We haven't heard a peep about Season for quite some time now, so it's good to see the project is still alive. This narrative adventure game was revealed in 2020, and it appears it's very nearly ready for prime time. A new trailer, embedded above, reveals an Autumn 2022 release window.
To recap, Season: A Letter to the Future casts you as Estelle, a woman who leaves her home to explore the wider world before the titular season changes — a big event in this universe. As written on the PS Blog, the core gameplay focuses on exploring the world, recording things, and conversing with other characters as you learn about the mystery of the land.
It appears you'll be able to cycle around pretty freely, but can hop off whenever you like to document or record your surroundings. Estelle has access to various tools that help her take note of the things she sees and hears. The game looks like a very peaceful experience, and we're super curious to try it out.
Are you interested in Season? Pedal into the comments section below.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 11
Commenting so Sammy doesn't get sad seeing zero comments.😁
I've had my eyes on this one since it was first revealed. Looks beautiful, will get it day one for sure.
Gimme an endless cycling mode and I'll grab it day one
I'm intruigued, not sure what to think of it. Looks cool but what is it.
Really really fancy this one. Just give me a nice world to roam about doing menial tasks in and I’ll be happy.
Looks PS5 has quite a few cool games i bought 5 physical games for €100 thats lucky that i had to wait so long to get a PS5.
Depressing paperboy. Have to be honest, unless it’s offered in a sub I’ll probably never play this one.
I really like the vibe and would like for coverage on this game. You can see the love & soul they put into this game.
Like the concept, nice visuals (in terms of the landscapes anyway, characters could do with a lot of work). Might give this a look, but more likely one that’ll come to plus after a short while.
It looks stunning. I need to more about the gameplay first though.
Remember Where the Water Tastes Like Wine? This is going to be a similar story. It'll sell in single digits and the studio will probably go under.
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