According to a report from Insider Gaming, a new AAA game set in the sci-fi universe of the Alien film franchise is currently in development.
Sources, who provided Insider Gaming with documents and concept art under the condition of anonymity, suggest that the AAA survival-horror project, known by the codename "Marathon", is coming to current-generation consoles in Holiday 2023.
Insider Gaming was not able to verify the developer behind the project but learned that it takes inspiration from both the Dead Space and Resident Evil franchises. The same source suggested that a sequel to Alien: Isolation is also in the works, presumably with original developer Creative Assembly at the helm, but that "Marathon" is a different project entirely. Currently, Insider Gaming is working to provide corroboration on the matter.
Obviously, until verified, it's worth taking any and all rumours with a grain of salt, but it does present an intriguing possibility. Would you be excited to see the Alien universe get a big-budget release on current-gen consoles? Scream into the endless void of space in the comments section below.
[source insider-gaming.com]
Comments 53
Alien Isolation was a marathon.
If there ever was a game that should have been 4-6 hours long it was that one, but they kept stretching what little they had..
@Hindenburg Mostly Agreed. A brilliant game in all other regards and needed to be cut to be better. But not as short as 4-6 hours. The games was 18.5+ according to HLTB (who usually low ball it). Somewhere in the middle would have been better. But I agree it outstayed it's welcome, which was a shame. Both made it a worse game and made it less appealing to return to.
An Alien game in the same vein as DS or RE sounds great, and a lot better use of the IP over the odd multiplayer ones we're getting recently. Still really depends on the dev though.
@Hindenburg Had to read your comment a couple of times, but I disagree - I always said it could have done with being 4 hours shorter, as I agree it did begin to outstay its welcome toward the end.
I did play the final big chunk in one intense headphone supported sitting though, and really enjoyed it. I guess if you kept coming back to the final section over repeat sessions it would have been a drag.
Isolation is inside my top 3 games of last gen! I only have good memories of it, after getting over that weird difficulty spike near the start where the other survivors are after you, before you even meet the Alien.
As for any new Alien games... that always gets me excited.
@kyleforrester87 You probably enjoyed spending 200 hours doing that same exact 3 missions in AC Valhalla as well.
dunno if its just me but i dont think the alien games have ever really produced1
@Hindenburg whats with all the hostility if someone has a different opinion to you?
@Hindenburg yep, Valhalla was my second favourite game last gen. Great memories playing it in bed with your mum.
@stvevan Without people like me companies would do even less and charge even more.
@kyleforrester87 I figured as much. People like you are hopeless and predictable.
@Hindenburg still no need to have an attitude to anyone with a different opinion, have a constructive discussion
@stvevan The problems are well known. Bloat, obnoxious UI, poor writing, obvious copy pasting of quests, bullet sponge enemies etc
Seemingly no one disagrees, but they still play those games. Would you let your friends and family smoke? It's not good for them and you need to remind them often that they should stop. It's the least you can do.
@Grimwood If you include steam and ps store shovelware games then sure. Alien isolation is better than most games.
I hope the rumours are true and that the games turn out to be as good as Isolation.
Once I upgrade to a new PC sometime early next year, I will finally get to play it in glorious VR with the Mother Mod.
Colonial Marines 2.
There is actually a good reason to play Colonial Marines and it is the wonderfully satisfying sound of the Pulse Rifle. Using that weapon on a DualSense would be reason alone to play a new Alien universe game.
The story of the lone individual who “fixed” Colonial Marines is quite fascinating. Many of the issues with the game, in particular the AI, were down to an error in a single line of code.
ive played Alien isolation many times its probably the best survival horror game i have ever played the game is so unbelievably tense you are scared to even move. they absolutely nailed the Alien aesthetic of the game
was it too long i dont think took me about 18 hours so i loved it every minute of it i didnt want it to end
game developers are dammed if they do dammed if they dont
if they make it a 10 hour game people then say i wont pay full price but they double that to 20 hours they buy it and moan it felt bloated
they cant win
@trev666 They absolutely can win. Just have a better story and gameplay mechanics. Alien Isolation wasn't a massive success so hopefully a completely different team is working on the sequel.
i do not agree with your opinion
@trev666 facts* the original was not a financial success. And it really wasn't anything special.
facts it was not a financial success correct
the other is your opinion which i dont agree with
I have never been outright scared by anything horror but Alien Isolation was one of the most tense games I have ever played and I want more of that please.
@Hindenburg - “Without people like me companies would do even less and charge even more.”
Hate to break it to you but - “Nobody can hear you. Nobody cares about you. Nothing will come of this.” - Frank Underwood
@ItsBritneyB_tch You can say that about anyone else's opinions as well. Including people that like the original. If you want to throw playful jabs at me go for the throat.
I'm up for more Alien games, especially a sequel to Isolation and another in the style of Resi etc. The Alien franchise is always at its best in a horror environment and Alien Isolation is one of the absolute best survival horror games I've played, albeit with it being a bit too long at the end
@SlySnake0407 They made their game longer without creating more environments or mechanics and without creating a story that justifies the length. They didn't do more at all. Think before you type.
OMG YES!!! this made my day! looking forward to hear more from this. Happy to know that they are doing good use of this franchise.
@SlySnake0407 Who cares that the developers wasted everyone's time by making the game too long? The people that didn't buy it sure as hell didn't care.
For the sake of the publishers and developers I hope that they will listen to the well justified criticism because this is a great franchise (or at least 2 great movies and a million terrible movies) and it doesn't need bloat to succeed.
well justified criticism
IGN "the games too hard" what setting did you play it on "Hard"
@trev666 people that enjoyed this game are as ignorant as a gamer can be.
I do not agree with your opinion
@trev666 I don't agree with yours. Let's just leave it at that.
@Gloamin What is the alternative? Not complaining about bloat and lazy game design in general?
If it was up to studios like Ubisoft and whoever made Alien Isolation there would be no innovation or traditional storytelling in games. Just more areas with more of the 3 quest types they bothered crafting a decade ago with more of the same old items, but with different skins with more skills to unlock with more grinding and everyone's favorite:more monetization. Because they are so damn kind they will allow you to skip some of the grind(that exists only because of them). As long as you are willing to pay money of course.
Hopefully a single player experience without all the online *****.
@Gloamin Argue with me then. How am I wrong?
I always play all the ALIEN games so I’m sure I’ll grab this one too when it drops. The only one I **might** not get is Dark Descent as I’m not into strategy games along the lines of Xcom. But if this is a horror-action game, I’m all over it!
I just have to say, it’s ironic someone using the handle ‘Hidenburg’ is bringing this discussion quality down in flames 😂. I don’t necessarily disagree with some of what’s being said, but why the combative attitude? Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
And Gloamin - LOLOLOL!!! LOVE the sarcasm🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Gloamin Assassin's Creed also had great ideas and fantastic authenticity... 10-15 years ago. And look at where the franchise is now. Look at Horizon. Look at Far Cry. Look at Dying Light.
One day you will wake up and you will realize that all of your favorite franchises and all big upcoming games are basically the same exact thing. 200 hour behemoths with game design ripped straight out from the xbox360/ps3 era.
@DETfaninATL I am actually the only one that has something of value to bring to this discussion.
Everyone else has had their soul and brain fried by grinding in Assassin's Creed Valhalla
@Gloamin When no one complains about what Assassin's Creed is more and more copies spawn from the depths of laziness, bloat and greed. A large chunk of AAA games are copies of AC including multiple Sony first party franchises. Those games won't ever improve. Those franchises won't ever improve. Those studios won't ever improve.
You are part of a massive problem that will bite everyone (including you) in the end.
BTW some of the games you mentioned are painfully average and I don't do painfully average. Waste of time. I'd rather replay Deus Ex or jump from my roof.
why all this talk about Assassins creed its got absolutely nothing to do with any alien game ?
Alien isolation is a survival horror game so are dead space and resident evil which this game is going to take its inspiration from
@Gloamin You just admitted that I am right and there is no counter argument to what I'm saying.
@Hindenburg LOL you’re the ONLY one adding value to the discussion? 🤣🤣🤣 C’mon man. Ever heard the saying “opinions are like @$$h*les - everyone has one and everyone thinks everyone else’s stinks”? You are literally defining that statement here. Don’t get me wrong - some of what you’ve pointed out is indeed correct but here’s another saying for you - “you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar”.
And BTW, I’ve only ever played one AC game and I didn’t much like it, for what it’s worth.
@DETfaninATL Not every opinion should be shielded from criticism.
@Hindenburg I agree and case in point, yours clearly hasn’t been today, has it? See how that works?
Look, just enjoy the games you do and let everyone else enjoy what they do without ripping into them. Is that too much to ask?
@DETfaninATL One day, maybe a year or 2 from now, you will wake up and you will see the brand new game that just came out and you will notice something strange. Then you will go on youtube to check out a video about the top 10-20 upcoming AAA games and you will notice that same exact strange thing again.
You have already played those games. Many times.
Personally I feel that Alien Isolation is the 2nd best Alien game to date with AVP2 on the PC taking the first place. While Isolations campaign did run a bit long I very much enjoyed it. So much so that it was my first plat trophy on PS. Having to one shot that game with no deaths on hard difficulty was the most stressful experience I have played to date! I'm very much looking forward to a 2nd game.
I'd sure love a third person survival horror Alien along the lines of Resident Evil though! So I'm happy to hear that's this is in development!
@Gloamin Maybe the problem is that I have never read a sensible counter argument to the things I'm writing. Maybe there is no such a thing.
@Hindenburg Finally! Someone who see's the exact same shista (take out "s & a") I do with all "these" frakking games that are being released lately. They are reskinned, copy/pasted crap from previous gen, with a few "tweaks" to modernize them. I have only bought 1 new game for my PS5, Sniper Elite:France, since I got my machine 2 yrs ago....Not one game has interested me YET.....they all are junk IMO. Hell, reviews of even Horizon West turned me off to it instantly. So I've been playing OLD games worth their salt, Witcher 3, Diablo 3, and a couple of others.....New games have been a joke, and for the near future, there isn't one thing I'd put money on until April when Diablo 4 releases....
If it's not a sequel to isolation then idc lol
Hope the rumors of an Alien: Isolation sequel is true, don't know enough about the other game to care at all yet.
That's how it usually goes on the internet.
This may sound strange but I think Guerilla would be a great fit with the oldskool feel of the guns nice and heavy. The sounds of the machineguns from alien would make it bloody awsome.
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