With PS Plus Premium, a handful of games in the classics catalogue have been retrofitted with Trophies — a nice addition that gives a modern kick to these antiquated adventures. The latest old school title to receive Trophy support is Pinball Heroes, a PSP collection featuring tables based on various PlayStation properties.
The Trophy list can be seen on sites like PSNProfiles, and if you're a Trophy hunter, you might want to give this game a look. The Trophies are extremely simple to obtain, making this one of the easiest Platinums we've seen since all that shovelware nonsense.
All you need to do is play each pinball table at least once, beat all their preset hi-scores, and perform a few more arbitrary tasks. These include tilting tables 10 times, hit both flippers simultaneously 50 times, plunge a ball 50 times, and bounce the ball off the flipper without flipping five times. That's it.
If you like some pinball, or even if you just want to bump up those Trophy numbers a little, the game looks to be worth your time. It's available to all PS Plus Premium members, or you can buy it standalone for £7.99 / $9.99.
[source psnprofiles.com]
Comments 34
Downloading RIGHT NOW !!
Always happy to see games get trophy support. More game is always a good thing.
I quite like pinball tbf
I pity anyone who plays games just for the trophies.
This game brought back a lot of memories and managed to knock the plat out in an hour. Will definitely go back to play it some more
I actually really enjoyed this kind of games (not to mention actual pinball tables) back in the 90s, might give it a go
Do like a bit of digital pinball now and then and never played this. It has an everybodys golf table so definitley on my radar. Has the game been updated graphically or is it still the original psp game?
@Ooccoo_Jr I admit I used to it for the achievements, but I don't anymore. Too much comes out now I want to play rather than go for a full platinum
OK I admit it, i'm fickle, and trophy support makes me more likely to play this.
@Ooccoo_Jr It's not JUST for trophies, it's that trophies are an ADDED incentive as well as enjoyment. It's not like it's Hannah Montana or something (though no shame if that's your jam), it's Pinball, and who doesn't like Pinball?
@Ooccoo_Jr my personal trophy rule: only platinum games you love or really, really enjoy. Sometimes, trophies are a good way to justify continuing games when the main story is finished. My backlog is huge so I like to make excuses to myself to keep going with games like God of War Ragnarok.
Playing shovelware games for like 1 minute platinums is lame & kinda cringey. Waste of minute for something with little to no satisfaction or real purpose. This game is a little different than those it seems though. I may try it out because I haven’t played a pinball video game since I think the Gameboy.
Is this the first psp classic to offer trophies? I wonder what studio is porting the first party titles, I know bend has been doing syphon filter
I own the PSP version but unlike Everybody's Golf I didn't get the new upgrade for free this time.
@Voltan Never seen an actual pinball table. They weren't a thing where I lived. I wish I had.
Nice. I just downloaded this. Great to see it has trophies too!
@Americansamurai1 It is the first PSP game with trophies, yes.
An easy platinum or a hard platinum is a pointless debate to have on this one for me. The fact a Premium Plus game is getting trophies is guaranteed to get more people playing it cause it will open the door to more gamers checking it out for those trophies, with no trophies you'd get less gamers downloading it. And this is something PS Plus Premium needs to be doing much more of going forward if it wants to tempt more gamers upgrading to Premium
@CWill97 My mindset is still to check if there are missable trophies, roughly how long it will take and if it requires multiple playthroughs before I play a game. Thankfully this is all easy to check without any real spoilers.
That doesn't mean I always go for the platinum, most games I don't, I have to be enjoying the game to go for it. But what I don't want to happen, and has happened before, is get three quarters of the way through a long game only to find out I missed one innocuous thing that would mean a whole new playthrough just to get the Platinum. That is frustrating and, frankly, bad experience design.
There are still a few games I suffer a little for but often this is more tied to a sense of accomplishment anyway, the trophy and platinum is just the lasting symbol of that. The icing on the cake.
Take GoW: Ragnarok for example I could have made things far easier, and much faster, by just lowering the difficulty on the last couple of tough optional bosses but was determined not to and, though I toiled and died repeatedly, I also learned and improved and was elated when I got there. That sense of accomplishment you get is unique to gaming within media. I did this.
I don't see it. I have Premium, but I don't see it at all. Not even to buy. I live in the states and I'm doing this from my PS5. Does that matter at all?
Good that it has trophies (irrelevant that it's an easy list). I've got too many games to play so not going to bother with any of the classics that didn't add trophies. What's the point if you don't even get a record of your accomplishments.
First time I am tempted to upgrade to premium!
I was hoping Ridge Racer was going to have trophies and that was the reason it was taking games so long to come on premium wishful thinking haha. I do like pinball games so probs will check this out
@C9906753 Same problem here... would be great to get a proper answer on this. Sony have always said those who purchased the original 'classics' can download free of charge. Has been working fine for everything else.
@Topov81 I guess there is a potential hack as the PSP version is still available in the Vita shop for £3.99. Technically if there was a free upgrade you could go and buy that version first and save yourself £4.
That said, they could continue to honour free upgrades to people who owned the classic releases before Premium was announced.
Nice! I wish I knew who implemented them so I could jump on Twitter and thank them for the effort like I've done with Bend.
I like pinball games that are based on real tables , like pinball fx3 shame that didn't get a ps5 version with dualsense features love the rumble on the switch version
Downloaded it this afternoon, some good tables on it, and some not so good, looking at you fat princes, took me about an hour to beat the standard high score lol. I think the best pinball game i had was on psp or vita. Goitleb pinball was so addicted to that game.
@Rafie not showing up for me either in the UK ridge racer 2 is on the store but surprise surprise can't purchase it have to be a premium member 🙄
Platinum acquired
Enjoying this as I like pinball games. But clearly not that good at them as I can’t beat any of the high scores! 😂
I'll definitely grab this platinum as well sometime this week.
Nice and easy one, thanks to the rewind system! Bagged both Platinum's fairly quickly. Helps that I love a decent pinball game
@BeerIsAwesome someone start a crowd fund
@Ooccoo_Jr pity me.
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