EA is sunsetting the Apex Legends Mobile game, and according to a Bloomberg article by reliable reporter Jason Schreier, it’s also quietly cancelled an unannounced single player game from Respawn set in the same universe. The release, supposedly codenamed Titanfall Legends, was said to be a first-person shooter with mobility and style. Of course, we’ll probably never know what was planned, as the plug has now been pulled on the project.
More meaningful is that around 50 employees are said to be affected by the cancellation, and while the publisher is working to find new positions for all of them, those who can’t be reassigned work will reportedly be given severance packages and subsequently laid off.
In other related news, EA is also shutting down Battlefield Mobile developer Industrial Toys, although the publisher is yet to disclose how many jobs will be lost as a result of the move. This follows a series of layoffs right across the industry – it’s rough out there, folks.
[source bloomberg.com]
Comments 32
It's interesting at at EA, mobile seems to be their most affected projects. The market for core gaming experiences on mobile never was that strong vs match 3 and gatcha games, but I wonder if it's sharply declining with true core games available on mobile via streaming now.
While in development they sat there and realized "....wait, wouldn't this just be a worse Titanfall campaign?" then immediately scrapped it.
Just give us a new Titanfall please. Titanfall 2 is still one of my favorite campaigns of all time.
What were they even thinking in the first place…
Hey i woke up in the middle of the night and got just marvelous idea!
let’s make a fortnite single player game! It would be so cool!
I imagine there are a lot of games that get cancelled behind the scenes & that we don’t know about. It’s not the end of the world or even worth reporting imo. I mean there was character art for a modern day Jak & Daxter by ND & Sly 4 was teased but never happened.
Sony Santa Monica cancelled the scy-fy game after GOW ascension & purring over 100mil into it.
The end result? We got the GOW 2018 & by extension Ragnarok.
I’d be glad that they stopped, otherwise you end in a Skull & bones & beyond good and evil situation. Games that will come out, waste the team years of time & will still be rubbish.
Sly 4 came out. It was called Thieves in Time and sure it wasn't from Sucker Punch but Sanzaru who made it. I thought it was great minus the final boss fight.
Shouldn't we forgo all Bloomburg reports at this point? They are an obviously lazy outfit where journalists would rather pull stories out of their rear-ends than investigate true stories.
@Korgon Well, I stand corrected. I do think though, with how long games take to develop, if it’s not coming together cut & run.
A real shame. TF2 is still one of the best FPS campaigns I've ever played. Hope those laid off find new homes in short time
Damn. I actually would love a story campaign set in the Apex universe (yes, not just more Titanfall).
I think they could do something special with what I think of as tactical action. Like really high speeds gameplay in bombastic scenarios, but built around the weird skills their characters are known for, with stealth as a real possibility.
Make it co-op and you'd have me hooked day one. Playing crazy combat scenarios alongside friends, with different characters, seeing what you could pull off? Like a mix of Halo, Titanfall, and R6 Terrorist Hunt in a way? Sold.
I really think they could do something worthwhile. Sad they can't figure it out.
Now give us Titanfall 3.
It's sad that Respawn has basically forgotten what game made them so successful
It probably just wasn’t coming together, so they pulled the plug on it. Happens all the time in the industry.
I’m predicting a shift back away from mobile and F2P titles in the next few years as strong single player content returns to domination. Elden Ring, GoW, and the Dead Space remake are all indications of this.
@ATaco still wish Titanfall was one of the bigger names in shooters. Both games are really good mechanically, way more fun than COD, and was buy far one of my favorite launch window titles on Xbox. Sad to have seen it fad away.
@awp69 100%
@ATaco no they realised that a single player campaign is far less lucrative than loading the game up with microtransactions etc. F***ers.
@Green-Bandit titanfall 2 is an amazing game and is even better on the ps5 even though its just the pro enhanced version. Anybody who has not played this gem should check it out as its filthy cheap online from pretty much everywhere..such a shame respawn are shackled to apex legends forever..
@Northern_munkey haven’t played it in a while, but i had it on Xbox and loved it. It’s a gem for sure, the industry heads calls it the best single player campaign in first person shooter history. That’s subjective obviously but dev’s put it in high praise. Apex just isn’t my thing and I’m a shooter game fanatic. These day’s 75% of them suck for my play style.
What amazed me most about TF2 is how the weapons FELT. Somehow they had a weapon fire that really felt like you were firing real weapons. And on x1 it used the feedback triggers exceptionally well (could be duplicated on ds5 triggers but alas...)
I've never played any other game by any other dev that had the guns just have so much impact and feel so good to shoot with.
@somnambulance Lol right as Sony shifts away from single player and into live services....
@Green-Bandit i'm not sure if the best single player fps story but it is bloody good. I'm not sure which fps game has the best story as i've played so many of them over the decades. I did rather enjoy the F.E.A.R. storys and of course half life 1 and 2 were undeniably excellent but i'd put titanfall 2 up there with them and i agree that the majority of fps games these days suck with the exception of the latest modern warfare and doom eternal.
Lol does EA even have games anymore? They cancel everything.
Can only think of jedi survivor. I know dragon age will come out sometime in the next decade.
Such a shame about Titanfall. Was really looking a new game with a great single player.
@showface I would love to play both games in single player.
I'm a bit biased though, dislike multiplayer games.
Honestly it was poor planning that wound up killing the game. They put it up against Battlefield 1 which, at the time, was still a huge franchise in its own right. Putting out Titanfall 2 just a week later was just as bad as Battleborn coming out near Overwatch's launch.
No, who am I kidding, there was nothing worse than releasing against Overwatch 1.
All this says to me is I really need to replay Titanfall 2
@Nepp67 jedi fallen order and apex legends made them successful....titanfall 2 while great was a commercial train wreck after being released between battlefield and cod
@ROTTIEMAN16 Titanfall 2 is still was what made them successful. It's why people want Titanfall 3 so badly.
Apex legends was great but eventually felt like I was just playing to unlock new cosmetics so dropped it. If they can change that and put "more meat on its bones" I might pick it up again.
@z0d15g0d Isn't this the point of any online game?? there is literally no end goal
@SamMR The big focus of more traditional online games is to have fun meanwhile live service games focus on trapping the user in a cycle of buying and unlocking cosmetics forever (this is cut short when the game is shut down).
@Northern_munkey i agree 100% , half life, Fear and Halo 1-3 were all high on my list, but for sure it’s safe to mention TF2 as a top tier FPS story and great multiplayer shooter. I wanted that series to do well. I really enjoyed it. I agree i snagged COD Modern warfare 2 this year and it’s really solid. First time I’ve been back on COD multiplayer in years.
@ATaco i agree, sometimes it’s a matter of timing more than if the game is good or not. In this cause timing didn’t help. Looks like TF3 will never happen.
@SamMR No that is incorrect. It depends on the studio. Some are looking for cash cows other want to focus on world building and a narrative. Even Destiny 2 is coming to an end in the next couple of years.
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