You just know when the morning starts with a new PS5 firmware update, it's going to be a good day. There's just no better feeling than when Sony pushes out the latest system software version, making that black-and-white beast the best it can be.
You get to download the firmware update, then you get a notification telling you it's ready to install, and then you install it. The whole process has a magical quality that's hard to describe. Today, we get to experience it all over again with the release of PS5 firmware 22.01-05.10.00. This one comes in at just over 1GB. What does it do, then? You want those patch notes?
Say the line, Bart!
"This system software update improves system performance."
*Classroom cheers*
The Simpsons really does cover all bases, doesn't it? You can find an image or a quote for practically every scenario, it's quite remarkable. What are your favourite Simpsons episodes? A couple of classics that spring to mind are the film festival and clown college episodes, but there are so many great ones. We're sure you'll fill the comments with top-drawer Simpsons stuff easily. Get this PS5 firmware update installed, and then tell us your favourite episodes, moments, or quotes in the comments section below.
Comments 42
"Won't somebody please think of the children!!"
Works in a surprisingly large number of situations.
I dunno about favorite Simpsons episodes, however I can't help but think of the absolutely underrated hidden gem that is Lego Dimensions (though when it comes to the Simpsons content it's a touch disappointing due to a significantly small amount of voice acting but hey the levels and hub world are pretty darn cool imo)
Nothing to see here (again!)
I haven't seen a single Simpsons episode although I have played some games with them. Bart vs. The Juggernauts is a cool one.
Damn it, I went with, "Eat my shorts"!
That's what happens when you skim-read articles, kids.
The sideshow bob cape fear episode for me, amazing
Official patchnotes are often released on the next day.
Hi I'm a stability update, you may remember me from such updates as 1.3.1 and 1.3.2
@Markybash .... Worst. Update. Ever!
@LN78 beat me to it.
So many great lines, Brooks nailed that role. Why they never brought Hank Scorpio back is beyond me, would've made the perfect villain for The Simpsons Movie instead of yawn Mr Burns.
The Sideshow Bob episodes were great, especially the Cape Fear parody and the reuniting of the Frasier brothers.
@TheDarkSide Sony betrayed us, nothing new in this update. Worst console ever!!!!
Might be preparation for the new PS+ stuff?
1GB for NOTHING is a lot...
“You tried your best and failed miserably. The lesson is, never try.”
@RolyTheBeerGeek I agree yes, probably something on the backend with this update.
Anything from season's 3-8 is The Simpsons Gold. Impossible to pick a single episode but I'll throw in a few that spring to mind:
Homer Goes to College
Homer and Apu
The Boy Who Knew Too Much
Seasons 9-12 are watchable. Every season after gets increasingly bad.
Actually the true reason for the update is to prevent a DDOS attack not just to improve system performance.
My favorite thing whenever there is a new update is reading the article about it on here lol
Every time I see an update title on the homepage before loading the article:
‘Don’t you ***** dare’.
Every new Playstation update feels like it is announced by Monty Burns (there is always something fishy about it) but patch notes always sounds like Barney's latest hit "Number eight EEWR, number eight EEWR, number eight EEWR..."
And the best episode is Outsider-art.
My eyes!! The updates do nothing!
A perfectly cromulent update...
@MisterXpoSay Source, please?
At least they play. My 3D blu rays won’t so I have no other option but to keep my PSVR hooked into my PS4 when I too would prefer to mothball the latter at this point.
They always do some groundwork for future updates..VRR was present in an older update but activated later.
There's also a PS4 update too 9.60
@Polley001 Right? I'm surprised WB haven't released some version that doesn't require the portal, now that the game is abandoned, they could rake in money!
Love the Fantastic Beasts and Doctor Who expansion. ♥
I really don't like these new version numbers. Why couldn't they just stick with 3.73 for example. Much easier to understand. And a little iconic too.
Someday, when my grandchildren ask me what I was doing on May 12, 2022, I am going to tell them about this PS5 update. How it changed gaming. How it changed me.
Stability update, my ass. It's probably Millhouse.
I hope it will fix random PS5 crash while in sleep mode. Sometimes PS5 lasts in sleep mode several days and sometimes I find out it has crashed in just a few hours of sleep mode…
"Billy Corgan; Smashing Pumpkins"
"Homer Simpson; Smiling politely"
@brazzios_84 I don’t have a source.its just that Sony,Nintendo,Microsoft have no intention to tell us that’s one of the reason there is an update they are always targeted by some Hackers who wants to Jailbreak their consoles or stop gamers playing online.
Coincidentally I've just seen something about a kernel exploit thats been found
I have had a ***** ton of system crashes ever since I installed an internal SSD a month ago. Hopefully this system performance patch is to stop that from happening.
My fave Simpsons episodes are always the Treehouse of Horror specials.
It doesn't add am ALLM toggle!
I've never seen more then a couple Simpsons episodes myself as I was too young when the show was in it's prime and at this point I don't have enough dedication to watch so many episodes of a show.
My day 1 PS5 has a fault after a previous system update the homescreen goes nuts but when i put it in 1080p its fine but screen is perfect while playing games in 4k , Hopefully it gets fixed in an update really annoying
@Werewius i also have this problem one of many
EPA? I believe that's the noise Green Lantern made when Sinestro throwed him into a vat of acid
@MisterXpoSay Sounds like you're full of it and just like spitting garbage.
Ah...ye ole "improves system performance"
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