Sony has given us a little more information about its upcoming virtual reality tech for PS5, PSVR2. We've seen what the headset looks like, as well as those fancy new controllers, and now we have details on the hardware's user experience. There are several features shown off via the PS Blog, and they look like excellent additions to make playing in VR easier.
First up is the See-Through View mode. Triggered by a button on the headset or by bringing up the Card on PS5, you can swap your view from the game you're playing to a view of your real-life surroundings. This will let you find controllers, for example, or move furniture out of the way, without having to remove your PSVR2. This will come in very handy.
Another exciting new feature is the ability to define your play space. Using the controllers and the PSVR2's embedded cameras, you can map out your unique play area, creating "barriers" at the limits. So, for example, once you set up your play space, getting too close to the edge will display a warning to prevent you from walking into things — again, a very smart feature that will save some shins.
The blog post also confirms the return of Cinematic Mode, meaning you can not only play PSVR2 games designed for the device, but you can play or watch basically anything. Cinematic Mode plays these non-VR things on a virtual big screen, which has a resolution of 1920x1080. Finally, by connecting the PS5's HD Camera up while playing PSVR2, you'll be able to broadcast yourself playing, which will have more niche usage but is good to have regardless.
It sounds like Sony is going all-out with PSVR2, as these software features sound like brilliant time-savers. The blog post also says to expect more information soon, "including launch date and additional games coming to the platform".
What do you think of all this? Tell us in the comments section below.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 77
That see-through view feature is dope.
Great quality of life improvements.
Has a lot of the features the Quest 2 has. Why haven't they done a proper showcase on the device itself? We just keep getting these blog posts.
@claytortot213 Probably because some of it hasn't been finalised yet including the launch so they'll save it all for that.
Looks really awesome! The more and more info they share though, the more I worry the price point will be crazy!
Hopefully they'll announce a price and release window soon!
Love the See-through feature, can eat my dinner now whilst still in the virtual world.
Nothing on playing PSVR1 games on it though? Will it be BC?
It sounds like an improvement over the original PSVR but it’s really going to have to go all out to beat the Quest 2. That’s the benchmark for me now. And PSVR 2 still has a wire, so that’s one negative right off the bat. Excited to hear more about it though.
It all sounds very cool. Super excited for this.
Every new bit of info they release drums up my hype a little bit more.
Marketing 101?
@Perryg92 the Quest 2 is ‘only’ £300 so PSVR 2 will have to be under that for me to even consider getting one. If it’s more than that I’ll probably get the Quest 2 instead.
@claytortot213 They'll do a showcase when it's ready to show and likely to pre-order. You don't want to blow your load too soon son.
@Perryg92 I can't see it being more than the PS5 itself. Surely £450 has to be the maximum. But if they really want it to sell it has to be below.
@BritneyfR_ee Can't see it being less than the Quest 2 though. Serious hardware upgrade here and Sony unlikely to be subsidising like FB/Meta. The only thing in the PSVR2s favour on cost is that the PS5 will be doing much of the heavy lifting. But all the other tech is expensive.
My guess is £399 - £449 with controllers.
For reference PSVR launched at £349 without controllers.
This looks brilliant. Good to see Sony push gaming forwards.
VR is one of the few things that warms my old jaded gamer heart. To me, one of the last remaining untapped frontiers of interactive entertainment. Everything else is diminishing returns.
Super excited!
Still super excited, but I'm still concerned about where the pricing lands. I do expect it's going to be priced high enough to be quite painful after just buying consoles. Especially since the console itself is so hard to come by still and supply on this is likely to be low, they're going to feel confident making it prohibitively expensive. Even if it's not more than the console $1000 for a console + VR, while "cheap" compared to PC vr rigs, is still a massive amount of cash.
OTOH, I also expect supply will be so low, for most of us it probably doesn't matter that this releases this year, it'll be 2024 that we can get it at the earliest. I can't see myself landing the preorders as reliably as I managed to for the console, and that one I missed the first few hours because of the preorders opening a day early, but managed to snag the console in the broken retailer chaos. I don't see that working out as well next time.
@themightyant If it launches at £400 mark I guess that's ok.
I got the PSVR1 at launch which came to the same price with move controllers.
@LN78 i hope so , i used that feature a decent amount on the 1st headset my self. i'm keeping that headset around , i hope they add that feature to the new one as well but just in case if it doesn't.
I'm interested but I'm also fairly sure that getting hold of one won't be easy.
I hope they release it, ala steamdeck. Gotta have a valid account with sony, one per party, etc. Would hate to see this going for triple cause of ***** scalpers.
God, I can't wait. Modern games have felt so fatiguing for me this year for some reason and PSVR2 might be exactly what I'll need more of going forward.
Nice. I enjoy VR on my PC. But hoping console will be an easier experience.
I had an Nvidia Driver and Steam perfect storm update that glitched out Dirt in VR on my rig. Took me days to figure out that was the issue.
Decent price and Plug and play - should be Sony's main focus.
See through view was my number 1 most wanted feature for PSVR2! I can handle not being able to see my surroundings while I'm playing PSVR, but I have always wanted a quick way to pause games and see the real world again without the pain of pulling the headset off. Brilliant!
Sounds cool… and expensive.
I hate to be that guy and lower the tone, but, there's a certain type of movie that has helped pushed tech over the years be it vhs, dvd and even the Internet itself. Now me personally, I'm not bothered, but if there was a way and people know about it, it could help push sales. I suppose it depends if sony want the association with that industry.
Quest is great but not necessarily suited for different gamers. I think it’s cool for kids being small but the worst maybe Facebookverse and not allow gift card payment. I personally don’t trust giving my details.
For PSGamers I think PSVR2 should be great. 👍🏻
@BritneyfR_ee not everyone has Facebook and no one want'sto be forced to sign up to something they have to use for that headset.
@themightyant I agree with the price point. I don't mind it will be packing some good tech and if people are saying it's going to be one of the best headsets on the market then no one will really want to complain paying a fair bit of money for it.
@BritneyfR_ee in terms of specs the PSVR2 will be superior in pretty much every way (except for the wire) so I imagine it will be more expensive.
@JJ2 Yeah, I had a Galaxy Gear at one point with an Occulus account. I saw the emails about migrating Occulus to Meta accounts. Nope. Not a chance. Not happening. In the trash it goes.
@hoffa007 you dont need Facebook to have a quest
@hoffa007 I had to set a Facebook Acc for my Nephew but I just used a fake name with a new email address and the Facebook Acc will never actually be used by anyone. It’s not that big a deal really.
@BritneyfR_ee you don't need a FB account anymore it's optional
@UnlimitedSevens Hell yeah! This old geizer experienced a newfound love for the medium videogames alltogether, when flat gaming felt more and more stagnant and failed to impress with new and innovative stuff.. I burnt out on traditional gaming and VR came along exactly at the right time to light a spark that was gone for a long time. All hail the future of gaming, long live PSVR 2!!!
Please just give us a price and a date already 😤
Can’t wait for this.
Great they have passthrough. Will be really handy.
I’m still waiting for them to announce they’ll let us play 3D films on them again though. Don’t want to keep my PSVR1 hooked up just for this purpose.
Lol, the games it will be able to render will surpass quest2 by quite some margin. Precisely because of that cable and the PS5 it’s connected to.
So glad they didn’t jump on the internal processing bandwagon. We need high quality experiences.
@BritneyfR_ee It has better specs and capabilities as a VR headset than the Quest 2 all around. It won’t be less than the Quest 2 because it has much better hardware.
It has a wire because it would impair many limits otherwise.
The Quest 2 is a cheap headset compared to PSVR, which is more premium. If you want VR to love forward with better/bigger games, you’ll get a PSVR2, if you want a cheap simple experience you’ll get the quest.
Predicted the see-through mode, but being able to definine the game area is a nice addition.
Cool, I really hope my f5 finger is strong
@thefourfoldroot1 you can buy a separate USB-C link cable for the Quest 2 for a wired connection to a PC but it costs an additional £90, I believe. But I do think having the option to play wired/wirelessly is still the better option - it makes such a massive difference to the experience when you’re not tripping over wires (even if the visuals do take a hit).
I’ve mentioned in other comments/articles, my only comparison to the Quest 2 is PSVR 1 and the Quest 2 beats it in nearly every category (although PSVR does have some great exclusive games).
I always found the PSVR a bit of a chore to set up and play (to the point where I could never be bothered) but the Quest 2 is so simple to set up and jump into a game. The whole experience just blew me away. And the games look amazing (even when playing wirelessly) - much clearer than PSVR. If the PSVR 2 is another step up from the Quest 2 then the games should look absolutely incredible.
I am going to follow PSVR 2 development more closely going forward because my experience with PSVR 1 actually put me off buying another VR headset (to sit unused gathering dust). But trying the Quest 2 over the weekend showed me how good the VR experience can be.
yes, yes and yes! l simply cannot wait, now hurry up sony and give me a price and release date so l can just buy it already ....and also please announce GT7 will be updated with full psvr2 support too asap. I've held off playing resi 8 for the sole purpose of playing on the new vr headset because resi7 on psvr was simply astounding.
I just want the know if it's backward compatible
Would love for Sony to announce that this will have PC support as well. PCVR is in need of some serious competition due there only being index/vive at the high end and Quest at the low end. There no mid tier option unless you wanna buy a used Vive.
@Daveuppercut There's nothing to be ashamed of. Anime fans used to be mocked but they are considered quite cool nowadays.
Having owned the original PSVR I can already tell how much that wire is going to bug me.
@BritneyfR_ee ah ok well that makes sense then tbf. Fake account tbf is a good idea.
I had just read that the quest 2 has jumped in price to $399
I apologize if this is a really basic or dumb question, but never used the PSVR. When using it, will the screen and audio you see/hear in the headset also appear on the TV screen for others to see/hear you playing? Looking online, there was only a few posts/articles on this, so I wanted to confirm. Seems like it does, but wondered if there were any restrictions to it and if the TV viewer sees everything (including prompts, etc) the player sees.
Problem with wireless is that the headset would require a built in power source, which would significantly increase the price, and reduce room or add weight for other stuff I guess.
I've read that quest manages it by selling at a heavy loss (well initial loss, people like me who've bought every single beat saber pack surely help) , I don't know the figures though might just be speculation.
@BritneyfR_ee What @hoffa007 said. Quest now $400 US. Don't know about any overseas price increases though so ...
PSVR2 lookin' hella expensive me thinks.
Sounds like fantastic features. Can't wait to try this out
@BritneyfR_ee just a heads up you don't have to buy the £90 version of cable a £10 one works just as gd
Ah, if that’s your only experience I can see your perspective. Personally I’ve never had a problem with a wire when playing an inside out device. With the PSVR1 occasionally I did because I had to be facing the camera, whereas the cable was behind, so spinning could occasionally cause issues. Without the camera you won’t even have this minor issue.
In must say there are few games I’d want to take the performance hit on to allow onboard processing. Sure, you can say having the option to add a wire is the best of both worlds, but in practice the games will be designed in such a way that restricts them because the onboard CPU can only do so much. Graphics can easily be downgraded of course, but that’s the least of the problems with non wired options.
And yes, the PSVR2 is leaps and bounds ahead of the quest and PSVR1. We are all in for a treat for sure.
Yes they can see and hear everything. Which allows some great co-op experiences.
@BritneyfR_ee @Perryg92 Interesting timing. Meta have just announced Quest 2 is getting a BIG price hike by $100 / £100 to £400 / $400 which further confirms they were heavily subsidising it before.
Source: Tech Radar
@themightyant lol
I literally came here to post the same thing. So that’s the price bar now lol
@thefourfoldroot1 Thanks for confirming. Certainly a cool experience and plenty of laughter to be had.
@Jettstyles on PSVR1 it’s all on the TV what’s on the headset. The different aspect ratio might cause a small cutoff, but that’s it. Someone can easily watch what you’re playing.
@rjejr Damn... And I just recommended the Quest 2 to friend as replacement for his dead Windows Mixed reality headset due to the cheap price.
But the price increase isn't that bad. It just back to the original pricing of the Quest
@AverageGamer According to the article the price goes up August 1st, so tell your friend to get it cheaper while they can. 😉
@Daveuppercut haha don't worry, you won't be "that guy"!
Push Square published this about the original PSVR....
Strangely, no one author wanted to attribute themselves to this article so it's just by "Push Square Staff" 🤣. Unless of course, they all contributed!
I'm so looking forward to this! I adore my PSVR. I almost caved and bought a Quest 2 but I'm so glad I held off to wait.
On another note, I'm really starting to believe that the PS5 HD Camera is going to be one of the most useless pieces of first party kit EVER to launch alongside a console. And I'm including Kinect 2.0!
Kinect 2.0 had far more useful aspects than this thing. Unless everyone in the world becomes a YouTuber or gives up their jobs for OnlyFans, it's absolutely pointless.
@BartoxTharglod The cord will still be there, but it will be a single wire, presumably thiner as it would be a simple USB-C connector. The second problem, the fog, should be adressed, at least greatly improved, by the vent of the PSVR2.
@Jettstyles but you can also turn the TV off in most cases and still play whatever through the headset. that's sometimes handy.
@claytortot213 yes but the quest is low tech compared to this.
@Futureshark My thoughts exactly. It NEEDS to be backwards compatible.
@BritneyfR_ee I love Quest 2 too but being wireless means that they are running a beefed up cell phone processor with a hot battery attached to your head. I'm foaming at the mouth for PSVR2 because it will be powered by the PS5 processor, SSD and the console's plugged in power supply. PSVR1 is still the champ for head comfort, IMO. There is the loss of an awkward exterior camera orientation and added ventilation with 4k HDR! It will be seen but only Sony can be at fault if PSVR2 doesn't reinvent what VR is capable of. A dedicated two hand controller with analog finally?! I'll stop..I need this puppy now!
@dbunny agreed with in every point! Dying to play REVill but waiting...
@Pat84 This is huge for me! I currently power up my PSVR, place the micro fiber rag I use to wipe the lenses over the sensor and wait 15-20min for the lenses to become warm enough not to fog. Apparently I have a warm forehead.
@hookedWORM17 also as resident evil 7 has had a ps5 update I'm expecting it to be compatible with the new headset too, although they haven't mentioned it yet 😃
Agreed, I think when it comes to videogames, the only thing I'm truly excited about is the future of VR. Just an incredible amount of untapped potential and a lot of room for it to mature to something phenomenal.
Glad you feel the same way! Us cranky old people have to stick together!
Agreed on every single point you made! What excites me about VR most is what I believe will be profound generational evolutions, unlike the current console landscape where each new system is only a slight upgrade over the previous (in my eyes).
I'm thinking about the jump between PS1 to PS2. That was a big leap. Then we saw smaller and smaller upgrades over time. To the point I cannot always tell the difference between native PS4 and PS5 games sometimes.
I think PSVR2 will be that huge leap. It's a relatively new technology in the mainstream space with massive untapped potential. A lot of people (rightly) point out how a lot of VR games feel like tech demos. But games like RE VII and Astro Bot showed us something special. There were times playing games like Thumper or Wipeout Omega where I truly forgot I was playing a game and I was just there. Nothing else can do that for me.
Just imagine where VR can go from here. The features you talked about would definitely go a long way toward making it truly seamless. And we are at ground zero with VR now, there is nowhere to go but up. The limitations of current VR hardware are actually what excites me in a weird way - leaves so much room for growth. There is not much more room for growth in consoles in my humble opinion. We are topped out, I'm guessing PS6 will be a negligible upgrade over PS5, and so on.
Definitely excited. Just hope I can get my hands on one ha.
Yes, what you see in the VR headset is displayed to the TV so others can see. There are actually a few really clever takes on this function for multiplayer in some VR games (Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes - CAUTION: This game will test relationships).
@BearsAndBattles True. High tech doesn't always mean it's the best though. Just look at the Switch. It's all about price and accessibility. I can connect my Quest to my PC to get quality and performance. Or I can just disconnect it and use it wirelessly where ever I want. Thats a huge deal. I don't believe PSVR will be able to do that. I think if they can they should allow it to be used on a PC too.
Don’t play PC games so connection doesn’t matter.
I want to be able to rent one to see if it makes me sick like v1 did before I buy it. It was a lot of freaking money to just sit there and eventually sell at a loss. The controllers should be a massive upgrade from the pretty terrible move wands.
Unfortunately I don’t think it stands of chance of being a really big seller, besides the fact you need to buy PSVR2, you’ll also need a ps5 in the first place so it’s going to be more of an £800 deal rather than 300-350. Really hope it does do well though PSVR blew my mind on plenty of occasions
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