Dying Light 2 is just a few weeks away from its PlayStation 5 and PS4 launch, meaning it's now time for us all to work out how we're going to unlock its Platinum Trophy. The complete list of digital gongs is now available for viewing over on Exophase, but we advise exercising some caution: the first handful of Trophies contain spoilers. We won't be covering them in this article, but feel free to click through and check those out.
As well as completing the story (you don't need to get any specific endings), there are trinkets for finding all collectibles and activating all windmills, metro stations, and opening every airdrop. Then you'll need to focus on your stats, fully upgrading your parkour and combat proficiencies as well as getting maximum health and stamina. There are two Trophies related to co-op play, but don't worry, they have very simple requirements: just join a co-op session and then kill 100 enemies with at least two other players present.
Dying Light 2 launches for PS5 and PS4 on 4th February 2022. Techland is promising post-launch support for at least five years, but you won't need 500 hours to beat the base game. Far from it, in fact. Catch a quick glimpse at console gameplay footage through the link.
Will you be trying to unlock the Dying Light 2 Platinum Trophy? Start planning in the comments below.
[source exophase.com]
Comments 12
@Reyren The story in the first game was probably the worst thing about it, you'd probably be fine just jumping straight into the sequel. Maybe watch a recap video on YouTube or something and you should be good.
@LiamCroft I can agree 😂
The game had other problems too, but I am so hopeful of this one.
@Alduin I asked Techland about it over the weekend and all they told me was they're fully focused on Dying Light 2 at the moment. I wouldn't expect it to release any time soon.
I really enjoyed the first one (gameplay wise) so hopefully this expands on that. For anyone that hasn't played it before, think of dead island. It's very similar in gameplay.
My most anticipated game this year, absolutely loved the first game-hoping the second can be even better & also hoping that it runs well also.
The parcour in the first one sure was fun but other than that I didn't enjoy it much. I am somewhat done with the hordes of zombies slaughtering. What I've seen from this one looks great on a technical level but I'm not interested in the slightest. I can see why people look forward to it though.
I don’t remember much about the story in the first game. All I remember is the fear of being out on the streets. The distant sound of the zombies moans in the air. And the panic as your wrist watch begins to beep (signalling sunset) and you proceed to hightail it back to the nearest safe zone 😫
So does that mean that all collectibles are needed for platinum then? What a time sink!
2 coop trophies? Thank god lol one of the ones that prevented me from getting the plat last time involved completing a certain amount of missiins with the same 3 players and they always bailed
Thank goodness for there being only one story/ending trophy.
Looks like an easy and super fun list, and collectibles are the best bits anyway.
@Salt_AU god induced, but dying light 2 wants me to spend 500 hours getting every collectible and doing everything on the dam map that is a time sync that I hate I'm spending a lot of time on assassin's creed Valhalla 60 hours and it takes a lot of my time, I don't feel right to pay £50 to have the same grind, I don't have that time anymore, I have a social life and a boyfriend, I don't have time for this, I won't be buying this day 1 for sure lol
@Danloaded it's about finding someone willing to help boost for these trophies and that's a pain, ah this 🤬🤬🤬
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