No sooner has one PS5 firmware update come that some are already looking ahead to the next one. As Sony patches in support for the upcoming PS5 DualSense Edge controller, Tom Henderson, a reliable scribe at Insider Gaming, has said another PS5 firmware update currently set for 8th March 2023 will include full Discord support and the ability to stream PS5 games on the PS5.
The latter feature will supposedly be made available for PS Plus Premium members, allowing them to circumvent large downloads in order to play a native PS5 title immediately via cloud streaming. Said to have been in testing for months now, the feature will apparently be part of the public beta for the 7.00 firmware update, which is set to begin shortly.
Testers won't be able to sample the Discord support on PS5 according to the report, however. Under lock and key for now, there's little in the way of concrete details pertaining to what Discord on PS5 will actually look like. Since January 2022, you've been able to link your PSN account to Discord and display what game you're playing to your friends list. However, voice chat is still nowhere to be seen despite Sony investing in the company and purchasing a minority stake.
In fact, Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One received voice calls six months ago, while the feature is still missing in action on PS5, PS4. If this report proves to be true, though, then it appears PlayStation players will finally be able to access voice chat via Discord in the not-too-distant future.
[source insider-gaming.com]
Comments 28
PS5 streaming would be good. I couldn’t be bothered downloading the 20 odd GB that Yakuza 4 was, so it’s definitely convenient to just stream it.
I want to see UI improvements and fixes in a patch this year. But for now this works, i am sure they are coming up with stuff and testing it, 2023 should have some exciting updates i hope.
Streaming PS5 games only on a PS5? Why?
@InternetUser to ensure everyone buys PS5, of course.
@Tomato_Goose Sure, just like PC ports ruined the chances that people will want a PS5. Sometimes I wonder if 15 years old make the executive decisions for big companies.
The sooner PS5 games are streamable on phones the faster Sony will start printing even more money.
Good to bring to the console but if they could also finally bring themes with them I wouldn't mind
I was hoping for an update before Feb 22nd to allow for 3D Bluray to be played on PSVR2. Surely having it on the PS4 for the original headset means it’s incoming.
I’m one of probably three people who would like to see some improvements in the USB music player to bring it up to speed with the PS4 version. More shuffle options and display album artwork, for example. But I know that’s unlikely.
Oh, and remove the limit from the number of games I can have on my Home Screen, please!
Yes still have mine plugged into the PS4. Got the adaptor but was concerned about the HDR 4K being passed through the breakout box.
Maybe. I’ve been trying to find the 3D version of the original recently. VR is so much better for 3D than awful 3D TVs.
In fact, I’d be happy to play standard games in 3D on the internal cinema screen if a native VR version of that game isn’t being made. Played a few 3D games on a screen in the PS3 days and it adds to the experience. Surely I can get a software patch to play Spider-Man or even fifa in 3D
Been waiting for deep integration with Discord for so long now. Great news!
As for PS5 streaming. Always thought the solution to PS Now/Plus Premium value problems would be to allow all of the PS4/PS5 games you own to be played through streaming. That way you could have a more reliable Remote Play experience on mobile or a computer while travelling. Streaming PS5 games to a PS5 is neat I guess, but not exactly a groundbreaking feature.
I would like them to bring back Themes.. doesn’t feel right without them
@InternetUser how have they ruined it? Ragnarok and forbidden west aren't on PC..and likely won't be for some time. No reason not to drum up interest in the sequels by having the previous titles on pc.
The way I game I would never get any use out of Discord on PS5. Hope its not all over my profile never getting used. Just seems like it would be annoying to my gaming more than anything else unless you are heavy into multiplayer gaas where Discord would probably come in very handy. Accessing PS Stars on my PS5 instead of the app would be nice and maybe a what's new section similar what PS4 has
@daveofduncan Do you not know what sarcasm is?
@Jeaz streaming as portrayed in the post & at its source means that function will be available only for PS5, not PCs or phones.
This is just to play same games on PS5 while saving space...
We will probably wait much longer until we see it on other platforms...
What about regions without Plus Premium ?
Themes, themes, themes.
@InternetUser It is Sony and they have to protect their PS5 console sales. Is there any other reason? No. At least no technical reason Ps5 games shouldn't be streamable on the PS4, PC and in the future (hopefully) mobile is supported. The fact is Sony pretends to have this new mindset but they really don't. This is them being the old Sony. Just like when they removed PS Now from PS3. It wasn't because the PS3 wasn't capable of handling streaming any longer but they wanted to only sell PS4s. Once gain Sony is essentially doing the same thing here with PS5 games. There is no technical reason why PS5 only PS5.
Streamable to all supported devices is something Xbox already does with their streaming service and I wish Sony would follow. In fact, even as Microsoft is now only making next-gen games going forward all the next-gen only first-party will still be streamable to X1 devices. That is how it should be done.
Edit: and it seems if you are subscribing to PS+ Premium you are getting less if you are PS4 owner but are still paying the same for the service. Will they charge you less for getting less if you are on a PS4? Doubtful.
Wish it would arrive in February or late January instead but can’t wait regardless!!!
: D
Is streaming PS5 games exclusive to PS5 only? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of streaming? Coz why stream if you can download it and play on the PS5 without worrying about lag issues. I only stream games if I'm away from the console. Otherwise I prefer playing games that are directly installed on the console.
Well 1 good thing about streaming would be to see if the game is good before downloading it , I guess.
@Majk_SVK Yeah, I just voicing what I thought they should do. I'm not holding my breath while waiting though
I'm hoping the Discord functionality includes the ability to stream to it, much like Twitch. I would like to broadcast my gameplay to some of the servers I'm in.
So we're still missing themes, folders and a half-competent UI (long press of PS button Sony, remember that?)
Meanwhile, its dad has all these QoL features. lol
Okay blah blah streaming blah blah voicechat blah blah... Any important updates? Like Folders, Themes, Browser or other crucial features that are still missing?
@sanderson72 if u pay attention they did bring back folders its called gamelists. there on ps5 now so quit whining. i want themes too but it isnt a big deal you play games not sit and look at your theme all day. also the ui is fine. very simple and straight forward all the games are in a row and media is separated and simple too. idk why everyone complains. i thought xbox was more cluttered and worse im used to it now but ps is better ui.
@Orpheus79V @Jeaz Happy to see some people still vocally care about Discord!
Fingers crossed we get the update in March like the rumors say.
@SerJosh97 Yes, paid attention, and still the PS5 doesn't have folders on the home screen to gather your endless stream of games together and make the home screen less cloncky, so the whining, as you so churlishly put it, will continue from anyone coming from a PS4 and wondering what went wrong.
Problem is, the 'folders' are hidden, just like some other useful stuff. As an example, friends and friends on-line which is hidden from view until you press the PS button, go into 'Game Base' (stupid name) and then you can see your friends! Meanwhile, on the PS4, you can see who you know instantly! Little things could make a big difference to the PS5's UI for the better.
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