Naughty Dog has today announced PS5 remake The Last of Us: Part I has gone gold, meaning development on the 1.0 version of the game is complete. The developer will now probably turn its attention to whipping up a day one patch, but in the meantime, a new trailer has been released featuring new clips which you can catch below.
The footage highlights a number of key scenes from the original PS3 title, including the early game, Ellie's meeting with David, and that sequence where you hang upside down and shoot the infected. We also catch a glimpse of the Bloater in all its 4K glory at the school. The Last of Us: Part I is out for PS5 on 2nd September 2022, and it's one of Your Most Anticipated PS5, PS4 Games for the Rest of 2022. Recently, a developer who contributed to the project has shot down claims the title is simply a "cash grab".
Are you getting a PS5 pre-order in? Save up in the comments below.
Comments 62
Well, I am excited and I have the Deluxe Edition preordered.
I thought this went gold back in 2013?
😏. Yeah, I went there lol.
Let's see how long it takes someone to mention the price..... Again
Yep! Pre-Ordered at GameStop.
Can't feckin wait.
I am looking forward to revisiting this masterpiece. Will have to be half price though.
@UltimateOtaku91 first! 😁
Maybe when it hits Extra 👀
I think why TLOU was remade was for a number of reasons. Sony wanted something to sell in time for the HBO series and the remaster was too long in the tooth to do anything sales wise. Also this wasn't ND making it, this was another team in San Diego and I think Sony wanted to repeat what they did with Bluepoint by giving them a remake project as an acid test to see if they could handle it. In the hope they do a good job and maybe are given a bigger project after. Sadly it seems development was moved very late on for ND to finish off.
Hopefully we get a proper gameplay trailer soon because I want to know what they've changed gameplay and level design wise, before deciding if it's day one for me.
@BritneyfR_ee that doesn't count 😂
I am kinda bummed out that PC players still have to wait for months before getting to play these games. The day 1 boost in full price sales should compensate for the 3 people that will actually throw their PS5s in the bin or whatever.
Don’t care about the price. Day one.
I knew someone was going to say it and you did not disappoint. I appreciate you!
It’s a 💵 grab 100%
We have all seen by now what a true remake looks like and what a cash grab remaster disguised as a remake looks like. As it has been a non stop flood of these practices for years now.
We all know how they go, and how little they show pre release if they are the latter. We can discern quite easily what this "remake" is based on the price and what has been shown and analyzed alone.
This article along with other subtle marketing for ND and Sony is just shameful Push Square. We get that being a Sony cheerleader is what puts food on your tables, however, at least try and demonstrate a lack of implicit bias and objectivity on this one... Jesus
We haven't seen an ounce of non scripted game play or the supposed ground up rebuilt aspect they claim, game play changes, any of it yet this game releases in less than a month..... Cmon
Perfectly fine with the remaster I'll probably get this when it's cheap so I can get the trophies the next time I replay it but for £70 they're having a giraffe lol
Nothing left to make me feel small.
Luck has left me standing so taaaaaaaaall!
It’s already gone gold?
Do I just don’t know game development or is this really early for a game to go gold compared to its release date? I’m not saying this as like insult or praise towards the game I’m just genuinely curious.
@KundaliniRising333 And if they continue to not show a second of gameplay footage before launch we'll be sure to criticise them.
But unfortunately for you, that's not happening.
@Deoxyr1bose It's somewhat early for a major title as it usually happens a month or so prior to release.
Huge TLoU fan here.. I bought both the Joel & Ellie Editions on PS3, bought the Remaster along with my PS4, and I went in day 1 on the Collectors Edition of Part 2.. It's one of my favourite games of all time.
However, the 'Remake' can suck a great big Donkey dong. Its shameful that this is a full price game upon its THIRD release, and I think calling it a Remake is way too generous. It's an upscale. If it were on XBox, it would be part of the Smart Delivery program and it would be a free upgrade.
Sony are genuinely losing me as a fan this generation and I've been with them since launch day of the PS1..
@GagaOooLaLa Gold! Always believe in your soul.
@Deoxyr1bose they should release titles digitally before they print the disks so that when they do print the disks major patches are included but they want the money asap so they print the disks asap because they can push out updates sucks for people that want complete best version of the game without having to download updates but it's just business
As someone who has avoided this entire series because of the awful multiplayer trophies in the original TLoU, I'm happy this is being remade sans multiplayer. I'll probably give it a go when it's on sale.
@Would_you_kindly But that's not really how it works, is it? The reality is that it takes time to manufacture and ship physical products.
No matter how much you delayed the process, that lag would always leave more time for further updates/patches. Obviously, it wasn't possible to patch games in the PS1 era, but now it is possible, so devs understandably take advantage of it.
(EDIT: Also, people would riot if they made a digital version available before the physical one.)
@get2sammyb I didn't say it didn't take time to manufacture or ship the disks but I know I'd rather they went gold on disks like 6 months after digital release instead of a month or 2 before release I know they'd never do it just wishful thinking
@OmegaStriver I thought it went gold twice already lol
@GagaOooLaLa heard that song today at work.
Will be interesting to see if gameplay has had any real changes because right now all i see is a fancy remaster and not a remake. Demons Souls Remake is what i class as a remake or to go further RE2R but this just looks like the PS4 remaster just with prettier visuals at a premium cost.
Sony's latest cash grab went gold! Hooray! Let's all get excited and hope and pray for more remakes and remasters in the future! No one needs new games, new experiences, when you can just sell the same ones over and over with fancier graphics!
...Stop. Not just this game, but like, half of everything coming out now. These corporations make gazillions of dollars but are clearly getting more and more creatively bankrupt by the day, just like all of Hollywood.
Of course, all my opinion. Do what you want. It's your money. It's just so ...sad, man.
With all of you grabbing it day one I think I'll just buy it used from one of you after you beat it by day 2 for half off
@M3NDEREZ Do you know what an upscale is? Because this is as far from that as you get. Also while i champion Smart Delivery its worth noting all MS has offered for its 1st games on there is 60fps 4K at most for select X1 titles, they actually haven't offered anything on the scale of this or even something like Death Stranding DC. I'm not defending this "remake" btw, it looks more like a very fancy remaster then remake but its not an upscale and has clearly had a ton of work put into it more so then the usual remaster you get even if it seems like a cashgrab and is rather pointless.
A remake of a remake goes gold and still expecting patches, yeah that's not part of a continuing plan to make physical copies practically unplayable.
With that and the price gouging I don't know why more people aren't putting their foot down about this.
Sweet! Now to finish the Stea...I mean PC version.
@OmegaStriver I came here to say that line and you spared me the trouble on the top posts
Worth noting that devs from the team are saying there was zero crunch on this one. Of course it was probably easier to avoid on a remake than a brand new project but still - sounds like PlayStation Studios are really committed to making their workplaces better for their teams.
Platinum Trophy on sight for September.
It went gold 9 years ago when it was released. This isn't anything to celebrate. They are counting the money.
@Would_you_kindly OI! GIRAFFE is copyright me. You can use having a bubble.
Yours, Resi.
Cool. one of the best games ever made.word up son
@Voltan I dunno man after all those revelations about crunch & toxicity at ND Sony decided to promote druckman , the guy was basically rewarded for being a d***
Why not "go Gold" with the fixes on disc and save the download of a day one patch?!
Remember those days when games shipped "complete"?
@UltimateOtaku91 it’s $70 for a 9 year old game. It’s not worth it.
@GamingFan4Lyf yeah, I remember. Where bug fixes would only be available in other regions that were released later on, or if your region got the fixes later too, you'd have to pay full price again for a second copy of the game to get the fixed version. It's so lame that bug fixes are provided as free updates these days.
@KundaliniRising333 you said it bro
Still need to see combat.
@KundaliniRising333 Not all marketing is aimed at us, the hardcore who's already beaten this game almost a decade ago. Be patient, if they said they rebuilt the gameplay, I'm sure they did, they literally have the blueprint of TLOU2 lol.
I’d like to see some gameplay footage of the remake before launch. Good sign that it’s gone gold already.
@Milktastrophe I live in America - we. got. our. fixes.
But seriously, even like pre-X1/PS4 we got games that didn't always require Day 1 patches. In fact, it was super rare. Nintendo is like the last company where games don't always require Day 1 patches.
When will we be getting some non scripted gameplay though
@KundaliniRising333 you're speaking nothing but facts my guy 💯💯
I've had it pre-ordered since the day this went up for pre-order at PlayStation Direct.
I don't care that it's $70. This is shaping up to be what I had wished The Last of Us would have been, which would be the story of the first game with the gameplay of the second. The enjoyment I should get from playing this version should make the price tag irrelevant in the end.
Will wait for PS Plus Extra. I've platinumed this game 2 times and spent 100s of hours on multiplayer as it is
The usual concern trolls are getting boring now! If you like Tlou remastered so much, why wouldnt you want it improved in every way? The thought process makes no sense.
Personally cant wait. This is going to be a banger... Again!
I think it started as an initiative (like a demo showcase) from a few devs and Sony just gave them funds to see where they go with it. They sort of put their finger in it and then couldn’t backtrack anymore. That’s how I feel it.
I hope that there can be a Complete Edition consisting of both this and Part II down the line.
Simple fact is Sony haven't convinced most of us enthusiasts that this is a worthwhile remake yet. That doesn't mean it won't sell well. We are the (noisy) minority.
The closer we get to launch the more i want it. Love the first far more than the second. Trying to stay strong and not buy this yet because that price is too high for me, especially after playing it many times over. And there's going to be so many other games I really want too that I never played before so I need to put them first.
Really looking forward to playing this some day! That's if I don't fall to my weakness and hit that pre-order button. lol
@OmegaStriver are you trolling and looking for ways to hate the remake which you don't have to buy?
@BritneyfR_ee seems you forgot when Sony said that ps5 games will be $70
@M3NDEREZ then go play Xbox or pc problem solved
I loved TLOU and played it through on every difficulty level, then bought the remake and prequel and completed it once more. I got part 2 on day one and loved that too, they are both fantastic games but although I would like this new version too I can't help but feel a bit cheated by Sony/Naughty dog, £70 for a game many of us have already bought twice before is blatant profiteering. I my opinion they should have offered the new version at a discount for those who have already paid for this game and helped make the franchise as successful as it is.
I won't be pre-ordering this or buying at full price, but hope those that do enjoy it!
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