Update: The three-hour trial for God of War Ragnarok is now available in Europe.
Original Story: One of PS Plus Premium's best perks is its range of full game trials, which has been expanding quite a lot in recent months. These allow members to download titles and play them for a limited time, and if they like what they play, their progress carries over if they make a purchase. There are lots of excellent games included in the initiative, and it's just got another major player.
God of War Ragnarok, Santa Monica Studio's epic sequel, is now part of the trials program, though only in North America at the time of writing. If you're within that region, you can play the full game on PS5 or PS4 for a total of three hours, letting you get a taste for what to expect.
We imagine the trial will roll out to other regions soon, as there don't appear to be any other region-exclusive demos. We'll update this article if and when it becomes available in other territories.
Will you be checking out the God of War Ragnarok trial on PS Plus Premium? Sharpen your axe in the comments section below.
Comments 36
If the 3 hours trial is the first 3 hours of the game then it's a terrible idea as the game doesn't get properly fun until about 8-10 hours in. If I hadn't played GOW and had to judge it from the first 3 hours it wouldn't do well.
3 hours is plenty of time to decide whether its for you or not. Great for consumers.
Wish I could play it for the 1st time again
No spoilers but there are some epic moments and battles in the opening 3 hours. Heck the intro alone was intense
Well, since you have access to GoW 2018 you might as well play that game and it'll tell you whether you will like Ragnarok.
@riceNpea u have 3 hours to rush that story to see if u want it or not
Trials should be available day 1 for all 1st party releases, IMO.
N.i.c.e.god of war ragnarok.another masterpiece by santa Monica studio kratos the g.o.a.t. 🐐 👑.word up son
A nice feature for the three people that have yet to play it!
I dont understand why they do this. Release the demo on the premium service that the majority of people dont subscribe to. All demos should be available for everyone to try and would surely boost the games sales in return just like they always have been since demos were a thing.
@Kidfunkadelic83 Yeah, some decisions by Sony are hard to understand. This being in the premium tier is a joke. People will need to spend money to find out if they like a game, just to spend more money buying that game afterward.
Sony is getting obsessed with promoting GOW:R for no reason... It won a lot of awards, it sold a hefty ton of copies already and will continue to do so...
I wonder how many people will actually feel the need to play the demo in order to decide if they should buy the game. It's not like it's a new IP trying to make a name for itself and win the heart of as many potential buyers as possible... Every gamer that call himself/herself that, has at least heard of God of War, if not already played and finished it.
Not to mention that the people that can't buy the game full price, and would like to play the demo at least until a discount comes around, are automatically excluded because of the Premium subscription requirement...
If there's a proper point to this demo, I don't see it.
@Shinnok789 “ It's not like it's a new IP trying to make a name for itself”
it basically is ; prior to the reboot/reimagining in 2018 , i never realized just how UNpopular the OG GoW was , and was surprisingly niche . people knew about it back then , but i guess it didn’t raise that many eyebrows . After the 2018 reimagining came out , GoW was the biggest and most popular it’s ever been and it completely overshadowed the original , attracting majority of new fans that never liked GoW prior
Only in North America
@nomither6 You contradict your own idea.
Even if it would be as you say, that people didn't like GoW before the reboot (though not true, unless you were a gamer that didn't experience GoW since the first 2 games hit the market on PS2 to really appreciate them and their impact... and only found out about the franchise in 2013-2014 after lesser iterations diluted it, like Ascension).
GoW 2018 reboot was a hugely successful game. And it launched on PS4 and PC even, and it was available for every PS5 owner as part of the PS+ Collection.
GoW:R only adds and improves upon it.
Can you compare all that with a completely new IP just making its first steps on the market now? Which is the "spirit" in which my phrase was written.
@NeThZOR It's funny you say that as I thought 2018 was a bit meh but I was absolutely hooked on Ragnarok.
@Shinnok789 the franchise wasn’t nearly as popular/successful as the 2018 GoW ; i’m not negating the franchises overall success , i know it had its moments but i’d equate it to Gears of War in terms of success . Gears 1-3 was popular but wildly niche . this 2018 has broadened to everyone playing it instead of a select few millions is the best way i can put it
never said it was a literal new ip , i said basically but i guess i misunderstood your statement
and i’ve seen alooot of people say they never played and/or liked GoW prior to 2018 ; calling the originals “buTtOn mAsHeRs” or games that just weren’t their type
Sony is finally trying to make PS Premium attractive. If I hadn't already played GOW Ragnarok then this would attract me to look into subscribing.
But ultimately, PS Extra is the best option to get your money's worth.
@nomither6 Were you even alive when the Greek games came out? The first three games were extremely popular.
@Saitama117 yea , GoW is way more popular today
Not any more!!
@Saitama117 based on sales alone, they were nowhere near as popular as the Norse ones.
As an idiot who has PS Plus Premium, this stuff shouldn't be locked to PS Plus at all. This should be open to everyone. Game trials are good for the consumer to make an informed choice. No one's beating God of War in 3 hours.
I checked it last night and it said 189GB needed to download. WTF? I am not clearing out half my machine to play this.
What is going on with these devs that I need to have 189gb to play one game?
@Jammsbro most likely it's about half that. The PS store does a bit of a weird thing with games that have both a PS5 and a PS4 version - it tends to add the size of them both together, and advertise that as the "required storage". Unless you intend on downloading both, it's nonsense
@Kidfunkadelic83 maybe they think more people will sign up for premium by adding value in this way, and they’ll make more in the long run through subs and sales versus dishing the demo out to everyone.
@kyleforrester87 strange business practice if you ask me but then agai, no one is lol. I cant see many people subbing to play a timed demo vs just releasing a demo for the people who are on the fence in the first place.
@Kidfunkadelic83 agree, I guess they are just trying to add value to a poor service. These trials should be across the board for every single release from day one as a given within that subscription category.
@nomither6 Ok, little kid. Gaming didn't receive attention 10 to 20 years ago like it does today. There also wasn't the lame ass woke brigade to bitch about "ToXiC mAsCuLiNiTy". God of War 1-3 were all still extremely popular games.
@naruball Gaming wasn't as mainstream as it is today. It didn't get the attention it does now. God of War 1-3 were still extremely popular in the gaming community.
@Saitama117 ''Gaming didn't receive attention 10 to 20 years ago like it does today.'' - thats my point you old boomer; and that added to the success of new GoW , & despite that, the originals havent gained much traction since the popularity of the new one, meaning that even with the advent of social media and recognition, the originals are OVERSHADOWED , virtually nobody talks about them , proving that they werent as popular as this reimagining.
im not on the side of new games & think they're watered-down RPGs using God of Wars name instead of a new IP , but i'm just telling the truth. & i never said the older games werent exTreMely PoPULaR , just not near the popularity of 2018/2022. same way modern warfare 07 isn't nearly as popular as mw 19 and warzone despite being a huge hit at the time.
try and keep up
3 hours is not enough, but at the same time it should give newcomers a good enough impression regardless.
@nomither6 That's a lot of words to say nothing. The Greek games were all popular. Go take your copium before you get anxiety and depression and have to complain about this on reddit.
@Saitama117 because you can’t keep up , it’s alright , go keep crying about woke though , everybodies laughing at you & your type are fading away 👍
Never said anything about woke. I guess I gave you so much anxiety that you started involuntary projecting. You might want to get that looked at.
@Saitama117 "Ok, little kid. Gaming didn't receive attention 10 to 20 years ago like it does today. There also wasn't the lame ass woke brigade to bitch about "ToXiC mAsCuLiNiTy". God of War 1-3 were all still extremely popular games.''
-you said that.
respond to me again & im blocking you, weirdo.
@nomither6 Ha! I guess I did. Go have an anxiety attack and complain about capitalism on reddit while living rent-free and unemployed at your parent's house.
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