Phwoar, it’s a looker! Dying Light 2 launches early next month on the PlayStation 5, and it’s a stunner to say the least. As has become common with most new-gen releases, there’ll be a number of visual configurations for you to flit between at launch, including a quality option with ray-tracing and a full 4K alternative.
We imagine the majority of you will plump up for performance mode, which sacrifices some fidelity for that sweet 60 frames-per-second. Either way, you’ll be able to toggle between these settings at will, and settle upon one that suits your needs. So, what will it be? Pick your preferred option in the comments section below.
Comments 43
Performance mode is life.
Always 60fps for me, ray-tracing and resolution come second to that.
Quality mode looks amazing, but there's just something better about buttery smooth 60fps...
This video secured the pre-order for me. Bring on the 4th!
@itsfoz It looks VERY nice.
Performance mode for me. Cannot wait for this!
Might check out the Ray Tracing mode but if the 60fps is locked or near it i will stick with that.
Is there a mode with 60fps and Ray Tracing, like we had in Miles Morales? Or is it just one or the other here?
I look forward to the day when we can have 60fps games without sacrificing any graphics
@get2sammyb Oh it does, it really does.
Saw about five minutes of theRadBrad’s side quest footage and although that was PC footage, the detail of the world is insane. Love it.
I never understood the 'snobbery' about 60fps. Until I got a ps5.
Although brief, that video even on my phone looks so good
60FPS every day of the week!
RT mode for me, baby! 60FPS is nice but as someone whose always been a console gamer, I'm used to the slower Framerate, and will take visual Fidelity anyday.
60 fps or bust.
Recently bought my first 4k tv so depending on the gameplay and how it looks I might opt for resolution. I'm no frame snob so as long as it's locked I think it'd be alright.
Only three options? Not 500? Or 50,000? Lame.
60 clearly, any other option is pointless.
500 hours long though, probably safer to start it on xbox...
@Nightcrawler71 Just too much power needed for that this gen.
Look on the bright side... we now have pretty much guaranteed 60fps on PS5, combined with more detail, higher base resolutions and decent upscaling solutions. All with fast loading.
PS6 will get there
I will probably play 60fps. Will replay once PS5 pro comes out that supports ray tracing with 4k and 60 fps hehe.
Is there anything more depressing than having graphical/performance options on console games? Point of a closed box is games are optimised to the very best the hardware is capable of.
“Here, let me beat you over the head with the message that your £450 box can’t play cross gen games 4k 60. But it’s cool…allow me to allow you the option of anally flicking back and fourth between modes whilst you play through our game cause we know you can’t quite sit there and just enjoy whilst tormenting yourself knowing it looks better in quality mode but runs *****”…oh yeah, having pc like options in console games is great, thanks.
@itsfoz just watched that side quest footage. Pre-order going in now. It's pleasing that the game is getting 'out there' - shows they are confident - compare that to the ridiculous cyberpunk embargos and late review copies.
@Bleachedsmiles its all about giving people the option to play it how they want? Whats wrong with that? I take it the game has the graphical option you would like yes?
@Northern_munkey don’t take it too serious mate
Me still playing on a 1080p TV
Performance. Performance is good.
Why yes point me to a 400 dollar pc that can run this game at 4k 60fps. I'll wait.
@BenGar97 it's a choice between 60 and RT. We might see a 60fps RT mode down the line, but I'd say not to expect much from third party games in that regard. It's probably easier to do both when you're first party.
>having pc like options in console games is great
Well, yeah actually I would say so unironically. I think if we didn't get this trend of performance settings, we'd still be seeing 30fps in the majority of games. And it's usually only a few presets that have still been optimised to make good use of the specs within the target of each mode. Not like they're giving us a whole page of individual settings to tweak like on PC, now that would be annoying.
@PegasusActual93 point me to a console that can?
@Orpheus79V but options are great…more options even better. Why does the line cross at awhile page of individual settings?
@MatthewJP Completely agree. To be honest, as soon as they gave certain players three hours to play last year I had faith in the game: you don’t do that if you’re worried that’s for sure.
I will always choose 60fps mode over resolution........ Especially after playing Demons Souls on PS5?, after playing in 60fps, the 4k mode was unplayable
I often choose graphics modes. I like 60FPS and played Demons Souls in it for sure, but it depends on the game. Like FF7 just feels like a game that should have excellent graphics.
a PS5 Pro where we didn't have to choose might convince me at some point down the road too.
At 60fps what resolution is ps5 getting?
I only see one option that's available and that's performance 🙂
I’d love a 60fps performance w/ RT mode like Miles Morales on PS5 had. 1440p/60fps/RT
All day.
Don't do this to me Techland... I have Sifu, HFW, Witch Queen, Elden Ring, GT7 - all preordered! This looks really impressive.
@0niguy They haven't specified and there's no info. Looked everywhere.
I'm likely buying this on PC to avoid some 1080p shenanigans. By now it should be standard that devs/pubs list more specific detail. The difference between dynamic res that goes between 1440-2160 and 1080p is huge.
i get tired of devs doing options like this. it's goofy. i dunno... make a better game engine? optimize it more? there ARE games i've played that yank above 1440p and also have ray tracing and hdr AND 60 frames all going at once! matter of fact, i'd prefer if the game ran at 1440p - 1800p (not 4k) and had 60 frames and all the bells and whistles. also, there are levels of ray tracing, like reflections only, they could do. i cant go back to 30 frames, even on ps5 with locked 30 frames. input lag is terrible. only 1 game i ever played at 30fps with no lag which was destiny 2. i played another game recently that had a performance mode and after flippin thru the modes? the reduction in detail in performance mode was so slight, i couldnt hardly notice it. it removed a few reflections, some grass on the ground, that was it. detail remained, frames hit 60. hopefully it'll be this way in dying light 2.
i assume here, performance mode is keeping 60fps and HDR but dropping ray tracing and water reflections. but again.. there ARE games that run all these and maintain 60. the ps5 is way more capable than people realize and giving weird resolution/frame rate options in games is kinda insulting, to me anyway.
@Bleachedsmiles lol i just posted a comment talkin about this, too.. i said i found it insulting! i've seen games run 60fps, ray tracing, hdr AND above 1440p on PS5. it comes down to game engine i guess.
Varies by game. Usually anywhere from 1440p to 4k depends on engine, gameplay, developer experience etc.
RT does very little for me unless it's at far only Insomniac have managed this on PS5..
@Deljo its 500 hours if you want to do everything! and that's what the devs reckon. Guarantee people will doing it in half that! And it's 10% of that to do the story easily. Plus safer on xflop? what trash are you smoking? xflop fan bois are the worst, almost $80 bil on 2 ***** companies won't save them losing this gen like last gen!
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