This is not the official update that many of us were waiting for from CD Projekt Red. In what has no doubt been a difficult decision, the company has pushed back the release dates for both Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition on PlayStation 5. The two current-gen ports were originally set to launch this year, but with next to no news on either game for most of 2021, we were starting to suspect that they'd be delayed — and here we are.
A statement from CDPR reads: "Based on recommendations supplied by teams supervising the development of both games, we decided to postpone their releases until 2022."
It goes on to reveal that Cyberpunk is currently planned for the first quarter of 2022, while The Witcher 3 is aiming at the second quarter of 2022.
It concludes: "Apologies for the extended wait, but we want to make it right."
Clearly, the Polish developer doesn't want another Cyberpunk 2077 launch fiasco on its hands. The company is still reeling from the damage that was done to its reputation following the game's disastrous release in December 2020, and so we don't blame CDPR one bit for wanting to try and pace its teams a bit better.
What's more, it's fairly common knowledge that CDPR has gone through some significant internal restructuring throughout this year, following Cyberpunk's arrival. It's no real surprise to learn that this reshuffle has had a knock-on effect regarding planned release schedules.
Did you see this coming? Keep dreaming of a much better Cyberpunk 2077 in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 84
Make them right, now there's an idea!
Cyberpunk released December 2020
Scheduled to be actually finished first quarter 2022
They can't afford to get Cyberpunk wrong again, I hope it does end up being a No Man's Sky redemption story cos I want the game to reach its full potential because there's a great game there.
I’m a bit disappointed about the Witcher being delayed tbh but would obviously rather have the best version released and tbh I’ve tonnes to get on with.
Make it right 😂
If only they did this a year ago and made a fully functioning game from the start. Shame on those in power.
When Gerry will be ready, I’ll be ready for a new playthrough on PS5 😙
I was considering reinstalling Cyberpunk last night.
I didn't do it. There's just no motivation for me to go back to it.
Such a shame how this turned out.
But they're not the first dev that everyone believed was perfect to fall from grace. "Bioware are muck now? At least we have CDPR!"
This fall was just pretty spectacular.
At this point I wouldn’t bother.
Whilst not releasing before its finished makes sense, they are starting to look incompetent. Its been a bad 12 months for CDPR
Hah, called it.
Honestly, it's for the best.
Actually it is what i wanted to hear, take the time..
And it will probably still be another year or 2 even before all singleplayer is complete, expansions etc and fixed as can be.
Make the last gen versions right first yeah
Didn't they say they wanted to make it right the first time too? Sheesh.
Oh man. Curious if they ever can fix this mess.
They really just need to stop assigning timeframes to either of these. $10 says both will get delayed again.
Another delay and almost a year after release there’s STILL no current gen release and the game is still lacking in features and doesn’t run perfectly. Absolutely pathetic
@UltimateOtaku91 I don’t think that’s possible. It will more or less stay in the current state.
Some small fixes but I don’t expect that overhaul that would be needed. Furthermore we’re talking about consoles that are 8 years on the market yet. The game is still to huge for such old hardware.
I’m sorry I’m not trolling but this news (about CP77) made me laugh 😅
im playing it at the moment on ps4 pro and its fine havent had any problems and it runs fine
I don't know why games companies announce dates anymore. Why not just announce the game or release with no date and wait until they know it's ready?
I never finished Witcher 3, and not sure picking it up again in the middle will work well...but I'm waiting for the PS5 version all the same.
Picked up 2077 for under $10. Played the opening bits, haven't hit the intro of Johnny yet. Waiting for PS5 version (and hopefully even more bug fixes) before I really jump in.
I've got other stuff to play, I can afford to wait. I'm simply not sure what to expect. Will I still end up with a buggy, broken PS5-native mess whenever it actually DOES release, whether that's early 2022 or after even more delays?
CDPR will never release a game without delaying it at least once ever again.
Not bashing delays, yes we’ve all heard the Miyamoto quote, I just find their newfound timidness funny.
One things for sure, only an idiot will buy one of their games at launch for full price ever again
I expected witcher to be delayed as it needs a bigger overhaul as its pretty dated.
Cyberpunk I just expected some better graphics and npc count to bring it up to PC standard. Maybe they are actually trying to add more content and rework the shoddy police etc.
Or maybe as both are 'free' upgrades they have no desire to rush.
The Witcher 3 targeting the second quarter of 2022? What is taking this next gen upgrade so long?
Makes sense to release the version of Cyberpunk 2077 for current gen consoles only after the game is actually done. But, as I said before, I can't imagine anymore what is a "Cyberpunk 277 done". I watch and rewatch the old trailers to try to remember what we were expecting from that game and I just can't remember. Disenchantment, I guess. Maybe an excellent expansion can turn the tides in the game's favor, but it will take a lot of ba.., courage, from CDPR to start hyping us again for anything Cyberpunk 2077 related. It is what they will have to do, though.
@Lyonjak "Cyberpunk released December 2020
Scheduled to be actually finished first quarter 2022"
"Scheduled" when's it actually gonna hit
I loved my time with this game and am looking forward to the next gen version. Nice to see CDPR making some changes.
We all make mistakes so hopefully this is a sign of good things to come. Like it or not CDPR is one of the last 3rd party studios that makes big open world Western RPGs. I'm rooting for them to make a turnaround after Cyberpunk.
Ah, that's a shame. I was waiting on the PS5 version for my Witcher 3 replay this year. I guess I can wait a while longer.
haha... there is no making this right. we will be 3 years removed from the release of cyberpunk and they will be saying the same thing. "fundamentally broken". let that sink in cdpr. people have moved on and outside of decent initial sales (all the result of faux, manipulative media hype and onslaught of marketing), the game is a failure technically and artistically speaking. it will never be fondly remembered or go in history as an impactful game that became a classic. rather, it will be a textbook example of how poor project management and dishonesty can unraval at the seams and result in a dumpster fire.
Strange that TW3 has just been given age ratings for the new consoles, but is now not due out until next year 🤔
thank god there's no big games to compete against in the first quarter of 2022...…. Well apart from horizon 2 and saints row, Elden ring, ghost wire Tokyo etc. They should of just canned the previous gen versions and had it as a new-generation launch title. Or sold the bugs as features like Bethesda does
Yeah I'm done with CDPR until they shift course, It's too little too late. "We are now going to delay our projects to ensure they are up to quality standards,....AFTER selling you a an unfinished game based on fraudulent marketing claims..."
CDPR is just the next Take TWO/Rockstar, Ubisoft. Activision, EA. They get so big they forget the artistic and quality production processes that garnered them a fanbase, and instead their fanbase is a revenue stream to be exploited. The game industry needs an overhaul as this era of cash grabs and remakes is getting old.
They also lost a great deal of investor trust and employees in the last 12 months. CDPR tanked themselves
@Porco well said
Wasn't W3 supposed to be the first to release of the two? That's the one I'm waiting for. I'll live, I guess.
Seems like a new trend, you all spend time writing an article giving us news that the game might be on the 'way' then the developer dashes our hopes immediately after and you have to write another article.
I know that's how things are at the moment but it's almost like they wait for an article to be published before we get any info...
@Porco Who are "they" that are still saying it's fundamentally broken in its current version? Those running on dated hardware that is incapable of running a game of this scope? Those that haven't actually played it, that just parrot what they read on the internet? Those that look at it this game in a vacuum and ignore all other major successful open world titles that are just as buggy (I see you Bethesda) to make their point?
To make this claim, is to ignore the large number of people that are running it on capable hardware and having a blast doing so today, let alone months from now; with even more polish.
I am not defending CDPR; they shouldn't have made a game of this scope, or shouldn't have targeted last generation hardware; or should have made a more scalable engine and delayed launch by another year; but a lot of people are waiting to play it until it releases on the current generation, so that launch is incredibly important.
Aaaaand no one cares. I almost forgot about Cyberpunk completely lol
@AFCC A lot of us care. Many resisted buying the game on last generation console, waiting until it was available natively on the current generation before diving in. The poorly handled initial launch doesn't change that; with over a year of bug fixes and millions of inadvertent beta testers to help find the game breaking issues; I am more excited than ever for the PS5/XSX release.
they are shaking in their boots that both games will be released completely broken at launch...
Gerald and me in the Spring!
@thechetearly exactly what I’ve been saying stop giving dates go silent and drop they feel its ready.
We all know TW3:WH:CE delay is @ShogunRok fault b/c he kept bringing up the Netflix series season 2 Dec 17th in the previous article.
Cyberpunk is just cursed.
Oh well, at least we can still WATCH Witcher.😎
booo CDPR booo... was my fav developer by far but now I cant even look at their logo... Releasing CP2077 in state that its STILL in is big BS. Hope you lose all your money lying c__ts
@thedevilsjester spot on
@thedevilsjester the game is mediocre at its core! Slight visual and gameplay improvements won't change the game much, it will still be a generic FPS/RPG, a huge disappointment in that...
@Jimmer-jammer I played one factions story on PS4 then jumped to PS5. By the end and my platinum I really enjoyed the game. I am ready for a Cyberpunk 2 and would still buy it day one!
So are all of the other large open world games (Skyrim, GTA, AC, etc...) In my opinion they are all mediocre at their core, but that doesn't make them any less enjoyable.
The open world formula is getting pretty tired for many and a bit of Cyberpunk is a breath of fresh air even if it's not the most amazing game ever.
@thedevilsjester even if you were to dismiss the technical shortcomings of cyberpunk, the core game itself is underwhelming. it is poorly designed and did not live up to even a fraction of its expectations. i don't see many people going to bat for cyberpunk from an artistic or creative standpoint either. i doubt we will be looking back on cyberpunk 20 years from now and classify it as a "classic" or memorable game. as i was saying, it is a failure in all regards.
@ScottyG CDPR was already never releasing a game without a delay... The Witcher 3 was delayed twice and still had issue, and CyberPunk 2077 had like 4 delays
@JohnKarnes yeah, it’s a good game! I’ve been really looking forward to the next gen upgrade and the expansions. Mostly I’m just looking forward to discussing it without all of the bs that seems to surround even the mention of it 😂
Hopefully they spare everyone the cyberdisappointment that it is. Even on PC bug free with RT and all the shinies it still feels like a hollow game because the city is dead. There is no sense of purpose, you just go from one quest to the next with nothing really to pull you through the game and want to see what happens next.
The first 5 hours are pretty cool, but then the facade just crumbles and you are left with a very shallow gaming experience.
I’ve been playing cyberpunk on my PS5 and have been loving it lol. I just did 4 different people in like 30 minutes lolol. All jokes aside if you can get over the rough edges its fun. I got 2 copies and a steelbook from best buy for $10. Gonna hold onto my new copy and give it to a friend once the PS5 patch is out.
@trev666 Came here to say pretty much the same. I've had a few crashes and smaller bugs, and there's a fair bit of jank, but on PS4 pro it's no worse than fallout 4. I'm actually on my second playthrough of cyberpunk right now. It's a shame as the potential was through the roof, but I'm still enjoying it.
RIP 2021 release window but understandable, hopefully they will use the extra time wisely.
Make it right!!! It was terrible from release so how do you build on terrible. In all my life I’ve never ever known a gaming release with so much hype, so much fanfare and it be one of the biggest disappointments in gaming history. We’ll see in the next 3 years how Project Red gets on with this huge update for next gen cos let’s be honest it was released with next gen in mind. 2022 release yeah more 2023!!! Cyberpunk 2077 one of the biggest saddest disappointments letsdown in gaming history.
Not too fussed about the delay to be honest, I kind of want to give cyberpunk a go but not in a massive rush to play it enough decent games to play. Was a bit gutted about Witcher though as I thought that might release this year but again no worries enough to play
Why they need 2 years to put RT in current gen consoles? Square Enix released a whole new chapter in so little time. I undestand they don’t have same resources but this is embarrassing, they are not a small studio anymore they got enough money to hire some developers
@Porco As I said to another poster; I could say the exact same for the likes of Skyrim, GTA, AC, and pretty much every major open world game in the last decade. None of them were anything special, none of them pushed story telling, or were technical masterpieces by any measurement, and every one of them underwhelmed at their core (they were just a graphical upgrade to the previous games that came before them); but that didn't make them any less enjoyable, and nearly everyone that I talk to about Cyberpunk (that actually played it, and not on a last gen system), enjoyed it. I wager in another 5 years, the few (but loud) voices on the internet that are continuing to complain, will be drowned out by those that loved the game and are still playing it (the same as with the previously mentioned games). Not everyone set their expectations to unachievable levels; and so can enjoy it for it what is, not what they want it to be.
CDPR please sell your IPs to Sucker Punch. Please please please
@thedevilsjester no - you cant push that narrative at all. Whether you found the gameplay in those games compelling or not is not relevant, what IS relevant is that they delivered the gameplay they promised with the features they promised, even if they had technical hitches too. Cyberpunk promised a million things it never delivered on, and the systems it did deliver were very poorly constructed, not due to technical issues, but due to poor design.
It was a classic case of over hype and over promise and utterly deserves the contempt it gets from people who bought based on empty promises. Unless they can resurrect it like 'No Mans Sky' this game will always be a meme for utter failure.
...and you must have a very selective group of friends, as the overwhelming percentage of gamers I've met who have played the title, were seriously underwhelmed by it. Not all, maybe 20% liked it, but that's not good numbers.
@Titntin Nonsense. What you are saying is that it doesn't matter if the game is any good, what matters is that it failed to deliver on the hype.
A lot of people are butt-hurt that it didn't turn out to be the best game ever; but that doesn't mean that its not just as good as its contemporaries.
Even its failure to deliver on the hype still puts it in good company. "Shoot for the Moon; even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."
@Shepherd_Tallon you should give it a shot now its pretty good but bruh the problems they have had.....pale in comparison to the ending of this game. 😐
Doesn't matter there'll be far better games coming out that will bury Cyberpunk anyway. The game could be perfectly ok, even good but my interest just isn't there still. My hype for Cyberpunk died last year.
@thedevilsjester maybe English is your second language? At no point did my post say 'it doesn't matter if its any good or not'.
I did say it doesn't matter if you liked any of the games you mentioned or not, but that obviously doesn't suit your narrative so your just making sh*t up?
I clearly suggested it failed to deliver on basic fundamental gameplay mechanics it had promised and even shown. Not hype, basic systems and basic behaviours and gameplays which were promised. This is why in the eyes of most gameplayers, and indeed many who played it through, its a poor excuse for game.
There are always some who will fall for the hype even if its not delivered, and will argue till their blue in the face that they cant understand why people hate it. That's you. Whatever your viewpoint, history will judge this game based on what the majority of game players thought, and many of us who wasted good money on this based on the devs reputation have had to learn the hard way.
You want to pretend this game is as good as AC, GTA and Skyrim? You've simply showed you have no game knowledge or taste!
Anyhow, I'm glad at least one sucker is enjoying it - have a lovely day!
@Titntin You didn't explicitly say it; but you certainly implied it; and then doubled down on your next post. Lets examine:
"I clearly suggested it failed to deliver on basic fundamental gameplay mechanics it had promised and even shown."
The implication there is that since it didn't deliver on the mechanics promised that it's a bad game; but that is nonsense.
As a simple example: Imagine most contemporary games run at 30 FPS, and a game promises to run at 60 FPS. When released, however, it doesn't come anywhere near 60 FPS and the game only plays at 30 FPS. Is it a bad game simply because it failed to hit its promised lofty target, even though it plays the same as its contemporaries?
Hype doesn't matter; failing to deliver on hype doesn't matter. What matters is: Is the game that was actually released any good?
@Jvoors That's the thing. I was saying previously, when I was playing the game I had fun, but when it was over it felt very flat and I just didn't want to go back to it.
If I buy a car which promises a 4 litre V8 under the bonnet and get it delivered only to find out it has a 1.6 litre 4 cylinder engine, then I have every right to be annoyed and feel completely ripped off no matter how good the 1.6 engine is.
CDPR promised many things that they failed to deliver and many people who bought the game did so in the reasonable expectation that it would deliver what it promised. Thats wrong, that's a failure, and I'd suggest it should be illegal - its certainly morally corrupt.
Your argument is clearly ridiculous and surely even you can't honestly keep a straight face whilst making it? If I bought a promised 3D open world exploration game and got an old Mario title instead - that's OK to you because Mario is a good game?
Not that Cyberpunk is a good game - I have played it on both PS5 and my 3090 pc. Its a mediocre FPS, which is not even close to being an RPG and even if every bug was fixed it would be a massive let down. I'm not going to list all its ills here, there are so many well written pieces which represent my views on why this game is so truly awful from a design point, and a reply here is not the place to examine its many and obvious shortcomings.
You can like the game of course and more power to you, but nobody should excuse the over promises, the lack of promised features and the awful state of the finished game. This game has set the new standard for how awful a release can be (even fall out 76 feels polished after this turd) From a basic consumer point of view, this was, and is, a massive failure regardless or not if you like the drivel it did deliver.
@Titntin Absolutely. I am not saying you don't have the right to be angry, of feel lied to and betrayed. What I am saying is that that does not mean that the product delivered is actually bad; just that it doesn't live up to the hype.
To add some perspective:
On Metacritic, this game has an 86/7.1 score (for PC); Thats not bad. Its on par with or better than some of its open world contemporaries like Watch Dogs (1/2/Legion) and AC:Valhalla. While it doesn't hit the lofty numbers of Skyrim or GTA; its no slouch and clearly a lot of people still enjoy the game.
The PS4 version of the game on the other hand has terrible scores; which clearly indicates that most of the negative attitude towards the game is because of performance/stability on last generations consoles. A problem that PC and the PS5/XSX don't share.
You may be bitter towards the developer for not delivering on their promises and you have every right to be; but that doesn't mean that judged on its own merits, that the game is as terrible as the comment sections of news sites tend to portray it.
@Shepherd_Tallon oooh my bad I get you.
I agree now ive finished it although I enjoyed it I wouldent do the whole thing again. Anyone who has not done it tho... id say give it a shot.
@Jvoors All good! And yeah I agree.
It's worth a play through for sure, but it's not something I'd follow long term.
So, what I get from this is that Cyberpunk needed at least one more year of development before launch.
Although I’m not in a “rush” (ha) to play my copy — I have a huge backlog — the outlandish disrespect towards gamers is astonishing.
It’s going to be a very very long time before I consider buying a game from them again. They can go screw themselves.
Two of the best games ever to have graced my PS4.
@thedevilsjester You sell a game on a console thar cant run it is my problem or theirs. Your reaction is so stupid if you release a game on a platform you better make sure it runs good. But some fanboys will find a excuse for everything. Its their faulf it was a mess not the people who bought it. NMS has been destroyed for it woth a small teqm and you know what they fixed instead of making promises.
@Flaming_Kaiser I think you are reading what you want to in my messages because I don't disagree with you, nor have I made any excuse for their actions. Maybe you meant to reply to someone else?. They should have either abandoned the last generation hardware, or they should waited until it had more reasonable performance levels on that hardware. Releasing it in that state on last generation consoles was anti-consumer and will not be forgotten for a long time.
None of that; however, makes it a terrible game on hardware that can run it: high end PCs and, relevant to the topic PS5/XSX. The point of my posts is that people still enjoy the game (those that can play it with decent performance) as the review scores and sales demonstrate. It's not a bad game, fundamentally, it was just very poorly optimized for last generation hardware.
Judging by these comments, sounds like they need to delay these games into an alternate reality.
You either die the hero (Witcher 3) or you live long enough to become the villain (Cyberpunk).
@thedevilsjester Skyrim 100%, one of the most overrated games of all time!
But even that one is miles better than Cyberpunk! But hey, I still enjoy some mediocre or bad games
@AFCC You are welcome to your opinion, certainly; but trying to push the narrative that it's a game that no one cares about because you personally think it's a bad game; is disingenuous at best. With Metacritic (both critic and user) scores that rival some of the big hitters like AC:Valhalla show that (at least on capable hardware) quite a few people enjoy the game and are happy with it.
The exception being the last generation consoles because of the poor performance (the Metacritic scores for the game on those platforms reflect this); but thats an issue with optimization and hardware capabilities, not one of core gameplay design.
@thedevilsjester I think many many people fooled themselves to be honest. There isn't 1 single feature in that game that makes it unique. RPG elements are barebones! Driving felt bad! There were tons of visual bugs and glitches.
I was kinda enjoying the main story but tons of better games came out so I decided to only finish it after the PS5 version comes out, but the more time it passes the more I forget about this game
@AFCC I am not arguing that you are not right in that assessment, but I would also categorize Skyrim and GTA the same way. They don't do anything unique, nothing that their previous games didn't do, and what they do do isn't in any way amazing. There are tons of bugs, visual glitches and performance issues. People still love the games anyway. I am not saying the CP2077 is going to have the same lasting appeal that those games have, but I am saying that it's not this dumpster fire that some make it out to be (well it is on last gen consoles, but that's for a different reason).
@thedevilsjester I see something else a lot of people payed good money on PS4/Xbox so i have nothing to do that it runs on PC or nextgen console.
And these excuses that it runs great on these systems annoys me even more. They took the money when they knew it was a horrible mess.
@thedevilsjester fair enough! When I was playing it was not that buggy but I got lucky I guess...but still huge disappointment for me
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