Five new armour skins are available in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart starting today to mark the series' 20th anniversary. If you download update 1.004 on PS5, you'll be handed them for free. Ratchet himself can now don the Holoflux Armor set inspired by Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time, while Clank has a very shiny skin that harkens back to the older games.
There's also the Commando Armor from Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando, then the Quest Armor is there to represent Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty. Finally, the Marauder Armor is from Ratchet: Deadlocked. All designed to mark the franchise turning 20, many classic Ratchet & Clank games are heading to PS Plus Premium on 15th November 2022.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 27
That game is seriously underrated. It was sooo much fun and looked just absolutely ridiculously good.
I find it odd that this site calls it Ratchet Deadlocked when it’s a UK site and it was released as Ratchet Gladiator here.
Free stuff is always nice.
I've been meaning to go back and get all the extra weapons and such on the second playthrough. I only did enough for the platinum and stopped there.
This is maybe the excuse I need to revisit this fantastic game
I agree. It is an excellent game that is underrated.
@thechetearly It's a fun game, the graphics are gorgeous and the gameplay is tight. I just feel like it was a bit too easy, even on the hardest difficulty and the story was a bit too kiddy and generic, I miss the edgy humor the older Ratchet games had.
Still the best PS5 game currently out.
@nessisonett Going Commando was called Locked & Loaded outside of the US also.
I hope this isn’t timed as I don’t own the game yet. I’ve been waiting for a decent sale but Sony has a few PS5 launch window games they just won’t do big discounts on. I wouldn’t blame them if the physical copies weren’t available so cheaply here and there.
awesome game, too bad there's no reason to check these out if you've already got the plat and deleted the game from your system.
Oh nice! Love the Marauder armor.
Playing through this game now so it's good timing for me at least.
I LOVED Rift Apart. I had such a blast playing it 100% from start to finish. Such a great game.
Also that Lombax sized Clank outfit is terrifying.
This game was too short. One of the shortest in the series
@Shad361 that was my only issue with this game. The fact that it’s split between two different sets of characters makes it feel even shorter. They could have done way more with the arena. Less isn’t always more.
I stinking love this Series and for sure Rift Apart. Still my favorite PS5 exclusive. I beat it twice and still want to download this armor .
Cool! I'll take it! Rift Apart was such a great game and still one of the best looking games on the 5. Sadly, its still one of the ONLY truly next/current gen exclusives.
Time to bust this one out again!
My favorite still is part 3 with Courtney Gears that game was hilarious.
@Flaming_Kaiser when Britney Spears was so huge she was even satirised in an R&C game. The original trilogy was so good. Peak R&C.
why not the original ratchet look ? it’s the most badass one , shirtless & buff with baggy pants and cap . guess the OG ratchet is still dislike to this day huh
Rift Apart is the most tempting reason for me to get a PS5, but not $500.00 tempting. Even though I love R&C. I feel like I’m being unfaithful.
However, I did just get a Steam Deck, so, you know...
Nice. I revisit this game on occasion and here's another reason to do so. One of my favorite series and I love when companies pay tribute to an IP during a big milestone like the 20th Anniversary. Thought for a while this series might be done especially after it seemed like Sony and Insomniac at one point had a little falling out. Happy they found a way back together and made this series an important part of the PlayStation brand again.
I haven't played this yet. Are these or other in game m armors purely cosmetic filler or do they actually serve a gameplay function?
@KundaliniRising333 Don't know about these ones but the normal ones unlock a permanent passive when you collect the whole set - but you don't have to be wearing them for the passive, you just have it by collecting the full set.
@Matroska gotcha, thanks.
Hoping another decent sale on this come around again soon.
Already platinumed the game and have since moved on, but this is still neat to hear!
Some pet peeves aside, Rift Apart is a good game. This is nice to see.
@ItsBritneyB_tch Still like her she had really fun songs. I started there and got into metal and punk and now I listen to as much different stuff as I can. The 80 and 90 are a guilty pleasure now.
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