Developer Tango Gameworks has just announced its decision to delay the release of Ghostwire: Tokyo. The game had been on course for a release this October, but the team will now be shooting for a launch sometime in "early 2022".
The studio confirmed the news over on its Twitter account:
As you can see, the main reason for the delay is in order to protect "the health of everyone at Tango", and to afford the team "time to bring the world of Ghostwire to life as we've always envisioned it".
It's always a bit of a shame to see a game pushed back, but they are to be expected with everything that's happened over the last 18 months or so. Anyway, are you looking forward to Ghostwire: Tokyo? Get spooky in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 49
I guess it's expected. Still paying the price of the pandemic...
Not surprised.
I'm more excited for this game compared to deathloop, can't wait 😃
It is a shame but given how quiet they have been of late it was definitely coming. Keeping people safe and giving us a quality game is what matters.
And the fact that their project lead was fired more than halfway into development might also have something to do with it too.
Just saying...
Not surprising in the slightest and that's more than fine with me.
Ah well, hopefully the team look after themselves. That’s more important.
To be expected considering the deafening silence up until now.
PS5 fall line-up looking pretty light now, but we should have a killer 2022 to make up for it.
Eh no bother to me personally I don't think this game looks very good. The gameplay we saw looked nothing like the game Miss Nakamura was describing when she announced it. It looks like Deathloop but with magic instead of guns really disappointing I'm starting to think her vision was being messed with and that's why she bailed 😕
@Svark She wasn't fired she left on her own accord
One of my most anticipated games. Take the time needed, Tango.
I don't think anyone realistically expected it this year really, so all good.
Is this a timed exclusive? Or is it a partnered game? Delay 100% understandable I'm still pretty amazed at some of the games Sony has put out this first 8 or 9 months.
I can wait. PlayStation has spoiled with its games recently. Third party games like Lost Judgement, Far Cry 6, Dying Light 2 will provide a nice cushion until Elden Ring. There also seems some decent indie games as well as Deathloop that could succeed. By then I think we will start getting a better roadmap of new games for PS5.
Ok... yes someone that is fired is not ever referred to as stepping down or moving on.
So, I guess depending on how you look at it.
She left after 9 years with the company, 3 months after excitingly promoting this project at E3, to everyone's surprise.
Perhaps even hers.
@blackndark Isn't Tokyo the location of Tango Gameworks under another state of emergency due to COVID... So Yeah.
It's a 12 month timed exclusive like Deathloop from Bethesda.
The deals were made before Xbox acquired them.
Yep. Apparently she left because of her health issues.
"You can’t make games if you’re not healthy,” she says. “I started wondering whether there wasn’t a way for me to make games while feeling better. I took the decision to quit before it was too late.” - Ikumi Nakamura
Damn! I really want this game.
I did think it was odd that we hadn't seen more of the game by this time of year.
Oh well, looking forward to it whenever it's ready.
There was a popular song over the past few weeks I could parody.
Something abouts its coming out, Ghostwire's coming out.
Why do devs feel the need to announce the release dates of their games so early? I don't understand it....
That is unfortunate - but I have Lost Judgment and FarCry6 also in October.
Great thing about PS. Always something to play even if things shift around.
Horizon will be next.
We are getting what looks to be a lame attempt at game longevity by deviating from their great story narrative lineage from Arkane, with Deathloop, and that's about it this fall unless you are really excited for another ubisoft copy and paste.
Everything the PS5 was sold on has or was delayed aside from godfall and demon souls. I really think they would have been better off and less cyberpunk ish, had they just waited to release the ps5 this fall.
Uh...this is a PS exclusive NOT a PS5 exclusive as it's also releasing on PS4. 😂
I think they are trying to avoid this falls lineup. Have you seen what is releasing in September and October. Its insane.
@Svark She stepped down for health reasons, and talked openly about the work culture in a lot of Japanese studios. It's basically permanent hyper crunch.
@KundaliniRising333 better off in what way? They'd have sold even more than absolutely every single console they can possibly humanly produce in under 5 minutes?
Considering it's the beginning of a new generation, which is always slow, and covid mucked up timelines for everything, I'd frankly feel thankful that PS5 is getting as many exclusive games this year as it is.
@TowaHerschel7 Wikipedia lists is as only releasing on PS5 and PC.
@Ralizah Hasn't it been confirmed to be timed-exlusive for a year? It comes out on Xbox too.
@dont_simp_for_them Yes. You can expect that nearly everything non-first party is going to be a timed exclusive (with the possible exception of Atlus and Vanillaware games).
So unless Sony does something to extend the exclusivity period, it'll be an early 2023 release for Xbox owners.
Yes, delay is fine. Focus on employee health and polishing that game. So excited for this one!!
Well the delay sucks but it´s totally understandable.
@Nepp67 i think sometimes its the publishers who push for the devs to state a release so they can generate interest and potential pre orders etc..
@Northern_munkey Ugh can't they just do it when the devs announce that it's going gold(Yeah, yeah I know it happened with Cyberpunk) so there's less chances of running into delays? For crying out loud...
@TowaHerschel7 Yea they never really announced a ps4 version.
I'd put money on this being more a tactical delay tbh. A playstation year with two Microsoft timed exclusives? Nah...benefits Xbox to delay it to next year then release it a month where Xbox has something decent out.
Given how close we are to the previous release date and how we little we’ve seen of it compared something like death loop. I assume this has already been delayed.
@Bleachedsmiles highly doubtful. It being delayed also means it’s delayed even further for Xbox’s as the exclusivity is 12 months from launch.
It is in Xbox best interest to ship this as soon as possible and start Tango working on true Xbox exclusives.
Honestly, the conspiracy theory that Xbox is delaying these to hurt Sony is extremely silly.
@Tharsman they'll already be working on a game for Xbox, that's a safe bet. Delaying it delays it a year on Xbox true...but adding to playstation exclusives this year when you've only a handful of your own probably wouldn't have done Xbox sales many favours. Spread it out a bit, when next year is a strong Xbox calender then it doesn't really matter that much. And then goes towards filling out a gamepass month in 23 or however long the exclusivity lasts.
@Nepp67 I remember Push Square reporting a PS4 version was in the works sometime last year, but meh.
@TowaHerschel7 Ya might have misread cause there was an article for RE8 where Capcom was going to see if they could put it on PS4 and then later on they announced last gen versions.
At least we should still have Horizon: Forbidden West releasing in 2021?
@The_New_Butler Yeah, I'm guessing the prospect of another AAA GamePass release in 2023 is more important to Microsoft than whatever antics Sony might come up with for extending the exclusivity period. Although I doubt they'll bother in the first place: regardless of how Ghostwire Tokyo turns out, it's unlikely to push much in the way of hardware sales, which is, after all, the most important function of a console exclusive.
Play has
nolimits.It's an update. Obviously not the greatest update, but we wanted one and finally got one.
I'm ok with the delay as long as it turns out to be pretty good.
so... this timed exclusivity is only for console. This game is simultaneously releasing on PC and PS5... So what if Microsoft made this game day 1 on Xbox Game Pass for PC (which is included in Xbox Game Pass Ultimate). So you could be playing the cloud version (of the PC game) on an Xbox at the same time as a PS5 and for "free".
@Northern_munkey @Nepp67
I've been a long advocate for publishers waiting until their game is 6 months from completion before they announce their projects.
But, what's happening is the devs and publishers are agreeing on deadlines before the project is funded. This needs to happen because of the risk of development hell, but then the publisher (who are also the ones in charge of marketing and selling the game being made for them now) are eager to announce new projects because it increases their shareprices, or in the case of Deathloop and Ghostwire, were probably part of their timed excluisivity deal with Sony, where the two games needed to be advertised to promote the PS5 system.
In short, there's money reasons why publishers do dumb stuff.
I have a feeling this will be a common theme with all Bethesda properties.
Ah, that I did not know.
Thank you for the cogent explanation.
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