Starting today, the Oskoreia Festival returns to Assassin's Creed Valhalla for a limited time. If you're looking for something a bit spooky to play as we creep closer to Halloween, it might be worth checking out. It's hanging around until the 10th November, so you've got plenty of time to see what's happening down in Ravensthorpe.
Like the game's other seasonal events, you can expect a range of suitable activities, offering exclusive new rewards. If memory serves, Oskoreia features some of Valhalla's best seasonal challenges, including arena fights with ghostly enemies.
Will you be giving this latest festival a look? Commence the Wild Hunt in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 12
I never did play this one. Recently went back to Valhalla for the Paris expansion so I’ll probably check this out.
How does one access this content? I haven’t ventured very far into the game.
@placekicker Once you've established your home settlement in England (it's called Ravensthorpe), the festival should just appear the next time you boot the game up and visit your settlement. You'll get a short cutscene that introduces it.
How many hours into the game until one reaches this point?
@ArashiKageTaro You get your settlement early in the game, after you complete the prologue act in Norway. Takes anywhere between two and five hours, depending on how slowly you take exploration, etc.
People actually play this NON ASSASSIN CREED drivel?
@KennethKoerperich88 right ? 😂😂
@KennethKoerperich88 couldn't come up with an original troll comment?
@Bu1ld0g And you couldn't keep your hole shut about someones opinion. So who's really the TROLL!! Toodles...
@KennethKoerperich88 based on your comment history of a few days old account you're 100% the troll here.
Still can't come up with anything original though.
Highest grossing AC title to date and you think no one plays it, hilarious.
Only fools play it, and yet again, the TROLL is the guy who has to comment on others comments/opinions....Account age doesn't matter you twit...Couldn't remember old account if you MUST know...Made new one....Now be a good little boy, go back to mommies basement, and be quiet....
@KennethKoerperich88 You really are bad at this aren't you?
Only the vocal minority think this way about the game. It was a huge success with high rating across the board. But keep on pretending chump.
Your insults are hilariously bad too smh.
Yep, nobody is playing it, lmfao
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