Precisely what Overwatch 2 is has been a question on the lips of fans since its announcement. It's billed as a sequel, but the way Blizzard has spoken about it in the past made it sound more like a glorified game update. Now we know the hero shooter is finally coming soon, a hazy detail has now been clarified. When it launches, it will replace the original Overwatch wholesale.
Speaking during a Reddit AMA, Aaron Keller — director of Overwatch 2 — confirmed as much: "When OW2 launches on Oct 4th it will be a replacement for the current Live Service," he says. This means that the original Overwatch will not be playable past 4th October, so players will need to upgrade to the sequel. Fortunately, it's free-to-play, so at least there's no barrier to entry.
As pointed out by IGN, the original idea was that players in both games would be able to play together simultaneously, but it seems as though fundamental game changes have put a stopper on that. Overwatch 2 features 5v5 matches, whereas the first game was 6v6, so the two just aren't compatible anymore. Forcing everyone into the sequel will mean the userbase stays together.
It's a very interesting situation; we can't recall another example of one game completely replacing its predecessor in this manner.
Are you looking forward to Overwatch 2 this October? Choose your hero in the comments section below.
[source reddit.com, via ign.com]
Comments 25
Please drop the „on PS5, PS4“ for future items if it is unnecessary. This title suggests that this is only valid for PlayStation, but it is valid for all platforms.
Oh christ, this again. Not sure why game news sites are reporting on this as if a) it's new information, and b) it means anything. They told us this back when OW2 was announced.
This is effectively no different than any other Overwatch update that made changes to PvP. The PvP portion was always going to replace OW1. That's the point. That's what makes them "able to play together simultaneously". Calling it Overwatch 2 just allows for more significant changes and the addition of PvE.
I've never played Overwatch at all, but with the sequel coming soon it seems like a good point to jump in. Especially with this reset.
Can anyone confirm/advise if Overwatch is worth getting into?
(For notes, I am less keen on the twitch heavy shooters like Call of Duty)
They originally said that Owners of Overwatch 1 can play PVP with the PVE element being exclusive to Overwatch 2 owners.
Sites are reporting on the news because Overwatch 2 PVP is now F2P. (Where as it wasnt going to be when OW2 was initially announced)
@Max_the_German This is a PlayStation website? 🤷 It’s letting people know that it’s on both PS4 and PS5 and not just exclusive to PS5.
@pip_muzz Oh heck yeah it is. Character specific abilities, a plethora of modes, swaggy customization, an actual art style, constant content updates now that it’s coming back, lots of user made content, and often at its best with friends. I personally love it, but it definitely gains a ton of depth and layers when you can chat with friends and devise strategies and team compositions. If you’re playing by yourself, you might find yourself getting angry at teammates that are doing their own thing every now and again, but there’s also some single player free for all modes too, which are good fun as well. It’s got a lot of charm, some fun lore that’s even present in stages and character interactions, and is kinda what I imagined for a long time to be what Nintendo would do if they made an FPS, if that gives you any idea as to what I mean.
But yeah, with it becoming free, I’d definitely recommend trying it out. At worst, you don’t play it again, but at best, you may find yourself a new fav
It's important that this re-launch doesn't require PS+ to play online. Overwatch players on console got stuck with subscriptions and full price tag. Overwatch 2 is free but will never catch up to Fortnite / Warzone popularity levels unless It's a brand new client that's fully F2P with cross play
I think this isn’t far gone from other online games.
MMORPGs like WoW replace the whole game whenever a new expansion comes out. Fortnite’s original island and all previous variants aren’t available anymore etc.
I think the difference is this game has a 2 on the end of it that it just seems odd.
@Max_the_German Ngl this really isn’t an issue.
PureXbox do the same, and any podcast dedicated to one platform does so too.
This is basically a standard across the industry.
"It's a very interesting situation; we can't recall another example of one game completely replacing its predecessor in this manner."
...Destiny 1 with Destiny 2, no?
@pip_muzz I definitely recommend it too. Wait for the second game to come out though, so it’s free to play. I played Overwatch at a time when I hadn’t played a legitimate fps in a couple years and had struggled to rekindle my enjoyment for the genre with the games I had tried, but Overwatch is so easy to pick up. It’s simple to learn, but hard to master, if that makes sense. If you enjoyed shooters before everything was downsight, you’ll love it. I’ve gotten a 30+ kill streak before and I average maybe 2 or 3 kills in a match of Warzone, for comparison sake. It’s a different type of shooter. Besides, when it’s free to play in a few months, what do you have to lose? It would’ve been GOTY for me in 2016 if I wasn’t one of the eight people in the world that’s extremely biased toward how much I enjoyed FFXV. It is the most purely fun competitive FPS I can think of. I still play it on Switch every once in a while.
@ThorsHammer Destiny 1 is still playable to this day. Destiny 2 didn't replace it or anything.
@Jacko11 And where does this BS end? „British government raises VAT for PS5, PS4“?
@pip_muzz it’s the smash bros of FPS and very easy to play . the only “high skill ceiling” this game has is learning the game and having awareness which comes naturally overtime with any game you play . it’s a casual game so you’ll have a super easy time whether it’s for you or not . the only thing that’ll give you a hard time is teammates
@Platinum-Bucket @somnambulance @nomither6 many many thanks for all your replies. It sounds like it's definitely worth a go once this comes out in October. I'll be sure to give it a decent try. Sounds like I'd need to message you all again when it's out to get a decent team together though 🙂
In other words this game is just a big glorified patch update.
@pip_muzz I’d be so down for that! Circumstances allowing for availability, of course
@ATaco blizzard apparently didn’t state anything other than that, but activision seems to have gone with marketing it as sequel.
I paid money for Overwatch, so consider me ticked at this.
@LiamCroft And should be this considering we paid money for Overwatch, not so it could be replaced and turned off like this.
@Jaz007 hopefully there’s a “classic mode” in arcade or something that allows you to play 6v6 again and characters retaining their old versions (i.e DPS doomfist and not tank doomfist) .
@Bentleyma they can just put Playstation or PS in the title and clarify it's for PS4/PS5 in the subheadings or first sentence of the article. I agree with Max it's confusing for a lot of stuff posted on here, especially concerning multiplatform games like this. Yes this is a Playstation site...I don't need to be reminded of that in the title of every article
@ThorsHammer you can still play Destiny, Destiny 2 didn’t completely replace it.
@Jaz007 For all intends and purposes it is the same game but with a shiny 2 in front of it. While technically correct, saying it replaces the original is not quite right but it is the used terminology because it's a "sequel" which in itself is just flashy PR talk. I prefer to call it Overwatch Phase 2 for that reason. Going F2P after six years is nothing groundbreaking either, at this point copies are dirt cheap to get anyway.
If that's the case Overwatch should no longer be on sale since apparently you don't need the first game to play Overwatch 2.
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