We've been writing about the woes of Cyberpunk 2077 for close to a year now, and it's crazy to think that developer CD Projekt Red is still trying to 'fix' the open world RPG. As you may have heard, the PlayStation 5 version of the game was delayed out of 2021 and into 2022, along with all of its planned updates. However, CDPR remains confident that it can eventually turn things around and deliver a much improved Cyberpunk 2077.
Speaking to Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita, company president Adam Kiciński provides some fresh information on where the game's at: "We’re working on updates all the time, and we’re also working on a version for the latest generation of consoles. Of course, the original release taught us a lot. It gave us a kick and motivated us to make changes that will make us better in the future."
In fact, Kiciński maintains a positive outlook: "We believe that in the long run Cyberpunk 2077 will be perceived as a very good game, and like our other titles, it will sell for years – especially as the hardware gets more powerful over time and we improve the game."
Obviously, as CDPR president, Kiciński is going to say these kinds of things — but who knows? Maybe the developer will deliver on its promises and we'll be playing a much better version of Cyberpunk in 2022. The game's disastrous launch will never be forgotten, but there's still time for CDPR to repair its reputation — at least to some extent.
[source rp.pl, via videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 64
Been hearing that for over a year. Still haven’t even got round to releasing it on current gen or adding in all the missing small details like interactions with the environment, Npc and police behaviour not being as limited as they were in the Ps2 era, the weird driving and crash mechanics etc etc etc. Hearing a lot of talk not seeing much results….an entire year later. So excuse me if I say they are full of crap. To be honest even if they did all that, EVENTUALLY, would it even make up for the straight up deception and lies prior to its release? No. Making a game what it should have been on launch 1-2 years later is worthy of jeers, not cheers
"We believe that in the long run Cyberpunk 2077 will be perceived as a very good game"
(X) Doubt
I'll be honest, I've forgotten this game was still a thing.
I think the game will continue to sell some, for sure.
I think the ship has sailed though for this title to become one of the highest selling games of all time. Had the majority of the games that were sold/bought been released in a well optimized state and not as a bait and switch, their game would have been much more successful.
In playing the fans with tricks, they only played themselves. They ***** up the release. It's already going for $25 dollars at normal retail price, and $9.99 as a black friday price.
Maybe The Witcher 4 will fare better, whenever that comes out.
I believe in them, if for no other reason than they probably don't want this albatross hanging around their neck forever. It's also clear there's a good game in there.
If No Mans Sky can come back then Cyberpunk 2077 certainly can.
No you won't because almost all of your resources are working on future projects.
Im sure it will sell for years... At £5.99
Considering Witcher 3 GOTY edition is on sale for £4.99 in every other sale...
To be fair no mans sky wasn't a half broken mess, they just left out alot of promised things so easier to recover but yeah look what it's become now , cyberpunk left out about 40% of its game and it barely work on anything but ps5 or high end pc
@AdamNovice Nah, No Man’s Sky is just set up a lot easier to recover in that way. With the content drops and such. You can’t bring out content drops for a single player RPG.
At this point it’s looking like they released this game 24 months too early.
they can get it running and looking great but still underneath it all it has the game design of a ps3 game
7/10 everything it did has been done better before
I think the best solution right now is just to introduce more bugs, maybe that'll draw in some curious players.
I will be ready to play in 2077 when all the issues are sorted.
This isn’t even ready for release now, let alone a year ago!
As far as I can tell the game doesn't have a "very good" foundation to begin with, so no matter how you patch it up it'll probably never get there.
Im waiting for the upgrade but they have to concede the damage has been done. I see people comparing this to NMS. If I remember right NMS problem was Hello Games lying about the features at launch rather than it being an unpolished buggy mess. Thats why when Hello Games actually put stuff in the game it got back on track. Here Cyberpunk is a year old (or almost) and im still afraid to touch it in cases bugs ruin the experience
Remember, don't buy AAA games on day one kids! 🎊🎊🎉🎉
At this point I'm probably more angry with DICE than CDPR.
if i didnt know any better i would have thought it was a bethesda game by the way the game is designed. with the memory altering parts of remember me added into it
Yeah it will sell only in the sales, no on eon their right mind would pay full price for this game.
Though I'd wager it Will be brandished a masterpiece of game a once it hits gamepass
They can fix all the bugs and flesh out the gameplay, but I doubt it will ever come close to what was showcased at E3 2018. Good on them for still working on it though. If it was Bioware they'd have let it rot for 6 months then announce no more updates would be released coughanthemcough
People please shove your cynicism and saltiness. One misstep and the internet is ready to cancel. I believe good things can still happen, and there is enough good stuff to play until then.
@nessisonett No Man's Sky was single player for the first couple years.
@Deathnote93 Yes, but Cyberpunk is one big story. Survival games with encouraged multiple files and randomly generated elements are very very easy to insert content into.
It’s incredible that they still couldn’t fix the a.i. The game looks awsone on pc, but a.i. Is so dumb that I really can’t enjoy it.
they are acting like the core of the game itself is anything to get excited about. performance issues aside, the design and narrative fetures of the game just aren't very good and did not live up to even 50% of the hype they generated. please, just let this thing die already and focus on your next game. not all failures can be dug out of the grave and redeemed. cdpr doesn't seem to understand this and thinks it is immune to failure for some reason.
I wonder if Cyberpunk 2077 will be ready in full before the launch of GTA VI. More interestingly, if it will compete with GTA VI..
I beat this game back in December 2020. Some of the bugs actually added to the fun for me I remember one time I was casually driving around night city when suddenly my car flew and I saw the city from above. The level of detail is unlike any other open-world game and the story, side quests, characters, bosses were all great. You could choose how you wanted to play the game from watchdogs to shadow warrior to hardcore fps... I recommend the haters to actually PLAY THE GAME BEFORE HATING...
@nessisonett Yeah definitely easier to develop for. I just hope cyberpunk can some how expand on what's good about the game. I really enjoy the cyberpunk style.
People have moved on. Can’t believe it’s nearly been a year
LMFAO! Is that guy serious?
Is he aware that the game CAN'T be "saved" without re-doing it from scratch?
The basic code of that demo simply doesn't support adding anything beyond some story missions and cosmetics. Again, literally, they would have to develop a brand new game to fulfill their FAKE promises.
But guys, keep on giving them "chances" and your hard-earned money, especially in this pandemic.
P.S The game is literally a year old, and they haven't done A SINGLE THING with it! Other than some occasional bug fixes of course. Ironic that it's still buggy and busted as hell.
Oh lord, CDPR just go home, you're drunk af.
I sincerely hope they get it to a point where it’s playable and polished. I stayed a mile away due to the bad press.
CDPR would have possibly gained a new customer, had it been the juggernaut they promised. But alas.
Although not quite the same situation, the witcher games were buggy as hell on release.
Same with almost every Bethestha game, and they went on to be critically acclaimed.
Typical PC developers. Make a game that hardly runs on current hardware and tell the customers to invest LOTS OF MONEY in new PC hardware or wait for a new console generation. Optimizing a game? Oh, that's a lot of work. Good developrs do that but it's very time consuming and difficult.
Keep working on it i guess..
No they cant,one hit wonder company
Hopefully they do but I doubt it. Still have a sealed copy in a drawer I got for 10 bucks waiting on that PS5 uodate
They should pretend it's a brand new release once they fix this, and sell it for $ 59.99 on PS5/Xbox from day 1. Assuming they can ever really fix it; they blowed the time to market already.
Are they trying to get people more confident buying it now so they can play it when?
@Gloamin I can understand why people dont share the same amount of faith. I dont believe they will ever make it close to what they shown to the people. Its a pity it looked fantastic and so much missing content /features. You only get one shot at a first impression.
So if i read between the lines they knew it was a mess and it would not run decent on the older consoles.
So I bought the PS4 version back in Nov 2020 like a idiot I pre-ordered for my PS4 Pro absolute ecstatic then it was disaster. Now jump back to now and the newest update 1.31 it’s still not working, it crashes, it glitches and that’s a year later. I don’t even know if it’s ever going to be updated in a state of playability but really loosing hope, it’s still in an absolute mess.
I too was roped in by its pretty looks. What to expect; with such suggestive screenshots all seemed promising only to take advantage of the refund offer when it presented itself.
@AdamNovice No mans sky didn't have the expectations that Cyperpunk did. not even close, Cyperpunk was one of the biggest busts of the generation, as bad as Anthem , CDPR got away with it as they sold over 12 million copies on preorder alone.
Really enjoyed my playthrough last year, looking forward to the 'next gen' update
Played it on PC with a 3080 earlier this year and even with solid performance it's just not that amazing of a game. The world is lifeless with absolutely nothing to do and side content is a joke. The combat is good and stays fun due to the large amount of customization and upgrades though. The story is actually really good too. It's a solid first entry into a series, but there's so many important issues with the game that have nothing to do with performance that really bog it down. It's definitely worth playing and I can see the sequel being something great.
Unlike Avengers, I believe this. The main problem with Cyberpunk was that marketing ran wild with the possibilities while the devs thought it would be ready in 2022.
@mucc I have such a huge issue with the upgrades and "customization" in this game and (even Witcher 3 had this issue as well) its the fact that most of the upgrades are just boring stat changes. They don't change your look, they don't change the way you play or how a fight will change besides having extra damage resistance.
I’ve been playing this on a ps5, and it’s fantastic. It runs better than a lot of other games at this point. Madden 22 glitches constantly, it’s a total mess compared to where CP2077 is. This is a truly amazing game and it’s a real shame they rushed it out in such a broken state at launch. But I assure you, at least on PS5, it runs great. I think I’ve had to reload a save because of a map glitch once and I’ve seen some floating weapons a couple times. Other than that I have nothing bad to say.
I thoroughly enjoyed my playthrough on my PS5 at launch. Definitely a great game in there, which I hope more people can experience at some point. Hopefully the current-gen releases add some substantial expansion to the OG game. Would be a missed opportunity otherwise, especially after all this time.
Well... they can! By making the witcher 4 instead.
Honestly, would have sold more if they werent arrogant and had added a 3rd person mode like people asked.
Now, i say: Screw your game, just like you screwed us.
it was average game nothing about it was remarkable
@DMGDEALER Same, except I purged it from my PS4P to make space for Yakuza∅
I’m going to play it eventually. But I’m waiting for the PS5 version.
The PS4 version is using the PC versions low settings. Much of the graphical flair that makes the PC version a gorgeous game is completely missing from that version.
I’m assuming that the PS5 version will be capable of running the game at 30fps on PC’s high settings with Ray tracing effects turned on at 1800P resolution. The PS5 GPU is roughly equivalent to a RTX 2070 Super. So that’s what I’m expecting out of it.
And yes, PS5 cannot natively output at 1800P but the games internal resolution will probably target that setting. The PS5 will scale it appropriately.
@AdamNovice NMS had different problems than Cyberpunk. Mainly, it was a perception problem, where gamers expected one game, but got another. Despite that the basis of the game was solid. And it didn't change with years, as more futures were added.
@Gloamin Fallout 76 is an MMO. MMOs get expansions.
They should flush this turd, fire some people in charge and move on.
I think their window of opportunity to make CP an amazing game passed in 2016 when they u-turned the production, brought in a new director and basically started building a different game... so really they only had about 4 years of development on the version they released at launch as far as I gather, and that includes both PC and console versions. Not nearly enough time to build the game they promised initially 😐
I think the best way to enjoy CP would be to pick it up with low expectations from the bargain bin, like what I did with Aliens: Colonial Marines (which of course was another bait-and-switch fiasco)... for £3 and zero expectations I quite enjoyed my time with it. Sadly I didn't get to enjoy CP in the same way as I was so hyped for it and picked it up at launch... I still haven't finished it a year later because I'm waiting for the PS5 version to release, and even then I'll be hedging my bets 🤷♂️
@Niktaw So its better then the horrible Madden 22 thats fantastic. 😁 👍
I've still got my copy that I played once on the ps5. I knew very quickly that there were things missing and major issues so I turned off. I've been waiting for the ps5 edition to come out so then I know it should be fixed (I hope) I remember them saying that an upgrade to the Ps5 version will be free too so I'm just waiting to play it because I think it's got massive potential and I was gutted with the way it was released in the state it was in. I'm hopeful.
@Flaming_Kaiser lol just saying it’s not the worst running game out there anymore.
@Niktaw Maybe so but this game is a joke. Ill buy after a few years with a full discount and a GOTY treatment and fully patched.
Im done with these companies i rather wait and pay next to nothing and buy Ghost of Thushima/Returnal/Demon Souls/Death Stranding for €10 extra.
Sounds like corporate PR talk, I'll believe it when they deliver results.
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