It seems like every other day, we see someone's regular day job get the simulation treatment. Construction Simulator gamified back-breaking manual labour and PowerWash Simulator turned a household chore into a zen-like experience. House Flipper 2 continues this trend, shifting focus to real estate development, and we can't wait to flip houses for both fun and profit.

In House Flipper 2, you are a foreman, interior designer, and entrepreneur, all rolled into one. Your trusty mop, hammer, and paint roller await, and the sky's the limit when it comes to this damning indictment of modern game design! But in all seriousness, we love a good sim, and there are few things more satisfying than putting in a hard day's work from the comfort of your very own couch.

What do you think of House Flipper 2, and of manual-labour simulation games in general? Get a real job in the comments section below.
