It sure feels like we were just talking about Synth Riders, doesn't it? The Groovin' Essentials pack launched earlier this month, but the team over at Kluge Interactive isn't content to have that close things out for the year. No, it still has some more content to drop before things roll over into 2023.
The Merry Synthmas update is a free update for the game that includes a number of small bits and bobs for everyone to boot up and enjoy. First and foremost, the update includes yet another free song, adding a synth cover of the 'The Carol of the Bells' by Dance of the Dead. While the new song is the marquee highlight of the update, there will also be a new winter theme that features Santa soaring around on his sleigh in the background. Additionally, you'll be able to start customising the platforms that you're projected to be standing on while playing a song, featuring colour options and decals alongside some Holiday-themed challenges to try and bang out.
Finally, the update also brings with it new native language compatibilities, a nice thing to see as the game continues to broaden its reach to more and more players. The new localisations are Korean, Japanese, Chinese, French, German, and Spanish.
That's a fair bit of content given that Kluge just released a pretty big update a few weeks ago!
Comments 10
Now please announce a PSVR2, pretty please?!
@EnragedGibbon It's gotta happen, surely?! Most of the games I wanna hear PSVR2 announcements for are rhythm games haha. Beat Saber too! At least Pistol Whip got it already
@gbanas92 Surely! I just got Pistol Whip in the sale in preparation for VR2 as well, if Beat Saber isn't getting upgraded then these games should have the market cornered straight away! These ones can't be the most difficult to translate to the new system can they?
@gbanas92 If rhythm games are your thing, you might as well get a Quest 2 where most VR rhythm games started.
It's cheaper than a PSVR2 setup, its completely wireless making for a much better experience while dancing, and it's compatible with PC (unlike the PSVR2) if you ever want to upgrade down the line and get full access to the wonderful world of VR modding (see Ocarina of Time VR and Doom VR). And the more "limited" power isn't much of an issue with rhythm games since they tend to be incredibly well optimized. Beat saber and Pistol Whip are a joy to play at 120/60hz on my Quest 2.
Not hating on the PSVR2 (it's fantastic for narrative experiences, I'm sure). Just merely a suggestion where Rhythm games might benefit.
@Sarxion I might get it just for Beat Saber at some point, but at this point, I'm fully engrained on the PSVR platform, I don't really need more than one. Have all my games on PSVR and my computer is TERRIBLE haha. It's very old. Cuz if I were going to get a different headset, I'd want one of the higher-end ones. Probably be whatever HTC's got cooking on their next one if I do make a change.
@EnragedGibbon Might just be some weird rights things regarding Beat Saber? Since Oculus owns the studio, they might not wanna help out Sony by having it available on day 1 or something like that. It's always on the top sellers list though, so they'd be turning their backs on a lot of money haha
@gbanas92 FYI (my computer also is horrible haha), since most people don't know, while you can use the Quest 2 with a PC VR setup, it is a 100% standalone, battery powered, and wireless. AKA: you can install beat saber on it directly, and play it directly from the quest until the battery dies.
It's powered by a Snapdragon XR mobile chip, but rhythm games look and run surprisingly well on it at 90fps most of the time.
Main benefit to you buying it over a PSVR2 is portability (you can bring the quest 2 to a friend's house without a PC). That it's fully wireless which means its more comfortable for rhythm games. And that it has a massive catalog of Rhythm and Fitness titles if you're into that. One I doubt PSVR2 will ever match.
If you're into exercise or VR fitness, check out "Supernatural". I love it, gives me a proper workout, and its just as fun as beat saber but with a much larger and varied user catalog. It's available on Quest. It's easy top 5 VR fitness titles along side Beat Saber, Pistol Whip, and Les Mills Bodycombat. (All on PC VR and Quest AFAIK)
@Sarxion Yeah, the wirelessness is one of the only reasons I'd ever really considered maybe getting a Quest, although honestly I mostly wanted to get it for my mom. She loves Beat Saber haha. Portability would be cool, but I don't explicitly need it, and hopefully, PSVR 2 will continue to have lots of exclusives, although so far what we've seen, man I don't know. Their rate of releasing interesting exclusive stuff whittled down to almost nothing on the first headset, to begin with, so I'm not sure how confident I am in that.
Supernatural I've not heard of previously, but you've got me intrigued! That corner of VR gaming is 100% my favorite aspect of it haha
@gbanas92 Glad to help! Yeah, Supernatural was something I never knew I needed until I learned about it. It's basically Beat Saber with a dramatically bigger music catalog, with an additional boxing mode alongside the traditional hack and slash one, as well as songs that actually make you break a sweat.
Also, one last tip. If you liked Synth Riders, check out Audio Trip! It offers similarly fun dance/rhythm based gameplay, but many people praise Audio Trip as having the most fun and best choreography out of all dance-type VR games. And the newly added "cardio mode" makes Audio Trip an incredibly potent workout tool.
Lastly, if the headset is for your mom, check out Dance Central. I'm sure it's right up your alley as well!
@Sarxion The massively expanded tracklist/ greater catalog is definitely appealing. That's probably the biggest detractor for the PSVR stuff, no secondary market for folks to chart their own songs when they feel like it. That's probably the biggest detractor, having to rely solely on DLC packs for new songs.
Audio Trip I think I have heard of but never played. It sounds familiar at least. Cardio Mode sounds worth it though. VR, especially rhythm games, is probably the most enjoyable exercise I've ever experienced, so any ways to add to that list of choices is worth it!
Hahah, my mom actually didn't care much for Dance Central, I had it on the Kinect back in the day haha and she couldn't stand it!
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