First-person shooter games weren’t all that common on the SEGA Genesis for obvious reasons, but 1994 title Zero Tolerance was remarkable for that reason. The game, alongside Duke Nukem 3D, was one of the very few FPS games available on the classic console – and it’s making a comeback on the PlayStation 4, alongside its unreleased sequel Zero Tolerance Underground and prototype demo Beyond Zero Tolerance.
Those who frequented gaming magazines in the mid-90s will know that Beyond Zero Tolerance was eventually cancelled, but you’ll be able to play it by beating the original or Underground as part of the Zero Tolerance Collection. These games were technical marvels at the time but are obviously hugely compromised from a contemporary perspective: you have a tiny window into a sci-fi world in which the action takes place, which legitimately represented a godsend for SEGA Genesis owners back in the day.

If you prefer to own this kind of game physically, then Strictly Limited will be flogging a couple of boxed editions, across both Limited Edition (1,200 copies) and Special Limited Edition (800 copies) permutations. They’ll cost you $34.99 and $59.99 respectively, with pre-orders opening at 12AM CEST on 24th April. As far as we can tell there’s no word on a release date right now, but the expected ship date is Autumn 2022.
It’s pretty cool to see some of these extremely niche retro titles getting modern re-releases, and long may it continue. Do you have any familiarity with the original Zero Tolerance at all? Find the flamethrower in the comments section below.
Comments 18
Any DLC?
Where's the Sega chart? Also, this looks awful. Some classics should stay buried. I can't imagine EVER playing this.
It was actually a fun game on Genesis. For the longest time, I tried finding a copy for Genesis to buy but gave up a couple years ago. What you could find was overpriced, damaged box or cart only.
I'd pick this up if I hadn't taken a financial hit with the car yesterday.
What a shocker, another limited run disc copy which is only available in Na. Jog on you aint getting my money.
@Resi32 To be clear, it is available with European pricing as well. Don't have the £££ yet.
I'm not 100% sure where it actually ships from, but they do post worldwide.
Zero Tolerance is a lot of fun. I played it quite a bit as a kid, and I've returned to it over the years via emulation. One of the very best early console FPS titles. Didn't even know there was an unreleased sequel!
With that said, I don't really see the point in owning it physically. I assume this collection will be released digitally as well?
Doom clone.
Enough said.
Sega genesis best name probably is cool also.this game looks interesting.word up son
@get2sammyb thats rare for Limited Run, usually they stitch up UK players
@Resi32 It's not Limited Run, it's a different company called Strictly Limited lol.
I still have the Mega Drive cart for this one in my collection. It's not aged particularly well, but has a certain atmosphere despite the very small display window. There is a certain sparse charm to the radar map and limited visibility, and I like that the elevators between stages have appropriate 'elevator music', was a nice touch!
This joins Night Trap in the remaster category of "who asked for this?"
I'd completely forgotten about this game. Didn't know there was a canned sequel until now
I've played this a bit on my RetroPie. Impressive for the hardware at the time. I would've liked it if I had it back then. But not really worth buying or playing today. As with most retro re releases, it's for sitting on a shelf and burning money.
@Uncharted2007 I had one two €2500 euro.... Brakes, engine, transmission but its has 120000 and the car drives as new so i didnt really mind onto new 120000KM also i never had a problem with the car so its was worth it.
@Flaming_Kaiser Yeah, I'm going to piece meal my car back to like new. It's been pretty reliable... just been neglected the last couple years with everything locked down. Cheaper to fix it than buy something new to me.
@Uncharted2007 Same here and that cost me dearly the fanbeld if thats the right english term.
Wow, I had this aged about 12, was delighted to get an FPS on the Mega Drive. Didn't notice that the window was so small at the time, and that was playing on a 14 inch TV!
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