It's taken a bit longer than usual, but the PS Plus games lineup for November 2021 has been officially revealed. And as it turns out, this week's leak was bang on the money (yet again).
First up, we've got First Class Trouble on both PS5 and PS4. The game was confirmed for PS Plus during Sony's latest State of Play broadcast. Take a look at this gameplay trailer if you want to see the quirky multiplayer title in action.
On top of that, we've got Knockout City on PS5 and PS4 alongside Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning on PS4. The former is a really fun take on dodgeball, while the latter is a remaster of the combat-heavy PS3 RPG.

And then we've got the PlayStation VR games. Three VR titles are up for grabs — a first for PS Plus — including the highly rated The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners. It's joined by The Persistence and Until You Fall. It's also worth noting that these three PSVR games are available until the 3rd January, 2022.
So, to recap, November 2021's PS Plus games are:
- First Class Trouble (PS5, PS4)
- Knockout City (PS5, PS4)
- Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning (PS4)
- The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners (PSVR)
- The Persistence (PSVR)
- Until You Fall (PSVR)
All six of these PS Plus games will be available to download from next Tuesday — that's the 2nd November, 2021.
A meaty offering, then, but what do you think of November's PS Plus games? Give us an honest opinion in the comments section below.
Comments 127
I don’t have PSVR, so meh lineup for me. If I had it I would be much more exited.
Six games of consistently good quality is a great lineup. Nice!
The Persistence (PSVR), very nice. Been meaning to give this a go. Perfect timing. That one alone makes it worth it for me.
Trash, honestly.
First Class Trouble looked so bad. Literally just an Among Us re-skin without the charm.
Kingdoms of Amalur alone makes this a solid month for me. Glad I held out on picking it up.
Fantastic selection of games! The VR titles in particular are excellent.
Kinda not happy with the multiplayer heavy focus on games lately. The only one that appeals to me is Kingdoms of Amalur are-Reckoning. Don’t have a VR and have little interest in the VR titles, as for the other two I’ve only just heard of First Class Trouble and it doesn’t appeal to me, and I can’t exactly get into PvP dodgeball. For those who are interested in all the titles it’ll be nice, but I just don’t like the focus on the online multiplayer games for PS Plus lately. I don’t mind multiplayer games, but it would be nicer to get something that can be done offline solo or online.
No one has said anything so it’s probably a no - but the Persistence also got a non VR version right? Is that an extra mode or are they separate games?
Good mix of games.
People getting all mad, as if they ain't got a backlog to go through. With that said, what the hell is this garb...
@ztpayne7 I believe it's the same client for the non-VR version so should be playable without PSVR. You should also be able to download the free PS5 upgrade as well.
Eh….was hoping for better.
Will give knock out city a go but other than that not too interested in anything tbh
Not bad, I'll pickup Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning remaster, The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners, The Persistence and Until You Fall, I've tried the persistence demo and it was ok and I'm a big walking dead fan so I'll enjoy playing that too, better than last month at least!
Knockout City is so good, I hope everyone will at least give it a try. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
KoA and the be games make it a great month. People who’ve had plus for a whole, and picked up the free AVR games, really need to just get a headset. Really. You won’t regret it. You have most of the best games already.
Inb4 the entitled whiners oh wait
I found out that I bought Saints and Sinners on the last sale and never played it lol it ruined my day
@uptownsoul Regardless of games? Show your work. Comments have been pretty spot on with regards to quality and value.
I think this is a pretty decent month — I’d even say a strong one if you have PSVR.
That said, a game that was already free on PS Plus and is currently a ghost town, an HD version of a game from almost a decade ago, and an Among Us clone is a bargain bin.
There are sometimes good finds in the bargain bin, but let’s keep it real what this is. Why defend it? @RedKnight34 For a lot of people that thought they saved money buying the yearly sub, they feel like they’re getting ripped off. Are you really going to tell them they’re wrong? Make the case.
@get2sammyb heya bud!
@get2sammyb nah, no thanks, just not my thing 😑
@Originut Hey did they nuke the comments?
Well please with the vr games, 3 good looking games I don't own... the rest are very poor though
I've always wanted to get around to kingdoms so glad it's here, the rest... meh
Back for another month to call out the entitled babies in the comments.
Get over yourselves. Another solid selection of games.
@uptownsoul you said “regardless of games”. That’s not true. The site has polls for PS Plus games every month.
@Jacko11 Those entitled babies who spent money on a year’s sub when games like Control and Final Fantasy VIIR we’re getting put out and feel ripped off.
What babies, feeling entitled to some level quality of service for their money.
I don't have VR and I already have Kingdoms of Amalur. A good month for some, unfortunately not for me.
Without the PSVR it’s weak as, but with them it’s actually pretty good. I don’t have a PSVR as it’s a bit old tech-wise but am getting a PSVR 2 so hopefully they make it backwards compatible which I’m sure at some stage they will. I’ll just library them up for future use and then reactivate my subscription which I’m not renewing this time
Well if the persistence does work without VR then that's me happy -looks right up my street. May try the dodge ball but mp not really my thing, and think I may have played the Amalur rpg game many years back but may give it another go... probably not though.
@uptownsoul Like I said, I think it’s solid but I can see why people would complain if they don’t have VR.
Can you really not see their side?
@Sorteddan I think Persistence without VR is just a poor man’s Void Bastards. Give it a shot though, why not!
That's pretty solid. Until You Fall is one of the few PSVR games to have some really good melee combat so I definitely recommend checking that one out.
I already got a physical copie of kingdom of amalur re reckoning.amazing game.i will download knockout city.seems like a fun game.word up son
Is this specifically the version of The Persistence that only works in VR? It was updated to work without it.
Good lineup. Looking forward to the VR games. They were good choices.
This is the best month we've had in over a year. Stellar. I own Saint and Sinners, but I'm excited for the rest and Saints and Sinners is a great VR game. I've also had an interest in Kingdoms of Amular.
First Class Trouble looks absolutely dreadful, dont care in the slightest about a Dodgeball online MP, but will take Amalur and have a pretty good time.
@uptownsoul I know the sun’s coming up tomorrow. Why comment if you don’t have an opinion about it?
After a few months of ‘meh’ for me, this has really perked me up. That said, after watching last nights’ State of Play, I have no interest in First Class Trouble, however I will at least add Knockout City.
I also have Kingdoms of Amalur from the PS3 plus giveaway (still not played!), so the Re-Reckoning version will be played instead.
As a PSVR owner, I am very pleased with these offerings, as I’ve had The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners & The Persistence in my wish list for a while. Not heard of Until You Fall, so will give that a go.
So I’m pleased by this months’ offering!
@LiamCroft @get2sammyb Why did you guys nuke the comments from the “Rumored PS Plus...” page? The comments have always carried over when you switch the page over to “announced”.
Most of the PS4 offerings are on Switch as well and First Class Trouble sounds too multiplayer for my taste, but I still appreciate that the latter's distribution isn't limited to PS5 users. And if not for having the aforementioned Switch port, Kingdoms of Amalur would have definitely been one of the best PS+ gains this year.
A PSVR2 buy is a given for me, so happy to build up my collection.
But I get PS+ for my racing and Co-op games. These games are just an extra bonus.
Just Control, and FFVII payed for my sub already.
Wow, a great set of VR games - all quality offerings. These alone make it a great month for me.
Best month of the year for me. That's why I don't get disappointed when I'm not interested in one (or more) month's offerings. Looking at what I get yearly to see if the service is worth it to me makes much more sense.
Don't have VR so another month that goes in the bin
Might just drop ps+ entirely and only go with ps now at this point. It obviously features games that are multiplayer focused but I just don't play online very often so I don't really have an interest in games like that. Kingdoms of Amalaur is cool but not enough to continue justifying my subscription.
This is another garbage line-up month.
@IronMike is there anything that isn't garbage with you people?
I think most who skipped paying $40 for a Kingdoms of Amalur port on another system are happy right now.
$40 is what I payed for 12 months of PS+ and it is included.
Zero interest in most of this...particularly not thrilled about Kingdoms of Amalur (more fantasy tripe, immediate pass)...but as I didn't jump on the Among Us bandwagon, First Class Troubles genuinely looks like a laugh.
@Spiders This is a new article with a fresh set of comments; the rumour article was redirected into this so that anyone hitting that link would be able to see the latest, official information. Therefore, the previous comments on that older article aren't viewable anymore.
@get2sammyb thanks for letting me know! Might look into it more then!
@get2sammyb I'll give it a go but just know that i know what you're playing at!
Got Persistence and Saints N Sinners. Sinners might arguably be the best VR title around. Dont have the others so its no bad. The servers must be quite empty for the dodgeyball game if theyre giving it away for free already... Its already been on Gamepass since it was released. Played it with my son and its pretty good.
@Agramonte I mean, those who can USE the game on this system most likely are.😏 Granted, the game's controls look kinda manageable here, but again, even with my unlimited mobile data plan nowadays, we're still talking a $40 offline port vs the one I have to stream all the time. I might as well reserve those streaming sessions for a more contextually fitting PS+ item like Greedfall.
So it's basically a good month for anyone with VR, but ***** for anyone without. Can't please both camps, I guess...
Removed - inappropriate; user is banned
I don't know how people are complaining, this is a good month! 6 games, 4 for non VR users if the Persistence does indeed play without.
Glad to have a rpg on the list to slice through..was it re reckoning on the ps3 or did they add the "re" later?and can you re reckon something?
This actually the first time in years I'm excited for PS plus! Great month for VR holders
cue comments where someone is mad that they own one or more of these games as if Sony has to only cater to you specifically
Removed - flaming/arguing
Well nothing really for me, the multiplayer games hold no interest.
We got Amalur already on PS Plus, for those who haven't played this i really enjoyed it, enough to get the plat give it a go.
I don't own PSVR, so a zero month for me, nevermind there's always that ray of light that something i like will appear in the near future.
Absolute solid month for me, especially kingdom of amalur, yet another month where people complain yet its also another month where its offerings are way better than games with gold. People need to be more grateful or just leave
@ATaco yeah if they added being able to play online to ps now I'd subscribe to that instead I'm never really bothered about the free games with plus cause I know if its something I really want I've more than likely already got it & once my subscription runs out I lose access to all these games until I resubscribe
Good thing that whenever I buy ps vr (or psvr2) I'll have a lot of games avaliable without having to buy them.
Kingdoms of Amalur is a great pick and I heard a lot of good stuff about Knockout city.
Its also nice to point out that this is the first time gives 2 ps5 games and also that these games are crossbuy with ps4.
I dont think this is what sony will do from now on but at the very least it sets a precedent.
Dont't really care for multiplayer and don't have VR so all that's left is KOA.... that I played and finished years ago. It's a very average RPG that really broadcasts it was meant to be an MMO but then re-tooled for single player late on in the process. Lot's of very dull MMO style fetch-quests
Quantity but no quality
cra.. OH WAIT! Kingdom of Amalur Greeeaaaat....
@Spiders Control and FF7R worth more than the annual sub. For me, 1 good month a year pays for the annual sub. Not like we are paying £50 every month. I think we've had several good months. The rest is a bonus, it's good for variety.
Overall I'd say that it's a pretty good month, nothing spectacular but decent especially with the vr games too. Definitely going to hook the vr this weekend just for the beat saber update and see how I get on online probably awful but will try my best lol.
@LilianaQuinn83 Finally someone telling it how it is. Sony has just been throwing all these second rate multi-player titles at us and showing almost no love for those of us who enjoy a single player experience. 95% of these shovelware multi-player titles will be dead in 6 months top anyway and they should be free at launch.
@LiamCroft Were the comments from the other article taken out to the country to live on a farm?
I think it's becoming a bad habit from sony to add these MP games that were clearly meant to be free2play anyways.
I'm really happy though that PSVR is receiving some psplus love. I always thoguht adding psvr to the psplus library would add incentive for many to purchase the headset, when they already have a backlog to start with.
@LiamCroft Fair enough. I thought the comments carried over to the new page that's linked, but I guess I never got a comment banned and then the whole conversation disappeared before.
Now you guys gunna ban @Jacko11 's comments or is it only a problem when your offensive to Yellow Stars?
@hobbes242 I guess I'm not the only one who found it odd.
Here's the cached page:
Already platinumed Knockout City. None of the others really peak my interest at all.
@Spiders 😂😂😂 are you for real
This is top level mate. GG
@Jacko11 No worries, I got your comment in my email;)
I never said I didn't think it was worth it. In fact... I don't think I've ever made a value judgement on any month for PS Plus. Between Control, Greedfall, FFVIIR, and online action playing Guilty Gear Strive, I'd say I broke even if I'm being generous.
I defend people who don't think it's worth it because they're right. For them. And it's disgusting the way people come down on them to defend a corporation and it's fandom. It's disgusting behavior to call people entitled like it's a pejorative when they spend money for service.
Also FWIW, I don't think you should have had your comment removed. I thought it was funny, and was hoping it put some good-natured name calling into fair play. You think I'm an idiot who doesn't deserve games, and @get2sammyb thinks I'm an idiot who doesn't deserve to disagree with them in public. You can guess which one I actually find offensive and demoralizing.
Good for me, even though I already own Kingdoms of Amalur. Awesome.
@Dange Personally, I agree, though I think I conflate the PLAY AT HOME free games with the PS Plus when I think about it. Still... well... see comment #91 for why I take up defending the arguments.
@Spiders that's fair enough. I agree defending corporations is a bit daft. For me, I'd defend the value of Plus. I find sometimes people forgot the amount of content they're getting. We get some really great games (and some not so good ones). Everyone is entitled to an opinion of course, I just think people forget it's the price of one game a year.
Finally a good month!
@Originut I wasn't around for the ps3 so I sadly can't reminisce with you but on another note I don't know what this whole amalur fuss is about? I've played the remaster for ten or so hours a few months back and it's so painfully mediocre. I'm not going to talk about it having aged bad because I don't really think it has even though it is a lacklustre remaster.
Anyway, just came to say don't feel bad for having it in your backlog.
I also agree with both you and @Spiders, what was his comment in the rumored thread about?
@oldno1 Most of the multiplayer titles that have been given out with PS Plus seem to either be long dead when it’s a free game for the month, or it’s something that no one seems to really talk about leading up to its launch so why give players a game that has little to no buzz around it. Like my friends that play on Sony systems, I can’t see them claiming any of the free November games, outside of KoA. We didn’t claim Octobers games either, especially considering one of them is included in the PS Plus Collection for PS5 owners. Hopefully next month there will be something decent for PS4 and PS5 owners.
@naruball is there anything that is garbage with you people?
"What do you mean, you people"
Another month with nothing for me personally, but only because I don't feel like playing kingdoms of amalur again.
Superb selection, saints and sinners is superb ,if you don't have a vr tough titties ,its fantastic for those that do 😁
@R-Soub in your opinion, saints and sinners is probably one of the greatest games ever made.
Seems okay but we better be getting knack 2 for the December psn+ games.
Until You Fall is an excellent melee VR title, highly recommended. Good month!
Boring. Hopefully December will be better
@LiamCroft Where? I don't see it. Sony fan here but they don't even seem to try to compete with MS.
I could most definitely see why people would see it as an underrated gem back then, for me most of all it reminds me of a singleplayer world of warcraft in the way it looks. In my opinion it plays a bit like it as well and don't get me wrong I actually used to play wow but Amalur just feels a tad off.
Well I would wanna say that comes off as odd but it doesn't really because I could see the mods here go about it in that way. That is a nice request though from Spiders, I'm legitimately interested in those numbers though I reckon they're hard to find. And I'm also interested in the conversation that went back and forth in that thread. Shame I missed out on it 😂
Kingdoms is a fantastic game which I've completed 3 times or so. It feels very Fable influenced and that's not a bad thing at all. I'll give it another go for sure. The other games are not for me unfortunately and I can't do VR because it makes me sick haha. I know this sounds entitled but I was under the assumption that with PS plus we would be getting console exclusive titles like games made for PS5 if you had one, not games that are ps4 and will work on ps5. I just thought Maneater was the start of Ps5 exclusive titles being offered for the Ps5 (ps4 version came after I think) and then the others would be Ps4 and VR. Does sound very entitled actually but I hope you get what I mean.
Even though I don't have PSVR I plan on picking up the PSVR2 whenever it drops so it will be nice to have a backlog up ready to go when I pick it up!
@PegasusActual93 hahaha, I know right?
@Cherip-the-Ripper take a wild guess.
@Valgore there aren't that many ps5 only games out yet. Give it time and I'm sure things will keep getting better.
@Jacko11 Your monthly entitlement comments are more tiresome than the complaints tbh
Decided to get a year of Plus about 4 months ago, and so far there haven't been a freebie I'm slightly interested in. Just my luck. Haha
@uptownsoul They can Give GoW, Spiderman, Demon Souls, GTA5 and people would still complain.
@tselliot €120 versus €60 what do you expect. And if you time it you can get plus at €45 or less.
@oldno1 You know you are full of bull if you would only check what was available this year. 😂
@naruball Yeah I believe they will. Like you said, it will just take time.
@HUMPERDOO not even close.
"we live in a society" what is it, if we can't complain, or support our likes and dislikes.. I don't see anything wrong with someone having an issue with voicing their opinion, some say "TRASH" other say "GREAT" but when people interject and say "babies whining again", you basically are being a troll, by gatekeeping and telling other people what they can and cant like.. With that being said, everybody has a forum here to voice how they feel, everybody else commenting on what others should like needs to STFU!. If you don't like a game, or like a game there is nothing inherently wrong with your opinion, its an OPINION not a mandated law of the state.." This is why we cant have nice things anymore" because people are always telling other people how to feel, and what they should abide by and like.... act like HUMAN BEINGS first guys, don't be a troll...
Meh. Don't have VR so can't make use of those games. Not interested in the Among Us rip off, the Knight game looks as old as it is, and I tried Knockout City when the beta came out and wasn't exactly blown away by it.
Oh well, always next month!
@HUMPERDOO see that option that says “ignore”, go ahead and click it my guy. Cheerio!
Yeah, nothing of interest for me.
Let's hope they're saving the good stuff for December!
Nothing for me, again. Think this is the second month in a row I won't claim anything which is a shame.
will psvr games work on next psvr headset?
@Flaming_Kaiser People would complain about God of War because it’s already free on Playstation Plus Collection. Shake your head!
@MakersMark Well said! Well actually you sound like a madman, but I totally agree hahaha. It think it gets particularly nasty in here because with PS Plus you are at an intersection of quality and value arguments. Like I replied to the esteemed poster above, you can present God of War as a ‘quality’ offering and it’s hard to disagree, but it’s cheap now, and offered for free by other means. How much is it worth, really?
Also, the fact it’s being presented/defended as if the games are some free bonus and not the main course is so disingenuous and sleazy.
It’s like a Happy Meal, and people are acting like your acting “entitled” if you’re disappointed because the toy, from McDonald’s POV, comes with the meal. Well, you can get meals without toys, so clearly people are buying Happy Meals exclusively for the toys.
Is everyone subbing to PS Plus for the “free” games? No. But to assume like @get2sammyb that they’re the exception, or even that they’re a minority of hardcore gamers (those that bother to comment on gaming sites) who see it that way is ridiculous. They’re not “free”, “extra”, or “bonus” to those people.
@kris0000 We don't know yet, but I wouldn't hold your breath.
@get2sammyb You think Sony will break compatibility from PSVR>PSVR2? How it works now (I think) is PS5 games can’t use PSVR1 hardware but the PS5 can run PSVR1 games in PS4 compatibility mode.
Compatibility (relatively) straightforward to me, but I don’t have the current setup or know all the details of the PSVR2 so I’m wondering why you don’t think so.
@Spiders I think the technology sounds too different between the two headsets, so I'll be shocked if they manage to maintain compatibility with the old headset.
Hopefully we find out soon.
Wow finally have some games that I don’t have in my library. This is exciting!
Some will say "good, some games that I don't already own"
Me.... Very poor month, even if The Persistence can be played without VR headset.
@Spiders Lets say it different because your probably not smart enough to connect the dots. Even if they would give the best games there are always people that complain.
I like the selection. I always wanted to try Saints & Sinners (and also The Persistence). I have not bought neither, mostly because I am not sure these are my type of game. Great, that I can try them out for cheap. "Until You Fall" is great but I already played it, not sure whether I will try any of the flat screen games.
To all the people who always complain about the selection:
one should not forget that the psplus subscription is also for the online infrastructure. I have no idea how much that costs, and some people argue that it should be for free, but somebody has to pay the electricity bill, network infrastructure and the equipment. I typically get the subscription fee back due to the extra discounts on the ps store. Everything else is a bonus. This year, the psplus collection alone was worth more than a 12 months subscription to me. In addition this year offered me a few great games, and many games I always wanted to try out. Altogether I get my money's worth.
I will definitely claim Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning, and have been wanting to check out Knockout CIty.
@Flaming_Kaiser Well, the poll’s up and the majority of readers are disappointed with the games. So they complain.
How smart do I have to be? I’m “connecting the dots“ with two dots.
If anything, it’s bizarre how many people defend PS Plus for how many actually judge the selection as “meh”.
So either do your research and find the months with good games as per polls and ratio the complaints to comments and compare...
Keep it simple, like a “probably not smart” person like me, and connect two dots: your bias to your assumption.
Oof, this is a giant pass. Fortunately Now is having a bang up month.
@vapidwolf, one of the best thing of these ps plus free games, that i discover the franchise of the games that i wounder if they are good or bad, like a DEMO, hitman and just cause, for example those two was allways in my wish list, should i buy them or not, after i try them thanks to ps plus free on both, i discover that they are not my style or cup of tea.
i will try saint thanks to your comment.
that godfall game is free on epic next week
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