Vita might mean life, but it seems Sony's interest in the handheld is practically dead. The platform holder almost shut down the device's PS Store, but backlash from fans forced it to walk back the decision. Now, the company is losing some of its rights to the term 'Vita' due to "non-use", which would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.
Yes, as reported by GamesIndustry.biz, the EU General Court has ruled Sony's trademark is to be partially revoked. While the rights for the term's use in relation to a games console will remain with the company, its use for "data carriers containing programs" and "audio and/or image carriers (not of paper)" are to be opened up to other parties.
A company by the name of Vieta Audio applied for this action to be taken a decade ago (when the handheld system launched) and, although Sony tried to argue its case for the PlayStation Vita, the decision has finally been made to revoke the trademark — at least in those aforementioned categories. This comes down to the console's primary function as a game-playing device, and its multimedia functionality being deemed secondary.
Basically, any EU-based companies who want to use 'Vita' for their business or product can now do so, as long as it relates to "data carriers containing programs" or "audio and/or image carriers".
This won't affect anyone other than Sony's lawyers really, but it's kind of an amusing story in light of the company slowly sunsetting the Vita. It's a shame, as the machine was in many ways ahead of its time.
Do you still play your PS Vita? Tell us what games are keeping your handheld charged up in the comments section below.
[source gamesindustry.biz]
Comments 40
Sunsetting? it's already below the horizon and Sony are blundering about in the dark!
I'm still playing mine - Spelunky and various Lego games (finished Batman 2 and 3 - next on the backlog, Jurassic Park!) and recently got back into playing Tomb Raider Anniversary (PSP-style) so still got plenty to keep me going.
I did consider changing it for a Switch Lite but the Vita is so much nicer and much less Fisher Price feeling.
I am in the final chapter of The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky 2 on my Vita. It's been awesome to go back to these games after playing Cold Steel 1-4! I got the 3rd one loaded up on my PC so I'm looking forward to being totally caught up before the Crossbell games come out.
I would have played 3 on the Vita but alas that's not an option easily anyway. It's all good though I plan to get into YS next on my Vita. Long live Vita!
Playing my Vita as we speak. Sony's lack of respect for this great machine will always disapoint
Not surprising news, but every story like this I feel a part of me die on the inside. Even in 2021, Vita is still the best handheld on the market in my opinion (bought a switch lite for Hades and haven't played it in at least a year).
The Vita is home to my favourite games of all time: Persona 4 Golden, Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2, Danganronpa 1 and 2, Steins;Gate and while it's through PS1 BC, I'm absolutely loving Final Fantasy 7 on my Vita. It's definitely my favourite handheld of all time and it deserves so much more love.
Me and my 2 sons are still playing. We have one each, and they're used almost daily.
It could have been an amazing handheld, even rivalling the switch. It's just such a shame that Sony didn't support it with games that took advantage of the hardware.
It may be a bitter pill to swallow but most people who play games aren't "core" gamers and couldn't care less about Indies. Much as I loved playing Hotline Miami and Velocity 2x etc on mine, I always felt that there should have been more games akin to Uncharted Golden Abyss on there.
I just bought a brand new Japanese Vita and a stack of games.
Played my Vita 20 minutes ago, and have practically daily since 2012. I'll only stop when it does!
It's not like it is worth their time or money keeping it anyway so it's naturally going to expire over time.
The Vita is a legend among niche fans like us. The broader audience that only play sports and shooters won't really appreciate it as much unfortunately. And neither will Sony
I'm still playing my PS Vita up to today (currently playing SteamWorld Heist), which I purchased at launch way back in February 2012. I don't usually consider any of my possessions to be invaluable or priceless, but when it comes to my PS Vita, I consider it to be precious to me.
Vita is cemented in history as the worst Playstation to ever release. Not because of hardware but because of the complete lack of support... even from Sony.
"Sony's interest in the handheld is practically dead"
"practically dead"?? "slowly sunsetting"????
It's passed on! This handheld is no more! It has ceased to be! It's expired and gone to meet its maker! It's a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in peace! If it weren't for internet outrage it'd be pushing up the daisies! It's storefront is now history! It's off the twig! It's kicked the bucket, it's shuffled off its mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible! THIS IS AN EX-CONSOLE!
They should register a new trademark for it. PS Morte
@NEStalgia Don't think New Sony remember that they made it and now it's pining for the fjords.
@Telekill It's because of the complete lack of support ESPECIALLY from Sony. Don't see Nintendo giving up - even with the WiiU. Sony just got blinded by the headlights of the PS4 juggernaut.
From now on, steam deck will carry psvita legacy as playstation portables machine. It even has persona 4 golden.
I still cherish that semi-hardshell case that came with the launch day preorder bundle of the AT&T cellular version. Yes, someone actually bought that.... It was the best case ever made for the Vita. I still curse the disastrously engineered charging cradle that falls off the table (with Vita in tow) if you tap the cable.
I still have another new in box Walking Dead OG OLED model - the box was opened just to grab the memory card (My OG card died, so I bought a whole second Vita on sale....because, if we're honest, there wasn't much price difference between just the card and the whole console bundle.... )
.......I keep it next to my Virtual Boy in-box...........
weeps softly
@sanderson72 LOL Now you've stunned it!
Heck they didn't even get blinded by the PS4 juggernaut. I could have even understood it if that's what happened. Instead they basically decided to abandon Vita the moment they held the PS4 unveiling presentation Feb 2013 and declared Vita as a WiiU GamePad me-too accessory device for it.
And they truly committed to emulating the WiiU in every possible way with it! I guess that deserves kudos.
It was already long-dead at the Year of Dreams Stadium show, when it was a huge surprise that World of FF got announced for it. I was thinking "Whoa, it still gets games?" That was pretty much the last of them though.... As much as I miss Tretton and House's PlayStation, I can't forgive them for what they did to Vita.
FWIW Switch OLED finally physically feels like Vita 2.0. Except with all the buttons. It's what Vita wanted to be before it took an arrow to the knee. Most of Vita's games are on it by now anyway, except for P4G and the Sony exclusives. All 3 of them.
@wiiware Switch probably wears the mantle better from a hardware perspective, but you know it's kinda true when Shu's like "Hey guys check out my new PSP......."
Sony: "We've partly lost the European trademark for what now?"
And forget support - just imagine a parallel universe with Sony releasing a more beefed up, say, "PlayStation Trove" in Vita form factor and resolution but with clickable sticks and additional triggers, with hardware enough to handle the emulation of select "PS2 classics" but also compatible with the full digitally available libraries of PS1, PSP and Vita... and with PS4/PS5 Remote Play for good measure. Pretty sure I wouldn't be the only one queueing up for such a thing. Sony would just need to make it not for any "competition" with Switch but simply, as that old slogan went, for the playe-
But the way things are, yes, I still play my Vita. Both of them since summer - the newer and hacked one now housing my PSP's contents and providing access to plentiful games off-limits on the main unit (from patched Japanese releases like Blue Reflection and Warriors All-Stars to localized but no longer or never purchasable ones like The Amazing Spider-Man and NightCry) while the main unit still has its own sizeable collection (last updated in May) and an equally sizeable wishlist (hopefully to be decreased again as soon as these holidays... I mean through more
of my investments, NOT through the Store app losing yet more titles!👹👹👹). Not to mention the admittedly rare (much due to the proverbial control scheme limitations) but still recurrent PS4 stream sessions. Vita will always mean "life" regardless of what it has ever meant to its progressively apathetic corporate parent.
I am SO glad this is turning into a "what everyone's playing on their Vitas at the moment" thread. I'm loving Superbeat Xonic at the moment, awesome rhythm game. Reminiscent of the Persona dancing games but definitely more brutal. Absolutely loving it, underrated gem on the most underrated console.
@NEStalgia Yup, sony gave up the portable market and give it all to nintendo and the newcomer valve.
I don't only play the ps vita in 2021,right now it's charging and after it completes, I'll go play again.
Currently I'm playing 2 games, Zero Escape Zero Time Dilemma and Everybody's golf. Spent alot of time on this since I bought this earlier this year.
And why I'm so late? Because I didn't have money all these years, I don't get pocket money. Somehow I managed to save 160$, took me 4 years. And bought this Amazing Portable console.
Sony should've supported it like the Psp. Had a lot of potential.
But Homebrew is keeping their eyes on the Ps Vita instead of Sony, many games are getting ported on this beautiful machine.
Remeber PlayStation TV... It was actually a neat device for playing PSP and PS1 classics on the TV, even if a lot of actual Vita games weren't supported. I still have my Vita, but the Switch Lite has replaced it for me pretty much.
Sony should just make a streaming handheld.
Playing Darkest Dungeon on my release day Vita. For some reason I can't stand turn-based games on TV but I like them on a portable console.
I'm still playing mine with Super Robot Wars X, Muramasa, Odin Sphere, etc.
It really sucks to hear these kind of news. I hate that Sony just doesn't give a damn about this handheld anymore. They are like that parent who only cares about their child who's doing very well and ignore the ones who are failing even though they are asking for help.
On the other hand, you have them modders who are like the bestfriend/uncle who supports the Vita and give them a 2nd chance to prove how good they really are.
@nhSnork I didn't even realise that a lot of Vita games map L2, L3, R2 & R3 onto quadrants of the rear touch pad. Reason I found this out is because I got my hands on a HORI grip (for about £20 from PlayAsia a few years ago - seems like quite a good price these days!) and that's how it emulates the extra buttons by having mechanical levers that push onto the rear pad.
@sanderson72 yeah, for some reason it's the default mapping scheme that kicks in wherever the devs don't bother to program their own. If the game doesn't provide internal remappings either, you're screwed because during a stream the default Remote Play scheme somehow overrides even the alterations you make in PS4's system menu. And I hear Hori once made a licensed grip with standard triggers that was officially compatible with Vita but could never get its triggers recognised during Remote Play either... thus reportedly failing pretty much the one job it had. Maybe that's why the later grips stoop to mechanical pressure (although I wonder if it's bound to do a number on the touchpad after prolonged usage).
Alas, even getting a grip like that is easier said than done - AliExpress is still pretty much the only foreign online store that ships tech items and peripherals to Belarus, and the specimens I dag up over there tend to exceed €22/$25... which also means they would be import-taxed here on top of that. Between this and the aforementioned concerns about the long-term touchpad durability, I have yet to invest in such an option even though it seems like the only relatively reliable solution.
@sanderson72 Is the Switch really so dissapointing in build quality?
@NEStalgia Its still getting games though i would not call that dead.
@Flaming_Kaiser To me, yes. My wife's got a Switch Lite and compared to the Vita, it just doesn't feel like a quality engineered product, reminding me of my son's old Leapfrog tablet thing. Robust enough for little fingers but not exactly premium or nice to hold.
My son has a full-fat Switch and that feels to be a much higher quality but the joy cons feel decidedly sub-par compared to the Vita's buttons and sticks. Be interested to know if any Switch owners have got one of those Hori Split Pad Pro Controllers and how they're getting on with it?
@nhSnork I know what you mean - CEX sell the Hori L3/R3 grips for £105, whenever they manage to have any stock in, and to that extent they're almost the same price as an unboxed Vita!
The buttons that (only just) touch the rear screen have a little pad on the end so I don't think you'd knacker the rear touch pad even if you used it a lot.
Can't say I use mine much as most Vita & PSP games are designed to use the controls the console has but it does work rather well on PS4 remote play (tried it on Dragon Age and Elder Scrolls Online without any problems, though takes a little while to remember to click a trigger rather than the clickable thumb stick for L3/R3!)
@sanderson72 good to hear, I'll keep it in mind then. Granted, I have for a while, and the price does remain the other deterrent - indeed, you can buy a Vita itself for this money, and the import tax I mentioned earlier could easily bring it closer to the price of a used PS4.😅
@nhSnork Yes, I felt decidedly fortunate to have bought one for £20 (plus shipping) if I remember correctly? Couldn't believe how much they were worth when I priced up the Vita, games and accessories when I considered trading it in for a Switch Lite!
That said, the price of the used Slim Vitas seems to have rocketed up - probably because they are the last models. £165 for a Slim vs £130 for an OLED model, both boxed?
A great system in its day, I play Persona 4 Golden all the time.
@Flaming_Kaiser I suppose "dead" is relative, but commercial support ended pretty much in the launch window, and formally ended, what, 2 years ago? Sure it gets some minor indie titles still, and it's 1000x better than phone gaming, but it's "dead" from Sony's support for sure. Its current state reminds me of calculator gaming in the 90's where it was never a "thing" but it sure had a vibrant community within its little world.
I'm convinced, though, that if the Switch were more pocketable, and joycon drift weren't a problem with the Lite, Vita would have been entirely abandoned by its community at this point. There's really nothing exclusive to it that's not on Switch newer than like 4 years old at this point, and Remote Play, due to the lack of buttons, never really went where they tried to make it go.
I think the reason some of us refuse to let it go (other than the portability) is that it was just such a nice, sleek, dense piece of hardware that feels so good to use. Not until Switch OLED did it even have a competitor for the fit & finish and handfeel. And the UI. Vita still has the best Playstation UI that's ever been made. It has the great 360 Blades idea, with an iOS level icon system, and everything just flowed so nicely. I'd kill to get that UI on PS5! The whole machine is just pleasant to use (as log as you avoided the store app since 2014....)
RE Switch, the build quality on the OG model wasn't bad but it wasn't excellent, either. It doesn't rival the Vita in terms of fit & finish, feel in the hand, etc, the Joycon rails were a little creaky, the big plastic bezel and thin plastic screen lens were all just kind of "good enough." But it wasn't bad and rough feeling like the 3DSXL either. I haven't held a Lite, personally, so I don't know if they're better or worse. But OG Switch feels very "competent" for the task, but doesn't feel "luxurious" like Vita. (They're more durable than they look though. They may feel creaky but they survive almost any fall, and the joycons take the damage, mostly just on the latch that secures them in place. Vita is durable too. My Vita took a tumble off the table onto a hard AV receiver (thanks, poorly designed official charging stand!) and it took a chip out of the apparently very thick acrylic screen lens at the corner.....and that's it. No damage otherwise.)
OLED, however, I can honestly say they seriously amped up their fit & finish. For the first time since I got my Vita, I'm impressed with the feel and finish. It feels solid, dense, (a little heavy), and premium in hand, the rails have tightened up and don't creak (obviously they need SOME play to function properly but it feels tight now.) The screen frame is metal, the rear kickstand that takes up the bottom third of the back is, like MS Surface, actually magnesium alloy (alloy is not PS exclusive, ta dum tss), the, it feels dense, and the joycons by virtue of being mounted more firmly, feel a little more like Vita's controls. Plus drift, of course.... Overall I'm finally impressed with the feel and it makes moving on from Vita a lot easier. I'll always have a soft spot for it though. Such a special system that never got enough use next to 3DS, just because of the library. If the Atlus revival were on Vita instead of 3DS, I know which one would have been my #1 console from 2012-2017.
@sanderson72 That's just outrageous that the Slim is selling for more than the OLED OG. It was always the inferior cost-cutting model. OG was the reigning champion of non-phone handheld screens up until 3 weeks ago.
@NEStalgia Just sell me a PSP2 with BC without gimmicks and a great oled screen and drop the bloody memory sticks. 🤪
@sanderson72 Sony should have just updated the memory cards to micro and dropped the price and it would have been a succes such a pity.
@Flaming_Kaiser LOL, you'd think it's so easy! But, no, we got a "Nintendo-like PlayStation" complete with rear touch pad...
I bought a PSTV (Vita essentially) and have never set it up shamefully...
The only games I desire to play on it will hopefully be ported to consoles in due time.
(namely Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Persona 4 Golden)
@NEStalgia I rather had two extra buttons on the shoulders. And with the touchscreen i believe it would have worked good enough. Cheaper memory probably would have been cheaper overall.
@Flaming_Kaiser If Nintendo managed to find big success with a single analog and single set of shoulder buttons, I'm certain Vita would have been fine with the buttons it had if they had really been serious about the handheld rather than making it a remote play/cross buy machine. I kind of get why third party wasn't interested and thus it floundered, but it they never really clearly communicated what it was and who it was for. Kind of the same marketing disaster as WiiU, really. It was a handheld, then it was for console games, then it was a remote play accessory... All in a year. I guess switch does a lot of what post launch vita was supposed to be.... And the Nintendo tax is a wash since Vita tax was almost worse lol
I still dream of a real PlayStation handheld again, even if I know it can't happen. A monopoly just sucks.
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