The absolutely breath-taking Kayak VR: Mirage is paddling into PSVR2’s launch lineup – at least, that’s the plan, according to the title’s appropriately named Dutch developer, Better Than Life. The game, already a hit on PC, has two core components to it: the meditative aspect, as you explore idyllic environments on the water – and a more competitive race mode.
Speaking on Twitter (thanks, SoulChimera), a spokesperson for the studio said: “We’re aiming for the [PSVR2’s] launch date of 22nd February, 2023.” Now, obviously, a target release date is not a commitment and things could ultimately change – but clearly the developer feels launch day is a possibility, otherwise it wouldn’t have said so.
Will you be spending your PSVR2 launch day on the waters should this hit its target date? Don’t capsize in the comments section below.
Comments 32
Whey! Very excited to experience this!
I am curious about this : how do 2 separate controllers simulate the feel of holding a single row with 2 hands?
@Olmaz Well I suppose you need to "imagine" there's a bar in the middle.
Intriguing. I suppose an attachment for this type of game could release around the same time, a bar on which Senses controllers would attach at each end. Maybe maybe not.
I think some folk for the PC version have strapped a stick to their Controllers. I believe there’s a variety of control options in the current version too. Also really excited to play this on PSVR2 as it’s one of the more immersive & current gen looking VR titles announced.
Good lord this looks absolutely stellar
Sounds wonderful after a long stressful day at work!
This is the only reason I would consider PSVR2. Looks stunning. Until I projectile vomit.
Great example of a game I'd never play flat but totally excited about to play in VR.
well this is original . not into VR but this looks intriguing
This looks awesome but I don't know if they've just never kayaked before because you don't go that fast and even at top speeds the movement doesn't feel like that looks. You don't power slide around corners in flat Open water. Thats just not the speed that you normally go but maybe that's just for like time trial challenges or something that they increase it. looks gorgeous though but man that is not accurate to kayaking whatsoever
@KundaliniRising333 If all games where you walk or run kept to somewhat realistic speeds, people would get bored out of their minds getting from point A to B. Same reason here I guess.
@Perturbator yeah that's what I figured as well. It makes sense in terms of gaming fun factor I suppose.
@Olmaz " I am curious about this : how do 2 separate controllers simulate the feel of holding a single row with 2 hands?"
tape them to each end of the broom handle 😂😂
This looks amazing, a definite purchase and I can see myself spending plenty of time just paddling around taking in the scenery
Was really hoping for this! Stunning game. And can be quite a workout, which I need.
I can’t wait for this. If they can make launch day it would be great.
I’d read this review. The guy sounds experienced and really is impressed by the realism (and is aghast by how fast the game makes him paddle in what he considers to be the superfluous racing sections).
Great news! Was hoping for this!
The visuals just look amazing and I’m hoping they will show off what psvr2 can do
Wow, looks beautiful! A small stick between the controllers would do more than enough to create the feel of the real thing.
This is exactly the kind of thing that will make it hard for me to cancel my PSVR2 pre-order 🤔
Wasn't 'Better Then Life' featured in an episode of Red Dwarf as a VR game?
@Futureshark it was, one of the best episodes too and then Rimmer ruined it for them 😆
I wonder how my real life kayak skills transfer over to this kind of video game.
It looks pretty cool, yet far from realistic at racing speeds like mentioned before.
If I ever will be getting the PSVR2 then I'm sure to try it out.
This is a beautiful heart attack simulator.
Just makes me want a GOWR boat riding, island hopping, DLC built for PSVR2. Thanks, I'll wait.
Very excited for this. I went Kayaking once in Montreal and loved it. This is exactly the kind of experience I’m looking for on the PSVR2…Roll on February!
How do you paddle without arms?
Glad to see this news covered.
This game will bring some balance to Sony's launch window, which is already dominated by shooters and horror games. I really like it!
This looks fantastic. Drop the resolution, let me control it with two thumbsticks and release it for the original PSVR as well! o/
This looks cool but it would be cooler if when kayaking through the jungle I could suddenly get hit by a poison dart and then in a haze of half-consciousness watch cannibals eat my intestines.
This is representative of my view of 95% of the VR space. This game looks like a neat experience that you play for 2-3 hours then never play again.
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