Sony has released its financial report for its 2021 fiscal year, of course including a rundown of how things are going in the land of PlayStation. Within the last 12 months, the company has shipped 11.5 million PS5 units. Added to the figure from FY 2020, that brings lifetime shipments to 19.3 million units.
This falls short of Sony's target, which it admitted would be tough given the ongoing supply struggles. Indeed, PS5 stock has been in flux ever since the console launched, with the corporation unable to keep up with demand in part thanks to chip shortages. Going by what Intel has said, we might not see PS5 manufacturing smooth out until 2024. Still, this has not deterred Sony from setting another ambitious target for itself, aiming to ship another 18 million units in FY 2022.
Meanwhile, PS4's lifetime figure has reached about 117 million, though sales have dropped away significantly since the launch of its successor. In terms of software, numbers are also down year-on-year, although Sony did enjoy a spike in the last quarter, no doubt thanks to the launch of Horizon Forbidden West and Gran Turismo 7, and Elden Ring probably helped too.
Have you secured your PS5 yet? What do you think of the console's sales thus far, given the circumstances? Discuss in the comments section below.
[source sony.com, via videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 40
I feel so lucky I pre-ordered one as soon as they went live as easily as I did. At the time I couldn't understand why my colleagues were having issues, but even then the majority who pre-ordered day one got them and the others have used Twitter trackers to get them since.
Mad situation that 18 months in they're still so hard to get.
I think the news gamers might be most interested in is they forecast increase in hardware sales for the coming year so that’s good news.
Also acquisitionS (plural) expected to be completed including Bungie.
@PlayNation5 totally agree
Haven't secured a PS5 yet (had 4 opportunities to) and at the current rate of play, not bothered yet either. We are 18 months(?) into its life and there are what, 5 exclusive games that aren't on PS4 with nothing of particular interest in those meagre titles.
I've still got my old SSD equipped PS4 Pro and a Switch incoming - for now, those will do nicely while New Sony works out what the purpose of the PS5 is.
a decrease in ps plus subscribers and monthly active users, will be interesting to see if the new ps plus changes things.
Didn't understand the bit about buying £1.25billion of shares back due to a decrease in operating profit? What does that mean?
@sanderson72 you're not missing out on much. I've had my PS5 for a year now and on the games front it's really thin and also I've run into a hardware issue recently where the console would constantly lose its sound. Troubleshooted a little with my series X and different HDMI cables and same issue. Now it's gone for repairs and Sony says it will take 3 weeks. Really miffed.
Miss my PS4 slim. Was such a well built console.
@sanderson72 if you have a ps4 pro with ssd then you DO have a ps5 matey, congratulations 😁
Awesome machine! Not a chance i could go back now. Death stranding at 60fps, with 3d audio and the duelsense is just pure immersion. Ive been gaming 36 long years and this is the best console gamers have ever had it. Any downplaying it to a fast ps4 pro is just fools math...
@Loftimus I've had this exact same sentiment since they revealed the PS5.
I keep saying I have that PS1 buzz again because this machine is so good at what it does, and I'm not exaggerating.
The last time I was this excited for gaming was when the first PlayStation launched and in the years afterwards.
The games we have right now, and the ones that are on the way, it's amazing stuff when you consider what we played when we were kids.
Almost 20 million consoles sold in less than 2 years isn’t half bad.
@Verzion214 thanks for the explanation, makes sense! Does that leave them less money for acquisitions etc or is the money from somewhere else?
PS5 is a brilliant console but of course it's still early days, so understand some of the cynicism.
Perhaps if I'd come from a Pro I wouldn't have been so impressed but my base PS4 was dying and the PS5 has surpassed my expectations.
Hope they manage to sort out stock issues and more people get their hands on one.
@Col_McCafferty I've come from the Pro and it is still an impressive bit of kit, I couldn't go back now.
It is really strange, I got mine day one and have since picked both my son and brother one up, both of those were purchased in person at Game. I just kept popping in and asking if they were expecting stock, appreciate I have been very lucky though!
I've just jumped back into PS5 for the first time since launch so have plenty to play and for me anyway is the perfect time. You'd have to imagine that if they could get these things out there they could have easily doubled those figures by now
@Col_McCafferty I came from the PS4 Pro and its still a massive jump, if only for the big games now being 60fps, plus that controller in certain games at least
@Col_McCafferty I had a Pro and as much as I loved it, it was incredibly noisy. Moving to PS5 which is incredibly silent and the amazing exclusives we've had so far, oh and of course the DualSense. So those saying that a Pro is basically a PS5 are exaggerating just a tad.
@MightyDemon82 @carlos82 @Mostik I was trying to be diplomatic.
It's obviously a step up from the Pro but until every release is PS5 only, some people will find fault with their games.
@Shepherd_Tallon it is the complete package for me. Cant praise it enough.
This is important news: "aiming to ship another 18 million units in FY 2022"
Maybe they reach an agreement with the chip manufacturer? Will pay above the market price so they can improve manufacturing? I dont know, but for Sony´s strategy, they really need to put those machines out.
As well as my PS5, I own a Switch OLED and a Series S, and I rarely touch either of them. I adore my PS5 and play it constantly. Between Ghost of Tsushima and Gran Turismo 7 alone, I’ve chalked up more than 130 hours of blissful gaming. Throw in Horizon, Ratchet and Clank, Returnal, the Spider-Man games, Astro’s Playroom, Demon Souls and Death Stranding, and I don’t think you can reasonably ask for much more. I’m super happy with my PS5 and I can’t wait to see what more it brings in the future.
The more ps5 the better.the sales will definitely be a lot better as more ps5 is available.word up son
I’m glad more people will be able to get one.
It’s a great console. I’ve enjoyed the hell out of mine since launch.
Even if you mostly play your PS4 backlog on it, it’s easily the best PS4 ever made. And native PS5 versions are worth going for just for the insanely fast loading times.
My advice for anyone picking up one soon, get Returnal. IMO, it’s the best game on PS5 right now. Ratchet and Horizon are great too.
@BRT15 You act like your issues are the overall population issues. They aren't. Sorry, you got a borked console.
Yes I was very lucky to get a ps5 on launch day ,I'd pre ordered 1 right after launch stream but only because I didn't fall asleep, I thought ill check but not expecting ,anything as they had said pre orders will be later on but I got very lucky,its absolutely worth every penny In my eyes,I certainly couldn't go back to ps4 pro that I had even though that was fantastic , just from super fast load times on gt7 etc let alone the other advantages ,super impressed and games are only gonna get better from here on In happy days and best luck to people still trying to get 1
@jmac1686 yeah of course mate. Didn't mean that it's a general issue. Still sucks for me nonetheless. My 60s rant for the day.
But objectively speaking the PS5 hasn't been a significant generational leap. To be blamed is the lengthened cross gen releases
I dunno. To me it’s a generational leap solely due to the massive load time improvements.
There were games on PS4 I dreaded playing play because the load times were so horrendous.
The longest loading game I’ve played on PS5 is Metro Exodus, which is around 30 seconds. Other than that one oddball, every other game usually loads in 5 seconds or less. Sometimes near instantaneously.
Ps4 had worse offerings tho.
Best console for me. Better single player games offerings vs PS4's first two years. Not so much on the multiplayer games wise (including third party). Everything just works smoothly and its time saving is amazing. Best controller I've used too.
@Gbarsotini I honestly think by the time God of War releases, if there was enough stock, PS5 would be at 40m sold. Maybe more if they have other games for this year.
What were PS4 sales at this point in time?
Xbox is available to buy in the uk ps5 is not if this carries on Sony will be miles behind. They jave to sort out this stock issue.
@Col_McCafferty good to see you back dude 👊
@Sakai It also means they believe the stock is cheap, so it's a good business opportunity as much as buying any other stock at below its intrinsic value.
The reason its drives the stock price up is twofold: firstly, it reduces the number of stocks in circulation - good old supply and demand. Secondly, it shows confidence in the future of the company from the company itself. Who better?
20 million PS5s being sold is very impressive, since they launched during a pandemic that is still ongoing.
@BeerIsAwesome You can’t really count switch lite sales because it’s a handheld with no dock mode and PS5 is almost twice as expensive as the base switch. I own a switch but since I have gotten a PS5, I barely touch it. Breath of the Wild 2 got scared out of the year because Elden Ring is enchanting gamers elsewhere.
@BeerIsAwesome I Agree! It's So Awesome! Nintendo Switch will outsell the ps4 THIS YEAR!
I honestly have no interest in the ps5 at all. It's oversized. I'll wait for the ps6, when true 4K Gaming finally makes its Debut. Nintendo Switch OLED and Xbox Series S are all I need! I'm Happy 😊
@Suda51ueda stop complaining because your oversized VCR is losing. Elden ring is NOTHING but a Breath of the Wild Wannabe. Did elden ring win 'Game of The Year'? .... yeah I didn't think so LOL
@theCHEESE you're better off waiting for a PS6, Like I am.
@Jaz007 About 36 million according to
Looks to be late 2017 when it went stratospheric!
@BeerIsAwesome The switch still needs to sell another 66 million plus to equal PS2 sales (91 million vs 158 million)
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