Hot on the heels of leaked screenshots indicating a brand new Silent Hill game is in the works, it's being reported that Bloober Team is currently remaking Silent Hill 2 as a "PlayStation console exclusive". The Layers of Fear, Blair Witch, and The Medium developer is supposedly adding new endings and reworking some puzzles as it freshens up the horror title for the modern era, according to NateThe Hate. The claims are then corroborated by Jeff Grubb.
The Venture Beat scribe says the information presented lines up with what he's heard "from multiple different sources", and the biggest indicator "is the stuff I've seen lines up with Konami doing a big reveal at E3 last year before it pulled out". Grubb clarifies that not all of his sources are primary, but a lot of the claims are lining up. Given the phrasing used by NateTheHate, this Silent Hill 2 remake may only release on PS5 and PC if proven to be true.
Konami was originally planning on having a presence at E3 2021, but it pulled out "due to timing". The Japanese publisher then assured fans a number of projects were in "deep development" and updates would be provided in the coming months. Those updates never arrived, but it was confirmed a few months later that Konami and Bloober Team entered into a partnership that would share "development of contents and the exchange of know-how".
Elsewhere in the original tweet, NateTheHate claims there are a few other Silent Hill games currently in development. One is a mainline entry (which we may have gotten a glimpse of last week) and others are pitched as "side stories". In a VGC report from last year, it was suggested Konami is planning Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid, and Castlevania revivals, with the former being handled by external developers.
Reports of Silent Hill games and remakes have been swirling for years now, but do you believe this latest update? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 40
Oh...Jeff “please sub” Grubb.....
🚪 🚶
Why number 2? Why not remake the first one and if it sells well then remake the rest.. In order
Also this won't be a full exclusive, it will be timed like the medium was for xbox.
Unless sony partly paid for it then I'd expect it to be fully exclusive.
What am I saying, this is grubb its all lies
@UltimateOtaku91 agreed 100 percent!
I bet you 100% will they ruin one of my favorite games of all time.
SH2 is regarded by many in the fan base as the best entry in the series. I liked it and 4 the most.
As for the whole 'console exclusive' part it's been rumoured for a few years now that Sony have licenced the SH and MGS IP from Konami meaning, if true, it will be/has been, developed internally. Much in the same way as Spider-Man, if true, it would be exclusive. (Likely PS/PC as the term 'console exclusive' normally implies)
All rumours until confirmed of course.
The new game looks much more interesting than milking Pyramid Head even more than he/it already has been.
The leaked screenshots suggest something very modern and hard hitting and i am very excited for it if it ends up being real
Interesting to see how this does. Also the ps blog has updated some game info for the new ps plus subscriptions
I have no faith that Bloober Team (who've yet to put out a single good game) have the capability to give this classic the treatment it deserves.
It's Bluepoint or bust for me.
Castlevania by a PlayStation studio, that's the dream.
How about we just follow Grubb on twitter it would save time putting all his bs on the site
@Shepherd_Tallon 2D or 3D and which Sony 1st part would you want to tackle it?
Attention seeking Grubb throwing rumours out there to go along with similar already out there. Jumping on the bus there Jeff.
Would be great if its true, Bloober are a solid Dev so good choice to make it.
@dschons A remake can't tarnish the original as long as you have access to said original, be positive 😊
The first one please. Loved it the best.
It’s probably the best game ever made imo. So Bloober Team going near it probably will be rubbish. But hey, there is the original, which looks better than ever on PC.
This is awesome. This gen, so far, has been awesome for horror games between Visage, Tormented Souls, RE Village, etc.
And there's so much planned for the genre as well: Dead Space remake, The Callisto Protocol, Alan Wake 2, etc.
Id be happier if it wasnt Bloober team wasnt behind this. They make solid games in fairness but the games are rarely scary. Just walking sims with jumpscares. Silent Hill 2 is also a classic among gamers so they have to get this right or be eaten alive. I hope they succeed but I have my doubts
I don’t know anything about Grubb, but I hope this is true. I would love to explore the hotel and foggy streets again. I was too young to appreciate the story when I first played it and would love to experience it again.
I would rather they didn't. The original 4 games are all fine as they are, and FAITHFUL ports would be preferred.
@thejoesenone Konami said they were taking a new approach to the series, and I've been playing mostly 2D Castlevania for... 30 years? I'd be happy to see more 3D.
As for which studio, Blue Point. I'd love to see them take what they learned on Demon's Souls and apply it to Castlevania.
But listen, I'll take Castlevania whatever way it comes to me.
Why Bloober Team they're an awful developer that's never made a good game they don't have the pedigree to work on this series. Why is that Silent Hill has to exist like this getting farmed out to D list western studios I hate it really hope this isn't true
Something, something, another Silent Hill rumor, something, something.
If Bloober team is the devs I might have to pass "the medium" was pretty meh.
Wow this is horrible news.
Because just like RE4 being rereleased constantly, it was the quintessential game in its franchise. They'll see that there's interest and then release RE1 and 2 remakes.
SH2 is the same. I've been waiting way too long for any kind of remake for that game, so this the way to go for me
@jrt87 If only I could actually buy it :/
Bloober doing a remake of SH2 is like the worst monkey paw wish ever
Here’s the thing, I 100% support Bloober making a new SH game
Key word: “New”. What we saw last week had me optimistic for a new modern SH, but SH2 is one of the most important video games of all time, both in general and in its genre, and there’s really no way to play it as it originally was on PS2.
The PC port is garbage and only saved by fan mods and hacks (thanks Team Silent, taking SH2’s source code seemed like a good way to give Konami the finger, too bad it’s also giving fans new and old the finger too)
And the PS3/360 HD collection is also a bad port, and emulation is shotty at best.
The point is, when a game as no way of being properly enjoyed by modern players, you need a remake that is extremely faithful with only maybe a few changes (BluePoint’s Remake of Demon’s Souls being a prime example) but a remake taking a liberties with the source material of which the original is not readily available is not a good idea.
Namely “reworking” puzzles sounds like dumbing down to me, the puzzles need to be cerebral and complex, and if too challenging that’s what the difficulty options for puzzles is for.
Point being, I will still endorse and support Bloober making a SH game and keep an open mind, but I really think they’re better suited for something new rather than a remake of an important classic
Not sure if I want 2 remade. I absolutely loved that game back in the day. I was obsessed with it, unlocking every ending in the game. The game was perfect. I can see by today’s standards where it has aged, but I think it still holds up. A remake can really ruin its legacy if not done right. Capcom did a nice job with RE 2 but they don’t always turn out that well. Bloober Team is a talented studio, but to nail SH2…. Not so sure.
Oh dear. Have these guys EVER made a GOOD game? Ive played just about all of their "big" releases ... Fear 1&2, Blair Witch, Observer, The Medium and they're ALL 6/10s at most for me. Theres always something missing that leaves my interest dwindling.
@UltimateOtaku91 If anything, the first one needs a remake way more than the second one. The second one has aged pretty well.
at last the numbers , words on the wall can be read now , way before the internet of today lol this puzzle was maddening now people can just YouTube it lol
looking forward to this and much more silent hill please.
Terrible. Either let Kojima do the franchise remake or I don't give two s**** about it
Better they do a remake of Silent Hill 2 than an original new game. Just follow the blueprint, make it look pretty (i.e., horrifying), and it’s a sale.
I swear, it's really annoying when supposed "fans" of a series, find any reason to complain about new games coming out. How long has it been since a Silent Hill game has come out? Then, we hear about a couple new games, finally, and fans can't help but complain because it's not exactly what they want it to be. Get over yourselves. Bloober is the most solid horror publisher out right now, no other dev has their pedigree and consistency. Not all of their games are bangers but to claim none of them are good is just ridiculous. You must only play Elden Ring & Breath of the Wild to talk like that about games that are well made & different. The Medium was a super interesting throwback to fixed camera horror with some really interesting experiments with dual screen environments. Observer was a really, really good detective game with a fantastic performance by Rutger Hauer. People who dismiss those games as not good, I'm pretty sure never actually played or purchased them. They're just regurgitating stuff they've read.
I'm excited Konami is doing something with this property instead of letting them sit dormant for even longer. Bloober Team can do a fine remake I'm sure.
@GalacticBreakdown The rumour of multiple projects in development is all very promising you can’t beat that atmosphere and environs, it’s been too long. God bless anyone seeking out gameplay here, some janky stiff with late stage arthritis trying to negotiate a turn whilst you swing and hope with a rusty pipe from behind won’t always cut it but the sense of doom and foreboding is unparalleled. True adventure; oh joy
@Shepherd_Tallon i want Konami to make a game based on the 1999 battle hinted on Castlevania Aria of Sorrow.
I'll believe it when I see it, not caring until we get an official announcement.
so looking forward to this 😊
this game has some cracking scares!
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