Honestly, we could listen to Mark Cerny talk for hours. The veteran game developer and hardware specialist is most well known for his work on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. Cerny helped spearhead the creation of both consoles, and in this new video from Wired, he talks us through all of the decisions that had to be made in order to make the PS5 what it is.
If you've been keeping up with the PS5's production going back a couple of years now, then you'll likely already know about most of this stuff — the DualSense controller, raytracing, 3D audio, custom chips and SSDs. But hearing Cerny break it all down makes for a great watch, and we even get a little more insight into Sony's process of actually designing the console and its features.
It also really hammers home how much consideration goes into making a product like the PS5. Cerny notes all of the meetings that he and his team had with developers, in which the most critical feedback would often be the most useful.
What are your thoughts on PS5 now that it's been around for a year or so? Are you a big fan of Cerny? Sit and listen in the comments section below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 56
I really liked that original presentation he did last year (that one that a lot of people found super boring) so I'll definitely check this out when I find some time
Wayne's World really went downhill after Wayne's departure.
I want to see Cerny smashing a PS5 with a baseball bat like some cool YouTube influencer celeb star.
@nofriendo I did spend a few seconds watching this video thinking "how has he only just reminded me of Garth?"
My thoughts on the Ps5 are simple and somewhat obvious. A console is only as good as how good it’s games are and how many of those games there are. Always slow in a launch year of course but so far it’s a 6/10, and I feel I’m being generous tbh. I have high expectations for it as it continues to ripen though that said. As it’s still early, half way through the first quarter early and it’s final grade will be at its end not now. If at its end it’s an 8/10 I’d be surprised as with Sony overall they’re usually 9+
I sincerely respect his ability to articulate. His choices of words seem to be so well picked. Definitely one of the greats of our generation in this industry.
I was blown away by the design of the PS4 when it was revealed. It made the original Xbox One look outdated before it had even launched. The PS5 however is one of the ugliest, most poorly designed systems ever, in my opinion. Unnecessarily big with no thought given as to how people would fit it into their existing setups. Xbox did a far better job of designing their current hardware, both X+S.
The DualSense however, is a wonderfully designed technical marvel and Sony should be very proud.
@kingbreww How long have you owned a PS5? Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts for sure, but if you’re going to throw out a 6 out of 10, you should at least mention whether or not this is coming from someone with actual experience or someone that may be upset that they can’t actually procure one. For what it’s worth, I got mine on launch day at 4am EST after staying up all night. 10 out of 10 from me and I agree with you that the number is based on the games that I’ve played over the past 12 months.
For the most part, I did enjoy the system but I barely play it. There just isn't really anything to play on it that isn't last gen upgrades.
I still can't believe, fathom, or begin to forgive them for literally leaving a memory module (ram) exposed an not under a heat sink to just run at 90c+. That thing is just constantly in danger of burning itself out for such a slip up and ruining the system entirely. So, I only get exlusives on it. Which isn't much.
Looking forward to watching this later.
@Cantonite I picked mine up at 8am on launch day
Enjoyed that
DualSense, Tempest 3D Audio, and the PS5's SSD. Mark Cerny and his team did an outstanding job in making a console that creates new experiences.
@__jamiie Nonsense
@marty8370 Sorry? What is nonsense?
@marty8370 I don't think anything I said was controversial but, was also clearly noted as 'my own opinion'.
If you're calling my personal opinion 'nonsense' then I think you need to stop crying and grow up. People are allowed to have different opinions.
Not everyone in life is going to tell you that you're wonderful and special like your mother does. Stop crying, grab your ugly console, and go to sleep knowing that your DualSense is incredible.
Mark is a genius in balancing out tech at a fair price for consumers yet still giving customers a high quality product.
@__jamiie Don't agree. In my set up both the PS5 and SX look great. I like how Sony went bold and refreshing. When you see a PS5, you know it's a PS5. With the SX most folk say "what's the black box"...
@__jamiie Yeah no the PS5 is one of the most creative console designs. Series X is just what you expect it to be, a black box. Yay...
@__jamiie You’re welcome to your opinion, but if you choose to put it out there others may deem it nonsense. I’m sure no harm was meant. I read somewhere that people should “Stop crying, grab your ugly console, and go to sleep.” Seems like good advice!
@Nepp67 Anyone could have added fins and lumps for the sake of 'design'. Yay! More unnecessary plastic in the world! Xbox was designed to be the most compact, functional form. They broke boundaries in console tech by separating the mother boards and channelling the airflow through the entire machine. PlayStation added removable plastic fins. There's no point in having them and yet it makes it more awkward to own.
And as I said, the DualSense is incredible.
@Amnesiac When someone takes offence to my personal opinion and declares it 'nonsense' I feel they've drifted into the fanboy realm.
@Mezzer I agree with you that Mark is a tech genius. Absolutely. But the design of the PS5 really upsets me. The DualSense is an absolute wonder-thing and I cannot wait for a PS5 Slim.
I'll have to give this video a watch when I have time to sit down and give it my 100% attention. Cerny is great to listen to.
How about they fix the ps5 grinding the sides of the disc issue, that would make sense, but given this is Sony "America" controlling every decision now that won't happen because bs reasons.
I think we are in for a real treat when the games start pushing the PS5 to the limits - Sony has created something very special here.
@__jamiie Xbone looked like a 90s VCR, but PS4 "Eraser" was made of the same cheap creaky rough plastic as a budget cut slim model. They were both a C- in the design department. PS5 is obnoxiously huge and a "statement piece" but it's actually grown on me in a weird ps3phat sort of way
@nofriendo @ShogunRok Way!
@NEStalgia Thanks for not deeming my opinion on the PS5 design to be the equivalent of pissing in Jim Ryan's eye, as some others have.
I genuinely can't wait for the Slim.
@__jamiie Sorry that Sony is letting us customize our console's look? They've made it far more easier than before by removing the plates to clean it from dust so it doesn't overheat.
@Nepp67 Wow. Sony is letting you customise your console's look??? Really??? Where are the official face plates??? Oh wait, they shut down one company manufacturing those.
At least, as you've said, you can remove the plates and get cleaning that dust out!
Boom! Next gen dusting fun so my console doesn't overheat!!
I assume, and hope, you're being sarcastic. 😂
@Mezzer I guarantee that everyone will prefer the look of the PS5 slim. And if you actually have an Xbox Series X, do you really care if anyone notices it?? Surely the point of having better tech is to blend into the background???
Sony are Sony and with most of their entertainment tech they do things good, bad and sometimes annoying. Like their TVs is a good one, but when you read real tech reviews. The tv has the best sharpness and motion handling but annoyingly not VRR.
It’s the same with the PS5 sometimes it annoys me but soon as you start playing their first party exclusives and focus on the game, that annoying of the hardware product disappears when you are in the game moment.
Not watched yet but agree I could listen to Cerny for hours. Fiendishly clever, passionate and articulate.
Looking forward to this.
Very interesting - its a more accessible version of that 'road to PS5' video Cerney did back in 2020 - keeping it more simple but not really adding anything 'new' to the discussion.
Its interesting to compare to MS's Series X which we also know has very similar 'design' features (like separate area for 3D Audio processing, separate area for decompression, both going with similar CPU's & RAM, similar GPU's, SSD etc) but also the differences in design too - like Sony going with very fast SSD's to transfer all the data quickly, MS looking at only downloading the 'necessary' data (part of a texture instead of all) to reduce the amount of Data needed so don't need as much bandwidth, MS keeping a 'locked' performance, Sony has variable performance, MS went for a 'big' GPU, but slower speeds, Sony went smaller with faster speeds.
Of course we don't really know if either has the 'advantage' in their design choices - we don't really know if Sony's Geometry Engine will be better than MS Velocity Engine and Mesh Shaders. The multi-platform games will, I expect, sometimes be better on one than the other because the way they are built may favour a bigger, slower GPU and others a faster, smaller GPU, may be built with one as the 'lead' platform and take full advantage of that hardware but struggle when ported to the other. 1st Party games can't be compared either as they are not available on the other to compare.
Anyway, I think its interesting and I am really looking forward to seeing what developers, particularly Sony's as they will be built specifically to use the hardware to its fullest from the start.
Informative video and the comment about lots of things left on cutting room floor makes me feel like a PS5 Pro would be on the cards, as I’m sure this would make sense.
@Luigia That likely depends upon how much of a permanent feature the chip shortage is. Hopefully we'll see an increase in production soon and all will be well, but if things continue the way they are, I can't see much incentive to add another SKU and split their focus.
Mark Cerny should do the State of Play’s moving forward in this format. He’s such a likable guy, he plays, develops and loves video games. We need more of this kind of interaction from Sony, hire some people from Wired Sony.
@theheadofabroom spot on and then maybe a PS6. I can’t wait for current gen games to end and PS5 power to be unleashed. Hell we’ve not even seen Unreal 5 used on any games yet
I have to say I'm not a fan of the PS5. I find it very ugly and have mine in the coms cupboard. That's not working great as the controller just connects. I find myself using the X as its right in front of me. I'll be first in line for the toned down slim version that I can have on the shelf. I did pick up some black side plates but, while they look much better, they do anything about the size or the stupid shape of the thing. I imagine I would have liked it when I was 12 but at 50 I like my tech to disappear into the back ground not scream at the top of its voice. Also can you just give Dolby Atmos please. Your 3d audio does not support any of the 3D audio set-ups out there
@NEStalgia Agree...the Xbox one base looks like a VCR...but a good quality one. My flat could blow up and they'll probably not be a dent in the thing.
It's never felt hot (probably because it still has that massive power brick outside of it). And it's still the quietest console I've ever owned ...I'd kid because it's never been on, but it truly is silent.
The PS4 base I didn't like the look of at first...felt cheap. But the looks aged well I reckon. The noise out of that thing though...I don't know how we all got used to it.
The PS4 pro I was really surprised how cheap it looks...the buttons on it just feel cheap. The design literally looks like two ps4s squashed into one another.
The ps5 is a beast. The biggest console I've owned. It looks a white, bigger, version of my router. It looks premium and cheap at the same time. And the front of it looks like it will scratch super easy. I honestly can't see how it's going to age well at this point. But it's super quiet... For most games. Some I've noticed a slight whirling sound. Which might be the coil problem
@BAMozzy yeah if anyone is going to get the best out of the ps5 it will be Sony building games from the ground up to take full advantage of it. That's why it was so disheartening to learn the first party games we know are coming next year are being designed to work on PS4 too. I really want to see what this console can do. Rachet and clank is a nice glimpse.
@Bleachedsmiles lol true enough. The last consoles Sony made that looked and felt premium were the original PS3 phat and the original OLED vita. PS4, pro, and slim just had the cheapest creaking plastic ever. Same as PS2 slim. Which isn't a good thing. PS4s low quality build really shocked me. The design really is nice from a distance, but up close it's recycled milk bottle construction. PS5 finally does seem more solid with better plastic. But the size just makes it seem like a knock off or something. If xbone was a 90s vcr, PS5 is an 80s hifi! And yeah that plastic middle scratches so easily. Mine has scratches and the only thing that's touched it is the controller charging cable. And I don't even use the PS5 as frequently as the xsx, so it didn't even get jostled that much!
Yeah I have a faint scratch that happened placing the charging cable. I'm always really cautious around the usb port now. I guess it's a good thing there's only one usb port at the front for some reason.
I've a series X waiting for me to open Christmas day (present to myself I'm resisting temptation in opening sooner)...hopefully that doesn't scratch quite so easily. I think it's more a finger print magnet though isn't it?
@Bleachedsmiles That's the same 'every' generation - especially those with particularly 'new' features that would need to be designed for from the outset.
It takes time to build up a game from scratch and most, if not all, games would of started out with the PS4 Pro/XB1X as the 'lead' console and maybe, only switched to PS5 later on. In the past, they probably cancel the last gen release just to have 'exclusive' new games on the new system because they want to tempt you to upgrade so make it appear that those games couldn't be ported down. Even R&C: Rift Apart could be 'ported' down but I do agree, it wouldn't 'flow' the same - stuck in Portals waiting for the next world to load in would seriously impact the flow - but the majority of game-play isn't different to 2016's R&C on PS4. Demon Souls certainly could of been ported to PS4 too - after all, its a PS3 game at its core.
Point is, there is MANY games that could be ported down but aren't -not because the compromises necessary are 'too' much of a sacrifice, but because the number of people buying games on older hardware doesn't make financial sense to spend the time/money on doing it, because Sony/MS want or paid for 'next-gen' exclusivity etc.
I have NO issues with H:FW, GoW:R or GT7 releasing on PS4 too. I'm sure ALL of these would be starting off from the PS4 base code and assets from their predecessors. Of course they can then dial up the 'visuals' and/or frame rates - not have to rely on Chequerboard rendering as well as scaling up the Foliage density, texture detail, polygon counts, draw distance etc. Look at Elden Ring for example that looks a lot more sparse with its vegetation on PS4 vs PS5 - and suffers more pop-in, looks 'softer' at CB1800p vs native 1562p, has worse shadows etc.
As for SSD's making game design 'better' - ie no hidden loading areas (elevators, narrow gaps, doors etc), I still expect some of these to be used for narrative purposes for example. Open worlds have been around for years but the new SSD's can offer a greater density - more foliage, more objects (litter, stones/rocks), more AI animals, longer draw distances etc but doesn't mean that these can't be 'scaled' down for last gen. Like Fast Travel can be 'instantaneous' on next gen doesn't mean last gen can't have 'Fast Travel' too and be stuck in a loading screen for a minute or two.
I don't know what people are expecting to be radically different in a few years when they really start to push all the features of these consoles. Yes they may be able to get higher levels of visual fidelity at higher frame rates, maybe increased realistic lighting with RT, not having to wait more than a few seconds to load/fast travel/respawn etc but as for 'game-play', I don't know what people expect. Most games will be better looking and performing versions of existing games -same 'basic' game-play mechanics. Whether its a Story driven 3rd Person action/adventure, Open World RPG, Sports Sim, FPS etc, they will still be familiar to older gamers, still be 'similar' to older generation versions...
@BAMozzy Not really been the same every generation though has it. The lines are abit more blurred last gen because the returns weren't as obvious. And, like you say, everything can be ported down...but that doesn't mean it should be, or was designed to be. If something's ported down and it ends up effecting the core gameplay - everything takes memory...from sound to AI to the size of the world you're presented with. New hardware has always opened more doors.
Every gens first party has always started that first year taking advantage of the hardware. Maybe a lot of it is smoke and mirrors and could be done on the previous generation (we're a long way away from the leap of SNES games to Super Mario 64)...killzone Shadow fall could be ported down to PS3 maybe...but it wasn't designed with PS3 in mind.
Just like rachet and clank wasn't designed with PS4 in mind.
They were kept as a showcase for the new technology because they're designed to push the new hardware. They're not on previous generations to compare...and in return not had to concede anything in their own development to ensure they can go on those consoles...if they can that's fine, but it's not been worry during development.
I agree the ssd will be used to benefit narrative...but I think it will also come in the form of AI you're out up against. And how seemless the narrative is given will end up making a big difference when we look back.
Like I said, new hardware always opens new doors for developers. Visuals I expect a leap in...but it's always going to be less of one as we go through the generations. Framerate of 60 being the standard is an obvious one.
And games being designed fundamentally as games will always be the case. But, like I said, more doors will be opened. I want to see a generational leap in AI - this will change a lot. Go back and plays a nes game. Go play a PS3 game. The leap in visuals is dramatic. But arguably bigger is the leap in AI. And where I feel graphics have had steps up since PS3...I can't really say the same about AI. So now with increased memory, and speed to process it, I hope we start to see advancements in that.
I also want to see a new genre...with cloud gaming I think the potential is there this gen. I want to see real world things effect my games. My mind runs at the possibility of the heavily rumoured Kojima cloud based horror. Imagine your in a house, you look down on the table in the kitchen, there's a newspaper that's your local news...with today's date. Then you hear your name being called from another room. Little things like that could add so much to a game.
Now whether that could be done on a PS2 or not that's not the point. It's still something that's taking advantage of new technology...nothing holding it back. That's what I want to see.
@Bleachedsmiles The difference is going to be even more subtle - assuming they are only using the fixed 'hardware' of the Console - not using the Cloud for additional processing etc.
Its the 'diminishing' returns aspect - you can't 're-invent' 3D, going from 'sprites' to polygons etc that allowed 'devs' to create entirely new gaming experiences in the past with 'new' generations of hardware. 3D Audio offers a more refined and 'accurate' sound scape over 7.1 as it offers 'height', Ray Tracing offers a more refined and accurate lighting, things like the separate audio and decompression chips built in free up the CPU so its not wasting 'time' on these, the SSD is to reduce the time of getting Data from it to RAM so its all about 'refining' and/or improving on what's come before. Also, considering the 'data' files are bigger as they are of higher quality targetting 'higher' resolutions, the amount of Data needed per frame should increase. However, if you also increase the density too, then that's more Data needed quickly - even if it has NO impact on the Game-play - just a more refined, more detailed image with much quicker loading.
Battlefield 4 could be argued that it was 'designed' and built for the next gen as the Console Version aligns more with the PC - both offering up to 64players but they scaled it down for Last Gen with smaller versions of the Maps and a 24 player limit - as well as a 30fps cap. Battlefield 2042 does the same with a 128players on new consoles because the CPU can handle it. Again though, its released on last gen too. I'd argue that BF4 was an iterative upgrade over 3 as the actual game-play loop is the same as you'd expect from any Battlefield game before or after it.
I do agree though that the 'Cloud' does offer something that we may never have seen before. It opens up a LOT of potential far beyond the Local Hardware. No way could you fit the entire Planet Earth on a 1:1 scale and with that amount of accurate detail as Flight Simulator without the cloud - it just wouldn't fit on disc, on your internal storage etc. The Cloud could be used for Complex AI, complex destruction and physics (usually the domain of the CPU) etc, have 'worlds' that feel much more alive because they are built in the cloud...
The new hardware can be used to make a more refined horror - If RE8 used RT so you can use reflections to look round corners, maybe even use them (or shadows) to know when something is behind you, use 3D audio to give you a pin-point accurate soundscape around you etc, even with this though, its still a more 'refined' RE game that has been 'refined' and reiterated on since the first release - a game that had to have pre-rendered backdrops and fixed camera angles due to Hardware limitations.
Point I am trying to make is that the hardware will allow iterative improvements and refinements, maybe add 'something' that they couldn't do before - like using RT to give the player a bit more indication of enemies because you can use their reflection or shadows, but underlying that its still a 'horror' game with the 'same' basic game-play loop.
Its not like suddenly having a 3rd dimension to games and since then, its been more iteration allowing for higher polygon counts, Full theatrical quality Audio, improved AI, physics (although I do think these stagnated over the last gen due to the CPU choice in the Consoles) etc - iterations on the generation before!
@BAMozzy Well no, it's not about reinventing the wheel...it's very hard to do something completely new in any medium. But like I said, I'm hoping cloud has the potential to help offer something that wouldn't be possible before...and obviously flight sim is a good example of something that couldn't be done on last gen.
Most games this gen may be able to be ported to PS4...but that doesn't mean they should be. The new battlefield can be an example...but fundamentally, though cut back, it 'works' on last gen. But maybe something like cyberpunk shouldn't have been...where the ability to stream data is compromised to the point of effecting gameplay.
Or, I remember when dead rising came out on the 360...we'd never seen so many zombie on screen at once. It felt like a leap...something new that the previous gen wasn't capable of. It came out on the Wii and lost so much in translation with a handful of zombies in comparison that the gameplay suffered for it. Things like that are beyond framerate and resolution.
Now dead rising didn't reinvent the wheel with its gameplay loop..but it did offer something new that added to it. And I think that's what this gen is going to be once it gets going...I'd love to see more lived in world's where NPC's are more intelligent. Those directly effect gameplay more than ray tracing ect
Could listen to his stuff for ages. The PS4 videos were good, other than the one earlier this year I don't feel like we've seen him as much.
@__jamiie I am not going to defend the PS5's design; but the XSX design has its own functional faults as well.
For example: when dust settles on the PS5, it will sit on the exterior shell and can just be dusted off. When dust settles on the XSX, it will go in to the device because there is no top flat surface for it to rest on. This will cause unnecessary wear and tear on the fan, and heating issues over time unless you regularly disassemble it and blow it out.
My point isn't to tear down the XSX; The PS5 (in horizontal orientation) is a faulty design as well (I can't imagine what Sony was thinking with that stand); its that neither one of them are these perfect feats of engineering.
@thedevilsjester I agree.
My hope is that eventually you'll be able to get replacement plates with a built-in stand for your preferred orientation.
@theheadofabroom Yeah. Most people don't change the orientation of their console regularly. They choose the orientation they like the best and stick with it; so having a replacement plate with a built in stand would (while not a perfect solution) make the situation much more bearable.
The biggest problem is that if you shift, or bump the PS5 (in horizontal orientation) even a little bit; the stand is grippy enough that it doesn't shift; but the PS5 does. This causes the PS5 to either fall off the stand completely, or to be on there very haphazardly.
In vertical orientation its solid; if you like and can make use of that orientation; but horizontal seems like an after thought with both systems.
@thedevilsjester Every. Damn. Time.
@kingbreww what games have you even played?
@middyone AC Valhalla, Watch dogs legion, Returnal, Resident evil village, Miles Morales, Demon souls, Far cry 6, Alan Wake, Metro Exodus, NBA2K21, Man eater, Bugsnax, Sackboy, Destruction Allstars, Control, Outriders, Wreckfest and a plague tale. Give or take those are the Ps5 games/Ps5 versions I’ve played so far. I’ve a number more possibles on my list to play once they go down significantly in price. Oh and Astro’s playroom of course. Can’t believe I forgot that
that's alot of games for the first year man. idk about you but I think this is the best first year of playstation console ever. I mean have you ever seen so many games in the first year?
@kingbreww that's alot of games for the first year man. idk about you but I think this is the best first year of playstation console ever. I mean have you ever seen so many games in the first year?
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