If you weren’t impressed with the recent GTA: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition trailer, then perhaps this comparison will change your mind. This clip takes Rockstar’s original reveal and builds it out, showing direct comparisons with the classic games on both the PlayStation 2 and PC. You may have missed many of these tweaks, so it’s quite eye-opening seeing them examined like this.
For example, we see a brief shot of a train in GTA 3. In the original game, the lighting is flat and the train tracks are jagged. In the re-releases, Rockstar has not only rounded the tracks out, but also added reflections to the metallic surfaces. It’s also incorporated better foliage across the board, and even completely rebuilt some models, adding plants and more defined geometry.
This clearly toes the line between remaster and remake: Rockstar has completely rebuilt some assets, but managed to maintain the original “look” of the games. It’s an impressive achievement, because this is a difficult balance to strike. The best way we can describe the PlayStation 5 and PS4 versions is thus: the titles look like how you remember them.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 56
Looks nice. GTA3 is looking like that infamous Watchdogs footage now!!
not sure I'd be able to play through any of these games again. Not really digging the new look, but the control enhancements are a welcome addition for those willing to take the plunge again.
When you say Rockstar, do you mean Grove Street Games?
Are there any extra benefits on Series X/ PS5? Also is the same music and audio on the radio present? Will it still have the same scripts?
I just them to say if the music is all restored.
A lot if it looks a lot better. That girls face they zoomed in looks better in the original though. Her face just looks bloated in the new version lol.
As a piece of satire, I always wished the GTA games leaned more into the stylized cartoonish look its cover art was known for, instead of the realistic take from IV onward. I'm happy to see these embrace that and really crank it up.
All looks and sounds great to me. I can’t wait for it.
I knew rockstar was gonna do a amazing job once i heard about the rumors.now i will get the physical copie on December.its gonna be legendary. 3 iconic games in one.word up son
Lol there are several shots this video showcases where the game looks worse, and more like a cartoon or roblox. While lighting seems better the cartoon affect is especially notable in the night motorcycle clips.
Either way this is such a lame re-release. Stop advertising for take two please. Until they do something new. It's likely the 20 mins on Wed is just going to be Sony advertising for big AAA garbage like another cod Reskin, or this.
But I guess since Sony has nothing to offer this holiday season it makes sense
Is it correct (and why?!) there is no physical ps5 release?
Looks really great. Way better than I thought it would be. I’ll probably cough up.
It's very inconsistent and plasticky looking tbh. They've definitely done a lot of work to bring these up to a more modern look, I just don't think it comes together. The realistic lighting effects with the stylised models look strange to me, and that one shot in the garage in III, looks much too bright in the new version.
I'm looking forward to these. I just wish they'd release GTA IV on ps4/5. I wouldn't even be mad if it was a straight port. There's no way I'm dusting my ps3 off to play it
Any idea when this will be open for pre order for the physical edition for PS5?
Has it been clarified if Gta 3 and VC still have the loading screens between the islands? I always hated those.
I wonder if the hidden packages will be in the same places seeing as though theyve mixed up the trophies?
@MFTWrecks opposite for me. Those cartoony stills from the older games aren't even particularly good looking (not sure if they've gotten better in 4+/if they're still there). They look completely out of place in the game and make the game look low budget.
I, for one, cannot F'n wait to play Vice City again. Never got into SA but acknowledge the love. I haven't played these since they originally released. I'm not sure if I played 3 or VC more but will start with VC. I'd be lying if I wasn't worried about the radio stations being screwed due to licensing agreements
I know I said I won't get it for the whopping 55 bucks ,but I actually am Gona do it. GTA games is literally my childhood and nostalgia hits too hard. Every time I watch YouTube and get that advertise of the trailer it gives me shivers.
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@kingbreww cant wait for the 11th! I'm surprised you play anything at all with all of this edge you keep throwing about.
Really want to buy the trilogy but I can't justify forking out £50 plus for it out of principal...if it was £30 I would buy day 1...want to revisit 3 the most
@Loftimus just my honest opinion, it’s a half baked remaster. And I only play the games I love, pretty good doesn’t cut it for me
@StylesT especially for the ps4 version! they are taking the mick!
I want it but £55...tsk c'mon. This isn't full R*, it's a Grove Street Games. Got a feeling it's TakeTwo pushing this. I wanna see actual gameplay vids before I decide. And folks who keep saying they don't like SA when no one's said anything...just say you don't like the whole black culture theme and be done with it, San Andreas had everything from 3 to VC combined, what's not to like!
I sort of would like to play these again but I wonder what's left of the soundtrack and what else was censored besides the confederate flag shirt.
@kingbreww even people who have never played the originals should be ashamed?
Idk if I'm going to buy it or not but no one should be ashamed to buy it, even if they have repeatedly played the originals. I know I would definitely give them a go if they turn up on plus at some point.
There no need for any outrage, they are a company trying to make money - if you want to support it then do, if you don't then walk on by. At the very least imagine never playing these games when they came out, now you've an opportunity to buy those 3 games.. All of them masterclasses at open world when released.. and you should be ashamed to get them for the price of one game? Chill out.
@kingbreww that's great if you don't want to buy it , no ones questioning that. but why on earth would you care what other people do with their own money? worry more about yourself and less about what other people do.
@twitchtvpat @Liberty____1st because I won’t be served slop and if I see it I’m going to call it. I don’t care what other people do or what they think about it or my opinion. This is a page I frequent, it had and article that asked for comments so I left mine
@TheArt SA is the only one of the originals that was still worth playing 5 years later. Anyone who thought it wasn't as good must have been getting high on their own supply.
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@kingbreww if you don't care what people do , then why on earth would you include this,
" Anyone who buys this should be ashamed of themselves"
like i said you are free to have your opinion on if this is good or not , i really don't care. but if you are going to shame people like that for using their own money on something , you'll be called out for it.
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@TheArt But no one has said that here 🤨 also I would take gta4 over either of these 3 and you couldn't do sh** in 4. Sometimes is not about how much stuff you can do otherwise GTAV is the greatest video game not just GTA of all time for now and until infinity!
Probably November/Early December considering that the physical release date is for the PS4, and the PS5 will be at a later date.
I’ve Platinum 3 and San Andreas In the last month and I’m currently playing through vice city. I would think I’d be burnt out but man I’m really looking forward to these, can’t wait for December.
PS4 & Xbox One will have loading screens, PS5 maybe not.
It definitely clear some effort went into this thing but I must admit I got mixed feelings on how everything looks. The environments and lighting look much improved, but it clashes with the cartoony look of the character models. It's like they couldn't decide if they wanted to fully remake the models or keep them like the originals so now it just looks somewhere in the middle.
Personally it doesn't look right to me but that said I do appreciate the effort they put into it even if it doesn't totally click with me.
@twitchtvpat "I don't care what other people do, but if you buy this game, shame on you!"
That type of backwards way of thinking is why I don't waste my time on people like that. The ignore button certainly comes to good use to avoid toxic people.
Personally, these do look a little more like low-budget remakes than straight remasters, but I guess marketing these as remakes would lead to a much more negative reception, so calling them 'remasters' is probably a safer move.
Like others have said though, I'm not convinced on the new cartoon style the characters seem to have adopted. Makes some sense, as these games are pretty cartoon-y, but at the same time, I'm not sure how well it's going to mesh with fans who are used to the older style.
Man i'm surprised how good the remasters look, will prolly get this right away! Always loved those GTA games and now we can play them with decent graphics and good controls? Hell yes!
At 0:46 is the left or the right the new one because the characters on the right look horrible.
The character models look hideous the rest is quite a good upgrade. And they call it cartoony its nightmare fuel.
@Loftimus I think his avatar gif tells you all you need to know.
So has there been a native PS5 version announced yet or?
@InsertUsername you are right. i don't mind a good back and forth but when they run out of excuses they tend to make it personal and act like a child.
@daveofduncan it looks like there is a ps5 version , not sure if it has extra benefits , it would be pretty cool if there was. like fast loading , 4k res , not going over board with expectations , i'd just be happy with fast loading.
@MFTWrecks this right here. It seems no one remembers the stylized art featured in the cover art and manuals. The in-game models now capture it, and I'm all for it 👍
@TheArt "just say you don't like the whole black culture theme and be done with it".....It's one of my Top 3 games off all time the others being FF7 and MGS3...I enjoyed it because of the variety not the diversity....that kind of thing means nothing to me we are all human right No Divisions 99.9% of us are Peasants and I include every race colour and creed the .1 % try to divide us well it don't wash with me I know my place...remember remember the 5th of November.🎆🎆🍾🎆🎆.
@kingbreww you literally said that anyone who buys it should be ashamed lol...so much hyperbole.
@daveofduncan @Boucho11 @MatthewJP There doesn't seem to be a physical PS5 release sadly.
@KidBoruto yeah, makes no sense. I have read (not sure how true it is) that if you buy the physical ps4 version it allows you to upgrade to the ps5 one. That was on reddit though...
@Number09 Cheers to you 🍻🍾
@MatthewJP Fingers crossed that is true about the free PS4 to PS5 upgrade.
Anyone know if the ps4 and ps5 versions of the trilogy will be different in comparison to each other? Or is it that both versions are the same?
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