quality content compared to the caliber of single-player games. single player games are AAA experiences , while devs crap out shovelware garbage for MP that shouldn't even touch a console release.
of course, this is all my opinion unfortunately .
@FatalBubbles I really loved that story was from the other side once it was more interesting then the American side. I would love too see it go further.
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