Did you forget a new Need for Speed is on the way? We wouldn't blame you; it was confirmed to be in development in June 2020, with only the briefest of glimpses at EA Play Live. We've heard next to nothing since — save for some super early leaked footage — but it's apparently heading our way towards the end of this year, and new word on the street is that it'll be current-gen only.
Yes, according to VentureBeat reporter Jeff Grubb, the next NFS will be coming to PlayStation 5, but not PS4. Developed primarily by Criterion Games, the studio has apparently ditched last-gen versions in favour of focusing on newer technology.
Grubb reports the game "should be coming in November" of 2022, and asserts the game is skipping last-gen. "If you are a Need for Speed fan who has bought a next-gen console, here’s some news; it’s next-gen only. They are shifting to next-gen only," he says.
Of course, this is just one report from one journalist, so don't take this as gospel just yet. However, Grubb has proven he's in the know before, so there's a good possibility he's right here. We'll obviously have to wait and see what EA reveals. If the game is meant to be launching at the latter end of 2022, the publisher will probably need to make some formal announcements soon.
Anyway, are you excited for a potentially current-gen only Need for Speed? Take the wheel in the comments section below.
[source videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 56
Great news, the more games that leave these aging consoles behind the better, it's about time we get to see what these beauties can really do.
Totally agree and good for the developers to focus just on new generation.
I know current gen consoles are hard to get but this is great because games can only evolve if last gen gets abandoned.
I hope this starts the "trend"
Scrub ps4 versions are holding the current gen back, time to move on
@velio84 payback was pretty good! Really enjoyed it for free on plus.
Yes totally agree ,need to really kickstart this new gen only games ,as we know ps4/pro are still fantastic consoles and still plenty games coming to them for next 12 to 18 months,I had a ps4 pro and it served me really really well,and was lucky to get ps5 at launch,the transfer has to happen at some point as more games come to ps5 only ,I totally understand people not being able to get 1 yet and don't want to give in to scalpers ,the ps5 minimal loading times alone are fantastic ,let alone the other great advantages ,hopefully more games start to be ps5 only this year onwards
Oh and the pandemic as we all know hasn't helped matters
With the last crossgen period, EA stopped PS3/360 support outside of FIFA and Madden in late 2015 (2 years after PS4/XB1 launch) with the first major EA PS4/XB1 only game being Need For Speed 2015. So timing appears to be the same this time around.
I have to disagree what what others have said. It’s easy to say “screw last gen”, when you have been lucky enough to get a PS5. I don’t think the PS4 should be abandoned yet, at least unles the supply issue is no longer a thing.
Great news. I feel for those who haven’t or can’t get a ps5 but over a year of barely no exclusive next gen games is enough. Let’s have some proper XSX and Ps5 games
I’m excited for this, not because of the current gen focus, but because Criterion is at the helm again.
Great. I know lots of people can’t get a new console due to supply, but even they will benefit when they finally do and games actually take advantage of the tech rather than having old gen games up-resed.
About time.
I'm hoping for more - but its not always a sound economic choice to ignore an install base over 100 million.
YES! Let the old gen die please, it's time...we need to see what the PS5 is really capable of
To be fair that's exactly how it should be.
Maybe I'm old school but I don't recall all this cross gen nonsense back in the days of upgrading from the NES to the SNES or from PS1 to PS2
You buy the latest consoles to play the latest games
We’re a full year and a half into the new generation. This should be the norm at this point.
@IMustardMitt its not about the players themselves its about the games. Games will be better when only produced for one generation thats a fact. Unfortunately not everyone who can afford a PS5 can buy one I know this. But this is not a personal thing.
Of course it leaves last gen behind..this game has a need for speed!
Damn, that sucks. I hope it's only a rumour and we get a ps4 version as well.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Burn some dust, eat my rubber!
Sucks for those who haven't upgraded, but surely this was going to happen so no surprise. I think the bigger surprise is how long the former gen has been supported.
It’s about time this happened across the board.
Being a PS4 Pro owner, I do think it's high time we saw some PS5 only titles starting to get announced.
I think with the current lack of PS5 stock reaching retailers, 2023 might be a good year to try and find one because there seem to be more PS4 titles coming in 2022 than PS5 only and that's putting me off from upgrading.
Hopefully Sony are also working on a somewhat less lardy edition of the fugly five too.
XBSX are pretty easy to snag now. PS5s are also appearing more frequently.
Jettison the old consoles. The 'new' ones aren't very powerful in the grand scheme but it's still better than the old stuff so time to move on.
Ooh Criterion are back at the helm. Have they done an NFS since Most Wanted? I enjoyed their NFS games.
Having said that, would rather see them develop another driving game *cough*burnout*splutter
Believe me I’ve tried for two years to get a PS5 and I’ve had no luck. I’m grateful Sony still supports the ps4.
NFS has been hit or miss so time will tell if this is worth picking up.
As for leaving last gen behind... it's about time. If the new NFS actually releases at the end of the year, we'll be 2 years into the new gen.
I mean as a PS5 owner I'm pleased but at the same time I can't help but sympathise with PS4 owners. I know everyone here will eventually get a PS5 but still.
@RubyCarbuncle From the article : "should be coming in November" of 2022.
So that's 2023 then - plenty of time to locate a PS5 at RRP?
I've had 2 offers from Sony to buy one (next offer should be this month, given their previous schedule) but so far, very little to tempt me.
There should be a burgeoning list of unique and innovative PS5 only titles by now - and not just the remake of a remake crap - but there seems to be more cross gen to come for another year.
@WizzNL Thing is the PS3 and the PS4 were so completely different in architecture and resources and programming techniques, it made cross-gen difficult - not impossible (see LittleBigPlanet 3) - but difficult.
As the PS5 is basically a PS4 Pro with a turbocharger, the cross gen becomes much easier and until such a time comes when the PS4 won't play something at more than 2fps, cross gen will continue as a 4:1 ratio means more money for devs and publishers.
Sony need more PS5s out in the wild, simple as that but we know why they can't.
Glad to hear this as it means EA now have no excuse for producing a game thats very mediocre in the fidelity compartment..not having loads of ps5 only games has not bothered me because i've really been enjoying the ps4 games that had "pro" upgrade or a ps5 upgrade of some sort..replaying god of war in 4k@60fps was a stunning experience..i do feel for the peeps that still cant get their hands on a ps5 because contrary to the what the whole "its not really worth it" brigade say it bloody well is..i hope this nfs turns out to be damn good but i'm also looking forwards to EA's reasoning if it turns to cack...
Good, hopefully we will start seeing some real current gen titles from third parties
Finally. I can't wait for the PS5/XSX to really show what they can do. The overlap between generations has been massively frustrating in my opinion.
@AFCC Without any consoles available. 🤣
I don't know about you guys but I'm hoping for a NFS Shift game. Give Sony and Microsoft a run for their money.
that's good. we need to move all software to current gen in the next 12 months or so. that said, this is EA and i expect a new need for speed entry to be absolute junk based on their track record. i don't know why anyone would have good faith for any EA franchise these days.
This was bound to happen so no surprise there but good nonetheless.
So I'm guessing Deathloop, Returnal, Ghostwire etc didn't show what the PS5 is capable of...🙄
I'm glad I could play a decent version of Elden Ring on my PS4 at this point. Not so bothered about Need for Speed to be honest, Heat was OK. Slipstream, that just released on Switch and PS4, is more my type of thing, a great retro style racer.
@DonJorginho Exactly. Time and resources can 1000% put into making the next-gen by scraping last gen. Not only that, the more exclusives they bring out on next-gen, the more inclined I'll be to drop the wedge on the pricey hardware.
@__jamiie Especially with the Unreal engine 5 looming on the horizon.
@RubyCarbuncle I'll get there eventually my friend. Thankyou for the condolences for us Last gen peasants. 😁
@Texaschainsaw83 Absolutely. I've not been able to able to get hold of a PS5 yet but I don't feel I've massively missed out on anything so far.
Hopefully they also ditch Frostbite and use an engine that has a proper day/night cycle and dynamic weather
@DonJorginho you do realise they aren't developing exclusively for these consoles but also for pc's with lower specs & HDDs
@Excess I think NFS was much better when black box was making them
@Marios-love-child couldn’t have said it better
@Would_you_kindly still a higher basepoint than last gen consoles buddy ✌🏼
@Marios-love-child “ Maybe I'm old school but I don't recall all this cross gen nonsense back in the days of upgrading from the NES to the SNES or from PS1 to PS2”
A huge difference is that average AAA game development used to cost maybe a couple of million in NES/SNES era on average. Around 10 million in PS1/PS2. Whereas now that can be 100-200 million and more. It’s going up by a factor of 10 every couple of generations.
If you want to keep seeing games push the boundaries they need budgets to match and that unfortunately doesn’t see a return on investment with an install base of 20 million vs 120 million.
David Jaffe had a really interesting video discussing this effectively saying that if Horizon or God of War: Ragnarok were next gen only the budget and scope would have to be smaller. Unfortunately you would not get the same expansive game, you’d get a simpler one.
Most next-gen only games will have a smaller relative budget right now than a cross-gen game. It’s why things like Demons souls and Returnal are next-gen only (lower budget) and Horizon, God of War and GT7 are cross-gen (higher budget). You can afford to make a couple of games at a loss, as a loss leader to promote the new console, but can’t sensibly do this often or on the most expensive titles.
In a perfect world we would be making more games only for next gen, exploring what the systems can do with SSD only and faster CPU, GPU etc. but that’s just doesn’t make financial sense yet. That will change as the install base increases, but sadly that’s been delayed due to covid, chip shortage, supply etc.
Edit: the other huge difference is architecture. SNES/NES & PS1/PS2 were entirely different systems. PS4/5 are both same base architecture just with more grunt in the PS5. It makes making a game for both easy by comparison with modern tools, previously you’d effectively have to make 2 separate games.
Whilst I can't disagree with what you said and I totally take on board your points, it doesn't make it any less frustrating to see games being released on PS4 after shelling out a sizable sum on a PS5.
I almost didn't by GT7 on principal as that was originally meant to be a PS5 exclusive but in the end I realized I was cutting off my nose to spite my face and bought it anyway
@Marios-love-child oh I agree, it is frustrating and I’d love to see more next gen only games, I just understand why we sadly don’t.
However if it’s any consolation we have reached diminishing returns in terms of graphical fidelity, each gen feels like a smaller step nowadays. It’s not like NES->SNES, PS1->PS2 or PS2-PS3 anymore. Instead the HUGE jumps are in other areas like load times, frame rates etc. This alone makes PS5 more than worthwhile to me.
As much as I love ps4, it's time for ps5 to really shine cross gen support needs to end soon. Especially with UNREAL 5 now ready for action.
This is great news now please be a good game .and work with wheel please
@Marios-love-child As long as the PS5 version does takes advantage of at least some of its benefits, it doesn't make sense to feel salty because games on it are also available in a lower-quality form on PS4. You bought the PS5 for the superior graphics/sound/processing/etc., after all, not because it would be an exclusive gated club for people who are lucky enough to have both the disposable income needed to buy a PS5 and the opportunity to snag one.
@Flaming_Kaiser 🤷♂️ many have been sold already
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