The time to buy an arcade cabinet is now, as Marvel vs Capcom is back. While many are still holding out hope for a nice console collection of the classic fighting games, this mid-size Arcade1Up cabinet at least confirms there’s been some kind of movement with the license of late. The cabinet actually includes eight games in total, including the all-important Marvel vs Capcom 2.
The full roster includes:
- Marvel vs Capcom 2
- Marvel vs Capcom
- Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter
- X-Men vs Street Fighter
- Marvel Super Heroes
- X-Men: Children of the ATOM
- X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse
- Marvel Super Heroes in War of the Gems
The arcade cabinet even boasts online play, although we’re not sure how busy those lobbies will be. Pre-orders will open on 8th September, and you won’t be taken for a ride, with a $599 price point. We should stress that shipping is limited to the USA and Canada, unfortunately.
Is this something you’d like to add to your gaming space? Tag team combo the comments section below, and let us know.
[source arcade1up.com]
Comments 32
Fingers crossed this is a sign of licensing having been figured out and we could see a classics MvC collection for consoles down the road. Regretting every day not buying 2 on PS3 when it was available, but still ain't planning to get a 600 banger arcade cabinet.
Don't Really Need An Arcade Cabinet But Capcom Should Add These Games Into a Proper Fighting Game Collection For Modern Consoles Heck They Could Throw In The Capcom vs Snk Games While They're at it.
Eventhubs says this is going to be $599.
This is great for the community but I'm still waiting for a 3rd Strike cabinet. That would be the only I'd wrestle with buying.
I really hope capcom ported this to current console with updated resolutions
Question : Is this something you’d like to add to your gaming space?
Me : I would like to have Dance Dance Revolution A Arcade at home.

Price is $599 US and is crossplay with existing 1UP cabs that have same games. MVC2 is of course only on this cab so far. Preorders go live Sept 8th with shipping in early Oct.
@RudeAnimat0r @AntiSocialHero Thanks I'll update!
I definitely want this, who wouldn’t? But that price 😬. Also would have been nice if the could have added the Punisher game.
Take my wallet!
Gutted america only surely we must be getting them in the uk for shipping i was 100% ready for pre order
Put those games into a collection and take my money Capcom.
If it comes to the uk then yeah I'll be interested. I've a few 1up machines and it's a great way of having a cheap home arcade..
$599 for a bulky, standalone screen... In this day and age, a device of that size should come equipped with Capcom's entire catalogue of games.
Unpopular opinion but I didn't care for MVC2 much myself. Just too busy on screen for me but I know a lot of people love that game so good for them. Hope it's available for other countries at some point in the future.
I still have my 360 w/MvC2 hooked up, for the random matches, whenever people come over. Crazy to think how great the ps3/360 era was at the arcade games.
What’s in the guts of these things? I am assuming just some sort of emulator? If I’m going to devote a chunk of a room to an arcade cabinet, I want it to be the real thing.
A Naomi is a lot of upkeep these days. And parts aren’t exactly as plentiful as they used to be. And it’s very expensive. If you ever go that route get ready to be swapping GD-ROM drives out frequently.
The only OG arcade I would consider owning is a Neo Geo AVS. And that’s because there’s a huge aftermarket of parts for it and it comes from an era before optical media and Harddrives were used in cabinets.
I ordered a custom cabinet a few years back from Dream Arcade. It was pricey, but it had 500 games in it and you can also download any game for any platform that has entered public domain. Covers almost all the older platforms except the newer ones. Atari, NES, Neo-Geo, SNES, Arcade, etc.
I thought of getting one of these for awhile, but I decided to splurge to be sure I had a lot of old games. Nothing cooler than to see someone find an old game on there they played when they were young. I highly recommend getting a cabinet. Just something different than playing on them vs on the TV.
Seriously if this means we are getting a MvC2 game on the consoles i will INSTANTLY buy them because usually the license is not for long. Please re release them
@PhhhCough it was the greatest at everything , love 7th gen
@RudeAnimat0r what’s so good about 3rd strike ?
@nomither6 You know, it's hard to put in words. 3s just feels the best to play of an Street Fighter, or really, any fighting game to me. It has more lenient motions which helps a lot, so you miss inputs less. It has a really fun combo system that isn't too restictive but not as wild as a Vs. game. The multiple supers are fun to plan your game around, and give you the ability to express yourself - I use a lot of "bad" supers because I think they're cool or just fun to use, and sometimes landing them is a victory in itself. People always get a knock out of being caught by Slam Dance with Necro.
Parrying is cool too. It's another mechanic that I think let's people play their own style. I try to parry a lot of stuff and often fail, but it's something you're constantly getting better at - timing, reads, anticipation, punishes.
3s is just a good game. It's one of my favorite games of all time. My desert island game. It's still fun for me to poke at 20 years after getting into it.
Marvel V Capcom 3 on consoles is good enough. Not dropping $600 for OLD games in a wooden box. But would buy a collection for $40-60
@RudeAnimat0r oh , have you ever played USF4 ? it’s not the best iteration of 4 to me imo , but it sounds a lot like what you described (minus the parrying) i believe a lot of people who played street fighter before 4 , were/are indifferent about SF4 altogether
@nomither6 I fell off 4 before Ultra came out. I had it on PS4 but never actually played it. 4 never entitely clicked with me. I played it for a while since it's Street Fighter and it was new, but it might be my least favorite game in the series?
4 seemed to have a larger dependency on links, which I hate. It also felt more restrictive since most combos were locked behind Focus Dash canceling, which I was never great at - i had a few basic FAD combos for my mains but it still required a couple or fast inputs which I would drop with some regularity.
I am an older SF head. I played a ton of SF2 in the arcades when I was kid.
@RudeAnimat0r damn , least favorite huh . i started with 4 , and went backwards . i didn’t like 5 , and it took me about 10 years to see the flaws with SF4 . but i think it’s at least better than 5 ; that game feels restrictive to me and toned down , even though it plays like SF2 , but as a 09er (that’s what they call people who started with 4 😂) i’m at a crossroads with my impression on what street fighter is good imo since they’re all different .
nonetheless Alpha 2 & 4 are my top , and they play similar . nowadays i don’t know what to think of focus attacks or 1 frame links , had 4 not been my first SF my outlook would be different
Fair enough! I'm not an SF4 hater, I'm glad it revitalized the brand and people like it, it just wasn't my bag. I think it's also partly due to when you get into these games and what environment. I got into 3s when I wad in college and played a ton of local matches. When 4 hit I only had one friend to play with regularly and neither of us loved it so you know. Online play just isn't the same.
I'm hoping 6 will capture what I've been missing, but it's tough as a parent to find time for the FGC.
This lineup is so epic.
@PushButtons MVC 3 is garbage
You can buy a raspberry pi pre loaded with 25,000 games of nearly every arcade machine and console ever. You can also buy an old monitor, wood, perspex, speaker, joysticks and buttons. I guarantee it will be cheaper than this machine that plays 8 games. How can be sure? Because I did it during lockdown. Voila! Your very own arcade machine that plays every game from Atari to PS1.
I've been waiting for arcade1 to release in the UK for way to long now
@Arnna It's still better than playing emulated games on a small screen with bad speakers, built into a wooden box, and playing on cheap sticks for a whopping $700.
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