PSVR2 is playable behind closed doors at GDC this week, and there’s already a lot of buzz seeping out of the show. Chet Faliszek, a Valve veteran, shared the following on Twitter: “Had one of those VR moments today playing in the new PSVR2 HMD. You know where the world just feels different when you return? So good… thanks [Shuhei Yoshida] and [Greg Rice] for the demo and chat.”
This was post was later shared on the ResetEra forum, where one user mentioned that the comment sounded hyperbolic. “It’s not hyperbolic,” replied a Truant Pixel developer, who’s working on RUNNER, a motorcycle game for PSVR2.
As of yet, there’s no further information on what kind of demo Sony is showing, but PSVR2 presentations are planned for GDC throughout the remainder of this week. Are you hyped to learn more? Enter an alternate reality in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com, via resetera.com]
Comments 63
The hype is real. 😤
Very cool to see a Valve veteran heaping so much praise on it given that Half-Life Alyx is still the killer VR app!
All aboard the hype train! Choo Choo!
I hope this one dramatically improves the time I can play VR before I get motion sick.
I think i will have to pre order this as soon as they go live. I hadnt planned to but 🤷♂️🤷♂️
Definitely exciting. Great to hear quotes like that come from people who are veterans to using VR. Not someone who still hasn't tried it in 2022.
I hope there's a VR game about taking care of a cat, I've always wanted one but allergies get in the way sadly 😥
@RawnDawn is it the fur? Get one of those bald ones..
@RawnDawn My little brother is also allergic to cats and he got one of the Siberian breed, which are considered hypoallergenic.
I comment/tweet and its blowing minds....this article does too
I'm already been sold, I still wish it came out later this year but it sounds like the headset itself is mostly finished but it has to wait for the developers to finish the software.
I kinda hope it's more in-line with the other VR headsets, so we get to see more multiplatform VR games. I know this headset is going to be awesome, but I hope we don't end up with a $400 setup that only has 3 games to play at launch.
I believe Sony already confirmed that backwards compatibility is not a focus and they rather would have developers make remasters for PSVR2 for popular games (I hope Beat Saber makes the jump to PSVR 2).
The lack of backwards compatibility and how many games there are at launch is the only factor for me if I get it day one or not. But I'm definitely going to get it!
@Medic_Alert ongoing games like No Man's Sky will definitely be compatible with the new controls, even if it does take them a bit of time to work it out post-launch. But yeah, playing Batman Arkham VR, Wipeout Omega and the rest of the hits in the resolution and fps that the devs intended/wanted will be mental!
Still need a freaking PS5.
Day 1 purchase!!!
@get2sammyb Start pulling strings, Sammy.
Someone in a UK studio must have this thing. I neeeeeeeeeed to know more.
1. Games
2. Fix motion sickness
3. Become affordable
Then we'll talk.
If the leaks are true then there should be an important psvr announcement in the near future. More importantly, if that's true it further validates the source and dragons dogma 2 will also be announced in the near future. hype
@lolwhatno Everything is compatible with PC. A lot of people will buy PSVR2 for that platform if the price is reasonable even if Sony chooses to lose money by keeping games exclusive to consoles.
For example I use the Dualsense on PC because through emulators, mods and PS Now I can utilize it's special features in many different ways. Some games even support it natively.
I simply can’t wait to own this new hat.
l cannot contain my excitement for psvr2, on paper it sounds astonishing and I'm expecting full GT7 support.... take my money sony, just take it... 😬😁
No, they're not. I'm allergic to cats and bought a Siberian. The symptoms were milder but still enough for me to get rid of the cat, sadly.
@gollumb82 Probably depends how severe your allergies are then. Or some other specific thing. Anyway, he's fine with the Siberian (had it for a couple years now) and he could never have a "regular" cat.
Sorry to hear it didn't work out for you though.
@Kairu THIS! And Half Life Alyx please... please.
Removed - inappropriate
Thanks! I'm, in turn, happy to hear that it worked out for your brother. I learned that it's not so much the fur, as the cat's saliva that is the allergen. It just so happens that their fur is full of it.
Hopefully this is indicative of a Fall 22 release. Really looking forward to playing GT7 with this. PSVR was the best way to play GT Sport, the driving felt amazing, but you couldn't play the whole game that way, just time trials basically, though on any track you had unlocked. It felt like such a letdown when you had to go back to playing pancake mode to unlock a new track, because the game didn't give you any progression from your VR play.
Having analog sticks is going to make games like Skyrim, NMS, and any FPS so much better too. Looking forward to some game with dual wielding, like a Pistol Whip quality of gunplay but with a story and an environment where you control the movement.
Edit: And Alyx! I could see that being a launch title. That would be sick.
@ThaBEN For most games, I'm not actually concerned about BC. So many of these gen 1 games were just testing the waters, trying to figure out what works. There's only a few gems that I'd bother replaying with the better graphics. I'm more so looking forward to what comes next with better graphics, better controls (looking at you analog sticks) and more developer experience with VR.
Of course I expect to see a PSVR2 version of the most popular games, like Beat Saber, SuperHot, etc. I wonder if they'll do an upgrade or if you'll have to rebuy? Considering Beat Saber, for example, has never been on sale, I think they should do a free, or minimally priced upgrade, because it's not like people are just buying the cheap old version and expecting a free upgrade. Everyone has paid full price for it, but now that they're owned by Meta, who knows. I would like to see a Squadrons PSVR2 upgrade. It's a great game, and could benefit from the better resolution and tracking. I will be so happy to leave headset drift behind.
I also hope we get 3D Blu-ray support back sometime in the future.
@RBMango 100% same here. I remember trying Astro Bot thinking wow, this is cool. As soon as the camera starting panning, instantly felt sick. The only game I could play was the one heading footballs into the goal.
Personally love the original headset, so can't wait for this new setup. The one lead connection is a win straight out of the box.
If VR2 has incredible new experiences, is able to provide us with a way to play some of VR's best games like Astro Bot Rescue Mission or Moss whether through BC or re-releases and is comfortable to use without all the motion sickness then I'm all in for it.
If they fit good on glasses, ill buy down the road.
So excited for this!!!
Took me a few days to get over motion sickness on PC. Tons of step by step help online on how to do it.
Crazy but the Fan and running in place helped me a lot to get over it.
Fix motion sickness?! Haha.. It doesn't work like that. If you're susceptible to motion sickness in VR, you're SOL.
While true, I am hopeful the haptics can alleviate motion sickness somewhat
To quote: “applying noisy stimulation to the vestibular system using bone-conducted vibration (BCV) that is applied at the mastoid processes […] has been shown to evoke the oculomotor and myogenic responses similar to those produced by linear accelerations of the otolith organs”
Lol. Seriously though, vibrations apparently confuse our natural systems enough to offset sensory mismatch according to some studies.
@Kairu Yeah those cars you paid hundreds of pounds for would look amazing!
@Uncharted2007 i'm sure the higher res and higher fps will help with that , but nothing can help if the person gets motion sickness easily. unless there is something you can take for that. the only thing that helped me was you dip in it a little bit and get used to it, and just build your way up to it. its understandable that some people that would do nothing for and they'll get motion sickness from it.
N.i.c.e. it looks like a huge step up next to the original psvr2.word up son
@lolwhatno Yeah. When it comes to PC anything can work with it as long there is someone with the coding knowledge and time to get it working.
The original PSVR and move controls can also be used on PC.
But as a mainly PC gamer I would love to see PSVR2 come natively to the platform. The PC VR space is dyer need of some actual competition in this space.
This sounds super-exciting, but I'm still very worried about price. We don't need another $400-500 monster product to buy with limited use.
This is the thing that will get me to buy a PS5
Im ready to preorder.
I thought the Madden game was gonna be a pretty lackluster VR game.
But after reading this, maybe it will feel pretty damn awesome.
Where is the option to buy?
Damn, I can't take another full year of hype for this...
Probably not. That's more of a mental thing you have to overcome.
I can’t wait! Day one for me! 😎🤩
@Critonic I'll echo these sentiments.
While I'd love to see Astro, Squadrons and Moss patched to run on this, given how the original headset tracked movement, and looking at how this one does it, I'm not expecting full backwards compatibility.
But honestly I'm okay with that.
As you say, the first gen of games on PSVR was largely about proof of concept.
For those games to run on PSVR2 I'd expect a lot of patches would be needed from a lot of developers. (Then again, that's probably the best way for VR devs to get accustomed to the new tech.)
You should want to see Sony follow Quest's business model.
Fantastic refund policy. Of which Sony has... none.
Referral credit. Again, of which Sony has.. none.
Completely free online multiplayer. 'Nuff said about that.
Sony should follow Quest's business model & then some.
And you can bet your ass whatever devs are doing to mitigate motion sickness will be for naught.
As for AAA VR... of course Sony has big plans. I look forward to their plans coming to fruition.
But the smaller studio games that are killing it on Quest.. wireless has a lot to do with it.
A game called Nock being a prime example. A $9.99 VR sports game with a healthy multiplayer base two weeks after releasing.
It's Rocket League in VR with bow & arrows. Needs to be played to be fully appreciated.
It's up there with Sparc as one of the greatest VR sports games ever made. Already. After only two weeks in the wild.
My point? A PSVR version (or PSVR 2 version) could not & would not be as immersive & plain outright FUN while wired to the console.
So while I patiently await PSVR 2, I don't fool myself into believing a wired connection is no big deal.
Nah. I'm a realist.
Even though it has a wire, if Chet says it's crazy good then probably good enough for me. Might have to finish up RE4 soon and put my Oculus Quest 2 on sale in prep for PSVR2.
@Shepherd_Tallon You would need a patch to get previous VR titles running on VR2 as I suspect the APIs are different but probably not by much. The headsets use different methods to establish position and movement but once captured the information presented to the game engine would be pretty much identical I'd have thought.
I would imagine it would be within the reach of most devs to patch their games in a few weeks. Just has to be worth their while to do it.
I'd love to get some technical info on how this works.
Try before you buy must be available, otherwise it remains a no for me
There will not be any backward compatibility. The technologies are just too different. The best we can hope for is that there are "upgrade patches" (like we have for some PS4 to PS5 titles) for the major titles.
It's not just a new control scheme. It's far more complex than that. Not outside of the realm of a developer updating their game with a platform specific patch (that's not backwards compatibility, it's a port) but impossible to be done at a system level.
There are features and functionality that many games (including many hits) use on PSVR that do not have analogous features on PSVR2 (mostly involving using the camera, or custom calibration via the camera), so there is no way to map these at a system level. Sony could provide backward compatibility for the handful of titles that stay within certain lines; this will exclude many (most?) titles, including a lot of hits; but having a very limited backwards compatibility is just a confusing consumer message and worse than no backwards compatibility at all.
What this means is that it's not up to Sony, it's up to each developer to put in the effort port their titles over. Which I really hope they do; but with such a small customer base, I am not sure they will. Maybe Sony could provide some incentive for them to do so.
Thank you for the recommendation @9EquiinoxGII and @Voltan but sadly those types of cats are too expensive for me to get one where I'm at.
One day I'll own one for sure!
PSVR was exactly what I was looking for at its release. It made me feel that amazement and excitement that's been missing since my childhood in gaming...but motion sickness was an issue for me...and there were it's obvious restrictions...
Astrobot is head and shoulders above any other VR game ..Blood And Truth, Moss....Res Evil...Thumper and others that are not coming to me right now ..Wipeout.
If Sony can sort motion sickness ,controls and offer the specs they have mentioned then this could be one of the most exciting hardwares in years...
VR truly gives a new way to play games...
Too bad I can't use VR headsets makes me sick but hopefully it turns out good for everyone 😎🏴
@eltomo football ⚽️ VR aslong as its not England soccer home of GARBAGE football lol 😆
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