Polyarc has announced its porting Moss and Moss: Book II to PSVR2, and both will be available with native versions on the same day the headset launches: 22nd February 2023. The first game will cost $17.99 while the sequel is $26.99 after a 10 per cent PS Store discount for pre-ordering. You'll also be able to buy them both together as a bundle for $34.99, which knocks 20 per cent off the combined regular price of the two games. However, owners of the current PSVR versions will not be given a free upgrade to the PSVR2 editions.
Lincoln Davis, communications director at Polyarc, told Push Square: "The games are not set up as cross-buy for PSVR2 owners that previously purchased the PSVR versions of the games. It takes a lot of time and resources to properly bring titles like Moss and Moss: Book II to new platforms. And the majority of that time in this case was spent optimizing both games to feature updated experiences for players leveraging the new hardware technology."
Both titles will take advantage of all the new features of the PSVR2 headset, like the two-controller setup, adaptive triggers, and haptic feedback. You'll feel things more in both your head and your hands as improved vibrations mimic taking damage and moving throughout the world. Eye tracking then allows you to more easily identify interactive objects. The field of view has been increased, and you'll notice lighting and texture improvements at a 4K resolution running at 90 frames-per-second.
In a press release, designer Doug Burton explained how Polyarc has been able to increase the sense of immersion in the world of both Moss games through new technology in the next-gen device. "Along with that, the team was able to pump even more visual detail into every character and environment with more lighting and texture improvements that make the already stunning environments sing even more on the PSVR2."
The inclusion of both Moss and Moss: Book II provides the list of All PSVR2 Launch Games with a much-needed boost. It now contains 14 titles, with Sony expected to have more than 20 ready for release in February. Will you play either Moss or Moss: Book II on PSVR2? Reunite with Quill in the comments below.
Comments 28
I definitely wouldn't mind a free upgrade but since I got the first game for free anyway, I won't complain.
Definitely getting the bundle.
Not played Moss: Book 2 yet, but loved the original. Really looking forward to this on PSVR2!
I originally planned to clear my VR backlog before PSVR2 comes out but most of those games are getting upgrades now, lol. Guess I'll just wait.
I think there missing a trick not doing free upgrades!they'll get bad publicity for it plus people who had free copies would be streaming it allowing new owners to see what the hypes about all the time making new customers for polyarc.Plus they sold so few copies of moss book 2 and most people if they got moss book 1 free would buy moss book 2....I know I would!
@dschons yeah was gonna keep my psvr for my backlog of 100 games but it seems the best will be ported across to psvr2 so I'm firmly in the get rid camp now
Steadily the PSVR2 lineup is increasing which is what I need to make me buy. A few more like this and I might be onboard day 1. HL:A?
That’s great news. I loved the first one. Happy to wait for the PSVR2 release. Now please confirm half life alyx and beat saber as part of the launch lineup and I’m good to go 😎
I took the plunge and got a pre-order in. I'm still not 100% convinced, but I have the ability to cancel. A few titles would probably keep my pre-order locked in. Half life being one. And boneworks is another. Both sublime games.
The first one was great, and if do end up with a PSVR2 I won't mind paying for the upgraded version (or bundle).
@EquiinoxGII that's how it's done. I'm always confused when people are still unsure and do not pre-order although they aren't being charged anytime soon and have the ability to cancel. Better safe than sorry.
Hope the psvr2 ends up good...it's my first vr ...my only other experience was briefly on the psvr and I wasn't impressed ..just felt like playing a normal game but closer....maybe my mate didn't set it up right or wasn't the best games for it lol
Unless Sony have some sort of deal with Meta I don't think Beat Saber will be ported to PSVR2 with the developers now being Meta-owned. I would love to be proven wrong though!
@get2sammyb So no paid upgrade path? Just a standalone PSVR2 game?
I skipped the whole PSVR generation, and I managed to secure a PSVR2 preorder. So I'm looking forward to trying these out for the 1st time.
@dschons 100%, I did the same for the PS5 and Series X, cancelled one and kept the other. (Whatever seemed a better option for me) worst case there is always someone that couldn't get it, so helping someone else is always an option if its not right for you.
I saw the other article first with mostly the same info, so I'll copy my comment from there:
I can understand not being a free upgrade for the reasons stated, but not offering a discounted route for those with the originals seems like a misstep
YAAASSS Been waiting for this announcement! Those upgrades look amazing! More than happy to pay again for them, especially since I held off on Moss 2 hoping for a VR2 version. Day 1!
Now just bring me my Astrobot and I'm freaking SET.
Sold. Never bought the original before I sold my original headset so I’ll be jumping in day one on these.
PSVR2 feels like going back to the good old days of the Sega Genesis or the SNES. You know, a 2nd gen device that builds upon a great first attempt but, more importantly, feels fresh and exciting with lots of smaller and more experimental games. It salvages that lost feeling of wonder and awe that I miss.
Now, it wouldn't be a comment from me in a VR related article without the compulsory mention to GT7. C'mon, Sony. Announce it! We can almost taste it already.
@theheadofabroom Isnt there a 10% discount and a 20% discount for the bundle?
No upgrade patch means I'll be waiting for a dirt cheap sale in the future.
@Flaming_Kaiser nothing beyond what anyone who didn't own the original would pay, I don't think?
@theheadofabroom I don't know how much people liked the game i bought a few games i liked so much a second time but who knows. And a lot of these smaller studios don't have the funds to sell it cheap with so much work to do. It's not like a FIFA, NBA2K, COD monetized to hell and back €70 and repackaged.
@Flaming_Kaiser the marginal cost of a digital game is precisely £0, so any sales made at a discount which wouldn't have been made at the usual price are (minus the platform-holder's take and taxes) extra money the studio wouldn't have seen. Obviously you have to take into consideration the money lost from people who would have bought it anyway without the discount, but if you consider that Moss is £19 (currently £17 with the 10% discount) then if they'd sell twice as many units at £10 then they're already £1 per sale ahead. A £10 upgrade seems fair enough, right?
This is the announcement I have been waiting for! Moss 1 was a fantastic vr game and I have been holding off Moss 2 in the hope of it coming to psvr2..cannot wait…It would be perfect if there is to be a physical copy
@theheadofabroom I forgot that people work for free oh no they don't they need to upgrade the game and make it work with the new tech. And in the end they know it better then you and me how much money and effort it takes.
@Flaming_Kaiser when did I say they should work for free? In what way would making more money due to more sales mean people work for free?
I said it's a misstep because they've taken it from a price point that for many would be in impulse buy territory, and placed it at a price point which is not in that realm. This means that much fewer people who own the games already on PSVR will buy the next generation version than otherwise, especially with the psychological effect of "I already own this, why buy it again?" versus "I enjoyed this, let's see what the upgrade brings", which harms the studio's reputation and decreases sales both for these two games, but also for future titles.
But sure, I'm checks notes asking people to work for free (people who have already been paid by the time the game releases, I might add)
@theheadofabroom I think the sales won't be massive with this new tech and that reflects the price it's not nice but that the case.
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