After some gasp-inducing PlayStation 5 first-party file sizes, you may be reassured to learn that Sifu will be fairly small. According to Sony server scraping social media account PlayStation Game Size, the kung-fu fighter will use up just 7.1GB of storage space, accurate as of its v1.002 patch. It’s possible other title updates may bloat that size, but clearly this is going to fit on your SSD just fine.
It follows news that the likes of Horizon Forbidden West and Gran Turismo 7 will push almost 100GB, meaning you’re going to have to do some serious clean-up if you haven’t installed an additional SSD just yet. If you’re looking for the Best PS5 SSD and How to Install a PS5 SSD then you can find much more information on that through the links.
Are you looking forward to this promising indie brawler? Throw a punch in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 14
I am so ready for this game. Happy to wait for the others to drop in price a bit but im day one on this.
@Royalblues there are already two solutions. Get an internal SSD and PS5 already has kraken+oodle compression. Just imagine what the sizes would be without this.
The more I see of this the more I want to try it
For Gran Turismo 7 it it is easy. Just delete Gran Turismo sport and You also will have enough space to fit Sifu. For Horizon Forbidden West it will be more difficult. Hopefully it will be so good that one does not want to play anything else and can wipe the disc clean.
"It follows news that the likes of Horizon Forbidden West and Gran Turismo 7 will push almost 100GB, meaning you’re going to have to do some serious clean-up if you haven’t installed an additional SSD just yet"
I really don't agree with this narrative at all. Games like GT and HZD being 80-95GB is really not a great hardship. That's around 10% of the SSD space each, so there's plenty of room for other games. How many do you need available at once? I buy a lot of games, I currently have GotG, Returnal, Death's Door, CoD Vanguard (huge file), Ratchet and Clank, PGA 2021, Tetris VR, Subnautica, Stellaris and others on my drive and I only actually play 3 or 4 of these at the moment. Making room for the games in Feb is no problem as I'll be done with most of these and will simply delete them anyway.
@Royalblues the solution, unfortunately, is to spend money buying an NVMe drive for your PS5 and installing it.
Can't wait for this game, this looks like a great 3D final fight game
I'm so hyped for this game! I hope the reviews are good! When's the embargo?
I'm really hoping it will be great because it looks like a blast. The previews I've read haven't been able to say much beyond the combat, environments, and aging. I'd like to know what other systems are going on, or if that's pretty much it. Either way, Push Square helped me find the right SSD and I hope this game will be good enough to put on it 🙂
I hope this is great and does well. This month is insane with the number of top releases and I can't see me playing it anywhere near launch, but one day.
@Royalblues Oh yes, it looks like loads of fun. I'll probably pick it up later, in March or something
I'm just here to give props for the "Si-Phew". 👏
@riceNpea 100%. I'd like to know how many console owners actually have ANY storage woes. Reading this site you'd be forgiven for thinking it's some giant issue affecting everyone. I game a ton and I think I have more than 300GB free on the stock SSD, and don't foresee ever needing to expand that unless games suddenly swell to beyond 200GB apiece, which feels pretty unlikely.
I've never even come close to maxing out my ps5 storage even with warzone on it..i just dont have enough time to play every game i have so theres no need to have games just sitting there..this game looks nice but i'm not seeing anything thats going to take up much space..
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