Sony has today shared the first look at just some of the PS5, PS4, PS3, PS1, and PSP games that will be available at launch with the new PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium tiers. This isn't the complete list, but more of a taster of what to expect. We've broken each tier down below, and remember this is just a taste of the full lineup.
The PS1 and PSP games will be enhanced with save states, improved performance, and a rewind function. Also, if you already bought them in the years gone by, you'll be able to freely download and play them outside of the PS Plus service. Many of the Ubisoft games will be included as part of a new initiative called Ubisoft+ Classics, which is free as part of PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium.
For a complete list of All PS Plus Games that'll be updated daily, click the link and be sure to bookmark it.
PS Plus Extra — First Look at PS5, PS4 Games
PlayStation Studios
- Alienation | Housemarque, PS4
- Bloodborne | FromSoftware, PS4
- Concrete Genie | Pixelopus, PS4
- Days Gone | Bend Studio, PS4
- Dead Nation Apocalypse Edition | Housemarque, PS4
- Death Stranding and Death Stranding Director’s Cut | Kojima Productions, PS4/PS5
- Demon’s Souls | Bluepoint Games, PS5
- Destruction AllStars | Lucid Games, PS5
- Everybody’s Golf | Japan Studio, PS4
- Ghost Of Tsushima Director’s Cut | Sucker Punch, PS4/ PS5
- God of War | Santa Monica Studio, PS4
- Gravity Rush 2 | Japan Studio, PS4
- Gravity Rush Remastered | Japan Studio, PS4
- Horizon Zero Dawn | Guerrilla Games, PS4
- Infamous First Light | Sucker Punch, PS4
- Infamous Second Son | Sucker Punch, PS4
- Knack | Japan Studio, PS4
- LittleBigPlanet 3 | Sumo Digital, PS4
- LocoRoco Remastered | Japan Studio, PS4
- LocoRoco 2 Remastered | Japan Studio, PS4
- Marvel’s Spider-Man | Insomniac Games, PS4
- Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales | Insomniac Games, PS4/PS5
- Matterfall | Housemarque, PS4
- MediEvil | Other Ocean, PS4
- Patapon Remastered | Japan Studio, PS4
- Patapon 2 Remastered | Japan Studio, PS4
- Resogun | Housemarque, PS4
- Returnal | Housemarque, PS5
- Shadow of the Colossus | Japan Studio, PS4
- Tearaway Unfolded |Media Molecule, PS4
- The Last Guardian | Japan Studio, PS4
- The Last of Us Remastered | Naughty Dog, PS4
- The Last of Us: Left Behind | Naughty Dog, PS4
- Until Dawn | Supermassive Games, PS4
- Uncharted The Nathan Drake Collection | Naughty Dog, PS4
- Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End | Naughty Dog, PS4
- Uncharted: The Lost Legacy | Naughty Dog, PS4
- WipEout Omega Collection | Clever Beans & Creative Vault Studios, PS4
Third-Party Partners
- Ashen | Annapurna Interactive, PS4
- Assassin’s Creed Valhalla*** | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
- Celeste | Maddy Makes Games, PS4
- Cities: Skylines | Paradox Interactive, PS4
- Control: Ultimate Edition | 505 Games, PS4/PS5
- Dead Cells| Motion Twin, PS4
- Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition | Square Enix Co. LTD, PS4
- Hollow Knight | Team Cherry, PS4
- Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy | Square Enix Co. LTD., PS4/PS5
- Mortal Kombat 11 | WB Games, PS4/PS5
- Narutoshippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 | Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc., PS4
- NBA 2K22 | 2K Games, PS4/PS5
- Outer Wilds | Annapurna Interactive, PS4
- Red Dead Redemption 2 | Rockstar Games, PS4
- Resident Evil | Capcom Co., Ltd, PS4
- Soulcalibur VI | Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc., PS4
- The Artful Escape | Annapurna Interactive, PS4/PS5
- The Crew 2*** | Ubisoft, PS4
PS Plus Premium — PS3, PS1, and PSP Games
PlayStation Studios
- Ape Escape | Japan Studio, Original Playstation
- Hot Shots Golf | Japan Studio, Original Playstation
- I.Q. Intelligent Qube | Japan Studio, Original PlayStation
- Jumping Flash! | Japan Studio, Original PlayStation
- Syphon Filter | Bend Studio, Original PlayStation
- Super Stardust Portable | Housemarque, PSP
Third-Party Partners
- Mr. Driller | Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc., Original PlayStation
- Tekken 2 | Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc., Original PlayStation
- Worms World Party | Team 17, Original PlayStation
- Worms Armageddon | Team17, Original PlayStation
Classic Games Catalog – Remasters
PlayStation Studios
- Ape Escape 2 | Japan Studio, PS4
- Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits | Japan Studio, PS4
- Dark Cloud | Japan Studio, PS4
- Dark Cloud 2 | Japan Studio, PS4
- FantaVision | SIE, PS4
- Hot Shots Tennis | Japan Studio, PS4
- Jak II | Naughty Dog, PS4
- Jak 3| Naughty Dog, PS4
- Jak X: Combat Racing | Naughty Dog, PS4
- Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy | Naughty Dog, PS4
- Rogue Galaxy | Japan Studio, PS4
- Siren | Japan Studio, PS4
- Wild Arms 3 | SIE, PS4
Third-Party Partners
- Baja: Edge of Control HD | THQ Nordic, PS4
- Bioshock Remastered | 2K Games, PS4
- Borderlands The Handsome Collection | 2K Games, PS4
- Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition | Gearbox Publishing, PS4
- Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning | THQ Nordic, PS4
- Lego Harry Potter Collection | WB Games, PS4
Original PS3 Games (Via Streaming)
PlayStation Studios
- Crash Commando | Creative Vault Studios, PS3
- Demon’s Souls | From Software, PS3
- echochrome | Japan Studio, PS3
- Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds | Japan Studio, PS3
- Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational | Japan Studio, PS3
- Ico | Japan Studio, PS3
- Infamous | Sucker Punch, PS3
- Infamous 2 | Sucker Punch, PS3
- Infamous: Festival of Blood | Sucker Punch, PS3
- LocoRoco Cocoreccho! | Japan Studio, PS3
- MotorStorm Apocalypse | Evolution Studios, PS3
- MotorStorm RC | Evolution Studios, PS3
- Puppeteer | Japan Studio, PS3
- rain | Japan Studio, PS3
- Ratchet & Clank: Quest For Booty | Insomniac Games, PS3
- Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time |Insomniac Games, PS3
- Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus | Insomniac Games, PS3
- Resistance 3 | Insomniac Games, PS3
- Super Stardust HD | Housemarque, PS3
- Tokyo Jungle | Japan Studio, PS3
- When Vikings Attack | Clever Beans, PS3
Third-Party Partners
- Asura’s Wrath | Capcom Co., Ltd., PS3
- Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 | Konami, PS3
- Devil May Cry HD Collection | Capcom Co., Ltd., PS3
- Enslaved: Odyssey to the West | Bandai Namco Entertainment America Inc., PS3
- F.E.A.R. | WB Games, PS3
- Lost Planet 2 | Capcom Co., Ltd., PS3
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 | Koei Tecmo, PS3
- Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare |Rockstar Games, PS3
Comments 207
I expected disappointment yet I'm still disappointed.
Sony remembered that Gravity Rush exists
edit: But they didn't include Knack 2, 0/10
Looks like a great list to me! Intelligent Qube!
It’s a nice start. Seems like Now with a few extra bells and whistles. It will be interesting to see what else gets added.
Love they are adding PS4’s Everybody’s Golf just before they turn the servers off. Haha.
Wow, they really only took the PS2 Games already available on PS4 as I feared. And the PS1/PSP list is pathetic
Ps pluse extra list seem decent for the price as long as the quality is same level across the whole catalog. Don't think the ps pluse premium is worth it at the moment considering most games I'm interested in are ps3 streaming which for me is just to inconsistent and have no interest in most games form ps2/ps1 generations.
Guess no trophies? The ps5 lineup looks great, only disappointed that no Spiderman remastered. Also perfect time to put dreams on.
So not a full reveal just yet?
I can still hope for Vagrant Story...
But otherwise it's a solid start.
The PS5 lineup is much better than I was expecting.
I'm still holding out hope for Portal 2!
@IonMagi It's a partial list remember.
Welp...guess I'm just sticking with regular ps plus.
700+ games was it? So far I ain't upgrading. Pityfully small list
Looks like PS Plus Extra is the way to go!
@Ssimsim Just out of interest, what would have made this service pleasing to you?
Eh, I've got most of these already, guess I dont need...
>Intelligence Cube.
Oh man.
This is so mehhhhhh, looks just like they've gone with the generic titles everyone expects. I was hoping for JRPGs for ps1, but nothing is grabbing me, I played all the main ps4 exclusives I wanted to play already so nothing here is screaming I need to subscribe to this service. I'm probably never going to subscribe to this honestly as I'd prefer to own games instead of having an active membership to keep playing the games I want to go back to. Netflix of video games just doesn't work like tv and movies do, I'd rather pay full price for the games I want at launch and then get the other games I decide to wait for at good deals and never worry about a stupid membership running out.
The PS4/PS5 stuff is pretty great but yeah the PS1 and PS2 stuff is very underwhelming.
@Shepherd_Tallon They havent announced that Square Enix acquisition yet with the full back catalogue of titles dropping in 3, 2, 1....😉
Hmm I’ve been looking forward to the PS1/2/3 list and if this is a short highlight…..dang….I’m a bit disappointed
@get2sammyb Sure, but I doubt that on Launch we will suddenly have 20+ Games for PS1 instead of...9
Well I have seen about 6/7 games on here from the newer list that I'm interested in and considering I got automatically upgraded, I'm not too disappointed. Will get money's worth out of the PS5 games I have not picked up yet.. so not too bad.. whether I were to continue the top tier, however depends on what else is coming.
Yikes. They don’t want people to sign up for Premium do they…
You didn't mention this
"Also, players who have previously purchased the digital version of select games from the original PlayStation and PSP generation will not have to make a separate purchase or sign up to PlayStation Plus to play these titles on PS4 or PS5. When these titles are released for PS4 and PS5, players can head to PlayStation Store and download a version for the consoles at no extra cost if they already own the digital version of the title. Some of the titles will also be available for individual purchase. "
This is great news as I have ALOT of PS1 (and a few PSP) games I downloaded to my VITA, so it looks like I'll keep the rights to those purchases too (as it should be).
Ok like I said I another post I was worried it wouldn't live up to the hype and I was right unfortunately
All those who said it's the gamepass killer ....yeh that went well
@DarthAmmii in all serious it's pretty good for people who are new to PlayStation or have just got ps5 but in terms for me personally I have almost all the ps4 and ps5 on that list and not really interested in ps1, ps2 ect that's my own fault for purchasing too many games and sharing with friends.
Looks good to me! Gonna play all those PS3 Ratchets finally.
@Futureshark Different article.
@LiamCroft you've not mentioned the "backwards compatible" style bit where they've confirmed if you've bought the classic version previously, you get to download it and play it. Hopefully it eventually covers everything, but that's a decent detail!
There's already so many games on that list I'd been holding off on. If that was the full list I'd be happy!
@Rob_230 Ha ha don't give me hope 😅
@Dislecksier Different article.
Hmm, got to wait for the full list but there are a couple of interesting choices. Spiderman isn't goty edition and doesn't have ps5 version and uncharted 4/lost legacy are the ps4 versions, not a ps5. Otherwise they have thrown a fair bit of newer ps5 content on in miles morales, demon souls and returnal.
This blows Game Pass out of the water. It's a shame that I've played so many of these, but I might consider subscribing to play Assassin's Creed and Demon Souls.
Everything that interest me on that list, i already own. Not a bad thing, just means ive got a cracking game collection.
Great for newcomers to both playstation and ps5 though. All the boxes are ticked.
@mariomaster96 knack 2 was given for free last year for germany and anyone could have taken it. What i'm most disappointed with is the lack of the order 1886 and the last guardian
Also worth noting: Extra/Premium/Deluxe tiers will be getting additional new games in the middle of each month (in addition to the monthly games at the beginning of each month which are for all tiers)
This is actually a pretty decent list, especially the PS4/PS5 list.
@OthmaneAD The Last Guardian is still in the PS Plus Collection if you have a PS5.
Edit: wait, The Last Guardian is on this list too, actually.
and this, maybe another article? You better put that sandwich down!
*** This title is available to PlayStation Plus Extra members as part of Ubisoft+ Classics. Access to Ubisoft+ Classics games is a benefit for PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium members.
@Americansamurai1 You would have thought that if they were going to add trophies, then they would mention it. Still, I don't think there are any PS1 or 2 games that I would play anyway.
@SoulChimera Not just that but they're adding other retro Hot Shots/Everybody's Golf games which have ALSO had any online killed off.
Also, they've got Worms Armageddon on the original PS but not the PS3 one?
And another thing - Super Stardust Portable (why would you on a home console when the 3 version is also available?) is the only PSP title listed?
Think I'll just track down a few more PS3 games and that'll do for now.
played lot of those already on PSNOW
Where is Resident Evil 1 - 3 PS1?
This is a great starting list!
@trev666 "This title is available to PlayStation Plus Extra members as part of Ubisoft+ Classics. Access to Ubisoft+ Classics games is a benefit for PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium members"
Apparently there's more Ubi games included.
I'm hoping they'll add more PS1/2/3 and PSP games. There's still some classics missing, like Twisted Metal, Legend of Dragoon, Syphon Filter 2, Parrapa, God of War games, Folklore, etc.
Also, I did NOT expect classic Demon's Souls to be added lol Still happy though. More people can finally experience how Demon's Souls originally was, and I think it's good for those who don't have a PS5 yet.
@Ssimsim The PS4/5 lineup is solid but the classics are still lacking. There's some good additions like Demon's Souls ps3, Jumping Flash, Ape Escape, etc, but it's not enough. I'm hoping they'll add more soon.
Yeah if this is the launch list I can't see why anyone would go Premium, at least yet. PS4/PS5 offerings are impeccable, for anyone like me who was waiting a lifetime for Demon's Souls and Tsushima to drop in price and it's finally paid off. But we need more classics! I'll definitely hop on that Extra tier though
@Martsmall This a great start. For sure they are going to flesh out the list a bit to reach their 700+ game claim. PlayStation have such a great back catalogue.
Am delighted with this! Just having Returnal, Ghost, Demon Souls and Death Stranding on there pretty much covers the year subscription. Hopefully they hang around long enough to get through them all.
@get2sammyb that was literally the only game that caught my eye. Looking forward to playing that again but overall this list is sorely lacking, made up almost entirely of games that were already free or were already offered on psnow. I’m sure the final list will be better though.
No trophies? No sale. I’ll stick with the PS4/5 games then.
@OthmaneAD If you really want those games, they will be so cheap in the sale right now
Just noticed Guardians of the Galaxy on there aswel, amazing!
@Apfelschteiner it's not about being cheap, it's about being left out from this list that should include every old ps4 exclusive
This list is well timed as I was going to buy Crew 2 in the sale tonight .
Imo this is a great START.
people never really looked at PSNOW so at least offering them alot of the same games on a different subscription might actually get them interested in a signing up
@LiamCroft Do you know what the deal is with Ubisoft? Is Assassin's Creed Valhalla included on PS+?
From Ubisoft themselves, sounds like a somewhat watered down version of their Ubisoft streaming service
"Some of the titles will also be available for individual purchase. "
This is good. I won't be able to sign in the premium tier, but ther are a few of those games I wish to play. No trophy support is a bummer...
@Apfelschteiner yeh it's brilliant if your 15 and JUST purchased a playstation and not been playing for years and already own most of em
And they never said 700+ were going to be in the service in one go
Last of us 2 ? is that on there if not why not
That's a pretty decent list already especially for the ps4/ps5 games, anyone new to playstation are going to be treated with that line up, but for someone who's played all those playstation exclusives I think I will pass unless the rest of the third party games are decent
Still though that list alone is worth the price of getting premium, off to a great start.
This is a good list so far. Also Ghost Director's Cut being on their is awesome. One of my favorite PS2 games ever Rogue Galaxy always stays around and I love it(I still have the original strategy guide for it). Also not having to pay for Ghost Stranding Director's Cut is awesome.
@Rob_230 Also I'd love if Sony ended up buying Square and putting all of the old FF games and everything else on their.
Also can everyone just chill with their reaction to the classics. This is nowhere near the full list, just a couple games. Just relax and be patient.
Where's GoW 1 and 2?
Complete crap, 70 percent of those ps3 games have already had their servers closed. Jog on
Newer PS4/PS5 games are great but, man, that is a totally underwhelming list of PS1/PS2/PSP games. The remasters were already on PS Now. So there’s just a small handful of meh games being added.
Know more may be available when it launches but you see the full list in the PS4/PS5 area so I have doubts that the classic game list will have much more.
As an early taster, not too bad at all. Glad to see Sony seem to be taking it seriously
Shame about the lack of PS2 games….
How can people be even remotely excited about this abysmal line up of PS1 Classics? Most I've never even heard of. Where are the games I grew up with? Vagrant Story, Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis 1 and 2, Tomb Raider Classics 1-5? This is what they are going with? A total joke. Sony made it clear they don't give a damn about the PS1 generation and with this pathetic list that continues.
Looks like nobody in the PS Blog comments even bothered to read the actual article and chose to complain about how small the list is.
Apparently some here too.
It's not the full thing, they already confirmed about 350 classic games at launch. There's a whole lot less than those here!
i skipped ps1 thru ps3, so i'm really looking forward to trying out the retro library at my leisure.
but on the ps4, ps5 side alone, this is an absolute windfall for me. cannot wait to play:
concrete genie
demon’s souls
death stranding
ghost of tsushima director’s cut
the last of us: left behind
uncharted: the nathan drake collection
uncharted: the lost legacy
So they finally copied gamepass. Oh Sony. When will you ever stop taking ideas and be original?
PS1 PS2 classics are lacklustre based on the preview but were always going to be a "nice to have" for me, certainly not essential.
Miles Morales, GOTG, Death Stranding and Returnal means I'll definitely get a couple of months worth of gaming out of it. Cautiously optimistic.
Think the list for the extra tier is quite good myself. Will defo keep my sub running.
@Rob_230 Don't tease me ya fiend 😂
@Apfelschteiner 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Aren't we losing some games? For example I'm pretty sure that Castlevania 1 and 2 are available on PSNow...
I own almost every single game from the PS Plus Extra tier lol
Was hoping for a bit more definitive list of legacy titles... would love to see the likes of Alundra,(delisted off the EU/AU PSN classics a while ago on the PS3 store),
Suikoden 1 & 2,Adventures of Lomax, Colony Wars,maybe Wing Commander 3 or 4,Blood Omen Legacy of Kain,even maybe Theme Park or Theme Hospital, Twisted Metal World Tour,or some of the US only JRPG's that EU/AU regions missed out on, just of the top of my head!
PS2,(or PSP),GTA Liberty City & Vice City Stories, Maximo & Maximo Army of Zin,Hitman 2/Contracts, the Splinter Cell Trilogy,SSX/Tricky,NFS Underground 1 & 2, the Ratchet & Clank or Sly Trilogies,maybe GUN,(albeit Activision titles less likely with the impending takeover)?
This is laughably bad. Most games listed here were giveaways on ps plus over the years and most ps2 games we have already got access to from the ps store so we would have purchased any we were interested in already. I'm hoping this 'teaser' is just the tip of the iceberg because they ain't gonna get many takers with this drek
Let the drip feeding begin! There's a good amount of content to be fair.
Tekken 2 though? What's that about?!
It's a strong list and not even complete. Not sure what people were expecting?
I fancied playing Death Stranding and Ghost of Tsushima again and having the DC versions seals the deal. Will definitely give Returnal a go, already own GotG and Demon's Souls on disc but can't win all the time. Maybe I could sell them now but suspect I won't get much for them.
Slightly disappointed by the Third Party releases BUT we haven't seen all the games yet and I'm sure they'll have some good ones on there.
It's got better games than Game Pass does, that's for damn sure.
Weird that MLB The Show is on Game Pass but not PS+. Other odd omissions from the 1st party PS4/PS5 side is Knack 2 (the first Knack is present) and Sackboy (all the other PS5 games prior to Rift Apart are here). In general the PS4/PS5 side is strong.
The classics selection is weak though, feels like a Nintendo Switch Online style drip feed.
The Premium tier isn't much to write home about but the Extra tier is looking really healthy already. That's a pretty great line up if you ask me.
good point odd theres not MLB the show
@AFCC Lords of Shadow 1 is being removed from Now tomorrow.
It looks like almost every game from my PS Now favorites list is not listed here (which are all the JRPGs on the service like Trails of Cold Steel, Disgaea, Atelier, etc). I'm hoping they're not actually removing all these games too.
As of now, the best value seems to be the 2nd tier. The PS4+5 lineup is honestly pretty great as of now. I know the PS classics are just a slice, but so far I ain’t impressed.
I already see at least 6 games that I will definitely be downloading day one when it launches.
Ok, I see 5 games in the extra list I want to play whenever I get a PS5.
It's all gonna be about what titles they add each month though, that's whats gonna make or break it. Gamepass has had some great 3rd party additions and I expect Sony to do the same if they want to stay competitive.
Question will the PlayStation 1st party games be removed after 90 days like they do on PSNOW?
If you're new to PlayStation that's probably a great list, for me I already own all the PS4/5 games I want from those and that classic lineup is very lacklustre so far
So we get only PS4 Spider-Man for free not the PS5 upgrade?
@Ooccoo_Jr yeah, Extra seems the sweet spot for me too. I've got Premium via the upgrade but when it does run out (2026) I'll drop to Extra.
I think it's a decent list. Wasn't expecting the likes of GoT Directors Cut, Demon's Souls or AC Valhalla.
And alongside Returnal, Death Stranding, Spiderman and the complete set of Uncharted games I don't know how anyone can really knock it unless they're just being stupid about it. And it's not even the full list.
OK, so Sony have cheaped out on a few games - not giving Spiderman Remastered for PS5 is a shame as it's the best of the series. And stuff like Cities Skylines, Dead Cells will doubtless be the base versions without all the lovely (almost essential in many cases) dlc. But overall I'm very content with this 👍
Spiderman's already been on psnow was hoping for the ps5 version
More ps1 games would be cool.add parasites eve. Pac man world.and put maximo for ps2.etc word up son
There are some great games in there. And I already own every single one that I'd want to play. So, no need to upgrade for me.
Great content for anyone new to the system. Beats the heck out of “Day One” releases when you only release 2 games in 2 years. Sony has quality and quantity. Anyone new to PlayStation would be set with this offering.
@GorosBat you want some rare (fan) translated jrpg's then check out cdromance. The team there does more game preservation than any company ever would.
I would wish for an official route for this.
@Martsmall troll harder.
It's a decent lineup for the first batch.
@themuckman Agreed, the games you mentioned are easily worth price of admission alone. Valhalla is part of the Ubisoft classics range and bizarrely is the only AC game (so far) but is generous nonetheless. Guardians of the Galaxy is a great addition too. The only thing that worries me is how long the games will hang about on the service? Imagine being 80 hours into RDR2 and then it disappears one month.
@Martsmall Subscription services are only great for teenagers and pensioners anyway.
I don't really understand what people want and for such a low price you are lucky to get one game.
That’s a really small number of ps3 considering what we have now
I was personally hoping for Sackboy: ABA and The Pathless. Two games on my wishlist I don't wanna bite at just yet. Maybe down the line.
Decent Extra lineup though. I'll definitely be checking out GOTG.
If anyone is actually happy with this list, you’re high.
First one I'll play will either be that huge flop, Guardians of the Galaxy, or Miles Morales.
@danzoEX It's a partial list!
@Akurusu so this is a copy of gamepass which in turn is a copy of PS Now. Can't believe Sony is copying themselves here instead of being original, outrageous!
A little surprised that Ratchet Tools of Destruction isn't on the ps3 list but the other big games are? As it will be a growing library, I am cautiously optimistic but still on the fence whether to upgrade to the big-get-it-all package.
@sullivans2004 The "Classic Games Catalog – Remasters - PlayStation Studios" section are all PS2 games, not PS4 games. they're the PS2 classics you can currently buy.
Cool. Looking forward to Demon’s Souls. After finishing Elden Ring this weekend, I’m looking forward to it. Was tempted to rebuy RDR2 the other day too because I’ve been missing it for some reason, but heck, I’m alright with that. The partial list looks about as strong as Gamepass does, honestly
@daveofduncan for me it's not , but yet again it's oh other ppl like it so I must and if I don't let's call it trolling , plenty of other ppl have said the same as me but I'm the troll ?
Surprised they did not lead with God of War. That's a franchise that's on almost all their consoles, not to mention Ragnarok is (supposedly) arriving this year. Although, I suspect if they add them, they will add the PS3 versions. Downside will be you would have to stream them all. But again, I will wait for the full list
I still don't know how people think, but if you take just 2-3 games from the list Spiderman, Returnal and Ghost Of Tsushima Director’s Cut and you pay for them, you will have to pay more that a PS plus Extra or Premium subscription. So yes it is a good price. Now if a game will stay on PS Plus Extra for at leas 4-6 months the I say we have a winner ! This is a win for all that have a PS and don't buy games or buy a few...
@Voltan The PS3 Ratchet and Clank games, along with all of the PS3 games on this list (as far as I can tell) have been available on PS Now for YEARS. Like, I'm talking like 5+ years, lol.
To me it’s no different to game pass from the point load of old games I have already played and enjoyed on their original consoles.
Waste of time on Xbox and PlayStation.
New games for me is what I crave.
Sometimes I wish we could go back to the old days
When a new generation meant a new generation.
Cool list except that I’ve already played all the ones I wanna play (which is a LOT of them) back when they were new games. Personally I’m not interested until new games are available. Somewhere from launch to maybe 3 months after would be cool. I like the pursuit of finding new games just as good/better than the ones on the list not replaying them again
@stinkyx yeah, but PS Now was not available in my region - they're adding it with this update
@Dezzy70 IKR, like...can we get some new games? Still waiting on Sony to give me a reason to buy a PS5. So far, I'm happy I haven't.
@Voltan Ah, okay! Well have fun. It's good for a trip. I recommend starting out with just one month in case the nostalgia-factor does hold. Definitely at least worth that!
Maybe they could now like NOT SHUT DOWN the Everybodys Golf servers???
I would consider Extra, except it seems I will never finish Elden Ring, so it may be fruitless.
A good start! Nothing particularly exciting for me, except for a few titles like Returnal that I haven’t already played.
Nevertheless, it’s not a bad first selection of games.
Disappointing. Hope to see unique icons for each tier on every user's profile.
This is brilliant in my opinion, I really don't know why some people across social media are whining i mean what exactly did they want ? Of course if youre a long time playstation you will own a lot of these games, but if youre a new ps adopter this offers tremendous value and kills game pass in my view.
Not that I expected better from Sony, but the fact that they're holding back on the ps5 versions of Spider-man and Uncharted and advertising a TRIAL of the ps5 version of Uncharted 4 as a reason to get their top tier is pathetic
That’s some list of games!!. Inevitably you get the moaners who already brought and played every game on the list, what they seem to forget is most people haven’t already brought them. Example.. uncharted 4 sold 20 million copies, so that leaves about 90 million people who didn’t.. get it
Give me Digimon World on PS1 and we're all good!
@Martsmall I'm not sure what hype you were referring to. The announcement was just a blog post and everyone was underwhelmed. You have to keep in mind how much resources and time it took Xbox to get their backwards compatibility working with enhancements. Basically had to go back to each game and do extensive testing.
Looks decent to me, regret buying demon souls and ghosts now as barely touched. Returnal, Assasins and death stranding will tie me over so far 👌
As expected - decent list made of most of the current titles on NOW but with some nice PS5 additions. I'd expect there to be a rush of lots of older titles added soon, or nobody will sub top tier.
I'm subbed to NOW already and been on GP ultimate for a long time - but this service has more I want to play right now. You can talk about day one 1st party titles launching on GP, but when you don't have any 1st party titles, that means very little.
I expect MS to get out the cheque book and ensure there are some head turning 3rd parties added to GP soon. Not only will they deflect attention from this 'new' service, but they need to buy more loyalty from the faithful as they have so little 1st party coming ...
Decent start and I'm happy to be on it.
Extra looks good to me , premium not so much
Yah I'm definitely not jumping on this bandwagon. Most of the ps4/ps5 games I've played and I assume most have as well.For those just picking up a ps5 or still waiting to do so, extra is a solid way to experience some of the very few exclusive games we've had for the console thus far.
What's really just bizarre to even show is the weak old console game lineup. I mean if this is this glimpse you give a month or less from launch, then premium is just a half baked waste of money.
I wonder why no Nex Machina. I mean they put Housemarque's other recent games on there. Nex is their best outside of Returnal. Fans of Returnal's gameplay would be interested in checking that out if they haven't. Anyways, it's a good list.
Isn't half the games on that ps extra list ones from the ps collection or have been available on ps plus which I've already got? I'll be getting the extra but non really wow. Premium is a let down and the promise of game trials is sad that I have to pay for a demo in reality. Real shame but we will see
I’m not interested in rental services but it’s funny yet unsurprising It’s only at Push that I see negativity about it. 🧐
I'll get this seems alot better than psnow
Personally think Extra is amazing value for money, especially if you were new to PlayStation.
I could never justify buying Demon Souls, as not sure it wouldn't drive me crazy, but will definitely try it on the service. Same with AC Valhalla and death stranding.
If Sony keep the content drops of a decent quality every month I think they could be onto a winner.
@Mikey856 @mvhess but you also could say uncharted 4 could of been put on ps plus as a free game but instead we now have to pay an extra amount to play it. Plus half the list if not more are on the ps plus collection or have been on ps plus already.
@-Sigma- there's time could add in future
Like the PS+ Collection, this looks like it's a great way for PS newcomers to catch up on the last decade of PS on the cheap, but for existing long-time customers it doesn't really look like it offers much you haven't already played (or decided you don't want to) yet. It's more like a welcome bundle for new customers.
I kind of hoped it would offer something more compelling for the existing players. It seems like it even gimps some of what it has, just like Now did. Maybe if they add things like GT7 in the first year while there's still hype I'll get interested. Things I might not have bought at full price but might be interested in playing around with.
@Bez87 it's early days 😆
@NEStalgia they probably wil add GT7 and game of the year contender Horizon forbidden west in future maybe in a year for the 1st anniversary this new service 🤔
@tallythwack but you have to understand is they need the first adopters to be the ones just on ps plus.
But reality is 90% of the games for extra on the list are ones already on the ps plus collection which can be obtained by everyone and/or have been on ps plus one of the months. So what exactly is beneficial offering games for extra which have already been dished out in other iterations before hand at a lower price or for free. Yes they can pull in newbies but your basically paying an extra 10 for something what was available at a lower price. But of course this is a partial list.
@Falkirk4life very true but if thats the first lot of games they mention for all tiers like how kuch hope is there hahaha. Ment to hype the product not meh it hahaha
They can't even announce the full list and the service launches in about a week. Haha
@Bez87 you're right. I don't think out of the gate it's going to be anything ground breaking. The question that will be answered in time is if they put resources into it and continue to make deals with publishers.
@Falkirk4life Yeah, if it really follows that kind of pattern, I might get interested later on. Especially with the new $70 prices, I don't plan on buying PS games anywhere near release anymore, so I'm looking at 6-12 months to wait for sales. If they end up on Extra within that time frame, and it let's me play the exclusives I might otherwise have not bought at the higher pricing at all, it may be a good value in time.
We need the list of new games coming to this service. Many of these were already available with Now. I wonder how many new games we will truely be getting that werent already available.
I like it! I never had a PS3 and always wanted to play the Ratchet and Clank games that came out that Gen.
They seriously added Demon Souls remake to the line up already? I'm sold!
Actually looks pretty good. I was very skeptical at first but good on ya, Sony.
The PS4 generation spoiled Sony
The list makes it look like the decision of going Xbox live style made it pretty recently! Like why there is only one Syphon Filter! The list is very meager! I will stick with the regular PS+ that I didn't want to renew! Disappointing!
Although that list is ridiculously underwhelming this right here ', if you already bought them in the years gone by, you'll be able to freely download and play them outside of the PS Plus service' is the best move they've made thus far.
Great line up. Moaners will always moan no matter what. What’s wrong with including games from ps now and previous ps plus. Not all people subscribe ps plus that particular time. Yes I am a subscriber since 2016 and have about 400-500 games in my library, even for me there are a lot of games I am interested in. For PS now, if you don’t know, it has more or less similar games as game pass, yeah the one you keep praising no matter what. In fact, PlayStation first party games are much stronger (except you want to drive multiple variations of Forza). While the promise of gp day 1 first party games is good, also remember Microsoft has only released a handful of first party AAA games since gp launch, not to mention some, if not most are not well received.
Is actually a nice staring selection for PS4/PS5, don't really see anything wrong with it. Now the PS1/PS2 selection is really bad and PS3 is non existent, I consider streaming games less than nothing!
Extra seems like a good deal already, some good ps5 and ps4 titles!
The highest tier doesn't seem appealing so far, as the ps1/ps2/ps3 games on this list aren't very interesting yet.
Deffo a step in the right direction though!
The classic Wipeout erasure will not stand, Sony.
@Gdfrew its not a complete list yet that what i heard from Sammy
@RenanKJ I know right.. I couldn’t believe me eyes when I saw that. I’ve been playing demons for quite a while already but it’s literally incredible.. the finest remake ever made imo
Personally I’ll be going for extra. That’s a great lineup for a kick off. Returnal is 1st on my list 👍🏻
PS2 list has some interesting games in it:
Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits
Dark Cloud
Dark Cloud 2
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
Jak II
Jak 3
Wild Arms 3
Other than that... just padding. Even then, there is no way I would pay a premium to play these games.
Ah yes the fond memories of rushing to find a toilet for my pet digital animal to use.
Good times.
Meh only care about the classics & the lineup they've announced doesn't look very good to me
@Snake_V5 I doubt capcom would allow those to be on it as they have the remakes to sell
@Orpheus79V most of those games will be the ones already included with ps now
it is sad that the classic gaming catalogue is mitigated to the premium tier. there is no excuse for this other than greed.
at least our ps1 classics from the ps3 era can be redeemed, though. outside of that, this list of games looks awfully pathetic at launch. will need to wait and see how 3rd party publishers support this program 6 months down the line before i ever consider upgrading.
No Silent Hill, Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis, Breath Of Fire 4, Digimon World..
@Spyroescape Ah, I see you're a man of culture also
As much as I love Sony, this is a disgrace. I mean they canceled Gravity Rush IP and then they shove them in as free garbage collection, not to mention, as a PlayStation gamer, the majority of games I already have on this list.
This all should be named PS Plus Pointless
@get2sammyb I can't believe they answered my Intelligent Cube prayers! I wish MGS 4 was on the list, however.
@LordAinsley yes you do!
@GorosBat Damn you, Microsoft! Why did you have to go and screw up the entire video game development industry?! 😡
On one hand, I would say it's a solid start to a larger list still to come. On another, I would say it's borderline disappointing as long time PlayStation fans own the vast majority of the games on the lists. Great for people where the PS5 is their first PlayStation console (or first in a long time), but I own every single one of the PS Plus Extra list that I would play other than Days Gone and Final Fantasy XV. Since they're a part of the PS Plus Collection, there's been no need to pay for them.
Like I said when this service was first announced, PS3 games being streaming only kills it for me. That list has several I would play, but I can't since I can't download them.
I'll wait to come up with my final verdict when they release the rest of the list, but as of right now it's still a pass for me as expected.
@Martsmall I think the real issue isn't Sony acting lack luster but that Microsoft has such deep pockets that they purposely decided to take a financial hit to push out the competition. MS forced Sony to take a financial hit and this IS the best they can afford to do for us, although an evolving entity. I HOPE Sony doesn't give in and allow too many Day 1 freebies because these are the highest quality products on any format and the developers deserve to make a living!.. in my opinion.
@IonMagi in all fairness since it’s not bare bones ports and they are adding features and enhancing them I’d rather they not rush it
Insane that all these people who buy every game day one and has already played every game thinks this service would be for them. What could you have possibly been expecting?
@Tharsman All of those PS2 games are already available on PSN. I was hoping for a lot more in the retro area. I know they haven’t announced everything but I also think they would have led with a more interesting list.
It’s a good start hopefully we’ll see consistency in their adding games , but I see a good amount of games I’ll play again or haven’t played , demon souls remake for one.
@stinkyx sadly even on playstation side, people talk as psnow never happened lmao. We had most of these games and there are exclusives in psnow that won't be here like killzone shadow fall
That's a lot of games. I'm really happy with this ngl
I know it's only a partial list but that is very disappointing to be honest. Hardly any decent games for ps 1-3 that were not already available anyway. Psp games are especially disappointing. Most of the games people actually want are not mentioned. PS1 era was dominated by metal gear, gran turismo, tomb raider, Colin McCrae rally and so many others that don't feature at all. PS2 is non existent as far as I can tell just the PS4 remasters that again were already available. Same with PS3. PS4 and 5 games are decent though so at least that's something
@supergurr as you said, it's a partial list. I'm already happy with what's been revealed so I'm good whatever, but you really need to wait and see the complete library I think.
Lots of crap no one wants.
@Milktastrophe a better lineup of 3rd party games? the bulk is made up of sony-published titles so it makes one question how strong this service will be in the future.
@Royaljdt then don't buy it I think it's decent
@Lup same people complain about everything these days. It's a good list so far
@Porco doesn't matter how good the games are if you've already played them.
just goes to show that hardly anyone paid attention to PSNOW as the vast majority of the games are already available on psnow
This is a partial list yet people are treating it like the final list.
Even if you have played most of the games, many millions of other people haven't including new Playstation users.
This is why there are 3 tiers. PS Plus Essential is for users that have played most/all of the games and you keep your PS Plus service the way it is.
The complaining in here is mad
consider this.Time sinks like AS Valhalla for the average player.
How much will this cost just that for the average player playing say10 to 20 hours per week? Based on the subscription Price.
Now how much would it cost for a 2nd hand disk off Ebay ?
I’m underwhelmed. The new stuff is solid. Not spectacular but solid and similar to GPU. The classics announced are terrible. 8 ps1 and 1 psp?!? Why bother? The PS3 stuff is a backwards or at most sidewards step from what we have on now currently.
I thought they were going to blow me away but instead they’ve done a Nintendo and done the very very very bare minimum. I’m stacked on cheap codes for three years so it eases the pain much like I only pay £3 a month for GPU so the fact 22 will have no Xbox exclusives stings a little less. But no way is this service worth a tenner a month.
@Jaberwocky I will use this service the way i do psnow and gamepass i try out alot of stuff that either i wouldnt buy or am on the fence about.
Give me the Suikoden and the Shadow Hearts series' along with Poy Poy as an added extra, and we'll talk
The biggest challenge for Sony is that it’s going to struggle to communicate the value. Maybe at some point — if they do a good job — people will think of it as “there is something there for everyone and there is plenty” but MS has it easier because their GamePass system leans into the movie-going no-spoilers cultural phenomena of gaming by offering their products on day one. That’s just easier to communicate: sign up and get day one access to (insert list of studios). Sony’s version means people have to look at the full list to see if there is more than 1-2 games on it they want to play and do math to figure out if it’s cheaper to just buy those.
@koffing How do you know this, where did you so the way you will search for games from a subscription ?
@Stocksy this is not the complete list of games.
They have SOME balls putting dead nation there knowing full well that the game is obtusely broken and doesnt run propperly on ps5.
PS4 peeps, however, are in for one of the best damn coop experiences of their life.
also, being from one of the countries that dont get streaming services i'm really sad to not be getting the ps3 titles, here's hopping that one day i'll be able to just pop my ps3 discs in my ps5 and play them like that.
Tell that to any other person complaining about the lack of PS2 games.
(And PS2 games = the ones that are not on PS4 currently, yk like some of the classic stuff that people are overnostalgic af for)
Seeing a lot of people getting upset about the current posted list and I’m just over here like “It says it’s not the complete list” I’m just hoping with the complete list that some of the classics I purchased on PS3 end up on the service like Tomba and Legend of Dragoon(not as concerned about something like Bloodrayne or Spyro as they’ve been rereleased for PS4 and I’ve already bought them so)
Nothing there would make me want to pay more than I already am for PS Plus.
I'm already stuck with PS+ Premium for 5-6 years, so I'm gonna try and be happy about the minimal selection...
Glad they clarified they will still be adding more classics over time though.
@Snake_V5 while 1 would be cool they remade 2 and 3 and have the remake of re1 as well.
@KidBoruto i'm pretty sure during that time they'll add a lot more, i'd rather they make sure the games work with these new features first before they release them.
@twitchtvpat Fair point! I'd rather have more games later with less bugs/glitches.
@Milktastrophe why remove the first one and leave the second? God dang it, I still wanna play those two games
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