So, you know all those rumours from a while back about Sony snatching up Square Enix? Well, a new interview with Games Industry has added some fuel to the fire all these months later. Ex-Eidos Montreal developer Stephane D'Astous says that he had heard "rumours" of the aforementioned acquisition.
According to D'Astous, Square Enix's Tokyo HQ didn't seem to be hugely invested in the publisher's Western studios — the same studios that it mostly sold off to Embracer Group earlier this year.
"I was losing hope that Square Enix Japan would bring great things to Eidos. I was losing confidence in my headquarters in London," D'Astous recalls. "In their annual fiscal reports, Japan always added one or two phrases saying, 'We were disappointed with certain games. They didn't reach expectations.' And they did that strictly for certain games that were done outside of Japan."
This was quite some time ago, by the way. As Games Industry points out, D'Astous left Eidos Montreal in 2013, and he believes that it's been a slow and steady decline for the Western teams ever since.
"If I read between the lines, Square Enix Japan was not as committed as we hoped initially," D'Astous admits. He continues: "And there are rumours, obviously, that with all these activities of mergers and acquisitions, that Sony would really like to have Square Enix within their wheelhouse. I heard rumours that Sony said they're really interested in Square Enix Tokyo, but not the rest." Interesting.
This, of course, ties back into the Embracer Group deal, which had some internet analysts suggesting Square Enix was deliberately streamlining its operations so that it would be a more attractive purchase.
However, it's worth pointing out that D'Astous doesn't clarify where he heard these rumours. It's entirely possible they're the same rumours that we've been writing news stories about, in which case he may only knows as much as the rest of us. Either way, there's no doubt that this interview will spark a new wave of acquisition chatter, which is always fun!
[source gamesindustry.biz]
Comments 42
Yeah ill call it bull for now because if every tumor would be true.
It would be really big for Playstation and it would also make sense, since they have a close relation with FF franchise and such...
But I think Ubisoft, for how bad they have been handling the franchises, might have a cheap sale soon and they should tackle that! Imagine Assassin's Creed under Sony's quality control!
I don’t really care if the games are exclusive to PS, but I do care that they aren’t exclusive to Xbox, since I don’t have one. So a Sony buyout wouldn’t really bother me. They’re already spending money on exclusivity deals, so they might as well just buy the cow and be able to do what they want with it. Square already have experience with PC ports as well which could make for a seamless integration into the new PS/PC ecosystem (although they aren’t the best ports. But maybe Nixxes could help fix them).
It makes so much sense to me - SE have a big mobile presence and one of the biggest MMO titles in the world.
Mobile and live service, two areas Sony are pushing in to.
Buying SE alongside Bungie would save them years of work.
Edit: You would expect that, with the exception of Final Fantasy, they would do a similar deal to Bungie - Put your titles wherever you want.
Let's face it, Dragon Quest not releasing on Nintendo would be sinful.
@Flaming_Kaiser A big acquisition is happening soon sony literally hiring people for mergers and acquisitions.
@Shepherd_Tallon Sony ain’t spending billions of dollars to share with others they allow the smaller stuff on the switch but all the big games should be exclusive or console exclusive to PlayStation.
What does Square Enix even own besides the FF and Dragon Quest franchises after they gave away all the other IPs for pretty much nothing? I know it is not in the realm of possibility but I'd prefer Sony would aquire Capcom. Their IPs are incredible.
Considering their biggest games always have a 1-2 year exclusivity to sony anyways, it wouldn't feel much different
@JAMes-BroWWWn nier , life is strange , kingdom hearts ,world ends with you , mana series , chrono trigger and bravely default etc
@JAMes-BroWWWn square enix siting on a huge catalog of Jrpg’s ips plus square enix can revive some of Sony Jrpg ip’s like wild arms. Sony can also benefit for square enix being in the manga business.
@JAMes-BroWWWn They Own Kingdom Hearts Star Ocean The Mana Series Parasite Eve Valkyrie Profile Life Is Strange Just Cause Nier/Drakengard Front Mission The Saga Series Lufia And The Last Remnant Just To Name a Few.
@Shepherd_Tallon I see it more likely to be like Bethesda if it happens though maybe Sony and Microsoft would be able to make a compromise where PS5 gets games like Starfield and ES6 meanwhile Xbox gets games like the FF7 remake trilogy and FF16.
My biggest concern about an acquisition would be about Nintendo. Square Enix has mostly been a massive bonus to the Switch lineup (KH cloud versions was very questionable and the biggest disappointment) and to see that disappear because of Sony would be very sad.
@Grumblevolcano @4kgk2 They've already done it with Bungie though. Granted they bought Bungie for other reasons, but it's a nice precedent to have when approaching another publisher.
And there's a lot of money to be made on other platforms with the smaller franchises that do well there.
Sony already have their internal studios for first-party console sellers, and they'll acquire more of them too, so why not make money from other platforms with the likes of Dragon Quest and Kingdom Hearts?
Personally I would prefer if, when a publisher is acquired, fans are not walled off from existing franchises. Others will disagree, and that's okay too.
But in this case especially the only exclusivity that would really matter is Final Fantasy, which PlayStation more or less already has.
Just leave everything else on the other platforms so their fans can keep enjoying them there, and for the additional revenue of course.
SE more than likely rely on multi-platform income anyway.
Seems like the writing is on the wall. Square don't really do much that interest me (the stuff that does mostly all went in the Embracer deal), but it seems like it would be a good get nonetheless
@Shepherd_Tallon Microsoft isn’t leaving all Bethesda games on other platforms for fans can enjoy Sony should do the same with square enix. Sony won’t spend billions on square enix just for one ip you have to be foolish to think so.
We'll see what happens one way or the other.
Have a good one.
Whether it happens or not, it's a shame they didn't care enough to take on Tomb Raider. With Crystal Dynamics and some help of Naughty Dog, they could have made some great Tomb Raider games while also keeping it different to Uncharted. In fact, Crystal Dynamics could even have taken over the Uncharted jobs if Naughty Dog wanted to keep pushing forward with new games. They have the talent for that type of game
Please Sony you can do this, buy Square Enix!
Sad thing is that is Sony does buy Square Enix that's going to be a death knell for all their smaller mid-budget games. Things like Live Alive, Bravely Default and Triangle Strategy might thrive on other consoles, but they'll definitely have a harder time appealing to Playstation users due to the different audience.
Sony should just hurry up and close this deal, for me personally would be massive as I play 90% of square enix games and Sony could revive some older series and make some older dragon quest/final fantasy remakes.
Only thing that would be sad is Nintendo losing the games like triangle strategy and bravely default series, but maybe could make a deal with Sony to still get those games
I honestly don't really care about anything Square still has. I'd like to finish FF7 Remake but it's going to be another 10 years before that happens if it ever does. The main IP they had for me was Tomb Raider. Now that's not on the table.
I'll believe it when I see it. So far, almost every major acquisition has been one people were exceedingly tight-lipped about.
But yeah, I'll echo what others are saying that it would suck if the Switch lost the fun AA releases they've been enjoying from Square-Enix. Triangle Strategy is the best game I've played this year, and, sorry, I don't think it would have sold as well on a Playstation console, despite it arguably being a love letter to PS1-era SRPGs in general.
Sony definitely need to make some big moves to offset Microsoft buying up everything
I'd hate to see it happen. Square is a frustrating company to do business with sometimes but there's no denying that when a Square game hits, it HITS. I don't think Sony owning them would really improve anything. If anything like others have said it would probably just destroy Square's smaller game development which has been great for the most part.
Maybe if it's like the Bungie deal I'd be more fine with it but I'd prefer Square stay 3rd party.
@Grumblevolcano this generation I have all three systems, but there’s no guarantee I will get them all next generation. My concern is with Nintendo in that while I would be happy with a Nintendo console without much third party support (WiiU was one of my favorite systems)….it will be hard for them to flourish without some support.
@Shepherd_Tallon The strategy is to do with the type of games. Bungie and Activision only make live service games nowadays so maximum microtransaction money comes from releasing on as many platforms as possible. Square Enix and Bethesda however while they have some live service games (e.g. FF14, Chocobo GP, Elder Scrolls Online, Fallout 76), mostly make single player games so more money may be gained from making the single player games exclusive (e.g. Sony will have gained a lot of money from making FF16 and the FF7 Remake trilogy PS exclusive in the form of getting more people into the PS ecosystem).
To people who don't think this is happening you're just being delusional at this point. He literally says Sony was only interested in Square's Japanese studios and what do you know? Just a few months back Square unloaded their Western studios. These huge acquisitions take a while to get settled legally so its definitely happening. I bet it will be announced during Sony's next major event. This is a good thing considering Sony needs more Japanese games.
It bothered me that final fantasy 7r dlc was exclusive to ps5. It still bothers me that it's not on xbox. It bothers me that it's 70£ on pc. I have it on PS4, didn't wanna start over and spend 70 just to try the dlc. FF7r, the only game I was interested in from square enix, the rest aren't to my taste. So it really wouldn't bother me much if square enix is bought by Sony. I do own every platform.
If it’s happening then I can assure everybody that nobody heard a rumour about it beyond what’s already been getting made up by everyone else. Buy outs don’t get beyond a board room full of professionals who know the importance of keeping their mouth shut.
@Areus Preeeeeety sure Square Doesn't own rights to Lufia. Last I checked Natsume held rights to the series after Neverland went under.
Am I the only really bummed about this as a whole. I actually think Eidos and crystal dynamics have talent and when allowed to be creative and make things on their terms, there titles are great.
Square japan is stuck in a slump of archaic jrpg nonsense that even falls short with lovers of that genre especially some of the failures they endorsed/published.
I really wish Sony would pick them up as well. Especially considering how long Crystal Dynamics has been part of the PlayStation ecosystem and a huge part of their beginnings.
Sony 2ould make a dumba@# move like this. By Square Enix now thats it dumped its best developers and 90% of its IPs. Guessing their cheap enough now Sony can afford them now.
Part of me wants this to be true, but another part doesn't after becoming really fond of having SE games like triangle strategy, octopath, liveALive on the switch when I'm on the go. If Sony would make a portable ps4 I'd be totally on board though.
I'm not going to think about this until there's official confirmation from Sony themselves.
I think it's inevitable at this point with the rumours and for the fact that it just makes so much sense
This would be a good thing for Sony plus they already got a good partnership going on with some of their games and being exclusive to Playstation and PC.
This Could be Huge!
@AFCC I’d rather see Assassins creed under Nintendo quality control. Their games always ship almost perfect regardless of genre. Or studio.
@4kgk2 it’s a bit more then one IP. The chrono series, the mana series, Dragon quest. Those new 16bit plus games like octopath and triangle, Kingdom Hearts, life is strange, Drakengaurd/Nier, just cause. Square is worth billions easy.
@Luigisghost669 Nintendo only does low tier graphics games. They can't a franchise like AC without seriously dumbing down the visuals and overall quantity of mechanics
@AFCC such a stupid thing to say. The switch sold a crap ton because Nintendo has terrible graphics. Feynx rising for example I’ve played it on switch when it came out and ps5 when I finally got one and it might not look as pretty but it mechanically played the same. Crash 4 same thing.
@Immovablegamer6669 it's not a stupid thing to say lol can you imagine Nintendo making AC games for PS5 or Xbox? They don't care about the visuals, and that's fine, but only for their console! If they would make AC exclusive (like Bayonetta) it would sell considerably less
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