The list of PS5, PS4 games coming to PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium later this month may have been leaked ahead of time by a ResetEra poster. From user BlackBate — who has been on the money with their leaks in the past after looking through their post history — says the following games are coming to the service for July 2022:
- Stray — Already a confirmed addition for July 2022
- Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade + Episode INTERmission
- Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
- Assassin's Creed Unity
- Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry
- Assassin's Creed: The Ezio Collection
- Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
BlackBate clarified this is only "some" of the games that make up the list for the month, and that they'll all be added to the service on Stray's release date: 19th July 2022. We speculate the lineup could be officially announced on the Wednesday prior to the drop.
As for whether you should believe these claims, we would advise caution — we always do with these sorts of rumours. It doesn't come from the usual, reliable PS Plus leaking source of Dealabs, but BlackBate's post history does suggest they're someone in the know. They accurately shared details on Death Stranding Director's Cut ahead of time, knew about Skull and Bones' re-reveal yesterday, and have leaked information on a Microsoft Flight Simulator expansion before its announcement.
If the list proves to be true, then it looks like the first drop will lean heavily on the Ubisoft+ Classics program that's been rolled into PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium. However, since the leaker says this is only part of the lineup, there could well be more to come for the month ahead. As such, the list of All PS Plus Games could grow pretty significantly.
Would you be happy with these additions? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source resetera.com]
Comments 78
I own every one of those games besides Stray, but I'll give it try, I suppose.
Aah AC Unity, the Game that has major problems on PS5. Sure wish they would fix those.
No interest in the AC games, I can safely leave them in the past
Ofcourse I’m most looking forward to Stray.
And i wouldn’t mind revisiting AC Freedom Cry
I’m wondering if this is the total list or if they’ll be any additions to the Premium (1, 2, PSP) this month.
My patience in not buying FF7 has been rewarded. Still waiting to see what the classics selection will be like.
Oh and I'm worried that people are hyping up Stray WAY too much. I have a gut feeling that it might disappoint... there's just something about it that has my warning signs going.
I thought they couldn’t do DLC on the services? Swear I read that somewhere. I’m probably wrong tho since I don’t have it yet
@IonMagi I’ve just finished unity on the PS5 and found it alright. It doesn’t run as smooth as origins etc but it’s definitely playable
I went back recently and finished Unity after giving up at its initial disaster, it was pretty enjoyable.
@CWill97 You may be thinking of the streamed PS3 games that can't play DLC: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2022/05/like-ps-now-dlc-wont-work-with-streamed-games-on-ps-plus-premium
Stray is enough for me!
Why’d they leave out AC3 ?
I own final fantasy 7 remake but not the DLC having taken advantage of the free PS5 upgrade so hope you can just install the DLC from the service
Stray is all I'll have time for this month. Delighted with that.
Would have liked to see a few more PS1 games, but they'll come eventually I'm sure.
All I want to know is when the next PS1 games are coming and what they are. Another twelve Assassin's Creed games ain't getting me to sign up to this thing.
Stray & FFVII for me.. but it looks to be a decent list.
@Boucho11 Yeah looked it up and misremembered. The Game is locked at 30 FPS on PS5 tho if you dont play it unpatched tho while its 60 FPS on Xbox SX. The Assassin's Creed in England was the one who had major issues
@IonMagi yes I played it patched and it definitely took a drop. Syndicate is the one you’re thinking of you that doesn’t play properly.
As soon as they announced Ubisoft+ Classics as part of PS+, I knew it would be foolish to ever buy another Ubisoft game. They'll all end up on plus eventually.
That is really good. The Ezio Collection is on sale for £11.00 I believe and it goes off sale on the 20th of this month and goes on PS Plus on the 19th, I was going to buy it when I get paid on the 19th so that has saved me some money.
Pretty bad if you don't like assassin's creed I may give assassin's creed another try just couldn't get into them but will check out stray
So there's more other than these? If so then that's a good sign as it seems sony are stepping up their game with this compared to the 3/4 games they added every month with now
Can't wait for Stray.
Worth playing Black Flag just for the sea shanties 🎶
@LiamCroft that’s 100% it. Thank you!
I’ve not been following, what are the issues?
I’ve always like Unity, it still looks great, the lighting model is superb.
"Yeah looked it up and misremembered. The Game is locked at 30 FPS on PS5 tho if you dont play it unpatched tho while its 60 FPS on Xbox SX. The Assassin's Creed in England was the one who had major issues"
Don't care about AC games but I'd love to play FFVII and I really hope Stray is gonna be good.
Would have been great if Far Cry 6 was dropped in
Not bad at all, considering this is just part.
Stray is 'top cat' in this list of course, and ff7 remake is a good addition.
Nice to see the AC games being made available, they may be older titles, but they are the titles that gave the game a solid reputation before they became bloated ubi open worlds. Given that the new skull and bones seems like Black Flag without the fun, i may just jump back to the original - at least it has sea shanties!
Is Unity the French set AC? Never played that but know it looked nice. If it's added should I play it on PS4 Pro or PS5? My PS5 is getting quite bloated atm 😅
Great few additions, to what is a pretty stacked service atm, for someone who has just about wrapped up Ghost of Tsushima 👹 and needs some chill summer games that require less demand
And Stray headlining
These are all extra games I will be expecting at least one new ps1 , PS2 , psp & PS3 game given this service has launched with the absolute bare minimum
Lame apart from stray typical Sony giving us crap again
AC Unity is 60fps if you play the unpatched 'disc' version on ps5
That looks good to me!
Stray looks interesting, but I'm not compelled to re subscribe after my sub expired in June, as yet.
Assassin's Creed Rogue Remastered is also part of the post source you linked but not included above.
Personally I don't care at all for Ubisoft games so this wouldn't do much for me, Stray is definitely the highlight of that bunch imo so hopefully more games that aren't Ubisoft are added.
Disappointing. I heard Mario Kart 64 was supposed to be coming this month.
Pretty sure Saints Row IV RE-Elected was on PS Now previously because I platted it (great game, better customisation options than the new one by the way) and don’t remember actually buying it.
Did it get removed and then added as a “new” game?
@Momoghal786 I mean, these games are adding to the massive catalogue that are already there. It's not like old PS Plus where this is your only choice, to be fair 😅
@ROTTIEMAN16 Dont do this tho haha. Better 30 FPS than unstable 60 and tons of bugs
Hope this is true, decent additions if you ask me. Held off on FF7R so now can play the complete package on PS5. Stray looks great, and the rest are extra options if you want them.
I've barely scratched the surface of the stuff I want to play on Extra as it is. Some people are never happy.
@Ravix dude if your happy with these all old final fantasy games that's good for you but I still think Sony are being greedy they should give people day one games like come on final fantasy really and final fantasy is already on there. and assassin's creed games are so old who would want to play them
Only care about stray, black flag is ok but I've already played on PS3 Ages ago unity and the rest I wouldn't have time to play them with other games to catch up on but nice additions anyways
@Momoghal786 Don't expect this "new" PS Plus to be like GamePass. Only certain titles like Stray may get a day one release.
Just stray for me then, If you don't like Assassin's Creed it seems you're out of luck and I already own FFVII. I'd much rather we got more PS1, PS2 and PSP games then anything (Rayman aside) from Ubisoft
@IonMagi Unity worked mostly fine for me but Syndicate is near unplayable with the light bug. And probably why it’s not on the list.
@Momoghal786 day one games like Stray 🐱
I am happy to be honest because I have a load of AAA games I've missed on there already, for only 83 quid, which is only 30 more than I'd be spending on the online plus anyway.
They aren't going to add day one games that are big because Microsoft do that for a huge loss and it's stupid business for the sake of looking cool because they can afford to.
If there's nothing you want to play, there's no reason to subscribe. Which is also fair. But like I said, it's not just old AC games and FF on there, thats just what is being added to all the other stuff that is already on there
That's pretty solid
@Vacuumator The lighting model in Syndicate is broken on PS5, it's like strobe lighting. Still playable but very off putting and if you get sick from flashing lights then I would advise not booting it up.
Pretty solid month!
Stray makes it all worth it. I wonder if FF7 Intermission works on PS4?
@sentiententity I'm afraid there's only a PS5 version of the INTERmission expansion.
And none of them are the classic games like, PSP, PS1 and PS2.
AC games are garbage.
Now about a 60fps update for Unity please Ubi?
Looking forward to Stray.Finished Final Fantasy Remake but never played the Yuffie add on so that's pretty cool.
@IonMagi I think the problematic one is Syndicate. Never saw anyone complain about Unity on PS5.
If they confirm the Intergrade Episode and AC Unity I will be very happy!! Was planning to buy those in the future!! I'm playing Black Flag right now, but I bought it months ago in a sale anyway, like the Ezio Col. I will continue playing every AC in order, so finally having those games in PS Plus is a huge help. Praying that they fix Syndicate, the AC Chronicles and bring AC 1 to PS5.
@Snake_V5 true
Seems that AC will be probably split between PS+ and Game Pass. Game Pass gets 1, 3, Syndicate, Origins, Odyssey meanwhile PS+ gets the others.
It wouldn't surprise me if Assassin's Creed Syndicate isn't on the list as well, or at least coming soon since Ubisoft is now finally working on a fix for it on the PS5.
Been holding off on FF7R hoping it would end up up here, really hoping it does turn out to be the PS5 version and they don't skimp like they did with Uncharted Lost Legacy.
Might finally get round to trying out AC Black Flag as well 🙌
Grateful if Sony keeps adding releases like stray. Might also try black flag after not playing an entry since the enzio conclusion.
I wonder if anyone had an issue playing the Spiderman DLC that is part of the Game of the Year Edition (on Ps extra/premium). For whatever reason, it won't let me play them. I can download and install them, but the game doesn't seem to get it for some reason.
@Ravix what I decided to do was unplug my 2TB external HDD from my PS4 and link it to my PS5 so now ALL the back catalog PS4 titles are stored on the external HDD saving that precious SSD space specifically for PS5 games 😎 also you can find a 1TB external HDD for about $45 or a 2TB for about $60 if you look on Amazon. Happy gaming ✌️
@naruball I had something similar but I think it was because I played on the PS5 and the premium version is just the PS4, so think that is why it doesn't register, could be wrong and probably am but it made sense. Saying that if you download the PS4 version then all the DLC should work with that version but I didn't want to play through it again, in short I have no idea mate 🤷♂️
@cali_kush70 yeah, it's a must with the fairly small SSD. I've converted to pretty much all digital now, and installed a 1tb internal SSD a while back, got quite a good deal on it. Played God of War direct from that so it still benefited from the faster loading. I just should have gone for 2 or more TB looking back.
I still want to actually get some use from the PS4 Pro too, but more and more I just find myself using the PS5 instead. Quality of Life alone has been worth the upgrade.
So something like Unity could be good to get some use out of the old console, unless it really is worth playing it with minor PS5 upgrades. I installed Spider Man and Greedfall onto the Pro, but yet to play them. But both of them probably could benefit from play on PS5 too. What I need is another PS5, damn you Sony 😁
Intergrade is a good get and a positive sign for the future of Extra, possibly. Definitely waiting to see how Extra evolves over the next 6-12 months before deciding to jump in. I dipped into Now a few months here and there, which doesn't work with the new tiered model, so I'll need to decide if it's really worth it.
Black Flag seems so overrated to me. It was a decent pirate game, a terrible AC game, but seemed repetitive more than most AC games (at least pre-Origins.) Still looks 500% better than Skull and Bones though. II, Syndicate, Unity still seem like the peak of AC to me. Though I'll always prefer the first. It had that Hitman-esque assassin factor that no sequel has ever offered. Origins tried to come closer though. I really have to get back to that one with the new patch. I still dream of a real sequel to the first one with that same gameplay design all centered on the hit.
As someone who never played an AC before this is nice but I'm looking forward for Stray the most.
@sullivans2004 That's why I'm subscribed to Premium, it's the PSP, PS1 and PS2 games I want the most. I can't see Sony releasing those games very often to be honest.
Ubisoft overload, STILL exploring base game Valhalla after 150 hours.
@Mostik haha. Thanks anyway! I've read something similar online.
Count me in for stray
Never liked Ubisoft games, always felt short of quality to me
Actually a great list, IMO! Even if I own almost all of those
I already own the other games on this list but that's fine, really looking forward to Stray!
I’d be very happy with this, though I probably wouldn’t be touching any of the AC games. Really excited for Stray so whatever happens I’ll be happy. Gotta say I’m really loving the premium sub so far - downloaded a bunch of games that had been living on my wishlist, good times!
Looking forward to Stray and I’ve never played any of these Assassins Creed games, I’ve only played AC Vahalla and the one before that, so definitely give these ago!
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