We're sure you're aware, but Fortnite was recently refreshed with the arrival of Chapter 3, bringing a new map, characters, and features to the ever-evolving free-to-play game. Up to now, the popular title has been constructed using Epic's very own Unreal Engine 4, which has certainly served it well over the years. However, it seems the publisher is finally ready to make the leap to Unreal Engine 5.
As reported by IGN, Epic Games head honcho Tim Sweeney stated Fortnite would migrate to the state-of-the-art engine by mid-2021, so this is happening a little later than planned. Apparently, the new tech will allow Fortnite to "do things that are absolutely not possible today".
We've seen a little bit of proof of UE5's power; an extremely impressive tech demo was released last year, and the impending Matrix Awakens experience will give us a first-hand look at what the engine can do. We're sure Fortnite will benefit from the new tech in all kinds of ways — we've already seen the sorts of things Epic can do with it already, like the amazing blackout finale of Chapter 1.
Are you excited for the future of Fortnite in Unreal Engine 5? Drop into the comments section below.
[source ign.com]
Comments 12
In before...
14 year olds all over the world will be screeching with delight !
@hypnotoad I know some very sad 40 something's that will do the same lol
Imagine hearing a 10-year-old's voice coming from a character that looks like this:
@ShogunRok That's most Twitter users isn't it?
My son will appreciate 15 fps on his Switch when the move to UE5 happens lol.
Not interested in Fortnite, very interested in game development moving to UE5 in general.
@Royalblues dunno I've put around 60 hours in to it over the last 2 years and I've had plenty of wins (both alone or with randoms) without a hint of building.
Fortnite continues to be excellent, haters gunna hate.
Personally looking forward to big engine changes.
@solocapers yeah I never build and have won loads of matches. Just got a win with a crown earlier 🤘 It’s just luck sometimes. You can have good matches and bad matches, just the way it is.
Generally though, if I find myself in a one-on-one with a ‘master builder’ (AKA... 🤬🤬🤬‘ers 😆) and I can’t escape, I’ll just give in and accept my fate ...like a gazelle being chased by a hungry cheetah. I might spam a few buttons in a panic and throw up some random walls and slopes but sometimes I just stand there, like ‘go on then’ ... 🤣
The snipers are the worst at the moment though. I don’t think I’ve landed a single shot yet with the new sniper weapon. But other players seem to have head-shot homing ammo or something (and instant reload).
The new season/chapter is great though. Really enjoying it so far. You can see the improvements with it being on UE5 too. Can’t wait for them to add the tornados and lightning strike weather effects.
I’ll definitely give it a try but I’m not a fan of Fortnite. I’m look more forward to seeing other games running on UE5.
@ShogunRok Is it just me or does Keanu’s face look malnourished? His character looks ill in that screenshot.
@MaccaMUFC I've thought the same. I think it's a combination of the mutton chops making his face look more narrow and the model looking just a tiiiiiny bit "off".
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