If you own The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition on PlayStation 4, you can now take advantage of the free PlayStation 5 upgrade. Head to the game's product page and you should see the option over on the right of the screen. The PS5 version of the open world adventure is around 16GB in size. It runs at 60 frames-per-second at 4K resolution, and boasts faster load times.
Meanwhile, if you're still playing on PS4, you can enjoy a free update (1.20) which adds support four Creation Club DLCs to the experience (access to these DLCs is also included in the PS5 upgrade). All you need to do is click the 'Creation Club' option on Skyrim's main menu, and then download the Creations that are marked as 'free'.
The DLCs are as follows:
- Saints and Seducers - A couple of new quests.
- Rare Curios - New items that can be used in alchemy.
- Survival Mode - Adds a survival system where you'll have to eat, drink, sleep, and stay warm.
- Fishing - Adds fishing, obviously!
And then there's the Anniversary Edition. Skyrim Anniversary Edition bundles in every Creation Club DLC released to date, alongside loads of new ones. It's a full price release at £47.99 / $49.99, but you can upgrade to the Anniversary Edition at a significantly discounted price if you already own the Special Edition. The upgrade costs £15.99 / $19.99.
Phew! Are you going to be playing Skyrim again? Tell us if you're upgrading in the comments section below.
Comments 30
Since I have played it in PSVR, there's no way I am going back to the "flat" version. I tried, I can't.
It's kind of annoying that they haven't said or shown what the free upgrade actually does. Hopefully we find out today.
After the hassle of trying to convert Legendary Edition mods to Special Edition, there's no way I'm doing the same with Anniversary Edition.
The PS5 version is like half the size of the PS4 version so its worth it for that, some black magic there by Bethesda. Yes its also much much faster, loading is not an issue now.
@StrawberryPink On PS5 the mods from the PS4 version work fine, been using all the ones i was using just fine on it.
@ztpayne7 60fps and loads a lot faster — that's all there is to it.
@Lightning_FF13 Yep, new Trophy list.
-free upgrade to PS5 version if you already own the PS4 version
-runs at a steady 60FPS without faffing with extra mods (like you had to with the PS4 version via backwards compatibilty on PS5)
-lightning fast loading screens
-free extra content (with the option to pay a small amount for ALL of the creation club content)
What backlash are you after exactly? Backlash that there's another generation of Skyrim? Backlash at the lack of haptic feedback? (I was hoping they'd have done something with this but once again - it's free, at least) At least it runs well and it's free for owners of the previous version, neither of which is really true for the GTA remastered collection
Downloaded and have been playing the PS5 Special Edition upgrade, wanted to upgrade to Anniversary Edition but there is only the full priced version on the store, no cheaper upgrade option? If I hit square from the game menu the £15.99 upgrade option is there but it says PS4 version, anyone know if this is correct? Thks.
@ShogunRok ok gotcha. Wasn’t sure if it would look much nicer (on a non 4K tv). I saw some graphics mods that can bring the visuals up but those obviously disable trophies. I appreciate the heads up though! 😁
@ztpayne7 I thought it looked pretty good when I fired it up this morning, but I couldn't tell if it looked better than I remember the PS4 version looking or if I was just imagining it. 60fps makes a massive difference though (and I know you could get the PS4 version running at 60fps on PS5, without disabling trophies even - but even after doing that I always thought the PS4 version still looked a bit janky in a way that this version doesn't so much), as do the near-nonexistent loading screens. You can also transfer PS4 saves into PS5 saves, so you don't have to play that god awful intro again if you don't want to
I’ve been playing since this morning. After putting so many hours into it over the years it’s nice to have some extra stuff to find and do as well, via the creation club stuff.
The faster load times and 60fps make a big difference as well.
@MightElf-69 Yeah, it basically just adds all the Creation Club items to your game. I bought the upgrade this morning. It says PS4, but applies to the PS5 version as well. I opened my PS5 version of Skyrim and creation club showed I had unlocked it all. Just make sure to “download” it all or your specific items from within a the club screen.
When upgrading the ps4 version to ps5 is it necessary to put in the ps4 dics? Can't find it anywhere haha.
If I just do the free PS4 to ps5 upgrade do I still get to earn the trophies again?
@CFDennett yeh... no...sorta?? You can transfer your PS4 save but the trophies don't transfer properly. As soon as I killed my first dragon about 5 trophies popped that I'd already earned on PS4.. Think some of them need a trigger to pop and all story based trophies will need a new playthrough I think?
@Xero-lith Hey thanks very much for this, much appreciated! I'll go and grab it now.
@Roswell75 thanks for the reply mate. I’m gonna play through anyway so we’ll see what happens. 👍
@CFDennett yes, you have to re-earn them but personally I think auto trophy unlock is dumb, since it devalues the trophy system when one player can get 10 platinums from playing 5 games and get agead of a player who beat 9 games legitimately.
@KleebanKliban totally agree mate, hope that came across in my comment. I was asking because I want to re earn the trophies. I wouldn’t play through a third time otherwise.
Yeah I figured that was what you were hoping to hear
Technically in the FAQs on Bethesda’s site, it says this upgrade has “enhanced graphics” but I haven’t seen that detailed or comparisons yet.
“Owners of Skyrim Special Edition or the Anniversary Edition on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S will receive a next-generation upgrade for the game. The upgrade will be free and optimize the game with enhanced graphics, faster loading times and more.”
Free upgrades are always nice, will try out the game eventually.
My first run through was on the Switch, so it will be quite the bump-up on my PS5
@MightElf-69 yeah download that - I’ve got a PS5 and pressed square, downloaded the anniversary edition and all works fine. Downloaded all the creation club stuff. Now for installing all those mods again….
Well.its not free is it you still have to purchase the game
Embarrassed to say I’ve never played Skyrim but now there is a 4K 60fps option I might finally get around to it!
Just throwing it out there but the PS4 version on PS5 now also runs at 60fps without mods.
@Bizar895 It does make you insert the disc, I just upgraded with mine.
@Lightning_FF13 All PlayStation 5 games will have separate trophy lists. Sony's new policy moving forward.
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