Another day, another Days Gone article. The director of the original game, Jeff Ross — who left Sony Bend at the end of 2020 — can't stop sharing details surrounding the developer itself, management, and the scrapped plans for a sequel at the moment. After sharing some fairly unreliable stats on how Days Gone sold, he has now appeared in an interview with USA Today detailing his pitch for the rejected Days Gone 2.
Ross saw his plans for a sequel as the "definitive version" where he "didn’t have to necessarily apologize for so much". The follow-up would have explored protagonist Deacon St. John's relationship with his wife Sarah and their dynamics; Ross remarks they may not be happy together. "Well, what can we do with that? Okay, we were married before the apocalypse, but what about the future?" Days Gone 2 would have kept the heavy focus on narrative as well as the bike, but the tone would expand to a bigger scale.
"The tone would have expanded one ring outward towards some of the new reality. I think this would have been a little bit more – I don’t want to say Avengers, but something where the player had resources, he had some sort of the remnants of whatever the government had." AI would also have been improved, particularly for animals. Ross explains how he wanted "bears to dig through trash cans, wolves to roam and hunt more dynamically, and generally give every enemy and ally more varied behaviours".
The sequel would also allow you to swim, which wasn't a thing in the original game due to story reasons and engineering constraints. Ross doesn't explain why swimming wasn't possible, but due to the setback, water was used as a boundary throughout the map. Telemetry data showed that many playtesters were actually dying to drowning (as well as their own Molotov cocktails), so a very basic animation was implemented to allow players to temporarily enter the water. However, a decreasing bar would quickly appear telling you to swim back to shore.
For Days Gone 2, Ross wanted to build on that very basic mechanic. "I would add more systems. Systems are very simple. And if they’re simple, they can be elegant and very rich for the player. I knew adding one or two more layers to the systemic elements of it would have been something that we could have wrapped our heads around, it would have led to a ton of richness for the players and a ton of unique open-world moments and responses that we haven’t seen before. Let’s sink our teeth into this and do something even more epic."
After the Days Gone 2 pitch was rejected by "local management", Jeff Ross pitched an open world Resistance game. It too was rejected and the director wasn't interested in rebooting Syphon Filter. Fast forward to today, it's widely accepted Sony Bend is currently working on a brand new IP.
[source ftw.usatoday.com]
Comments 47
I think I'm part of the issue why this was not renewed for a follow-up. Not only did I what for a sale, I also gave up early, irritated by the most unreliable motor bike the world ever saw in the early game. When they look at player metrics lots of players dropping out after 4 hours does not do much for games future. As Days Gone has such a fan base to defend it, I should give it a second try some time and try get past the early game irritation.
I guess we're gonna spend the rest of 2022 listening to Jeff Ross whining about the rejected Days Gone sequel 😅
No one cares. Every hypothetical game is amazing. Move on bro.
Oh no, they cancelled a game with swimming where you travel out into the world to explore it? Whatever will I do now?

As cool as the horde mechanic was, I think that it was a zombie apocalypse game in an era where zombies was mostly played out.
I think they should have went for an actual biker game. Made it a story about 1% biker gangs and their numerous wars. There’s not many games that cover that; it would have helped it stand out from other games at the time.
@TooBarFoo They definitely did themselves no favors with the unreliable game engine (until multiple patches) and the way they handled the difficulty ramp of the motorcycle.
As someone who loved platinuming it, I always recommend it to friends with the caveat that for a good number of hours, it is MUCH more a survival game than anything else. You are NOT empowered to move very freely until you can afford a bunch of the upgrades to the motorcycle. But if you keep yourself focused on the story (to get the points at which you unlock the upgrades) for a bit, the ramp up in difficulty is far smoother.
I chalk their misunderstanding of what players will do in an open world to never having dealt with that style of game nor its players before. If you give players a vast open world, guns, and a motorcycle... they're going to ride into the forest and try and pick a fight. That just happens to be a very bad idea in DG and a lot of players probably learned that in a very frustrating manner.
Personally I loved Days Gone. It's on my pretty selective replay list too. Once I'm done with a game, I only usually go back to them if I really enjoyed them, or need to remind myself of the story (and enjoyed them first time round). As an example, I've played through the Gears of War games multiple times, and will play both Gears 4 and 5 yet again before 6 comes out. Likewise, to remind myself of a story, I will play through a game again right before its sequel comes out, as I am doing right now with Horizon Zero Dawn.
I haven't entirely given up hope of a Days Gone sequel, and often wonder whether the criticism the game receives comes solely from people that actually played it. Obviously peoples preferences vary, and so some that played through the first game will not have enjoyed it as much as myself, but I do wonder whether people are simply repeating criticisms that they have heard, rather than actually expressing their own opinions based on having actually completed the game.
Anyway, if a sequel were to be made, involving the content above or not, I would, without hesitation, pre-order it as soon as it became available (as I have done with Horizon Forbidden West). I guess one can live in hope that a sequel will be greenlit one day...
...but that's just you and many others found the story and characters very engaging. I know this because I was one of them - loved the game and the story and characters were some of my favorites from last gen!
Its still baffling to me that people call out a game like this for story and characters, yet a game like Halo infinite isn't being flayed alive for the worst story and characters I've ever had to play. In Halo's case its like it was written by a 12 yo whilst he should have been doing his homework
Its fair enough for this game - role playing a biker type is not everyone's cup of tea and whatever my own views on it, its clear that judgement on the merits of this title was split.
Not so sure the current set of press releases will do this chap any good at all, and if I were Sony I'd avoid ever getting involved with him again. Continual whining is grating even for me, and I loved Days Gone. Thinking that having a few animals and some swimming in it is a great pitch shows exactly why he was dropped - if he expects to sell a game on such non ideas nobody will ever take him seriously.
Deacon and Sarah would have had a son in the sequel called John St John who trained as a medic and volunteered for St John ambulance, but middle management didn't like the pitch
@MatthewJP your a funny guy
I REALLY want a Days Gone 2 😭
It sounds like they had no definite plan for what to do with the sequel at that point but really just a bunch of ideas. That's ok I guess as every game must be made without the guarantee of a sequel but maybe the management just weren't confident they could make those ideas into a more tangible product.
Looking back, I really loved the early part of the game when you were underpowered. I still remember racing back on the bike to the camp on top of the hill at night and there are zombies everywhere chasing me, barely getting the gate open in time. It was intense, scary, and had me sweating a little. Had not experienced that same scenario too many times in a game.
That is the challenge though...balancing realism with player satisfaction. I hated the running out of gas with the bike at times, but again looking back, it was pretty cool to have to go into a town, find gas, and bring it back. Just hope more games go for this balancing and ignore the noise from players who do not want a challenge as this is so much more realistic...and fun. Great game.
As much as I thought Days Gone was pretty good and I enjoyed my time with it, this is not a game where I'm upset that there's no sequel. I'm okay with it.
Maybe stop pitching open world games?
It sounds cool but it's not happening and I'm kinda sick of hearing about it at this point. I enjoyed Days Gone a lot, but time to move on.
I enjoyed the game. However I did feel Deacon story was rather dull or maybe it was more his personality. Something just didn't click for me. The best part of the game was the hordes. Days Gone 2? No thanks. New IP, yes please.
Can we get better writing and characters to go along with the swimming and animals?
Each time Jeffrey Ross talks about this, the less interested i become and can see how it got rejected at the pitching stage.
Wonder who the local manager was who rejected it. Was really looking forward to a sequel especially after that ending
Next we're going to hear how Ross wanted romance options in the sequel a la Mass Effect.
I'm really annoyed that the higher-ups at Bend didn't even allow the pitch for Days Gone 2 to reach Sony, but I'm just as annoyed that Sony did not allow Bend to make an Open World Resistance game, because an Open World Resistance sounds incredible, and if Insomniac Games does not want to continue the series (for now), then I think Bend Studio would have been a great choice after they did quite a good job with Resistance Retribution on the PSP.
Not only that but they could have used the Days Gone world they created and just incorporate a lot of that Resistance design to it.
This guy just needs to accept that its done let it go m8, i really enjoyed days gone and would have bought a new one too but i have accepted its probably not going to happen. Probably sony thought this guy is anoying and didnt want to work with him again lol.
@get2sammyb Yep, sounds like this guy's just got a lot of sour grapes he feels the need to let out. The original game was fine, but far from anything special IMHO. At the end of the day it was just another open world game but with zombies.
@get2sammyb Then stop reporting on it
The more attention these stories get, the more you give off the signal that people want to know more. And if that's true, websites are going to ask them for more interviews/questions.
@render I doubt it's the full pitch, it was just one paragraph in a long interview.
@Octane I was speaking personally, obviously this is news for the website.
Co-op would be my #1 wish. I would still like a 32 player online game in the same vein as Day Z but i. Days Gone world.
I liked it enough and would like a part 2 at some point but like someone above mentioned it needs to be a new set of characters, Deacon is not exactly Aloy or Drake. Well let's see what their new ip is and what they have learned from Days Gone.
Days Gone is a good game that would've been a classic if it'd been an Xbox exclusive.
It's compared with heavyweights like God of War, TLoU 1 & 2 and Horizon Zero Dawn so merely good isn't good enough.
There are worse games than Days Gone out there , may of which earn sequel after sequel after sequel.
It still sucks that part 2 wasn't greenlit, it's pretty obvious from the ending that the sequel could've went to some interesting and strange places.
The guys behind this game really don't do themselves any favors, such as when John Garvin had a go at people who didn't buy Days Gone at full price or got it on Plus, or Jeff Ross saying the game sold this many copies when it wasn't accurate and trying to take away attention from Ghost of Tsushima's success. They just come across as very bitter to me when articles like this continue to pop up relating to the game.
I may be the minority who thoroughly enjoyed the game but i don't think that's a convincing pitch if that was everything.
Bigger & Smarter Horders which can consume entire camps. Introduce hordes mpre quickly this time since thats literally the best feature. A more streamlined story and less bugs at launch.
8/10 at least
It did do enough different for a new IP, but it was swollen with the same bloat that other games suffered from. The tracking Boozer missions were horrendous,Ghosts of Tsushima had these awful follow footprints borefests too. The hives, hordes and bike riding made carried the game, and were generally quite refreshing in the stale "open world" scene. I couldn't give a s*** about the story, but there was a real thrill of walking into a mine and a horde appearing.
@fido i know. I wonder if he's actually angling for his job back...
is this a desperate attempt to peak interest from the community and eventually get a sequel greenlit? sure feels like it.
Well he gave the wrong answers as far as I’m concerned. The right answers would have been to be able to do mind blowing stuff with the hordes because of the power of PS5 and that you couldn’t do on PS4. Not a cross gen game with story and games mechanics they didn’t ‘have time’ to implement in Days Gone.
Days Gone 2 shall be missed and not forgotten, what could have been...
The fuel mechanics were great. They should double down on it and even add more RPG like elements and go even narrower in the world immersion which they will be able to do when the game is new gen only.
Also Deacon is a great character. Too bad if some people don’t like him but they defend other characters. I don’t like other PS characters but I dont get mad about them.
Yes he’s mad. That’s the point of a guy with ptsd and human issues and a realistic behaviour.
I thought he’d be called Jeff st John 🤔
Totally agree with all you said.
Fantastic game on all level from my point of view but Days Gone 2 needs to be much more different especially because Days Gone released at the end of PS4 life and the evolution needs to be generational.
Hi. Yep I love that quote haha
I like straightforward characters.
A bike needs gas. I mean it’s definitely part of survival with a bike. I also loved that sometimes you had to find your way back to the bike
It's a massive shame that we won't get Days Gone 2 because I loved the 1st one. I thought the biking theme was great and enjoyed it alot, the refuel problem I never had because it just became second nature to make sure I had enough fuel. I loved the hoards and I enjoyed the story. I would love to play a number 2 if they ever do decide to give it another go.
I want a Sony first party game with a Multiverse concept where the main characters are all the forgotten and binned ones from abandoned franchises — Deacon, Kat, Sir Galahad, and Knack.
That would be awesome. Sony, I challenge you to make it happen. It can’t be worse than PlayStation All-Stars was.
"Playstation Rejects Cart Racing" - incoming!
@Titntin Haha! Throw in Ash from Concrete Genie, that Erica girl, and the little guy from Puppeteer and we’ve got a pretty good roster. Can a Wonderbook drive a cart?
Hi there fellow gamers.
Good to see some love for Days Gone and for a possible sequel. Because we never know, it might be a thing someday.
I hope so. Can you imagine how beautiful the game could be if it was made just for PS5? And how bigger the Hordes could become? Also, yes for more character relations development. A big part of the first game in my opinion.
For all the complaints the game had in the begining, with all the patches and updates and especialy if you have a PS5 or a PC, it is the best way to experience the game.
Kinda reminds me of another great game that had the same issues: The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt. Remember that one? I sure do.
I couldn´t believe how smooth Days Gone feels, looks and plays on my PS5. 60 consistent fps makes all the difference.
I´ll eventualy do a new game plus on PS5 and get the Platinum.
Cheers, stay safe folks and happy gaming to us all
I for one, still want that sequel. I would have preferred this over the "Let's remake The Last of Us right now" crap. Hopefully they will get the green light soon. It would be an instant day one buy for me
Days gone is a survival game and love story at it core.. a game that uses resources as mechanics.. its all limited, like ammo, gas, stamina etc.. it makes this game close to reality and gives an edge everytime.. for me days gone is a classic survival game and should be nurture to be a more solid survival game in the future.. i hope sony sees it and also for the gamers could respect this game as it is without comparing because its different with other shooting games, just play it slow.. because the tone of this game is slow paced simulation action game gradually understand the character story and immerse to the story
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